Lord Highlander

Chapter 1109

Suldak is going to buy a batch of cattle and sheep on the Bailin plane and transport them to the Sai Ruoman Plateau on the Ganbu plane.

Bena City is the largest transit point, and everything will be simple when the cattle and sheep arrive in Ruyt City.

In Bena City, the portal pass can be obtained from the relationship in the military department, but if such a large herd of cattle and sheep wants to be transported to Ruyt City smoothly, it is simply impossible for the herders in the Bailin plane to do so.

Sander has been selling meat in Bena City for a long time, and he often comes into contact with some livestock dealers, so he should be very familiar with how to deal with herds of cattle and sheep.

Afterwards, Suldak took Sia to the Brunei manager's leather goods firm.

The leather goods firm has actually added some stores. This is a fur goods wholesale business. There are not so many customers, but there are often four-wheeled carriages full of fur goods coming out of the backyard. It can be seen that the fur goods business of the firm is not bad.

Walking into the door of the firm, I saw a specimen of ghost pattern soldier ant standing in the hall.

Seeing the gesture of the soldier ants raising their pincers reminded Suldak of the life in Dodan Town.

A young maid approached and asked Surdak in a low voice, "My lord, what do you need?"

Suldak shook his head and said, "I just took a look!"

The young maid was so depressed that she was about to cry.

The young receptionists who are responsible for welcoming the guests at the door take turns to greet the guests. They will get a little commission bonus for the amount of money the customers spend in the store.

The first few customers came to the leather goods company and bought something more or less. They finally got in line with me, but this customer just took a look...

Seeing that Suldak was already walking into the business, she didn't have time to think too much, and hurriedly followed. Where Suldak looked, the young maid introduced what this kind of leather is suitable for, without mentioning The price of leather did not persuade Suerdak to buy any leather goods.

Suldak turned his head to look at a piece of salamander leather hanging on the wall, and walked closer to have a look.

The companion of the young maid gave her hints, asking her to sell at least one or two types of leather.

The young maid hesitated for a moment, followed Suerdak's footsteps, stood behind and said, "This salamander skin is a sample. If you need salamander skin, we also sell it, but it must be ordered in advance. The general cycle is about Two months."

Suldak nodded with a smile, and continued to walk forward with Xi Ya. There were a lot of magic antelope leather and swamp giant crocodile leather in the shop, and the quality seemed to be pretty good.

The young maid fell silent again.

While Suldak was walking away, the companion behind caught up and reminded: "You can't sell it like this, you should get closer, secretly hug his arm, speak kindly, and smile sweeter a little."

The young maid rolled her eyes at her companion with a depressed face, and then hurriedly followed.

The manager of Brunei was introducing leather goods to a group of guests. He glanced casually and happened to see Suldak, so he quickly asked the supervisor around him to continue introducing the leather goods in the firm for him, while he hurried to Suldak's side Come, salute Surdak respectfully.

The young maid's eyes widened, she didn't expect to be the guest of the Brunei manager.

Suldak smiled and asked the excited Brunei manager, "How's the business going?"

On the contrary, the manager of Brunei said with some embarrassment: "The company has always had sufficient supply of goods, and it is the first-hand new goods directly shipped here from the hunting ground. If we can't make money like this, then we people should Changed jobs."

The manager of Brunei personally accompanied Surdak and asked:

"Do you have any orders this time?"

Suldak said casually: "This time I'm back in Bena City to do some business, so I'll come over to have a look, there's a batch of leather goods for you."

The Brunei manager hurriedly took Surdak and Sia to a spacious reception room.

The young maid went to prepare some refreshments with a wink, and Suldak also took some magic sealing boxes out of the magic pocket and placed them in the reception room.

The manager of Brunei opened the magic-sealing box and saw the reddish-brown fur inside. He felt a little strange. He reached out and touched it but couldn't tell what kind of fur it was, so he asked:

"these are……?"

Suldak said with a smile: "Gog fur has a certain fire resistance."

Pointing to another magic sealing box, he introduced: "These are shadow magic skins, which are good materials for making tents."


The Brunei manager was completely speechless.

In the Grimm Empire, due to the well-preserved fire magic inheritance, there are a large number of fire magicians. It is for this reason that all magic items related to the fire element are more than twice as expensive as other similar items.

Of course, these goge furs are in short supply in Bena City. I don’t know how many magicians want a magic robe with natural fire resistance, so this kind of fur is not worried about selling at all.

"Also, I need your help with something..."

Suldak then told about his plan to buy cattle and sheep on the Bailin plane. The manager of Brunei didn't exaggerate like Sander, but said with a relaxed face:

"I happen to know a lot of fur traders. I know how they do it. Basically, they transport the animals to the stables outside the city of Bena, and then send them to the slaughterhouse in batches. I know that there are livestock gathering places outside the city. When the time comes, stock up there first, and rush to Ruyt in batches."

Hearing what the Brunei manager said, Surdak was completely relieved.


Seeing that it was still early, Suldak took a magic caravan to the outside of the city to visit the half-elf archer Samira and the ogre Gullitum who lived in the camp.

There were almost no people on the playground on the side of the barracks, but a group of soldiers surrounded the archery range. Samira was wearing a salamander leather armor instead of the magic pattern structure. , she held an alloy bow in her hand and stood at the first target position in the range.

A group of soldiers let out bursts of cheers.

Suldak and Siya walked over, and Siya said to Suldak: "I'm going to find Gulitum..."

After speaking, he ran towards the camp.

There are several archers standing in a row with Samira. Judging from their uniform training uniforms, they should be the archers in the station.

At this moment, the few of them were already sweating profusely from the loss, and Samira obviously did not intend to let them go easily, so she raised her hand and shot another arrow. The bull's-eye that was meters away won rounds of applause again.

Although the archers also had a few arrows stuck in the bull's-eye, there were also some arrows stuck around the target. Obviously they lost this time in the archery contest, so they refused to shoot this arrow.

Samira wanted to make some sarcasm to the archers, but when she turned her head, she happened to see Surdak outside the archery range wall, and glanced at the dejected archers.

He stretched out his hand and handed the alloy bow to the onlookers, and encouraged him with a hoarse voice: "Practice hard, you just need to improve your arm strength and eyesight, and it's not difficult to surpass them."

After speaking, he propped up the low wall with one hand and jumped out from the archery range.

When Suldak met, he teased Samira: "You've already turned your eagle eye twice, and you still ran to bully those archers..."

"What else? How to pass the boring time?" Samira walked in the barracks, attracting countless eyes wherever she passed.

Only then did Suldak realize that there were almost no female archers in the barracks, so he proposed:

"If you don't want to live with me in the city of Bena, why don't you take a vacation and go back to Wojmara to have a look?"

The half-elf archer rarely rolled his reddish eyes, stopped, looked at Suldak with a smile and said:

"And then! Mammy asked me why I came back? Do I need to tell her that the boss is getting married, and I think it's a bit of an eyesore for us to stay in Bena City..."

When a woman is unreasonable, even though she is a female subordinate, she can't help but make Suldak feel a little dizzy.

"You know I don't mean that."

Samira handed Suldak a smile:

"I didn't mean to contradict you either."


Gullitum and his good brother Naohuaer sat at the entrance of the cafeteria, eating toasted oatmeal cakes smeared with meat sauce, and drinking steaming creamy soup.

These camps outside the city can also be called military depots. Accommodation here is free, but eating costs money. As long as you can afford it, the canteen here can even make some small stoves, such as meat sauce cheese in the hands of ogres. Toasted Oatmeal, Cream of Mushroom Chicken Bisque…

"I've told you several times. If you don't want to tell him, then I'll tell you. Dake won't refuse." Nao Hua'er supported her chin with one hand, and said with a melancholy expression, she seemed to have no appetite.

Gulitum ate and drank, and said again:

"I also know that he won't refuse. It's because of this that I didn't say anything. You also know that Dak and I made an agreement at the beginning. I will follow him around the world and eat all the delicacies there, excluding other things. Isn’t life good now, he didn’t take the initiative to give me something, and I don’t want to take the initiative to ask for it.”

Xi Ya washed her face by the sink at the entrance of the cafeteria, and there were still drops of water on her face and hair.

No way, the summer in Bena City is so hot.

"Hey, what are you guys talking about?" Xi Ya poked her head out from behind and asked Brother Ogre.

The ogre obviously didn't notice Siya, and asked in surprise, "Siya, why are you back?"

"Hee hee, just to see how you are doing here! What do you want to talk to the boss about?" The relationship between Xi Ya and Gulitum is not bad, and occasionally when she doesn't want to walk, she will sit on the ogre on the shoulders.

"Nothing..." Gulitham said.

"I want to ask Dak for a 'Fireball' life magic pattern." The good brother Naohua'er took the opportunity to say to Siya.

"Understood, I'll help you guys talk about it." Siya promised the ogre brothers.

Turning around, he found Surdak and told him about it.

Suldak patted his forehead. He had a premonition when he was in Mukuso City. The ogre brothers wandered around in front of and behind him when they had nothing to do in those days, but they didn't expect that the ogre brothers were actually because of this incident. And tangled.

"You should have told me earlier, there is no need to hesitate, if Siya hadn't told me, I'm afraid I would have been kept in the dark." Suldak said to the two-headed ogre brother: "This It's no problem for me."

Then he rubbed his forehead and asked Brother Ogre:

"But have you ever thought that as your strength continues to grow, your own totem pattern will cover your body, where will this life magic pattern colonize?"

"Where are the totem patterns on our bodies actually distributed? Actually, it's controllable. I'm going to make a space to colonize the 'fireball technique', right here!" Naohua patted himself on the neck, the ogre has four A very exaggerated neck deltoid.

Suldak asked curiously again:

"The magic pattern of life in the 'Fireball Technique' is to fireballs in bursts in an instant. My brain, is your magic power enough for the Fireball Technique to consume?"

Nao Hua'er patted her chest and said:

"Of course, although the volume of my magic pool is not too large, the magic recovery speed of the ogre family is not bad. Besides, if the magic power is exhausted, at most it will stop the fireball technique. With this magic pattern, it saves me every day. Every time you cast a spell, you have to chant the rapping mantra, and this is the most critical part."

"Since you think it through, of course I have no problem here." Suldak patted the magic pocket and said, "And my magic pocket contains the 'fireball' life magic pattern! The colonization process is also very fast , why don't you try to colonize one now? I don't think it will delay your dinner!"

"Okay, okay!" Nao Hua'er couldn't wait.

Suldak's magic-weave colonization was carried out in the barracks. Now the process of colonizing the magic skin is already a stylized operation for Suldak, and the magic skin will be colonized soon. Behind the second deltoid muscle on the right side of the demon.

After the magic skin was successfully colonized, Naohuaer couldn't wait to run to the training ground with a stone wall. With the surge of the ogre's feet and the red eight-pointed star magic circle, a series of fireballs shot from the ogre The chest flew out.

After only a few fireballs flew out, the flame in his chest stopped abruptly.

Naohuaer smiled awkwardly at everyone, and said:

"Just now I didn't control the size of the fireball, which caused too much mana consumption and couldn't replenish it. This time, I will control the fireball and make it a little smaller when shaping it. I guess it will be fine!"

This time, Naohua'er could indeed cast fireballs continuously, but each small fireball was only the size of an egg, and when it hit the opposite stone wall, it was instantly extinguished.

"This time the power is a bit small. I think it's because the casting distance is a bit far. If the controlled fireball is released closer, the flame power may become stronger."

Brain Flower made a little adjustment to her magic again.

There were already many spectators around the scene. They originally thought that the ogre was a good hand with a stick, but they didn't expect him to be able to manipulate magic.

Everyone gathered around the court curiously. While everyone was waiting patiently, a tongue of flame flew three meters away from the palm of the ogre. It looked like a flaming knife that was slightly curved upwards, and it could not be seen for a while. no power...

A meow for the sea 1 silver lord plus change (21/90) is gone today

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