Lord Highlander

Chapter 1106

Holding the rudder with both hands, the captain shouted to the crew below the mast:

"Sail down... the 5th to 12th aerostats are off!"

The crew on the magic airship quickly carried out the captain's instructions, and the airship slowly slid down in the wind channel. After leaving the wind layer, although there was still wind in the sky, it was not the kind of violent strong wind. The magic airship Basically no longer continue to slide forward.

Standing on the ship tower, Suldak watched the sea of ​​clouds under his feet getting closer and closer, and finally the airship suddenly sank into the sea of ​​clouds.

If it is above the sea of ​​clouds, it looks like pure white cotton candy when looking at the clouds, or the flat land covered with cotton wool, giving people the illusion that they can walk on the clouds by jumping on it.

But once it sinks into the sea of ​​clouds, it's actually not so beautiful, it's like breaking into a thick fog.

Fortunately, the clouds were not too thick. After waiting for a while, the fast-falling airship broke away from the clouds, and the colors under the feet instantly became colorful, and the city of Bena not far away also came into view.

After eight days of sailing, the magic airship finally arrived in Bena City.

After arriving at the airport pier in Bena City, Suldak bid farewell to Earl Clay Cushing.


Along the way, the old earl took Suldak to talk a lot about the city of Ruyt, the conflicts among the nobles, the embarrassment of the common people living in the city, the problems between the common people and the nobles, Ruyt The territory around the city, the abandoned iron ore factory and so on.

It can be said that the city of Ruyt is gradually aging. When the resources here are exhausted, the city is gradually forgotten by the Bena people, leaving only countless problems left in the mining area. After backfilling, only some groundwater was poured in. As the groundwater level gradually lowered, these long-soaked mines were exposed again, and the ground collapse and large cracks plagued the residents here.

The land around Ruyt City is also occupied by noble lords, which has led to the residents outside Ruyt City who want to live, they can only lease land from the noble lords, and the high land rent makes Ruyt City commoners Their lives are miserable.

Immediately afterwards, Lord MacDonnell broke out the Plane Independence War, which plunged the people in Ruyt City into dire straits.

A large number of people have been lost, especially the local young people who hope to go to Bena City. The bustling Bena City will always be the place that young people in these small cities yearn for the most.

There are also some people who want to go to more remote areas. Only the land reclaimed there will be exempt from paying taxes and land rents. Often life in remote towns will make people feel more relaxed.

This is the status quo of Ruyt City. The city is aging, with a large population loss, and has just accepted the baptism of a war.

It looks bad, but compared to Mucuso City, it's as good as paradise.


Suldak took Siya, Samira, and Gulitum off the magic airship, and it was normal for two young and beautiful ladies who liked to cover their faces with black veils to appear beside the nobleman, but such strong pair of Head ogres are rare.

In particular, the ogre with two heads can stabilize the power of the second-rank human powerhouse. The good brother Naohuaer is born to be a cold-eyed ogre mage. Obviously such a follower...

No, how could a Rank 2 powerhouse be a follower.

Obviously, with such a combat partner, it is indeed possible to walk sideways in Bena City.

But if you take a closer look, the magic pattern structure on Suldak's body will show something different. It is different from any magic pattern structure. The deeper magic runes mean that this It is a more advanced magic pattern structure.

So Suldak walked down from the tower, and encountered some commoners and minor nobles along the way, and they all took the initiative to avoid them.

After avoiding it, people discovered that the two-headed ogre was followed by hundreds of heavily armed infantry soldiers. These infantry soldiers were selected by Suldak from the 20,000 soldiers of the heavy armored infantry regiment. By.

They are all first-rank fighters who have been successfully promoted. This time Suldak brought them to Bena City, just to transfer them to Dodan Town on the Bailin Plane to see if there is a chance to help them colonize the city. The life magic pattern of the ghost pattern soldier ant.

This time Suldak needs to mobilize a cavalry regiment, an infantry regiment and an archer regiment from the town of Dodan to enter the Ganbu plane, so as to offset the current embarrassment that all the troops stationed on the Ganbu plane come from the Resistance Army , and these elite fighters on the Ganbu plane also need to wash off the imprint of the Ganbu plane as soon as possible. These three hundred first-rank fighters will also become the reserve cavalry for his upcoming Construct Knights.

No army is allowed to enter the city of Bena without a pass issued by the military department.

However, Bena City is the central city of Bena Province, and it is also a transit point for various planes. Therefore, there are many camps specially prepared for the army outside the city. As long as you spend a little food, you can live in free barracks , and will not affect daily training.

Suldak arranged 300 infantry soldiers in Camp No. 43 outside the city, and after paying a meal fee, let them live here temporarily.

The ogre Gullitum also hated the crowds in the city and people's strange eyes. After inspecting the daily food situation in the camp, especially as long as you have money, you can eat and eat, so the ogre resolutely decided to Don't follow Suldak into the city.

Although the food in the city is obviously better, the ogre also has another concern, that is, in some high-end places, he often can't get enough to eat.

So Gullitum stayed in the camp outside the city.

Seeing that Gulitum chose to stay in the camp outside the city, the half-elf archer also stood up silently, not wanting to enter the city anymore.

In the end, Suldak could only take Sia with an excited face, take a rented magic caravan, walk along the avenue outside the city wall, and slowly enter the city of Bena in midsummer with the lively flow of people.


After entering the city, Suldak still reserved a room in the Circle Hotel. Both he and Xi Ya urgently needed a hot bath.

Apparently the shrewd hotel manager has remembered the customer Suldak. Although he doesn't come often, he chooses the same room in the noble area on the north side of the hotel every time. He is also a Constructed Knight. Why? Might not impress the hotel manager?

The magic airship arrived in the city of Bena just in the morning. After taking a bath, Suldak and Siya had lunch in the restaurant on the first floor of the hotel. They had no choice. For lunch, they only had boiled small fish with peanut butter and white bread. And vegetable salad, the unique taste, Suldak doesn't like it, but Xi Ya thinks this lunch is quite good.

In the afternoon, Suldak first went to the military headquarters to apply for passes for 300 first-rank fighters to pass through Bena City to the Bailin plane.

Taking the opportunity, he ran to Marquis Luther's office.

Marquis Luther's office is on the fourth floor of the military headquarters. The room is large, divided into inner and outer rooms, equipped with a full-time clerk and a beautiful female assistant.

When the female assistant at the office door saw Surdak announce her name, she immediately became very enthusiastic. Her appearance, especially her eyes, was very similar to that of Mrs. Marianne, and she was obviously younger, wrapped in a long silk dress The lower body is full of youthful vitality.

Stepping on high-heeled leather boots, when walking, I can't wait for my chest, waist and hips to sway.

The female assistant quickly ran out and invited Suldak in.

Marquis Luther was sitting at the desk, and when he saw Suldak, he smiled and said, "It's time for you to come. How do you feel about taking over Mukuso City?"

Suldak stood in the room and performed a standard chivalry salute, and then sat down respectfully on the opposite chair with the gesture of Marquis Luther and said:

"Except for rebuilding the new city, other clues have not been sorted out yet."

The Marquis Luther appeared to be in a good mood, and motioned to the female assistant to prepare refreshments, before saying:

"I originally planned to let you stay in the Bailin plane for three years. After this period of time, with your own team, it will not be so difficult to run Ruyt City. I didn't expect that it was just a simple arrest operation. To recover the dry cloth plane all of a sudden, no one thought of this situation now."

"Mukuso City has been completely smashed, and now the city needs to resume construction. If there is any difficulty, just say it..."

Suldak quickly stood up and said sincerely:

"The current situation in Mukuso can still be maintained. If you need to come forward, I will speak up. I plan to expand the city wall outwards on the basis of the original city wall."

Marquis Luther did not expect that Suldak wanted to vigorously develop Mukuso City, and asked with interest:

"You want to build a brand new city wall?"

Suldak nodded and said, "Yes, the current city wall will become an inner city."

"You have implemented all tax relief within one year. For such a large project, have you thought about where to raise the construction funds?" Marquis Luther knew that the economic situation of Mucuso City, which Suldak took over, would not be very good, and worried about him. Considering the problem is not too comprehensive.

Suldak said casually:

"I plan to auction some of the mansions in the city, and I will also issue some bonds to the lords of the Ganbu plane to raise a sum of money."

The Marquis Luther did not understand what a bond was, so he said, "Be more specific."

Suldak explained carefully: "It is to borrow a sum of money from the lords in the name of Mukusuo City. The money will be repaid together with the principal and interest after three years. The single amount of this bond is not It will be too big, so some small lords can also buy it, and don’t need to worry about being unable to repay it, this bond will be issued in the name of Mukuso City Hall.”

It turned out that he was borrowing money from all the lords. After hearing Suldak's explanation, Marquis Luther understood.

Thinking about the small amount of bonds, it seems to be equal to the fundraising of the whole people, and it can be circulated in private, and finally endorsed by the Mucuso City Hall, which really caught the hearts of those little nobles with some spare money.

"If there is a gap in fund raising, just ask." Luther Marquis said.

Then he changed the subject and said:

"Have you ever thought about how to reverse the current poverty situation on the Ganbu plane?"

"Now you have also seen the situation of Mukuso City and the Ganbu plane. Most of the fertile land is in the north, but you have not been allocated much in the north. The large territory in the south that you have obtained has neither mines nor can you do it. Animal husbandry, the entire plane has no other resources except for the large green forest."

Suldak rubbed his nose and said: "If there are no resources, we will engage in tourism. After I plan to build Mukuso City, I will try to develop tourism in Mukuso City. The southern part of the Ganbu plane has a unique rainforest area. There is a very beautiful canyon town in the southwestern corner, there is a land of collapse in the south of Bansko Town, and there are grasslands and snow-capped mountains in the north."

Marquis Luther did not expect that Suldak would have such an idea, and after thinking about it, he said, "Your idea is quite unique."

"Did Earl Clay Cushing show you around Ruyt City?"

Suldak nodded and said: "Yes, this time I arrived at Bena City in a magic airship with Earl Clay Cushing, and we were discussing with me along the way how to improve the lives of the residents in the mining area outside Ruyt City. He intends to move the residents of the mining area out of the mine, and I heard that Ruyt City’s finances are currently unable to support such a large relocation project.”

Marquis Luther laughed and said:

"Apart from Earl Cushing's stinginess, everything else is fine, ha! I never thought that he would choose to go with you in order to save a ticket for a magic airship."

"He is the great lord of Ruyt City and owns the land of three small towns. He is very familiar with Ruyt City, so I must remind you that before you completely take over Ruyt City, you must Get in touch with him more and learn more about this city!"

Unexpectedly, Marquis Luther would comment on Earl Clay Cushing like this.

Suldak went on to say:

"Master Marquis, there is still an iron mine in the Invercargill Forest that has not been developed in time. Now the operation of the copper mine has gradually entered the right track. The local aborigines often have problems with the employment of young people in the tribe. Dispute, so I'm going to start building that iron ore plant next."

"The aborigines of the local tribe? It seems that the relationship between you and them is quite harmonious?" Marquis Luther asked in surprise.

"Many tribal aborigines hope that the young people in the tribe can find a stable job in the mine, so as to subsidize their families." Suldak smiled and explained: "This time I am in Ruyt City. The commons see an abandoned steel mill and I want to move it to Invercargill."

Marquis Luther stroked his beard and said, "Is it an abandoned steel workshop? I'll help you learn more about it."

"There shouldn't be any problems with the abandoned steel workshop in Ruyt City. There shouldn't be any problems with Bena Province. There should be too many problems with magic airship transportation, but there are no airships on the Bailin plane. What are you going to do?"

"The iron ore in the Invercargill Forest should have good reserves. Even building a new steel smelting workshop is worth the money."

Suldak said: "It takes too long to build a new steel smelting workshop. Relocating this abandoned steel workshop will greatly shorten the construction period. I only need to order a new smelting furnace..."

Suldak talked with Marquis Luther in the office for a whole afternoon, and when the female assistant knocked on the door and asked if he wanted to arrange dinner at the military headquarters, Marquis Luther realized that he should have gone home long ago.

Then he took Suldak and returned to the Marquis Luther's mansion in the magic caravan.

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