Lord Highlander

Chapter 1103 1089. Samp Town Ranch

When the army of tens of thousands of demons was raging on the Sai Ruoman grassland, some herdsmen on the grassland escaped along the exit of Mount Maila.

Although they escaped from the devil's mouth, many herdsmen on the plateau lost the animals they depended on for survival. Almost all the horses and sheep that were raised on the plateau remained on the plateau, and finally became the rations of the demon army.

However, the herdsmen fled all the way to Mukuso with Lord MacDonnell's army.

In Mukusuo City, the herdsmen who don't know any of these skills and only know how to herd horses have become tramps in the city.

Life was extremely difficult at first, and after the demon army broke the city, many people became refugees and entered Ruyt City. Now after the victory of the Ganbu Plane War, they followed the refugee team and returned to Woodland. Cuso.

It's just that there is no home for them in this city.

These people live in tents and participate in urban construction every day, but they can't find their own houses, so they can only live in tents all the time, working every day just to have a bite to eat.

Life in the city, for these nomads on the grasslands, is like a hyena in a cage.

The sky, the grass, the horses...

The days of riding a horse at will are like a distant and beautiful dream.


Thiago took a sip of the water in the water bag, pushed a collapsed earth wall to the ground, and led several herdsmen to clean up the ruins.

In the past, he always envied the life in the city. There are all kinds of fresh fruits, all kinds of delicacies in the city, and there are enthusiastic wine girls. As long as you have money, you can enjoy an unimaginable luxury life.

Yes, provided you have money.

His pockets were cleaner than his face now, so he found it like a prison from which there was no escape.

This city doesn't restrict anyone's freedom, but there is no money, so what if you leave here, do you have to beg all the way back to Sai Ruoman?

I heard that on the current grassland, there are no living things except wild grass, and there is not even a guinea pig. I ran back to the grassland and ate wild radishes. Can wild leeks and sweet roots survive?

He squinted his eyes and looked at the orange sky, feeling a little tired all over, when will this kind of day last!

I heard yesterday that someone robbed a store in the third district.

Someone was killed on the spot,

Someone else ran away,

Others were arrested by the Knights of the Guard Battalion,

It is said that a group of herdsmen on the Sai Ruoman Plateau did it.

Now no matter where you go in the city, everyone will deliberately keep a distance when you see them, the plateau herdsmen. The knights of the guard battalion set up a checkpoint at the North Mountain Pass. It is estimated that those herdsmen who escaped will be caught back soon.

I heard that the head of the security, Mr. Hamas, personally led people to block the North Mountain Pass and lived in tents. It is said that the herdsmen who violated the law will not return to Mukuso unless they are caught.

Thiago is a little confused, shouldn't he send his men to do this kind of thing? Could it be that the shop that was robbed was owned by the head of the security?

I heard that Mukuso City is currently investigating security incidents. It is said that the blood of the prisoners who were sent to the guillotine has already soaked the entire stone platform.

People who often ride horses have bent legs. Thiago took his son to move a huge boulder and walked down from the ruins with difficulty. This area needs to be cleared to rebuild the house. The collapsed walls were built very strong by the previous owner. It is difficult to break into small pieces, so it is very laborious to move.

There was still a while before lunch, and Tiago was about to move the boulder before resting for a while. He was the little leader of the nearby plateau herdsmen, and he didn't dare to accuse him of being lazy.

It had rained a little last night, and the humidity made his knees ache.

At this time, there was a pleasant sound of horseshoes in the distance.

Thiago threw the stones onto the stone slab, and looked towards the intersection. A group of cavalry came jogging along the long street, and the residents along the way gave way to the side of the street. salute.

There is currently only one person in Mukuso who can make all the residents of the city stop what they are doing and run to the street to salute——Suldak Consul.

Not only because the Lord Viscount Suldak led the army to drive away the hell demons, but also because he exempted the entire Ganbu plane from paying taxes for a year. I heard that the farmers wanted to work on the farms outside the city. , will also enjoy additional subsidies.

It is said that they are now repairing the entire Mukuso City at their own expense. Although they are using the savings in the treasury of the Mukuso Finance Department, in the eyes of the common people, the money is no different from the money in the pocket of the Suldak Consul.

Thiago saw a constructed knight riding a blue-scaled horse. That set of magic pattern construction was unique in the entire city of Mucuso. Wei's momentum.

A group of cavalry followed behind him. At first, Thiago thought that the consul was just passing by this street...

In fact, the residents can see him inspecting the progress of the project in the city every day.

Unexpectedly, the Consul of Suldak stopped in front of him, and the snort of the green scaled horse sprayed on his face, and the wet stench made him feel very friendly.

Thiago hurriedly led a group of plateau herdsmen to bow to the Suldak consul.

"What's your name?" Surdak lowered his head and asked the middle-aged herdsman in front of him.

"Dear Consul, Thiago is my name." Thiago replied seriously.

"Tiago, are you from the Sai Ruoman Plateau?" Sul Dako asked again.

"Sangpu Town in Sai Ruoman Plateau." Thiago replied respectfully.

Suldak nodded slightly. What he was looking for was the herdsman in Samp Town, because his pasture was the large pastures around Samp Town.

"Then will you let the horse go?"

"Every Sai Ruoman is the son of the Condor. Freeing a horse is like sucking milk. We will be able to do it from the day we are born." Thiago said quickly, he is not a fool, he said this All the while his lips were trembling slightly.

"Give him a horse and let him try it." Suldak turned his head and said to the followers behind him.

The entourage brought a violent blue-scaled horse. He chose such a difficult-to-tame green-scaled horse because he wanted to see Thiago's true skills. A good herdsman must be proficient in horse training.

Thiago saw the restless blue-scaled horse, its eyes were full of vigilance and kept away from strangers, and the horse's hooves as big as the sea bowl kept digging the rocky ground.

Thiago let go of his hands, he stared intently at the green-scaled horse, and approached step by step.

The green-scaled horse didn't want to communicate with Thiago, it wanted to back off, but Thiago took this opportunity to speak a string of strange words, the green-scaled horse flicked its tail, and then went Stopped in place.

Thiago stepped forward, stroked the blue-scaled horse's neck, and calmed down its irritable mood. This horse was tall and had no saddle on its back. Thiago hugged the blue-scaled horse's neck with both hands , suddenly flipped onto the horse's back, and in this alley, he rode a blue-scaled horse without a saddle and slipped around casually.

His brisk pace made him not even want to jump off his horse.

What a horse.

Suldak nodded to Thiago, and said casually: "I need to organize a group of horse herders and return to Samp Town to help me raise a group of war horses. I am very optimistic about you. I can give you some travel expenses to settle down, or you can borrow A sum of money from you allows you to buy some cattle and sheep in the city of Mukuso, but I need you to raise and graze horses for me, and I need to see a larger group of high-quality war horses after three years."

Thiago immediately said: "The generous lord of Suldak, Thiago is willing to serve you, as long as you give me a pasture in Samp Town on the Sai Ruoman Plateau..."

"All the grasslands around Samp Town, I think you should know the boundaries of the grasslands in other towns, right?" Suldak asked Tiago.

"Yes, there are markers on every lawn," Thiago replied.

"Okay, that's it! Two days later, I hope you and your people can set off from Mucuso City with a herd of horses." After finishing speaking, Suldak threw a bag of gold coins to Thiago , not at all worried that he would sneak away with this bag of gold coins.

Thiago was holding the heavy money bag, and he couldn't recover until Suldak and his party all walked out of the alley.

It wasn't until his son pushed him lightly that he came back to his senses, and asked his son in a daze, "Can we go back to Samp Town?"

The son nodded fiercely, tears were about to flow from his eyes.

"Let's go to the livestock market in the city. We have to buy some lambs and bring back some beans and oats. Before those lambs grow up, we will have to eat food for a while. We can't buy more. " Thiago said hurriedly to his son.

"I heard that there is a watchman's grain store in Samp Town."

"Just hearing about it, let's go and find out!" Thiago said to his son, hanging the money bag on his waist.

That night, the herdsmen living in the city of Mukuso came to Thiago one after another, hoping to bring them back together.

Thiago only chose a dozen herdsmen families who have been with him, and there are less than fifty people in total.

In addition, Suldak arranged ten young herdsmen for him.

Thiago knew that these herdsmen were watchdogs to prevent him from stealing horses.

With such a large herd of horses, if you sell two of them casually, it will be enough to eat and drink for the rest of your life...

Two days later, Thiago took his family and drove a huge herd of horses with a group of herdsmen, and left Mukuso City all the way north.

When they reached the North Pass, they saw the checkpoint set up by the knights of the guard battalion on the slope, and hurriedly handed over the pass issued by the city hall, and then passed the checkpoint smoothly.

Tiago didn't even have time to take out the customs clearance fee, and the horses passed the level smoothly.

Riding his horse and stopping at the highest point on the slope of the North Pass, Thiago looked back in the direction of Mukuso City with mixed feelings in his heart.

Looking at the horses gone far away, and the 300 sheep that he bought back with fifty gold coins, he felt a little more at ease.

With sheep, there is hope in the days to come.


Baron Martino only took three days to draw a city wall planning map of Mucuso City, including the expansion part. In the map, the exit of the sewer and waterway was clearly marked. He changed the sewer outlet to the south of the city. , and all of them are near several water outlets of the inner river in Mukuso City.

Such changes have avoided the serious pollution of inland rivers in urban slums.

As for the sewers in the industrial area of ​​Mukuso City, they will be independent and directly pass outside the city.

Surdak was naturally very satisfied with Baron Martino's design in these details.

And Baron Martino is not working behind closed doors. These design concepts refer to the classic design of Bena City. Suldac is discussing with Martino the various fork nodes of the main line of Central Avenue. Ke wanted more round manhole covers, while Martino preferred square iron bars.

The sewer manhole cover of Suldak is on the ground, while the sewer well drainage channel designed by Baron Martino is on both sides of the street, and it is not a manhole cover, but a series of iron fences, which look like rectangular dog holes. .

This kind of access port is very convenient. People only need to remove the iron fence on one side, and people can climb into the sewer.

Suldak considered for a long time, and finally decided to adopt Baron Martino's design.

The two of them were very engaged in the discussion when they heard Sia break in and report to Suldak: "The Minister of Logistics and Basil Hooton, the financial officer, are arguing again in the city hall."

This is already the fifth red-faced quarrel this month. Suldak knows the reason for the quarrel very well. The Logistics Department has been in charge of urban reconstruction and repairs, while the Ministry of Finance has money bags in its hands. Due to the construction project last month It was delayed until this month, and the progress that needs to be completed this month has not been started yet.

Treasurer Basil. According to Suldak's instructions, Hu Dun stuck the logistics minister's neck in the matter of appropriating funds.

For those foremen in the logistics department who only know that they want money and don't even have any construction plans, the logistics minister is also very troublesome, but without them, the entire city's repair project will be difficult to continue.

According to Treasurer Basil. In Huton's words, so much money has been allocated, but there is no improvement in the city, so why do I need to allocate funds? The city hall officials know something about the huge waste of the logistics department, but it is Everyone stood up and proposed rectification.

As a last resort, Suldak planned to lift the fig leaf with his own hands.

Hearing Seaya's report, Suldak knew that the financial officer Basil. Hu Dun, according to his own wishes, once again stuck the logistics minister's pocketbook.

"Go, go and see!"

Suldak said to Baron Martino with a solemn face.

Baron Martino hurriedly followed behind Suldak and walked towards the meeting room of the city hall, and there were quarrels coming from the corridor far away.

The Minister of Logistics led a group of officials in charge of engineering projects, and brought the financial officer Basil. Houten was blocked under a statue in the outer corridor, and dozens of people surrounded Finance Officer Basil. Hu Dun, the female assistant next to the financial officer wanted to push out a way, but was torn apart by the group of engineering project officials, and finally hid in the financial officer Basil. Hutton went behind.

"Basil, if you don't pay out today, you don't even think about leaving here..."

The Minister of Logistics shouted angrily.

Adding a new meow 1 silver lord to the sea (19/90)

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