Lord Highlander

Chapter 1105 1091. Above the Sea of ​​Clouds

The Minister of Logistics, Earl Ian, returned to the office of the Logistics Department from the conference hall sullenly, and saw Baron Martino waiting at the door of the Logistics Department.

A group of officials from the logistics department were all in the office. Usually, they would have found various corners to sneak out at this time, but today they were trying to encircle the financial officer Basil Houghton collectively. It was rare for everyone to stay in the office of the logistics department. inside.

Earl Ian nodded to Baron Martino, extended his hand to shake hands with Baron Martino, and then said with a cordial smile:

"Baron Martino, the Consul of Suldak asked you and me to form the Urban Construction Bureau. I have no idea about this. I don't know if you have any good ideas."

After speaking, he invited Martino into his office.

The assistant brought black tea, and Baron Martino sat on the comfortable sofa and said to the logistics minister Earl Ian:

"Lord Earl Ian, I am just a small nobleman living in the small town of Dodan on the Bailin plane, and I have never served as an official before, so how can I have any ideas!"

Hearing what Baron Martineau said, Earl Ian immediately asked tentatively:

"Oh? Are you a noble from the Bailin plane?"

Baron Martino immediately replied respectfully: "Yes, Lord Earl Ian."

Count Ian, the Minister of Logistics, was very satisfied with Baron Martino's respectful gesture. While asking Baron Martino to have a taste of black tea, he asked Baron Martino:

"I heard that the Consul of Suldak came from the Bailin plane?"

Baron Martino replied: "The Consul was the mayor and garrison commander of our town before, and the largest lord in the area north of the Thorn Mountain Range."


Earl Ian nodded, he knew the news.

After all, the Viscount Suldak became the largest lord on the Ganbu plane in one fell swoop by virtue of his military exploits on the Ganbu plane, and he also controlled the largest army on the Ganbu plane, with Lu Lu standing behind him. Marquis Se, it's hard for people not to pay attention to him.

Generally speaking, the aristocratic lord in charge of a city must be at least a Marquis.

Earl Ian knew that Viscount Suldak was about to go to Bena City to attend the award ceremony, and he was afraid that he would be promoted to Earl when he returned from Bena City.

Even so, to be in charge of a respectable central city as an earl is obviously a bit too low a title.

However, judging from the current situation, it is a foregone conclusion for Suldak to rule Mukuso City.

"How long have you known Lord Consul Suldak?" Earl Ian asked casually.

Baron Martino said: "It's been about a year. The Consul first came to me to build a Temple of the Twin Goddesses for the town of Dodan. Later, he built a War College for the town..."

Baron Martino's posture was very low, which made Earl Ian feel very comfortable.

Earl Ian leaned on the sofa and learned from Baron Martino that he was proficient in architectural design. To put it bluntly, he was just an architect and had no experience as a regional official. This made Earl Ian slightly relieved. .

Moreover, he is still a baron, so it seems that there should be no threat to his position as the logistics minister.

Since he is the confidant of the Consul of Suldak, Earl Ian's smile became more cordial.

Afterwards, Martino actually took out a stack of engineering project books and carefully explained some details of these urban planning projects to Earl Ian.

Sure enough, according to what the Suldak Consul said, each project was divided into details.

Although the Minister of Logistics, Earl Ian, showed a look of attentive listening and interest, he was actually a little absent-minded.

He knew the logistics department officials under him very well, and he also knew that they had some relationship with those contractors. He didn't think anyone would be willing to follow the method promoted by Suldak.

That is to say, no one will pick up these planning projects. If a resolution cannot be implemented, it will eventually return to the original model.

So what he is doing now is some useless work, and he has no interest in listening to useless things.

The governor of Suldak intends to rectify the corruption in the city's renovation project, which almost touches the interests of all the officials in the logistics department.

Without the promotion of the logistics department, these urban engineering constructions cannot be implemented at all...

The Minister of Logistics drank a few cups of black tea, then looked at his pocket watch, patted his stomach like a ball, and said kindly to Baron Martino: "I think it's almost noon, or let's go have some lunch first, Shall we continue talking about the rest in the afternoon?"

Baron Martineau got up immediately, then nodded in agreement.

"Earl Ian, if a construction team comes to the Urban Construction Bureau to bid in the afternoon, I will ask them to make a detailed quotation according to the project details?" Baron Martino asked tentatively.

Count Ian, the Minister of Logistics, waved his hand casually and said, "That's it!"

At noon, the officials of the logistics department had a meal together in the high-end restaurant on the west side of the central square. The logistics minister, Earl Ian, sat at the main seat. Everyone wanted to hear something from Earl Ian, and heard Earl Ian talk about the formation of the city. In the bureau, everyone laughed casually as if they were listening to a joke.

‘Who can do these municipal works? '

'What do you do if you don't have money? '

‘The city repair project is so complicated, who knows how much it will cost! '

The logistics department officials did not dare to complain in front of Suldak, or even in the city hall, but they began to complain about the rough style of the Suldak consul in the restaurant.

But complaints are complaints. After all, the Suldak consul is not only in charge of Mukuso, but also the supreme commander of the garrison on the Ganbu plane.

Who dares to complain in front of him.

It is said that every time he occupied a town, the nobles who did not participate in the parliament for the first time would be deprived of the plane territory.

It's just outrageous and unreasonable.

‘Where is the project of the city hall, let us pay for it out of our own pockets? '

Officials complained.

The logistics minister didn't say much, but only jokingly said: "If you have an idea, you can come to the newly established Urban Construction Bureau of the city hall to find me."

Officials have said that no one will go...


In the afternoon, the Minister of Logistics, Earl Ian, returned to the city hall and slept for a while in the lounge behind the office. The female assistant helped him put on the noble dress. He was just about to sit down for afternoon tea and remembered that he should go to the newly formed Urban Construction Bureau Take a walk around.

Walking to the temporary office area of ​​the Urban Construction Bureau, I saw Charlie and Luke standing in front of Baron Martineau, holding a thick stack of materials in their hands, which seemed to have been stamped with a seal, and they were looking at the project together The details of the project.

It was only at this time that the Minister of Logistics realized that the Consul of Suldak stuffed these two young people to himself a week ago, and Earl Ian arranged the two of them in the engineering team below. I heard that these two young people are hardworking and willing to work. , who rarely speaks, and is very familiar with construction projects...

Earl Ian is only now waking up.

At this time, Charlie and Lu Kexing hurried up, saluted the Minister of Logistics and reported:

"Lord Earl, we have established the first construction engineering team of Gambo. We want to take over the housing repair project in the civilian area, the urban sewer project, and the city wall repair project. The detailed quotation and construction period have been submitted to Lord Baron Martino..."

Then, he took out another stack of parchment and handed it to Earl Ian, and continued:

"This is the quotation we have listed. It contains the expected completion date of the repair projects in each block. Our engineering team now has 1,500 craftsmen. It is expected that 1,000 sewer diggers will arrive in Mukuso next week. We The engineering team will advance funds for these projects, Lord Earl please take a look."

The Minister of Logistics suddenly found that Suldak was also in Baron Martino's office, and quickly reached out to take the parchment list, flipped through two pages at random, and said casually:

"It's clearly written, and I think it's not bad..."

"Before the evening, if no engineering team is willing to undertake these engineering projects, can these projects be given to the Ganbu First Construction Engineering Team?" Baron Martino came out of the office and asked the logistics minister with a smile .

Count Ian, the Minister of Logistics, pursed his lips, snorted, and suppressed the pain in his heart, and said to the female assistant beside him:

"The notice goes on, saying that there are already engineering teams willing to take over the three major projects of housing repairs in civilian areas, urban sewers, and city wall repairs. If anyone wants to do it, please make a list of quotations and project delivery dates and send them to the Urban Construction Bureau. Come!"

After speaking, he smiled at him and walked into the office of the Urban Construction Bureau...

Xi Ya held the parchment notebook, stood at the door and blinked her big blue eyes, but she sighed in her heart: The world of adults is so hypocritical!


Charlie and Luke successfully took over the municipal project, and 300 artisans from Wall Village were called back from various parts of the city. Charlie split up 30 engineering teams and went directly to various parts of the city to accept those projects that were in a state of semi-suspension.

The other craftsmen in Mukuso City suddenly found out that they were unemployed. During this period, there were some disputes. For example, those craftsmen organized together to prevent the new construction team from entering the construction site.

However, these things are extremely simple for the knights of the guard camp, especially in the city of Mukuso, where a lot of gangsters who were making trouble in the city were cleaned up a few days ago. These craftsmen saw that the knights of the guard camp were alarmed, and immediately ran away in fright. ...

The chief of the security, Hamas, also took this opportunity to escort the captured robbers back to Mukuso from the North Pass.

Those robbers had been tortured in Beishan Pass due to the too long days of arrest. Each person’s confession was filled with more than a dozen pieces of parchment, and their entire life was recorded in detail. These robberies Committing all kinds of rich and colorful experiences, it is almost possible to write a book like a memoir.

The robbers were sent to the guillotine the next day, and the crowd of onlookers almost filled the square.

The executioner stood on the guillotine with a big ax in his hand, and the prisoner knelt at his feet. The raised ax accurately chopped off the round head, and the blood spattered two meters away.

The people on the execution ground let out bursts of suppressed exclamations...

The law and order in Mukuso City has been greatly improved in just ten days.

The projects of Charlie and Luke's Ganbu No. 1 Construction Engineering Team are gradually on the right track, and they have also begun to recruit craftsmen in Mucuso City. After all, many people now rely on these jobs for food.

The kobold slaves arrived in Mukuso City one day before Suldak's departure, and these kobold slaves will be the main force for excavating the city's sewers.

The ogre Gullitum and Brain Flower finally got the long-awaited Gazelle of Wall Village.

Suldak's series of measures finally brought Mukuso City back to life.


On July 20th, Suldak returned to Ruyte City through the portal with Siya, Samira, Gullitemu and 300 first-rank fighters, and took a flight that stayed at the airport of Ruyte City. The magic airship rushed to Bena City to participate in the award ceremony.

Accompanying him is Earl Clay Cushing, the consul of Ruyt City. Of course, he did not go to the city of Bena to attend the award ceremony, but to go to the city of Bena to attend the Marquess of Luthor's daughter Miss Hathaway next month. wedding.

Suldak and Earl Clay Cushing boarded the magic airship together.

The airship floated into the air, and the glare of the sun made Suldak a little uncomfortable, and the province of Bena ushered in the midsummer season, the city of Ruyt was much hotter than the city of Mukuso, and the sky seemed to be falling. It was as hot as the fire, and the steam in the air almost distorted the distant scenery.

With a long sound from the magic airship, after entering the middle channel of the high-altitude wind layer, the sails of the five masts of the magic airship were all raised, and the strong wind inflated the sails, and flew towards the city of Bena at high speed.

Suldak stood on the roof of the ship building, leaning on the railing with both hands, looking at the sea of ​​clouds in the distance with his back against the wind, with mixed feelings...

There are no more updates today, this volume is over, and a new volume will be opened tomorrow

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