Lord Highlander

Chapter 1114: 1100. Learn from Beastmen

Suldak stood up from the bathtub and walked in front of the bronze mirror again. The body in front of him actually changed significantly. Those intertwined scars on the skin seemed to disappear from his body suddenly, and the accumulated dark spots on his body also disappeared. All disappeared.

Although there were still scars all over his body, he didn't have the horrible appearance before, it was more like a new layer of skin.

The magic skin implanted on the legs also fit perfectly with the body, like a delicate tattoo. Suldak wiped his body with a bath towel indiscriminately, and then changed into a linen shirt. He never put it on easily Taking off the magic pattern structure, he walked out of the room.

The maid who was cleaning saw Suldak coming out, immediately saluted Suldak, and said to him: "Master Marquis is waiting for you in the restaurant, do you need me to take you there?"

Suldak smiled and said, "No need, I know how to go."

The maid hurriedly saluted, and then walked into Suldak's room with a handle and a mop.

Suldak wanted to see how Siya was sleeping in the swimming pool that night, but now he needs to go to the restaurant to meet Marquis Luther.

Walking into the dining room, butler Kenneth stood behind Marquis Luther. Seeing Suldak walking in, he quickly pulled the chairs from the dining table.

Marquis Luther was sitting on the main seat, holding a magic newspaper in his hand. When he saw Suldak walking in, he was slightly startled and said:

"Although it can be seen that you are exhausted, your complexion is quite good. It seems that you have changed a little bit, but you can't see the state of being full of energy after being promoted. Your situation is really hard to figure out. .”

Suldak sat down and said with a smile: "Some incredible things did happen. When I was exploring my sea of ​​spiritual consciousness, I found a door. After opening the door, there was a sea of ​​floating countless pieces of ice. Yesterday Tried again at night, finally climbed a huge ice floe, and I also saw a land covered with ice and snow."

"After all my mental strength was exhausted, I woke up from that spiritual world, and then I felt some changes in my body."

Marquis Luther put down the newspaper in his hand, and said to Suldak: "After entering the second rank, fighters not only need to strengthen themselves, but also need to hone their mental strength and willpower, and finally break through the second rank to become a third rank Templar , You also need to integrate your spirit and body into one, so that the body can be sublimated from a container that can hold battle energy to a source of power with a unique magic circle. Simply put, it is a process of self-perception of life magic lines."

After becoming a second-rank strongman, no one told Suldak how to go about his promotion path in the future, even if he met the Trollope Grand Knight a few months ago, they didn't talk about it.

In fact, I didn't even know that the knights after the third turn would be honored as Templars.

Since Marquis Luther talked about this, Suldak naturally listened very attentively, but Marquis Luther himself is only a second-rank great swordsman, and his knowledge of the way of the knight is very limited.

Seeing that Suldak lacked even these basic knowledge, he casually asked, "Dak, how long has it been since you reported to the local knight order?"

Suldak was slightly taken aback by the question, and honestly said: "I haven't been there since I registered as a knight. I thought the registered knight was just a status. Later, I became a noble baron and never went back."

"So you were promoted to become a second-rank great knight, and you figured it out entirely by yourself?" Marquis Luther patted his forehead speechlessly, and asked Suldak again.

"A friend who is a mage told me that my situation belongs to both magic and martial arts. If I want to be promoted to a second-rank strongman, I need to comprehend the elemental body and fighting spirit at the same time. Only when both conditions are met can I be promoted to a second-rank strongman. It may be very difficult to become a rank two strongman, but it was a bit special when I was promoted, as if someone kept asking me some questions, and after I answered them, I was promoted to a rank two paladin." Suldak replied.

"You are now a second-rank paladin. If you have time, you can register with the Knights' Union in Bena City. There are many older knights in the union. They may not be as strong as you, but they know what the road of cultivation should be like." Go, you have to humbly ask them for advice." Marquis Luther warned Suldak.

"I will find time to register with the Knights Guild." Suldak agreed honestly.

Marquis Luther nodded speechlessly, and then said: "Since you haven't reported to the Knights Guild, the person who revealed the information about your becoming a second-rank powerhouse probably didn't come from the Knights Guild, but after the plane war subsided , There is no reason for the military to keep holding on to the big battlefield pass, so you have to be mentally prepared, you will be recruited to the big battlefield in a short time, so before that, you need to do more Some preparation."

"I've been actively preparing," Suldak said.

Marquis Luther pushed the magic newspaper from the table to Suldak casually, and said, "Look at the articles on it..."


On the magic newspaper, a report on the Ganbu Plane War took up a page.

The magic newspaper in Bena City advertised the victory of the Ganbu plane, but there was no red dragon Iser in the article. Suldak guessed that it might be the intervention of Marquis Luther that made the magic newspaper downplay Iser's information, after all, when it comes to dragons, will touch on many sensitive topics.

In fact, what Suldak didn't know was that Marquis Luther also had some selfish intentions, and didn't want any changes before the wedding.

After all, if Suldak is likely to become a dragon knight, I am afraid that Duke Newman and the royal family of Angel Boulder will want to marry their daughter to him.

Regarding the fact that Suldak has a red dragon partner, although rumors spread among the market, the military has kept silent, which has given the public a lot of speculation, and even some people have doubts about the authenticity of this rumor. Some doubts.

The Ganbu Plane War was victorious, and the Warsaw Plane War has been unable to break the situation, so it has become the object of ridicule by the people of Bena City.

Marquis Luther also hoped that Suldak would not be hated by the aristocratic circle, so there were only two places with his name in the whole report, and the rest of the report was named after Bernard's synesthesia. Even Morrison and Harper The mage's name has repeatedly appeared in magical newspapers.


A simple breakfast was placed in front of Marquis Luther, a piece of grilled monster meat, whole wheat bread, fried eggs and milk. Marquis Luther explained to Suldak while dividing the meat with a knife:

"You need to keep a low profile at this time. Being noticed by the public too early is often not a good thing."

"When people like you, they will chase after you and make you feel like falling into the clouds."

"Sometimes because of a small unspoken thing, people will be instigated by ulterior motives. They hate you, spurn you, and make you fall into an abyss."

"Whether it's pursuing you and making you fall into the clouds, or spurning you and making you fall into the abyss, it will not do any good to you now."

The same breakfast was also placed in front of Suldak. Suldak cut up the meat like Marquis Luther did, while listening to Marquis Luther's lecture seriously.

This morning, the two of them were the only ones dining here in this restaurant...


Just because they didn't go home for dinner last night, Hathaway and Beatrice were grounded by Mrs. Marianne, and the original appointment to go shopping during the day could only be wasted.

On the contrary, Suldak was free to enter and leave the Marquis's Mansion. He wanted to go out of the city and take Gullitem to the market where war weapons and armor were sold in the city, so as to help the ogre choose a better set of armor.

Before leaving, Hathaway sent a maid to tell Suldak that she must come back early in the afternoon because she will be attending a dance in the evening.

The night before each award ceremony, according to the practice of the city of Bena, the Duke of Newman’s mansion will specially invite these newly promoted nobles to a ball. This has been a practice for many years, and it has evolved into an unwritten rule. up.

The ball will be held in the Newman Duke's mansion. Not only these newly promoted nobles will be invited, but almost all the nobles with status in the city of Bena will participate, so that this ball is no longer for the purpose of dancing. It is a platform to communicate with each other. You can meet big people who are rare to see. Of course, you also need to know how to seize the opportunity at the dance party. How to communicate is a university question.

Hathaway and Beatrice will officially accompany Suldak to the ball as fiancées.

Suldak left Marquis Luther's mansion in a magic caravan. Hathaway and Beatrice could only lie on the window sill of the circular bedroom at the top of the tower, watching the magic caravan drive out of the street from a distance.

The mermaid Xiya was very energetic, she put her head by the window and watched the street scene along the way.

The street trees on both sides of the street in the aristocratic block are very neat, and there is a row of finely pruned shrubs and low walls under the street trees. The magic caravan is driving very fast on this road, and when it reaches the commercial street in the city center, it encounters congested traffic. , When passing through the civilian area, a large number of civilians pass through the street, and the magic caravan drives more slowly, so that the coachman often pulls the rattle at his hand to warn these civilians passing through the street.

After arriving at the military camp outside the city, the ogre Gullitum and the half-elf archer Samira were already waiting at the gate of the camp.

Still in accordance with the usual practice, the ogre sat on the luggage rack extending from the back of the magic caravan, and Samira got into the car and sat side by side with Sia.

Samira, who was sitting in the carriage, stared at Suldak and was slightly startled, and asked, "Boss, did Siya give you a beauty treatment? The scars on your body have faded a lot."

"Is it so obvious?" Suldak subconsciously touched the neckline and asked.

Samira looked at Siya, who quickly spread her hands, and immediately clarified: "I slept in the swimming pool in the back garden last night, and the boss never said that he needed skin care or anything, I thought he Those scars are kept on purpose to show the warrior's wild aura!"

"Last night, I planted a magic pattern for myself. The boost attribute is 'nourishing'. I didn't expect to be able to restore these scars on my body." Suldak tapped his left leg with his hand, indicating that the magic pattern sticker in there.

Only then did Samira nodded slightly, and said in her characteristic voice: "The effect is very good!"

The largest weapon and protective equipment trading market in Bena City is located at the intersection of the sixth and seventh blocks where the workshops gather. Next to this trading market is a large slave trading market, and diagonally opposite the slave trading market is an arena. It was the day when the competition was held in the arena, and countless citizens held tickets printed on parchment and were queuing up to enter the arena.

This kind of ticket does not have a specific seat number. In fact, everyone watches the entire gladiatorial competition standing up, because you can't see it when you sit down.

But even for this kind of standing ticket, the price of each ticket is very expensive. A ticket for a platform seat is probably worth about 25 silver coins. If a commoner family wants to watch a gladiatorial match, they only need to save money for a period of time.

Before the start of each duel match, the citizens would line up here early, because only in this way could they squeeze into the front row.

Of course, the nobles watching the game will be much more comfortable. There are long rows of benches in the noble area, and the seats are better, so you can see clearly while sitting. Only the nobles can buy tickets here, and the The coupons are divided into five grades, the lowest price is a gold coin, and the highest grade is five gold coins.

There are also decks specially designed for big shots in the arena, and this kind of seats cannot be bought with money.

Surdak didn't expect that the audience watching the duel match would block the entire street to death.

The magic caravan was simply impassable at this time, so Suldak simply pushed the door of the carriage, jumped out of the carriage, mixed with the crowd with Samira and Siya, and prepared to walk through this area.

The magic caravan can turn around and leave this congested long street before it goes deep.

The ogre Gulitam followed behind Suldak. The three-meter-tall man made the oncoming pedestrians dodge one after another. Suldak smoothly squeezed through the long street outside the arena and passed the slave market. At that time, when a group of slave traders guarding the gate of the market looked at Sia and Samira, their eyes were surprisingly bright.

It's just that when they saw a two-headed ogre standing behind the two women, they wished they could shrink into the crowd.

When the commoners saw the double-headed ogre, they only thought that such a big man looked scary, but these slave traders really knew that an ogre with a second head was equivalent to the existence of a second-rank powerhouse, and slave hunters When readers see a two-headed ogre in the wild, most of them will choose to withdraw from its territory silently.

When Xi Ya heard that this was a slave market, she looked in curiously from the door, and could see that her desire to rescue the troubled people had not given up.

In fact, Suldak also wanted to visit the slave market. He hoped to buy a few real dwarf slaves. It is said that besides drinking and bragging, each dwarf has an ingenuity to strive for perfection. No.

In addition to cutting corners, human craftsmen also learned the exaggeration of elf craftsmen. They learned that elves like exquisite hollow patterns, but they didn't understand the magic pattern circle inside those patterns...

Suldak hopes to have a few dwarves in his mine.

However, Suldak is temporarily living in the Marquis Luther's mansion, and even if he buys a slave at this time, he probably has nowhere to put him.

Seeing the hesitation in the eyes of Siya and Suldak, the slave traders seemed to be their potential customers, and immediately wanted to join them.

These people are watching their words and actions every day, and they are not shrewd.

These slave traders are like a group of scalpers. Their main business every day is to take the bosses who want to buy slaves, so that they don’t wander around like headless flies in the slave market. They know what kind of slaves are in which stalls. Pay some commission and you can quickly buy the slave you want.

However, there are also a lot of pig-killing dishes hidden in it. They will not only take the commission from the bosses, but also take a commission from the slave owners...

Under Samira's sharp eyes, these slave traders walked away knowingly.

Siya followed Surdak out of the slave market, and deliberately said beside him:

"I've decided, I want to earn a little more money like Samira, and with the money I can save them from the slave market..."

But Suldak stopped in his tracks, stretched his arms around Siya's cold, smooth and round shoulders, and said:

"There is a proverb in our hometown: 'No business, no harm', don't always think about buying your people back, if you always have this kind of thinking, all the slave traders in the world will go to capture the Naga Sea people, you No matter how rich you are, you may not be able to buy everything back. The more money you have, the bigger this slave trade will be. But if you can find a way to kill this matter at the source, maybe the Janna mermaid slaves will It will be much less."

Xi Ya asked a little confused: "You mean to let the Naga retreat to the deep sea?"

Suldak shook his head and said: "No, I mean that the Naga Sea Clan should organize patrols to drag these slave traders into the sea and drown them. Your Naga Sea Clan's hunting ban is still too weak. You should learn from the orcs."


Xi Ya stared at Suldak with wide eyes, as if she wanted to see if there was still a trace of Naga Sea blood in Suldak's body...

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