Lord Highlander

Chapter 1101 1087. Lovely Poor Relatives

In fact, there are still a lot of vacant houses in Mukuso City. Although the few houses found by the logistics department are not close together, the ownership of these small townhouses belongs to the Mukuso City Hall.

Almost all the owners of these townhouses died in the demon siege event, and these properties were also included in the municipal auction houses.

It's just that most of the houses in the civilian area are under repair, and these houses have not yet been auctioned.

That night, the artisans of Wall Village moved out...

The four-wheeled carriage drove into the civilian area of ​​Mukuso City. The craftsmen of Wall Village saw the messy market, the noisy free market, the dazzling array of stalls on the street, and the piles of ruins on both sides of the street. to the original life.

In the eyes of the craftsmen in Wall Village, this is what a city should look like!

Everyone was scattered and resettled in this civilian area. The small buildings here are all very well built, but occasionally you will see some collapsed places, and some places even reveal dark holes in the ground, which looks a little scary .

The craftsmen of Woer Village placed the salute in these houses. Before it was dark, everyone took to the streets one after another when there was nothing to do at night.

They saw that some residents were still picking up bricks from the ruins so late, so they took the initiative to run over to talk to them, and helped them out while chatting. They found that most of the people who cleaned up the ruins were citizens who used to live here. The temporary tent they lived in is still in the yard.

I heard that these ruins were created when the demon army attacked the city, and the craftsmen of Woer Village understood what Suldak asked them to come to Mukuso City at this time.

At the beginning, I still moved bricks and sand. After a few times, I found that the craftsmen who built the walls were really not very good. After all, they were ordinary people in the city before, and they were not bricklayers.

'let me! '

Building a wall is definitely a technical task. The wall must be built perpendicular to the ground, otherwise it will become more and more biased. In serious cases, the entire wall will collapse before it is fully built.

What do the craftsmen in Kewoer Village do...

They repaired the cistern in Wall Village for three years, and followed Charlie to the city of Hailansa, where they used volcanic ash cement to build villas for nobles in manors outside the city.

They are very familiar with building walls. This kind of bricklaying work will definitely be much more comfortable if a master is leading it. Generally speaking, a master can lead three or four small workers.

So on this night, some residents on the Greenland Street in the third district of Mukuso City discovered that those houses that had been torn apart for a week had not improved. In just half a night, some collapsed walls had been rebuilt. .


Mucuso at night was also very lively. Suldak rarely had free time, so he took Charlie and Luke in a magic caravan in the city and came to a dilapidated square in the south of the city. There were many collapsed buildings around the square. This is considered to be one of the most severely damaged areas in Mucuso.

Several people got out of the carriage, and Charlie found that there were many tents set up in this square. These tents were almost all family units. Men, women, old people and children gathered around the door of the tents and had a simple dinner. It was on the north side of the square. Six iron pots were set up, in which oatmeal porridge mixed with vegetable leaves was boiled, and each person who received the meal was given a corner of scones.

Suldak walked through the tent area and walked towards the clock tower in the center of the square.

There is a huge hole not far from the clock tower, and the inside of the hole has been blocked by gravel and rubble. Suldak introduced to Charlie and Luke:

"Two months ago, Mukuso City was attacked by an army of demons from hell. Tens of thousands of cavemen dug holes from outside the city and rushed into the city. As a result, countless buildings in Mukuso City collapsed and people were displaced."

"This burrow was left by the cavemen at that time."

Pushing open the dilapidated wooden door of the bell tower, there were many cracks in the walls inside, and there were signs of severe collapse in some places.

Suldak walked up the stairs, followed by Charlie, Luke, Samira, and Sia. Suldak said: "This clock tower has been in disrepair for a long time. If it is not repaired, it may rain again." , it will be completely destroyed.”

"I'm looking for you two. You must have seen the situation in Mukuso city. What I need is not just that you bring the craftsmen in the village to help me with my work. I hope these great craftsmen can be dispersed to Mukuso. Every corner of the city, let them take the civilians in the city and build their homes first."

"The sewers are being repaired on Central Avenue. I don't want new wells to be dug in every corner of the city during the rainy season. I need to find some clean water sources as soon as possible. The houses in the civilian areas that were smashed by the demons must be repaired as soon as possible. , we can’t let them live in tents and eat porridge all the time.”

"The construction of Mukuso City is the new job of these civilians."

After finishing speaking, Suldak patted the railing of the bell tower and said:

"And then! As you have seen, I need you to organize a larger construction team to help me repair this clock tower..."

Surdak crossed the huge dial of the clock tower and climbed to the top of the clock tower. Standing on the top of the building, he looked down at the fifth block of Mukuso under nightfall. The opera house and the arena in the ruins, and further north is the mage's district.

"Not only this bell tower, but also the entire city wall of Mucuso City, the opera house, the arena, and some city squares and parks will also be rebuilt in the future, with more neat stone slabs laid."

"Only by improving the city's infrastructure can we attract more businessmen and let them pay for the repair of opera houses, arenas, auction houses, hotels and other profitable commercial buildings."

"I am going to set up an urban construction bureau in Mukuso City and hand it over to you. When I come back from Bena City, I should be eligible to confer ten knights. At that time, you will first register as reserve knights in Mukuso City. When the Knight Academy reopens, you also go to the Knight Academy to study for half a year, and then you can become a knight."

Suldak patted the shoulders of the two young men and said.

Charlie and Luke looked at each other, Charlie was a little unspeakably excited, and asked Suldak:

"Dark, are you saying that Luke and I can also become Lord Knights?"

Suldak laughed and said, "Of course, but it won't be until after I go to Bena City to complete the award ceremony."

Charlie couldn't help but hugged his cousin Luke, and shouted: "My God, I'm not dreaming, Luke, we can also be Lord Knights."

Suldak looked at the devastated city under his feet, and said seriously: "I have awarded you the title of knight, and you should also help me build Mukuso City."

"Of course we will."

Charlie and Luke answered at the same time.

Then Suldak took them to Central Avenue. Luke stood beside the dug trench and said on the spot:

"Dark, the scale of the project to renovate the city's sewer system is a bit large. We can't dig trenches faster and better than the kobold slaves in any way. I think we can take the kobold slaves in the village Bring it to Mukuso City."

Suldak thought of the group of kobold slaves on Bump Mountain.

Now there are fewer and fewer sulfur mines on the side of the pustule mountain, leaving two hundred kobold slaves to collect sulfur mines near the river of lava is enough.

At the beginning, Suldak bought a thousand kobolds from the slave trader Ba Jin. After two years of breeding, the number of kobold slaves has reached more than 1,400. The life span of kobolds is usually only 30 years. , but the infancy of the kobolds is very short, only two years, and now the first born milk dogs can already work in the mine.

Suldak thought about it too. It is obviously more suitable for this kind of trench digging to be handed over to kobold slaves.

"I'll ask someone to notify Uncle Brett, and ask him to send someone to bring the kobold slaves over," Suldak said.

The next day, Suldak handed over Charlie and Luke to the logistics minister of Mucuso City, and asked him to arrange for the two of them to be the supervisors of the two engineering sections. Charlie was temporarily in charge of the southern city wall and the fifth project section. The reconstruction and repair project of civilian houses in the district, while Luke is responsible for the urban sewer repair project and the urban well excavation project.

The villagers who delivered the letter to the old village chief had already left the pustule mountain on horseback last night, and it is estimated that the letter will be delivered to Wall Village almost at night.


After becoming a military merchant group, the Pame Bay Merchant Group made a lot of money in the Ganbu plane this time. They shipped the groceries to the Sai Ruoman Plateau, and then shipped the returned Warcraft materials to Bena City. You can make a lot of money by selling and buying.

Dirk Triton was also promoted to be the general manager of the merchant group on the Ganbu plane.

This was the first time after the war, Suldak sent someone to summon the businessman Dirk.

Dirk Triton stood in front of the steps of the city hall in his neat clothes, feeling a little proud, he took Suldak's invitation letter and walked up to the guards, and was about to hand the invitation letter to the guards when he found out that the Warden Merchant Group's The red-haired Jeffrey actually took out an invitation letter, got off the carriage, and slowly climbed the steps...

The two greeted hypocritically at the entrance of the city hall, and then separated. To the surprise of businessman Dirk, the two met again at the entrance of Suldak's office.

After a burst of embarrassing laughter, the two knocked on the door of Suldak's office.

Siya asked the two to wait for a while, then turned around and walked into the room. It didn't take long for Suldak to summon the two businessmen.

As the official cooperative grain merchant of Mucuso City, the Catcher in the Rye Merchant Group has been continuously transporting grain to Mucuso City recently, and the red-haired Jeffrey's business is bigger than that of businessman Dirk.

The two walked into Suerdak's office and saw a city planning map on Suerdak's desk...

Seeing them coming in, Suldak raised his head and asked the two businessmen: "I'm going to set up an urban construction bureau in Mukuso City, and then I'm going to set up a construction engineering team. Do you two have any idea to do one?" investment?"

"Of course, I am looking forward to cooperating with you, Lord Consul Suldak." Dirk Kryton said first.

Red-haired Jeffrey was sitting on the sofa, holding a golden cane and silently lowering his head to calculate.

Suldak raised his head and said to Dirk Triton:

"You are not cooperating with me. This construction team is regarded as the property of Mukuso City. The business group can be allowed to participate in the shares, but the business group will not have any management rights. You can think about it carefully."

Dirk Triton was a little speechless, obviously wanting the money from the business group to build in the city.

At this time, the red-haired Jeffrey stretched out his hand to cover the back of his head, which was meticulously groomed, with a smile on his face, and asked Suldak:

"I don't know what kind of operation method you plan to adopt, Lord Consul of Suldak? What kind of engineering projects will this construction engineering team be mainly responsible for in the future?"

Xi Ya brought in three cups of lemon tea, and then returned to the outside room with her algae green hair.

Suldak then answered:

"Currently Mukuso City will issue some bidding projects. Only the engineering team under the Urban Construction Bureau is eligible to participate in the bidding. Once the bidding is successful, the engineering team needs to advance the construction project. The city hall will use 100% of the progress of the entire project Thirty, sixty, ninety percent of the project payment, and the last 10 percent as the final payment for the quality assurance, and pay to the construction party one year after the completion of the project."

"Of course, the payment methods are not necessarily all gold coins."

"For example, the price of the urban land in Mukuso is used as the payment for the project."

"Another example is the construction of engineering buildings such as the opera house and the arena. In the future, the management rights will be used as the price and paid as project funds..."

Hearing what Suldak said while sitting on the chair, Dirk Triton and the red-haired Jeffrey's eyes lit up when they heard it. It turns out that the business can still be done like this.

"Suldak, I don't know how many shares this construction team can allow us to own?" Red-haired Jeffrey asked.

Suldak rubbed his forehead and said: "The investment of foreign business groups is no more than 30% of the total assets of the construction team, but I want to attract more powerful business groups to cooperate. I hope that individual business groups The group should not occupy more than 10% of the shares."

The red-haired Jeffrey hesitated for a moment, and then asked: "Master Consul, can you tell me how much we need to invest for 10% of the shares?"

"Ten thousand magic spar."

Dirk Triton and the red-haired Jeffrey both took a deep breath. The two of them currently have no more than 2,000 magic spar in Mucuso City. 10% of the shares of this construction team are To ask for 10,000 magic crystals, so much money is obviously beyond their authority.

"Can you give us a few days to report to the headquarters of the firm?" Dirk Triton asked in a low voice.

Suldak didn't hesitate, nodded directly and said, "Of course, I will probably return to Mukuso from Bena City in late August, just tell me your choice then."

"And I hope you will pass this news on to other powerful business groups. I think this is an investment with long-term benefits."

"If you feel that there is a risk, you can share the risk..."

The red-haired Jeffrey stood up at this moment, and said to Suldak:

"Master Consul, I don't think there is any risk in this business. I need to report to the headquarters of the commercial bank. I want to ask the headquarters of the commercial group whether it is possible to divide into two commercial groups and inject full funds into the construction team."


Dirk Treyton.

A meow in the sea 1 Silver lord plus change (18/90) Today's hard to divide, it will be divided into two chapters, and it will be gone tonight.

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