Lord Highlander

Chapter 1102 1088. The First Construction Engineering Team

The biggest feature of regional grain trade is that it is capital-intensive, and it must form a scale in a certain area in order to share the high transportation costs.

These days, the Catcher Merchant Group has almost monopolized the grain trade on the Dry Cloth plane. Profitable.

The watchman business group in Mukuso City had a lot of funds, so the red-haired Jeffrey paid Suldak 10,000 magic spar the next day.

I heard that the red-haired Jeffrey actually handed in 10,000 magic spar, due to the pressure of the watchman merchant group, and also in order to be able to keep the status of the military merchant group on the Ganbu plane.

Dirk Triton could only bite the bullet and collect 10,000 magic crystals in the business.

Since the maximum embezzlement authority of the regional director of the Pamey Gulf Merchant Group is only five thousand magic spar, in order to be able to collect all these ten thousand magic spar, he directly intercepted a batch of stripped magic spar from the business group, and wrote a An urgent official letter was sent to the headquarters of the business group in Bena City by a close friend, and it was barely delivered to Suldak's mansion before evening.

As for what Suldak said, "you can wait until late August", this kind of words depends entirely on the situation in Mukusuo.

Now it seems that if it really waits until that time, the Pamei Gulf Merchant Group may not even have a mouthful of soup.

Facts have also proved that the red-haired Jeffrey's vision is indeed very vicious.

Just after Dirk Triton paid 10,000 magic spar, Suldak left businessman Dirk Triton to have dinner.


A maid brought Dirk Treyden into the dining room.

He caught sight of red-haired Jeffrey sitting in a chair by the dining table.

At the moment he was having a very pleasant chat with a noble baron.

A middle-aged man with an aboriginal tribal appearance sat beside the noble baron, listening quietly.

His cheekbones were a bit wide, his skin was bronzed, and he was obviously different from the Bena people. The knuckles of his hands and feet were also very large, and he looked like an aborigine who was used to rough work.

It's just that the aborigines on the Ganbu plane were severely suppressed by Lord MacDonnell's army. There are no aborigines on the Ganbu plane, so he probably came from another plane.

Opposite the three of them, there were two young men who gathered together and whispered something.

Seeing Dirk Triton walk in, the red-haired Jeffrey quickly waved to him, gesturing for everyone to sit down together.

Dirk Triton had a good memory. He was sure that except for the red-haired Jeffrey, he had never seen these people in Mucuso City during this time. They should not be from Mucuso City. businessman.

Dirk Triton walked over, and the red-haired Jeffrey took the initiative to introduce to the noble baron: "This is Dirk Triton, director of the Palme Bay Business Group, and also another member of the construction team. A representative of the investor group."

The noble baron nodded politely to Dirk Treyton, and said, "I am Marin Martino from the Bailin plane, and this is Aung San, who is from Bailin like me. He has an engineering team of thousands of people, and this time we were all summoned by the mayor of Suerdak to participate in the urban reconstruction project of Mukuso.”

Dirk Triton hurriedly saluted Baron Martineau, and took the initiative to shake hands with Aung San.

The two young men on the opposite side didn't seem to know Baron Martineau very well, and they didn't intend to come over to have a conversation, so Dirk Treyden didn't pay much attention.

Baron Martino and the red-haired Jeffrey were just chatting casually about the customs of the two planes.

There were rumbling footsteps in the corridor, and a three-meter-tall two-headed ogre walked into the restaurant, startling the red-haired Jeffrey and Dirk Treyden, but they knew This ogre is the bodyguard next to the consul of Suldak, so it is not surprising that he will come here.

Baron Martineau and Aung San both stood up and greeted the ogre Gullitum. The ogre guard just nodded at them casually, and ran straight to the two young men who were whispering together. He said to them with a familiar face, "Hey, Charlie, do you know what to eat tonight..."

The young man named Charlie shook his head blankly.

I saw the ogre sitting next to them, and asked them again:

"Hey, when you wrote to my family the day before yesterday, did you tell them to bring me two gazelles?"

"I told you, if the carriage can fit this time, I will definitely bring a few." Charlie said with a smile.

"That's good, that's good. Is your work going well these two days?"

The ogre turned on the chatterbox mode again, and this time he and his good brother Nao Hua'er were completely separated.

Gullitum chatting with Charlie,

And Naohuaer turned his head to chat with Luke...

It was only then that Dirk Treyden realized that the relationship between those two young men who were dressed in rustic clothes was closer to Suldak.

Sure enough, when the half-elf archer Samira walked into the restaurant, it proved this point even more. The half-elf archer who always had a cold face wherever he went actually waved to Charlie and Luke for the first time. , nodded again, and then sat down at the end of the table.

The maid quickly walked up with a fruit plate.

When Xi Ya followed Surdak into the restaurant, Xi Ya also waved to Martino and Aung San happily.

It's just that Martino and Aung San showed some blank eyes, it seems that Xi Ya knew them, but they didn't know Xi Ya at all...

Suldak sat at the head of the table and told the maid:

"Let's serve, everyone is probably hungry so late."

The two maids hurriedly carried two different appetizers and walked around the table, completely free to eat as much as they wanted. The maid comes up to the ogre at the end and gives the ogre whatever food is left on the plate.

Suldak raised his wine glass, toasted everyone, and said while eating:

"This is the first time members of our Ganbu No. 1 construction team have dinner together."

"You may not know each other very well. Let me introduce you. This is Baron Marlin Martino from the Bailin plane..."

After Suldak introduced everyone, Suldak said to everyone:

"Then let me talk about the formation method of the Ganbu No. 1 construction team. The Mukuso City Hall will own 70% of the shares, but the city hall will not take out 70,000 magic crystals to invest in the construction team. , this part of the city hall will be returned to the construction team with the profit of the project.”

"The other 30% of the shares, 10% will be funded by the Catcher in the Rye Trading Company, the other 10% will be funded by the Palme Bay Business Group, and the last 10% of the shares will be shared by Charlie and Luke at 5%. Leigh and Luke will also be the actual managers of the construction team."

Dirk Triton looked at the two young men sitting next to the Consul of Suldak, and was a little surprised that they shared another 10,000 magic spar without saying a word. Like a rich man.

What Dirk Treyden didn't know was that Suldak paid Charlie and Luke 10,000 magic crystals in advance, and Suldak called Charlie and Luke to Ganbu Plane, just want them to bring the craftsmen in the village to really get out of Wall Village.

Both Dirk Triton and the red-haired Jeffrey thought that Baron Marin Martineau was their partner, but they didn't expect that the real partners were these two shy young men.

Suldak paused and continued:

"Baron Martino is the architect I invited from the Bailin plane. He will carry out a series of plans for the urban area of ​​Mucuso City, including the city's sewers, wells, city wall restoration, civilian area repairs, commercial areas and Some public buildings in the city, including opera houses, arenas, clock towers, squares, parks, and every street should be equipped with rest areas that can shelter from rain, pools, public toilets, etc. "

Baron Martino stood up very politely and saluted everyone present.

"Next, I will set up the Urban Construction Bureau under the Logistics Department, and Baron Martino will serve as the deputy director of the Mukuso Urban Construction Bureau."

Suldak set his eyes on Aung San again, and said to him:

"Aung San, the thousand craftsmen you brought from the Bailin plane will also be incorporated into the first construction team of Gambo. I invite you to Mukuso city to help me build The walls of Mucuso should be strengthened."

Aung San immediately stood up and saluted Surdak.

Suldak sat him down and continued:

"In addition, Mukuso is the central city of the Ganbu plane. The old city of Mukuso City obviously cannot meet the future development of Mukuso."

"Before the demon army attacked Mukuso, the slums of Mukuso were actually outside the city. Not only did a large area of ​​slums extend outside the city, but also developed several satellite small towns around Mukuso city. town, so the urban expansion of Mukuso is imperative.”

"I would like to double the land area on the basis of the original city. In addition, the satellite towns surrounding Mukusuo City must also have a complete town plan. I don't want to see the old slums. A new city should have a new atmosphere.”

For Suldak's formation of the first construction engineering team, the two businessmen Dirk Triton and Jeffrey the red hair were also dazzled.

In their view: "No matter what Suldak says, the whole city of Mukuso belongs to Mr. Suldak Consul anyway. Since it is your family's business, how to play it is not up to you. The key is Be sure to take me with you when you play. '

Although Dirk Triton is also very optimistic about Mucuso's future, he is not as confident as the red-haired Jeffrey. He has some concerns no matter what he does, especially this time he took out 10,000 magic spar. A large investment is completely beyond his authority, and he is even more cautious.

But if you can't keep up at this time, you will probably be left far behind by the Red-haired Jeffrey's Catcher in the Rye business group. The close relationship that was originally established during the war between the planes will also grow with the passage of time. , A little bit forgotten by everyone.

Now Dirk Triton has finally caught up with this train, and the first construction engineering team obviously earns the construction funds of the city hall. Since it was formed by Suldak himself, with the shrewd mind of the consul, It is estimated that no matter how you operate, it is impossible to lose money.


Baron Marin Martineau and Aung San brought the craftsmen from Dodan Town to Mukuso City just this morning. This time Aung San not only brought more than a thousand aboriginal craftsmen from Dodan Town, but also according to Sur According to Darke's order, bring over ten herdsmen from the Bailin Plane, and Suldak is going to let them go to Sai Ruoman Plateau to raise horses for himself.

At noon, Baron Martino knew that he was about to take a post in Mucuso City, and he was most interested in urban planning and architecture.

All the buildings he designed had been models, and Baron Martineau was very excited to finally have the opportunity to become a real building.

Aung San also just completed a junior war academy in the town of Dodan. The project had just entered the final stage when he received a letter from Suldak.

The mayor of Suldak never returned to Dodan Town. If it weren’t for this letter, Aung San would not know how to resettle the aborigines in the engineering team. Calling everyone together, I didn't expect the mayor of Suerdak to let everyone come to the plane of Ganbu.

The red-haired Jeffrey understood that the Consul of Suldak actually had a very clear idea of ​​​​the city's construction. He had been letting go before and let the logistics department arrange the city's repair project. In fact, it was because his people were not in the wood Cuso City.

Now Suldak is using the first construction engineering team as a stepping stone, and it should be to completely open up the situation in Mukuso City.


Baron Martino and Aung San not only brought a thousand-member engineering team, but also brought a letter written by Selena to Surdak.

'Dear Duck:

I didn't know what to write for a while when I picked up the pen. Sitting in front of the window of the wooden house by the river, you always appeared in my mind, and I missed you very, very much!

when will you be back

Listen to you... You have opened up a large territory on the Ganbu plane, so it is impossible to return to Dodan Town for the time being. If that is the case, please appoint a mayor of Dodan Town as soon as possible, I really don't want to stay here any longer...

With the help of Mrs. Luna, I have completely stabilized the market in Dodan Town. There are many adventure groups stationed in the town. They are all going to the Chain Bridge camp to hunt ghost-striped red ants. Many adventure groups have made money. Many shops have also been opened in the town one after another. The Zhanzheng Academy in the town has been repaired, but it is still difficult to find instructors, and you need to continue to promote the academy.

There was nothing wrong with the garrison camp. Andrew patrolled the Invercargill forest with his cavalry every day. He heard that there were many monsters trying to return to the forest of monsters. Every time he came back, Andrew would bring back some monster materials.

The chiefs of the aboriginal tribes in the territory of Invercargill Forest want more young people in the tribe to work in the copper mines. There is a big fight at the tribal chiefs meeting every month. Now the copper mines have been overstaffed by nearly one day. Thousands of people, it is imperative to expand the copper mine, I hope you will make arrangements early.

In addition, many magic red copper associated mines have been found in the veins of the copper mine, and the output of these magic red copper is much more abundant than previously expected.

You have to find a way to dispose of these magic red copper...

Finally, I want to say what I want to say the most. If you have no plans to return to Dodan Town in a short time, then... please take me with you!

love you selena'

There was also a piece of letter paper hidden under the letter paper. Suldak opened it and found that it was a letter written by Signa and Nika:

The above sentence was written by Signa, her handwriting was crooked, and it took Suldak a long time to recognize it before he could understand it:

‘Dark, where did you abduct Xiya? '

Nika has never been to school, and her handwriting is even worse:

"Master Dak, Nika's medical team is on call at any time..."

The second chapter is later, let’s merge the four thousand chapters

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