Lord Highlander

Chapter 1108: 1094. Buying Sheep

In the Grimm Empire, except for the province of Bena, few noble lords would form a Constructed Swordsman Squad.

In today's Grimm Empire, the mainstream legion is still the powerful Constructed Knights.

The Green Empire was able to drive the orc tribes to the Pai Plateau, and squeeze the dwarf kingdom into the plateau mountains west of New Siakis, all because of the powerful Constructed Knights. The Empire's Constructed Knights completely crushed The wolf ride that crushed the orcs.

When the orcs abandoned the ogres who lived by the sea, and the cyclops took refuge in the mountains of Arreat, the orc tribe completely declined.

The main reason for the Constructed Swordsmen who are crushed by Constructed Knights in all directions is that Constructed Knights can share power with war horses through combat skills.

That is to say, when marching, the knights can transmit their own strength and the increased strength of the construction to the war horse, so that the war horse has more durable physical strength, and has a stronger explosive power when charging. During the battle, the construction knight It can be said to be one with the war horse.

The second experience notebook that Gefiro gave to Suldak is to record this part of his experience in detail.

Regardless of the fact that Suldak now has a second-turn magic pattern structure and a blue-scaled horse, but strictly speaking, he cannot be called a structure knight.

Compared with the combat technique on how to use the broadsword, this knight's notebook is more precious.

Apparently, Earl Gopher saw the Isenhard Light Iron on his waist. This broad-edged sword is a rare magic-weave suit weapon, but it was slightly damaged in the battle with the Demon King. It is quite troublesome to repair such a set of magic weapons.

Probably because of the previous quarrel, Earl Gophero's mood became a little bad. When he gave these so-called "daughter Beatrice's dowry" to Suldak, he found an excuse and ended it hastily. This meeting.

Harvey Gefiro sent Surdak to the gate.

Standing on the side of the street, Suldak let out a long breath. Compared with the treatment he enjoyed in the Marquis Luther's mansion, it can be said to be very different.

However, before leaving, Earl Gophero still secretly expressed his gratitude to Suldak. The leather goods business of the Gophero family has improved greatly in the past year, which can be regarded as maintaining the last bit of decency of the family, and no matter what No matter how unpleasant the quarrel with Harvey was, he finally expressed that if possible, the Gophero family would still form a lord's private army in the future, and hoped that Suldak could take care of Harvey on the battlefield.

It can be seen that the Earl of Gophero still has a glimmer of hope for the revival of the family, but Harvey, the heir of the Gophero family, wants to do business, and he does not intend to participate in the war of planes at all.

Suldak heard Hathaway talking about this matter last night.

Many aristocratic lords in the province of Bena want young people in their families to be promoted to titles, and they all want to lead their private troops to participate in the war of planes. If the family background is deep and has accumulated a lot of wealth, they can spend a sum of money to buy the Black Demon Crystal, then buy some unidentified black magic crystals in exchange for a chance to be promoted to the title.

At least half of the twelve young earls who participated in the award ceremony this time bought the Black Magic Crystal with a sum of money from their families.

The black magic crystal is a unique spar that only the dark army of the hell power has. It is a kind of magic core and almost grows in the dark warrior's skull.

It is different from magic crystals of other four series of elements. Currently, it is known that the abyss races that possess black magic crystals are Nacoma, Nebulu Spider, Sanae Goblin, and Andy Portis Faceless .

It is said that among the four dark legions, the Nacoma Legion is the most powerful, the Nibru Spiderman is the most ferocious, the Sanae evil spirits have the largest number, and the Andy Portis Faceless rule all the Dark Seas.

Only by killing the soldiers of the Dark Legion can the Black Magic Crystal be obtained. According to the call-up order of Emperor Charles, those who have unidentified Black Magic Crystal can obtain the corresponding military merit and be promoted to the title of knighthood.

The value of an unidentified black magic crystal is two or three times that of an ordinary black magic crystal.

For a while, some noble lords bought black magic crystals to avoid the guilt of losing their territory, and the price of black magic crystals soared to seven or eight times that of normal magic crystals.

Suldak had killed many evil spirits in the Warsaw plane, and had seen the unique magic core and black magic crystal. He didn't know that the black magic crystal was so valuable.

The 12 young nobles who were awarded honors in the province of Bena basically took out a huge amount of black magic crystals to be promoted to earl.

Only Suldak was an exception. He belonged to regaining a lost plane, and repelled an army of demons. In addition, he also formed a 20,000 heavy armored infantry regiment for the army.

Last night, Hathaway also secretly told Suldak that Marquis Luther originally asked him to open up territory in the Bailin plane, hoping that he would quickly accumulate wealth, and finally take the army to the Warsaw plane for a round, and he would be able to Use the accumulated gold coins to buy the Black Magic Crystal, and finally be promoted to the title.

After the Bena coalition captured the city of Ruyt, the military believed that the war was over.

No one expected that a space magician ran out and opened a door, and then some noble councilors proposed to send some second-rank powerhouses into the Ganbu plane to arrest Lord McDonnell. This matter was passed by the House of Representatives , an assault team composed of second-rank powerhouses successfully sneaked into the Ganbu plane and captured Lord MacDonnell back to Bena City.

But Suldak actually seized this opportunity and successfully regained half of the dry cloth plane.

As a result, thirteen lord armies went to the Ganbu plane to share the cake through the relationship of Marquis Luther.

Of course, this cake has to be divided. Some time ago, Marquis Luther asked the noble lords of Bena Province to jointly recommend Suldak to become a nobleman, and these noble lords are among them.

Now it seems that the signature of this letter of recommendation has really brought considerable benefits to these lords.

However, the biggest beneficiary of this war of planes, of course, is Suldak, who suddenly obtained a rich land equivalent to half a plane, and also owned Mukusuo City, although it was a smashed city, But this is definitely a potential stock, just like planting a fruit tree. No matter how much you invest now, once it grows into a towering tree in the future, it may be returned ten times.


A magic caravan slowly stopped on the road, Xi Ya pushed the door of the caravan, and waved to Suldak from the inside.

Suldak quickly walked over and boarded the magic caravan.

Siya was sitting in the carriage, holding a small folding fan in her hand, and approached Suldak with a smile and asked, "Boss, how are you talking with Earl Gophero? I saw Beatrice's face in the morning. You look worried, have you received cold reception in the manor?"

Suldak put the notes in his hands into the magic pocket, leaned on the sofa and enjoyed the cool breeze from Xiya, and said casually:

"That's not true. After all, we still have some business cooperation. Now everyone wants to maintain this harmonious relationship."

Xi Ya sat back on the sofa opposite, and said with some disappointment:

"Then I was looking forward to it in vain."

The magic caravan was walking slowly on the street, and Xi Ya patted her fair forehead and asked Suldak:

"Where are we going next?"

Surdak didn't expect to leave so early, and didn't want to go back so early, so he thought about it and said:

"Go to the magic free market in Bena City."

Xi Ya told the coachman, and the magic caravan gradually accelerated with the sound of the whip.


The magic free market in Bena City is the largest magic item trading place in Bena Province. From Warcraft materials to magic books, from magic gems to magic scrolls, there are various types of items for sale. Many archmages occasionally come to Freedom Some treasures in the market.

The market is crowded with various food stalls, and the crowded market is very lively.

Suldak and Xiya got out of the carriage, and Xiya was immediately attracted by the lively scene.

Suldak walked inside with the flow of people, and Sia obediently followed behind.

It wasn't until he came to a row of ingredients area full of various animal meat and fresh fish, and turned around, that the pale-faced Xi Ya really understood the recipes of the Bena people, who really dared to eat anything...

In contrast, she found that the food eaten by the two-headed ogre brother was quite normal. There was no uterus in a jar, and there was no smelly feces in a stomach pouch.

Xi Ya discovered that there are still people who stuff a white root into their mouths like chewing sugar cane, and then spit it into the jar for fermentation. It is said that the sour paste sold in front of them was chewed and spit into it a week ago. Fermented in jars, vomit!

The business of Shan De's butcher's shop is very booming. There are more than ten stalls in a row full of fresh meat. He has rented these stalls and hired more than a dozen butchers to sell meat together.

In this butcher shop, the chilled monster ingredients from the Bailin plane became the main products on the stall.

In addition, Xi Ya also found some flesh and blood of the three-headed hellhound king exuding the breath of the demon race. This kind of food can be said to be poison for ordinary magicians, but for some black magicians In other words, it is a rare magic ingredient.

There is also a small group of black magicians in the city of Bena. Not all black magicians are members of the black magic order. They also have their own small group, and usually live a low-key life in the city of Bena.

Xi Ya felt that the magic sealing box on the meat case looked familiar, as if she had helped Suldak break down the hellhound king at the beginning. Unexpectedly, these monster meats were actually placed in the magic free market in Bena City.

Suldak was standing in front of the meat stall, and the butcher in front of the stall was rubbing his belt on the butcher's knife. Seeing Suldak looking around casually, he knew that he didn't really want to buy it. I paid attention to him, but out of professional instinct, I still asked very reluctantly:

"My lord, what do you want to buy? Our butcher shop specializes in red ant meat. Eating red ant meat often can increase your strength and allow you to marry two more wives..."

Suldak happened to look up and saw the plaque of Sande's butcher shop, it was like an HS magazine, explaining the effect that can be achieved by eating red ant meat for half a month.

Siya raised her head following Suldak's gaze, and her pretty face immediately turned red.

Suldak waved his hand and said casually, "I almost vomited from eating this. I won't buy anything. Is Sander here?"

"Look for our boss! He just came here, he should be in the room over there..." The butcher immediately pointed to a wooden house and said to Suldak.

Suldak walked over with Xi Ya.

Someone passed the news one step ahead.

Shan De was shirtless, squeezed out of the door like a mountain of meat, his face was so fat that his facial features were almost squeezed together, and he shouted loudly: "Who is looking for me?"

Sander was obviously fatter than before, with a beer belly, which made Suldak wonder if he could see his brother when he peed.

Through the gap in the wooden door, he saw a woman in the wooden house. This bastard actually bought two red-eyed bunny girls with the blood of a rabbit orc, and his life began to become more refined.

Now Shande seems to seldom hold a butcher knife. He travels back and forth between the warehouse and the market every day.

When Sander saw Suldak, he wanted to pounce on him and give him a big bear hug, but it was a pity that his stomach was a little in the way.

Sande originally wanted to invite Suerdak to sit in the wooden house, but he looked at the wooden house with some embarrassment, and with a friendly smile on his face, he said to Suerdak: "Master Dak, there are many people here, we still Go find a restaurant outside the market and sit down."

Suldak also didn't want to take Sia to drill Sander's kennel, so he nodded and agreed.

When Sander and Suldak disappeared in front of the butcher's booth together, the butcher in charge of selling the butcher stabbed the butcher next to him in surprise and said:

"I've been here for so long, and it's the first time I've seen the boss smile so kindly!"

Around the area surrounding the Magic Free Market, there are some restaurants, hotels, and pubs.

Near noon, Sander took Suerdak to find a high-end restaurant nearby, and chose a secluded corner near the back street. From the window here, you can just see the street trees in the back street. There are not many pedestrians in the shady back street, and there is no such scene of sewage flowing across as imagined.

Suldak ordered some food casually, and asked Sander, "How's the business at the butcher shop recently?"

Sander found that Suldak's taste seemed to have changed, and he became more fond of fish. Before every meal, he liked to order barbecue.

It was very cool in the restaurant. Sande sat down and wiped the oily sweat on his face with a handkerchief, and said casually: "Recently, the business is good, but the supply of red ant meat has been shrinking recently. Had to limit sales."

"Probably because there are more and more adventure groups at the Chain Bridge camp, and there are fewer red ants that need to be cleaned up by the garrison. I will ask about the specific situation after Andrew comes over in a few days." Suldak said casually. "Sander, there is something I need you to help me meet here in Bena City."

Sander said briskly: "Master Duck, just give orders!"

"I'm going to buy a batch of cattle and sheep in the Bailin plane recently, and I need you to take care of them in Bena. It's best to organize some people to help me send them to Ruyt City. I'm worried that the herdsmen over there are not familiar with the situation here. .” Suldak said his recent purchase plan.

Sander patted his generous chest and said, "No problem, don't worry, I will definitely deliver all of them safely. Master Duck, how many sheep and cows did you buy?"

"There aren't many cows, but there are a lot of sheep." Suerdak said calmly, "This time I plan to buy 20,000 cows and 200,000 sheep..."

Sander still had a calm smile on his face at first, but when he heard it clearly, he was completely dumbfounded and almost sat down on the ground.

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