Lord Highlander

Chapter 1118: 1104. Harvey's Secret

The two maids who chased out from the entrance of the Duke's Mansion opened their mouths wide in shock, watching helplessly as the four of them were pushed to the other side of the river by a huge wave in the dark of night.

Both Hathaway and Beatrice graduated from the Swordsman Academy, and their body balance is very good. Even wearing a fluffy and loose evening dress and crystal shoes, the two of them can still stand tall when jumping from the waves to the riverside platform. Steady.

Many pedestrians on the street looked over here...

Hathaway looked down at the large snow-white chest muscles exposed by the gorgeous evening dress she was wearing, frowned her delicate eyebrows and said, "We have to change to a dress..."

As he spoke, he carried the skirts and ran to a gorgeous ready-made clothing store on the commercial street. There were many beautiful skirts hanging in the store. When the three girls walked into the store, they were immediately surrounded by five female shop assistants. Under the recommendation of the female shop assistants, he picked out an ordinary dress of suitable size, and Suerdak just sat leisurely beside a bronze mirror, quietly being the only spectator.

In fact, Surdak enjoyed the process.

Moreover, the female clerk at the side also thoughtfully brought a plate of pastries, a cup of black tea with ice cubes, and a promotional brochure, so that Surdak would not be too bored during the waiting process.

Hathaway and Beatrice have probably been restricted by their homes. This kind of ready-made clothing store is very novel to them. The most important thing is that each dress is not customized according to their own ideas, but they are randomly selected from a wide range of products. , for them, the selection process is a kind of enjoyment.

Even Siya tried on two dresses...

Girls are always irresistible to beautiful things.

The two of them were wearing evening dresses tonight, and they had left the maids again, so it was Suldak who took out the wallet at the end of the payment.

For the changed dresses and the extra sets of clothes I bought, the clothing store will send them back tomorrow during the day according to the address left.

Walking out of the clothing store, the girls ran to the shoe store with great interest. There were no special leather boots in this shoe store, and the styles looked very ordinary, but the girls wore crystal shoes on their feet. This kind of dancing shoes Can barely wear it to a dance, but just can't go very far.

People in Bena like to wear Martin boots. Apart from long riding boots, the style of leather boots here is light yellow suede Martin boots at most.

When they walked out of the shoe store, the girls put on comfortable Martin boots, and they held the crystal shoes in their hands...

Then I went shopping in jewelry stores and luggage stores, and it was already late when I walked down the street.

The number of pedestrians on the street gradually decreased, and some shops were closed.

In a row of shops just across the river, there is a dessert shop with soft light. Beatrice rubbed her gurgling stomach and said to Suldak expectantly, "Let's go eat a cup of red bean smoothie." Come on! Let's have another chocolate cake, I know this dessert shop is very good."

Suldak looked at Hathaway and Sia, and saw that they were also looking forward to it, so he nodded and said, "Then let's have a glass of red bean smoothie, if you don't want to be grounded for the award ceremony tomorrow, you have to go back It's..."

The girls quickly nodded in agreement.

The facade of the dessert shop is not big, and there are a row of tables and chairs next to the glass windows. If four people hadn't walked in, the proprietress would have put the chairs on the table and closed the shop.

Beatrice seemed to be very familiar with the proprietress, so she casually ordered four servings of red bean smoothie and a whole chocolate cake.

The store is filled with the sweet smell of heated cream and sugar.

The four of them sat side by side on long chairs, looking at the pedestrians on the street through the glass, but it was already late at this time, there were not many pedestrians on the street, and they came and went in a hurry.

Across the street is an Orianna magic puppet store with a blinding magic light on the store's plaque.


Beatrice let out a soft cry, then covered her mouth with her hand, and looked out the window at the corner of Orianna's magic puppet store.

Suldak followed her gaze to the opposite store, and saw Harvey Gophero standing in front of the glass window, looking into the window.

Through the lights in the store, an apprentice female magician leaned in front of the counter to pack the things on the counter until the entire store was closed, and a group of shop assistants came out of the store one by one.

Harvey Gophero was standing at the door of the store. The female magic apprentice walked out quickly and walked up to Harvey Gophero. She stretched out her arm and held Harvey's arm. street.

Beatrice was never clear about the love life of her half-brother.

Unexpectedly, his girlfriend turned out to be a female magic apprentice.

At this time, Suerdak and his group had just finished eating the red bean smoothie, bid farewell to the dozing proprietress, and walked out of the dessert shop.

Beatrice waved at Harvey Gophero across the street from a distance. When Harvey saw Beatrice and Suldak, his eyes averted a little.

The female magic apprentice asked him softly, and Harvey walked over boldly alone, saying hello to Beatrice and Suldak.

With a faint smile on her face, Beatrice asked, "Harvey, is that your girlfriend?"

Harvey was a little embarrassed, and whispered to Beatrice, "Sister, why are you here?"

"We just attended the ball at Duke Newman's mansion. By the way, why didn't you attend this ball?" Beatrice asked Harvey with a puzzled expression.

"Well... I did go, but I just stayed in the corner for a while, and felt that the atmosphere there was not suitable for me, so I sneaked away!" When Harvey spoke, his grammar was a little confused, and he was obviously absent-minded.

After saying this, he waved his hands to Beatrice, Suldak, and Hathaway, and said casually, "I still have something to do, I'm leaving first!"

Then he turned around quickly, ran to the female magic apprentice, and under the slightly surprised gaze of the female magic apprentice, pulled her to the other side of the long street in a hurry.

"Harvey seems to have changed a lot, I haven't seen him for a long time!" Beatrice sighed.

"Yeah, when I saw him last time, I felt like he was still a child who couldn't grow up, but now he actually knows how to hold girls' hands." Hathaway laughed out a 'puchi', and then quickly explained: "Sorry, I just thought it was funny..."

Surdak and his party walked along the commercial street and back to the bank of the inner river, where they planned to rent a magic caravan to go home.

Before Suldak waved to the magic caravan parked on the side of the road, he saw a magic caravan parked quietly beside them. Two maids pushed the door and came down from the car with resentful expressions on their faces. Looking at Hathaway.

"Um, we're just a little hungry and want to eat something here..."

Before Hathaway finished speaking, the maid interrupted her explanation with a helpless and resentful expression:


It was already midnight when the magic caravan returned to the Marquis Luther's mansion.

That night, Siya, Hathaway, and Beatrice became close friends.

We first chatted about snacks. Xiya introduced that the sea grape cakes in her hometown are also very good, but they are salty. Then they talked about skin care. I heard that the most powerful part of Xiya's water magic is skin care. , can hydrate the skin and remove excess horniness. Hathaway and Beatrice opened their eyes wide.

The magic caravan returned to the Marquis Luther's mansion, and Sia was immediately invited by Hathaway and Beatrice to their room.


Suldak returned to the guest room alone. There was a maid guarding the door of the guest room. Seeing Suldak come back from the outside, the maid immediately stood up and eagerly opened the door to Suldak. It was paved and the bathtub in the bathroom was filled with hot water.

The maid tested the water temperature and added some cold water to the bathtub.

There was a pile of ironed clothes next to the bathtub. Seeing Suldak standing at the door of the bathroom, the maid saluted Suldak and said, "If you have any orders, you can ring the bell and call me at any time."

Suldak nodded slightly, and the maid walked out of the room without a sound. Suldak closed the door of the bathroom, and then lay comfortably in the bathtub. Warm water flooded his body again. The 'Earth Nourishment' magic pattern on the thigh lit up again, and a trace of life breath surrounded Suldak's body like a cocoon.

The dermis layer under the skin was further recovered, and the numb and itchy feeling spread all over the body, and Surdak knew that the skin all over his body was recovering.

He also took the opportunity to enter the sea of ​​spiritual consciousness.

The next moment, countless bright stars lit up in the sea of ​​spiritual consciousness, and the power of the holy light fell from the sky. Suldak's body emitted a faint golden light in front of the door, and two emerald green vines wrapped around his feet, constantly It transmits a trace of vitality.

In the bathroom, Suldak's body, with his eyes closed, slowly floated up from the bathtub, and a phantom of an angel appeared above his head.

As streaks of holy light seemed to come out from the skin of his body, those holy lights that leaked out of the body seemed to form mysterious characters on the skin, and the phantom of the angel entered his body instantly, Become one with him, a 'prayer' beam of light fell from the ceiling, covering Suldak's body.

In the Sea of ​​Spiritual Consciousness, Suldak only felt his spiritual power overflowing from his body, and that set of holy armor suddenly disappeared from the top of the door at the center of the Sea of ​​Spiritual Consciousness, and then appeared on him in the Sea of ​​Spiritual Consciousness .

A pure white holy aura gathered into a pair of wings, which spread out on the back of Suldak's holy armor.

Suldak took the opportunity to push open the door to the spiritual world, and once again dived into the rough sea of ​​ice...

The bitingly cold sea water instantly made him tremble in the depths of his soul. This time, with the protection of the holy armor and the nourishment of the earth to continuously deliver energy, Suldak seemed to have a steady stream of power. The seawater resistance also increased, and he desperately swam towards the snow-covered frozen continent in front of him...

There are a lot of ice floes floating in the sea, and Suldak tries to avoid those floating ice blocks as much as possible.

Huge waves wrapped in ice floes and crashed towards Suldak, seeing that it was inevitable, Suldak lay on the ice floes with hands and feet together, and then surfaced out of the sea to take the opportunity to breathe for a while.

Just when Suldak was about to jump into the sea again, the waves pushed a huge iceberg over, and the iceberg smashed the huge ice floe where Suldak was on, and Suldak fell into the sea of ​​ice again. , The body transformed by spiritual power could no longer maintain its shape under the violent impact.

His power of holy light and spiritual power were on the verge of exhaustion, and the holy armor on his body was annihilated and dissipated. Suldak only felt a dazzling white light in front of him.

He opened his eyes and found that he was still lying in the bathtub. He wiped the water from his face and struggled to stand up from the bathtub.

After strenuously walking to the front of the bronze mirror in the bathroom, I found that after the nourishment of the night, the terrible scars after the burns had faded to the point where they were almost invisible.

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