Lord Highlander

Chapter 1110 1096. Magic Test 1

Gulitum immediately teased his good brother's brain, and said:

"I'm talking about brains! If you learn this, then we won't have to pick up firewood when we barbecue in the future."

Brain Flower was in a state of excitement, and happily told Gulitum: "Don't underestimate it, the barbecue is only one of its smallest functions, and this flame jet is very powerful."

Gulitum was obviously dissatisfied with Brain Flower's flame spray, and said critically: "But it can't spray very far. If there is an opponent at such a short distance, why don't we smash it flat with a stick."


Nao Hua'er didn't care about that, he shot a string of fireballs in succession, and didn't want to stop until the fire was completely misfired.

The soldiers onlookers were almost dumbfounded. An ogre who is known for his strength and stamina can actually master fire magic. What else can the two of them not know?

"In the future, if you meet an evenly matched opponent, if you can spew out a flame by surprise, it may be a good way to break the situation!"

Standing beside Gulitum, Suldak encouraged Brain Flower.

"That's it... That's it, that's what I think, Duck, you've said it right to the bottom of my heart."

Naohuaer waved his fist excitedly and shouted.

Then he left the training ground with Suldak shoulder to shoulder.

Samira and Siya followed behind them, and Siya looked around curiously, obviously very curious about the military camp.

Suldak said to Gulitum:

"I always thought that the totem magic pattern on your body would conflict with the life magic pattern, so I never mentioned the magic pattern colonization for you. Now it seems that the effect is not bad. I still have the ghost pattern ant queen and the magic pattern in my hand. The Crypt Lord's high-level life magic pattern is to restore spirit and life respectively, whether you want to plant another high-level life magic pattern, it should be no problem based on your body's carrying capacity."

Gulitum said very freely:

"I'll forget it. I'm afraid that if I get used to relying on external forces, I will become lazy."

"Besides, the growth method of ogre power depends on continuous eating, so for the time being, I don't want to rely on colonization equipment to improve myself, maybe I haven't met the kind of high-level life magic pattern that I think must be colonized."

"Actually, I think Naohua'er is more suitable for the magic pattern of the ghost pattern ant queen, but he prefers the life magic pattern of 'fireball', so let him do as he wants!"

Suldak didn't expect Gulitum to say such a thing. He looked like a big one, but he didn't expect his thoughts to be quite delicate.

"It's you, Dak, are you ready for your second magic-weave breeding outfit?"

"The first keel's Adam's apple made me unable to wear the magic-weave armor for a long time. I think it’s better to wait. I’m about to enter the big battlefield. I don’t want to be unable to wear the magic-weave armor when I enter the big battlefield. .” Suldak hesitated, expressing his concerns.

"That's because you forcibly crossed the ranks to grow the equipment. If you follow the steps, there should be no problem." The ogre Gulitum said.

"Let me think about it again. By the way, I can go to the Magic Union of Bena City to test my current carrying capacity, and I can also visit the two archmages Morrison and Harper." Suldak said at this time Thinking about it, I still need to make a thicker set of armor for Gullitum. After all, I am going to the big battlefield, so I have to make sufficient preparations at this time, so I said: "By the way, Gullitum, I am going to let people I will build you a stronger armor, what style do you like?"

Gulitum is currently wearing armor that is connected with some thick armor pieces with chains, and he also has ice armor, so he has never thought about what style he wants.

The ogre was a little embarrassed: "Me? I have no idea in my head, why don't we go to the market to see, if there is a finished armor, it's better than the long wait in the customization process, speaking of it, I seem to be getting more and more impatient recently .”

Suldak had no choice but to go to the magic market to try his luck.

He said: "Then let's go shopping in the market tomorrow, but with your body shape, I guess it's not easy to buy!"

Suldak and Siya chatted with the ogre brothers for a while in the barracks.

Samira still does not want to live in the city of Bena.

Seeing the magic caravan of Suldak and Siya leaving the barracks at the gate of the barracks, Samira turned around, the smile on his face faded a little bit, and walked slowly to the archery range. The lively archery range suddenly became quiet.

The archers subconsciously lowered their heads, not daring to meet Samira's eyes.

Samira came to the first target position in the archery range, and the archer was so frightened that he hugged his longbow and ran away...


The Magic Union of Bena City is not a magic tower, but a huge group of magic buildings. There are nearly a thousand magicians living in this area. There is a large group of buildings behind the Magic Red Society, which is the residential area of ​​these magicians.

Most of the magicians in Bena City live here, because the supporting magic public facilities here are relatively sound, especially there are many shops facing the street. A few steps away, you can see a row of such shops.

In addition, most of the magicians work in the magic guild, and it is very close to the magic guild from here.

It was already afternoon when Suldak and Siya got off the magic caravan in front of the magic square.

There is a large fountain in the square, surrounded by some statues and green trees, so it is cooler than other places.

Every time Sia sees the fountain, her eyes light up.

His eyes were filled with the urgency of "I can't wait to jump in and thump a few times to my heart's content".

No way, the city of Bena in July and August is simply too hot.

Although it is impossible to be so presumptuous...

But Xi Ya, with her strong affinity for water, can control a jet of water from the fountain to reach the top of her head, and then the thin jet of water turns into mist on the top of her head, nourishing her dry skin.

The water mist is in the sun, like a colorful rainbow surrounded by Xi Ya.

When the magicians passed by Sia, they frequently exclaimed and cast appreciative glances, because what they saw was the exquisite water control technique.

There were a lot of people in the square, and soon someone approached Xi Ya.

Along the way, some people even took the initiative to invite Xi Ya to participate in a private magician salon party.

Some people stepped forward and stuffed invitation letters into Xi Ya's hands, some were invitation letters from adventure groups and mercenary groups, and some were invitation letters from some lord armies.

Since Suldak defeated the demon army on the Ganbu plane, the mage group has also played a great role, making the noble lords more clearly aware of the importance of forming a mage group.

Of course, among many magicians, water magicians with hydrotherapy skills are highly sought after.

Especially female mages like Xi Ya, who are very good-looking, are simply the first choice of noble lords.

"Actually, I don't understand...why don't they change their minds...that's right! I never thought of this!" Suldak patted his forehead and kept talking to himself.

"What's wrong?" Sia asked with a blank face.

Suldak told Sia about his newly born thoughts:

"Actually, it is not difficult to buy Janna mermaid slaves in the slave market of Bena City. If... I mean, if I buy them back and sign a contract with them, as long as they work for me for five years, I will return them Liberty, tell me if there is any Naga willing to work for me, my requirements are not high, as long as I can perform hydrotherapy."

Xi Ya rolled her eyes fiercely, her blue eyes were very agile:

"Do you think every Naga mermaid can become a spellweaver?"

Suldak said with some doubts:

"You didn't say it to me. Your Janna language is the same as the ancient elf language, so learning spells for Janna mermaids is as easy as eating and talking."

Xi Ya stood by the pool, put her hands on her slender waist, and said very speechlessly: "I did say that, but it's just a magic spell, a complete magic, which consists of the source of magic power, the magic circle, the magic circle, and the magic circle." I didn’t say that Naga also need to resonate with the water element to learn magic.”

Suldak looked shocked: "Does that mean not all Jannas know magic?"

"Of course!" Xi Ya immediately put on a look of looking at an idiot.

Suldak waved his hand and said, "Okay, pretend I didn't say anything."

"No, you did."

At this time, Xiya just hugged Suldak's arm and just didn't let go.

"What did I say?" Suldak looked blank.

Siya hummed softly and said, "You said you wanted to rescue the Naga slaves in the slave market."

Every time she tried to act like a baby, her voice was a little bit like singing.

Surdak just needed professional medical personnel and didn't want to raise fish, so he immediately refused:

"My house doesn't have such a big swimming pool. I will never buy back those Naga mermaids from slave traders and put them back into the sea. Even if I have this idea, at least I need to have a certain financial strength Okay!"

Seeing that Xi Ya was still dissatisfied, she quickly explained:

"If you look at Mucuso now, the only good news is that no one died of starvation."



The Magic Union of Bena City is a four-story oval tower. Although there are only four floors, each floor is raised very high, like a palace built for giants. The entire periphery of the mage tower is covered with various reliefs. .

Suldak walked into the magic tower and took out a sign to a magic apprentice at the reception in the lobby on the first floor of the magic tower.

This was given to Suldak by the Archmage Morrison when he was in Mukuso City. With such a metal plate, it is more convenient to come to the Magic Union whether to do business or find someone. Otherwise, meet the Archmage of the Magic Union , Basically, an appointment is required, and sometimes the appointment is even scheduled for several months.

The female magic apprentice immediately became very friendly and asked, "How can I help you?"

Suldak said: "I want to visit Archmage Morrison and Archmage Harper."

The female magic apprentice is wearing a set of gray and white striped consecration robes, which is the best set of magic robes that a magic apprentice can wear.

The stripes have absolutely no aesthetics at all, and Surdak thinks it looks a bit like the long jersey of the Argentine football team...

However, Suldak has gained a lot of knowledge on the side of the magic union. The female magic apprentice turned around and walked to a row of metal copper pipes. The brass pipe said, "Maya..."

Her speech was fast, and Suldak's eyes kept falling on these brass pipes. He didn't expect that this world even had such a tool for communicating.

Not long after, a female magician appeared at the top of the stairs and walked slowly towards the front desk of the hall.

"Master Morrison went to visit his teacher in the imperial capital. I am afraid it will take at least a month to come back. Master Harper is in the law enforcement group. You are the Lord Consul of Suldak. I am Maya, Master Harper Student, the teacher is waiting for you upstairs."

This female magician named Maya looks very slim, with light makeup on her face and long hair draped over her shoulders, she looks very demure at first glance.

After finishing speaking, she turned and walked towards the stairs.

Suldak hurriedly followed Maya. Along the way, someone always greeted Maya, and it could be seen that she was also very important in the magic union.

It seems that there are only four floors of the magic union, but the interior space is actually very large. When they climbed to the fourth floor, the three of them walked along the corridor for a long time.

"Ms. Harper often mentioned you, saying that if you can awaken the magic pool, you must be a rare magician." Maya said as she walked.

Suldak quickly said, "How is Archmage Harper?"

Maya glanced at Suldak lightly: "Well, I'm just a little busy. Recently, he gathered a group of students and is repairing a batch of magic pattern structures."


Suerdak suddenly didn't know what to say.

Sure enough, Archmage Harper was in a large classroom-like magic laboratory. There were nine experimental tables opposite, and there were some magic pattern structures piled up on each experimental table. Nine young magicians held magic tricks in their hands. Carving the pen, he is concentrating on repairing the magic pattern.

Archmage Harper was at the podium. When he saw Suldak coming in from the outside, he hurriedly got off the experimental platform and greeted Suldak warmly:

"Dark, I think you should arrive in Bena City these few days. No matter how busy you are, the award ceremony is still a big event."

Suldak hurried forward and saluted Archmage Harper.

Archmage Harper thought that Suldak was here to get the magic pattern structure, but obviously the repair work of these magic pattern structures has not been completed, so he asked Suldak:

"Dark, when are you going to leave Benar?"

Thinking about the wedding on August 10, Suldak replied, "It will probably be at least mid-August."

Master Harper counted the time and said, "Oh, time is enough, remember to come here again before you leave."

Suldak immediately bowed and agreed, "Okay, Master Harper."

Maya brought two cups of tea.

After much deliberation, it seemed that there was nothing to talk about, and Archmage Harper said casually, "By the way, Morrison has gone to the imperial capital. It will take about a month, or a little longer."

"I just heard about this." After finishing speaking, Suldak directly explained the purpose of coming: "Master Harper, I want to ask you for something."

"What's the matter with you? Tell me." Archmage Harper asked cheerfully.

Suldak said quickly: "I want to test the carrying capacity of my own magic pattern structure. I don't know if the magic union can test it..."

Maya standing next to her looked at Surdak with a strange expression.

Archmage Harper was a little surprised: "That's all? Are there other things?"

Suldak shook his head honestly and said, "Not anymore."

Archmage Harper rubbed his forehead, then waved his hand, and said to the female magician next to him, "Maya, take Duck to the testing hall."

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