Lord Highlander

Chapter 1115: 1101. The Ogre's Heavy Armor

When a group of people walked into the weapons and armor trading market, the first thing they saw was a row of bed crossbows that had no bases. To be precise, these bed crossbows only had the part above the pitching seat, and some bed crossbows could not even see the winch. There are probably dozens of these bed crossbows, all of which are fixed on simple wooden frames. Those at the back are still covered with rainproof tarpaulin. Only the two rows of bed crossbows in the front have been lifted. specific situation.

In addition to dozens of bed crossbows, there are larger catapults behind them, and these catapults are also incomplete ordnance.

Suldak knew that these two kinds of ordnance were controlled weapons in the military department, and they could not be bought or sold casually.

He came closer and took a closer look at the bed crossbow at the front, only to find that there was a small parchment label hanging on the arm of the bed crossbow. Suldak picked up the label and looked at it. It is a scrap certificate with the seal of the military department.

This seems to make sense, and obviously the catapult behind has similar credentials.

Those who sell these war weapons are warmongers. Most of the merchant groups behind them are military merchant groups. Only when they supply various supplies to the frontline army behind the battlefield, are they eligible to sell the spoils captured by the army and the discarded military supplies. When it was transported to the rear, it first went to the military department to apply for scrapping, and then it was slightly refurbished before being sold on the market.

Walking in such a circle can fully explain how profitable war is.

Seeing these bed crossbows, although there are no wheels and bases, the pitching frames are barely usable. They cannot be pushed onto the battlefield, but if they are installed on the city wall, there is no problem at all.

However, when Suldak came here this time, he didn't plan to buy a bed crossbow.

The dry cloth plane itself has a quota for purchasing magic bed crossbows and catapults, but these large-scale ordnance require expensive magic spar. At present, the most lacking thing in Mukuso City is magic spar, so Suldak has no plans for the time being. Buy such weapons of war.

Continue to walk along the wide street into the market. There are no scalpers in the slave market here, and the whole market looks very deserted. Only some noble lords come here to buy some cheap second-hand weapons. Form a private army.

As for why there are no scalpers, it is probably because the merchants who set up stalls here are military merchant groups, and these military merchant groups are more or less related to the military, and no one wants to provoke the military.

Suldak found that there were many second-hand armors in this market, ranging from heavy armor to light leather armor.

The most obvious feature of these armors is that all the ones displayed are broken, but they are definitely the kind of armor that can be repaired after sacrificing some defensive power. This kind of defective products eliminated on the battlefield are expensive. Much lower than brand new armor.

The full-covered heavy armor is the most widely displayed in the market. Surdak asked the stall owner about the price. A complete set only costs seven gold coins, which is one-third of the price of a brand-new full-covered heavy armor. The ones are cheap.

If I had known that there was such a market for second-hand weapons and armor in the city of Bena, all the 20,000 heavy armored infantry soldiers should have been equipped with this kind of heavy armor before returning it to the military.

You must know that the 20,000 heavy armored infantrymen I delivered last month wore the best heavy armor from the heavy armored infantry regiment of Lord MacDonnell's army...

Seeing that these armors are only worn by ordinary soldiers, and there is no giant armor suitable for Gulitum at all, Suldak was too lazy to walk around, so he asked a stall owner who was sitting there carefully scrubbing the dirt on the armor. road:

"May I ask if there is any giant armor for sale near you?"

The stall owner stopped his work, looked up at the tall Gulitum, pointed to the depths of the market and said, "Go inside, maybe you can find what you want."

When Suldak walked in the direction of the stall owner's finger, he realized that there were indeed some large dark armors in this area. Each dark armor looked very unique, and there were some sharp edges on the armor. of spines.

Suldak curiously asked the stall owner where he got these dark armors, the stall owner rolled his eyes and said:

"These battle armors were all captured on the plane battlefield where they fought against the Nacoma people. These battle armors are the standard armor of the Nacoma people. They are divided into jackets and trousers, but they have four legs, and the ones below the trousers are Some of them are not used at all, and they are all sold to the blacksmith workshop for recasting."

"Could it be possible to sell these huge armors?" Xi Ya whispered to the side.

There's really no one in this area.

The stall owner took another look at Suldak, and asked Xi Ya, "Don't you just want to buy one set?"

Suldak spent thirty-five gold coins to buy half a set of black iron heavy armor for the ogre Gullitum, only the upper body. When he tried it on on the spot, except for the collar of the armor, it was not too bad. .

The reason why the armor is so expensive is because it contains a rare metal such as magic black iron, so this armor has good magic conductivity.

However, Suldak was a little worried afterwards, because the ogre has two heads, and this armor has only one neckline, so this armor still needs subsequent modification.

The stall owner saw Suldak's embarrassment at a glance, so he stood up and told Suldak himself for the sake of thirty-five gold coins:

"Take this armor to a place called the giant blacksmith's shop, and you can remake the neckline, and you can also make corresponding heavy trouser armor. If the ogre is willing to wear boots, you can also match it. Make a pair of iron boots. The address is written here..."

The stall owner pointed to a small piece of wood next to the stall under his feet, on which was written with a white pen: "Giant Blacksmith Shop: This shop undertakes armor modification of various models and specifications, matching, customization, high quality and low price, address: Bei No. 5, Edward Avenue, Sixth Street, Nashville."

"It's on the street next to this market, almost at the end of the alley."

After the stall owner said this, he put a stack of gold coins into his money bag and ignored these people.

Suldak let Gulitham carry the bulky black iron armor by himself, and the group walked out of the trading market, and soon found a place called the Giant's Blacksmith Shop at No. 5 Edward Street.

There were two shields erected at the door of the blacksmith's shop. Both shields were more than two meters high, and it was hard to tell how heavy they were, but Suldak felt that he might not be able to lift them up freely.

The gate of this blacksmith's shop was very tall, and Gulitham didn't need to bow his head when he walked in. There was a huge furnace inside the blacksmith's shop, and waves of heat came from the furnace.

Three bearded dwarves held exaggerated square craftsman's hammers in their hands, and were banging on a huge iron gate.

"Is there anything you need? Your lord."

A dwarf stopped what he was doing, climbed down the ladder, and asked Suldak.

"I just bought a Nacoma breastplate, and I plan to modify it for him to wear. I also want to order a matching pant armor. Can you do it here?"

"Customize the trouser armor for this big man! Of course it's no problem." The dwarf said enthusiastically, then climbed up the ladder again, and started to gather a large number of ogres. After watching for a while, he shouted loudly:

"It's just that he doesn't usually wear trousers. If you want to make plate armor for him, he may not be able to get used to it. I suggest you give him a battle suit made of black iron armor pieces." The skirt is ready, as for the trouser armor, you only need to make the greaves and the armor pieces at the knees, otherwise, even if you make a bulky trouser armor, it will not be able to run on your body..."

Standing on the big iron gate, another dwarf took the opportunity to say, "If you think the skirt and greaves are not well defended, you can also wear a layer of chain mail inside."

"Shut up, Arathon, it's my turn to receive this guest, and I have the final say on how to do it!" The bearded dwarf who was massaging ogres scolded.

"Okay, listen to you, Boss Wednesday!" said the dwarf on the big iron gate, spreading his hands.

"Uh, I think it's a good choice to line a layer of chain trousers inside..."

Afterwards, Suldak customized a pair of trouser armor according to Gulitum's figure, and also modified the black iron armor of the Nacoma people. The specific details were clearly written into a magic contract. Fortunately, Erdak's approximate weight and size of the trouser armor and the ratio of adding magic black iron are clearly written in the magic contract.

Finally, a magic contract was signed, and it was agreed that they could come and pick it up in half a month.

The main reason for signing the magic contract is that these dwarves are usually good, but once they drink alcohol, it is easy to delay the construction period.

In order to get the heavy armor on time, Suldak didn't care about spending an extra gold coin for the magic contract scroll.

After customizing this set of black iron armor, Suldak took Gullitemu to a barbecue restaurant in Bena City and had a big meal before sending Gulitum and Samira back to the city In the barracks outside.


In the afternoon, Suldak returned to Marquis Luther's mansion early.

A maid waited in front of the steps and said to Suldak: "Viscount Suldak, Miss Hathaway asked me to inform you that you can go to her room after a short rest. Tailor Bethune is working in her room. Help her modify the dress in the room, and your prom dress is also ready, you may want to try it on in advance, if there is something inappropriate, the Bethune tailor can also modify it together."

Hathaway and Beatrice had just finished their afternoon tea and were trying on evening dresses in their room, while Bethune tailors were making the last personal changes for them.

Suldak's aristocratic dresses are also ready. There are three sets of them in square wooden boxes. They are worth a lot from the fabric. They are placed on the bed in the room. Suldak goes to the bathroom first. Take a shower in the bathroom, and then go to the bedroom to choose a dress.

Siya let out an exclamation from the outside of the guest room at this time, and Suldak opened the door in a bathrobe and walked out, only to find that Siya looked in surprise at the single bed that she had never slept on. A long skirt with corn-colored white lace, Xiya held the skirt, squinted her eyes and showed off to Surdak:

"I didn't expect me to have it too... I also want to take a shower and get ready!"

After speaking, he carried the long skirt and got into Suldak's bathroom.

Surdak chose the most old-fashioned and traditional black dress in the bedroom. After changing into a collarless white shirt, he found out embarrassingly that the scar under his neck could not be covered, so he could only wear it with the stand-up collar in another dress. Pick out the white shirts and mix them up like this.

Unexpectedly, there were three pairs of brand new leather shoes beside the bed, so Suerdak chose a pair of them at random, and the size was just right.

After changing into the dress, Suldak was going to go to Hathaway's room and let Bethune's tailor make the final revisions.

Siya hurriedly ran out of the bathroom. It might be the first time for her to wear this kind of crystal shoes with inflexible soles, and her limping and turning seemed a bit unnatural.

However, she casually pulled up her long green algae-like hair, revealing a section of white snowy neck and a large snow-white back, that youthful aura disappeared without a trace in an instant, and her pair of big eyes looked incomparable Pure, but the dress is very boldly designed, the skin on the back is almost exposed to the waist, making her a bit more mature and sexy.

Xi Ya held the hem of the long skirt with both hands, and bowed respectfully to Suldak, then tilted her head and raised her pointed chin, and asked Suldak, "How is it? Isn't it beautiful... ..."

Suldak didn't make any response, opened the door, turned and walked out.

Xi Ya hurriedly followed and shouted, "Hey, wait for me!"

Suldak came to Hathaway's room at the top of the tower. Both Hathaway and Beatrice had already dressed in light blue and light pink low-cut evening dresses, and both of them had faint smiles on their faces. Hathaway had a slightly pointed chin, her big blue eyes filled her with a sense of agility, her straight pretty nose, and her lips were painted with light-colored lip gloss. Standing in the room, she looked like a noble princess.

Beatrice, with a round face, dyed her long black hair deliberately. It is impossible to imagine how they did it, and their waists were so thin.

Suldak stood at the door, forgetting to come in for a moment.

An old tailor was adding crisp white lace to Beatrice's neckline.

Hathaway walked towards Suldak with a smile, and Suldak pointed at her slender waist in surprise...

Hathaway pursed her lips slightly and whispered, "In order to be able to wear this dress, I just drank a little milk in the morning and ate half a piece of cake, and I can drink another half cup of milk later, and then I have to keep going." Hungry until the dance is over..."

"Why don't you relax more? In fact, your usual appearance is also extremely beautiful." Suldak stroked her smooth golden hair and said.

"This may be the last ball I will attend in Bena, and I will show my best!" Hathaway held Suldak's arm with one hand, and pulled him into the room, not forgetting to look back Compliment to Siya: "Siya, you are so beautiful tonight!"

"It's the first time I have such a beautiful dress! Thank you, Hathaway!" Sia said happily.

Suldak's body is stronger than normal, so the shoulders of the dress are a little thinner.

Tailor Bethune wanted to loosen up his armpits a bit, and when everything was ready, the four of them came downstairs together, followed by Hathaway and Beatrice's maids, who needed to help Watching Hathaway and Beatrice pull their skirts.

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