Lord Highlander

Chapter 1119: 1105. Honor Ceremony

Suldak walked back into the room. In order to prevent the maid from knowing that Suldak had been lying in the bathtub all night, he stretched out his hand and messed up the extremely flat bed before looking at the bedside table. Two boxes of dresses.

He had already chosen a set for the dance last night, and now these clothes are still piled up in the bathroom. Originally, Suldak wanted to continue wearing them today, but he didn't know what to do, and the set of clothes was actually wet. There are also water stains everywhere in the bathroom, as if I am learning to swim in the bathtub...

Looking at the bronze mirror, he saw some bruises on his arms and shoulders, so he thought seriously whether those encounters in the sea of ​​spiritual consciousness caused his body to be injured as well?

If that's the case, I should be hurt more seriously!

Reaching out and rubbing the sore back of his neck, Suldak began to choose the dress he was going to wear today.

This time he chose a gown with gold threading on the cuffs and neckline.

This time he did not choose the shirt that could be tied with a bow tie. He stood in front of the mirror and put on a white shirt with an open collar. The button on the top of the collar was just for decoration and did not need to be buttoned. You can vaguely see the faint dark lines on the throat and the corner of the wheat-colored pectoral muscles. The exquisitely tailored dress makes him look extraordinarily stylish.

When Suldak came out of the room, even the eyes of the maid guarding the door lit up.

For a long time, Suldak would wear leather armor or full-cover heavy armor to wrap himself tightly when he was not sleeping. He was more used to that kind of full-body attire.

When Suldak walked into the dining room, he heard Hathaway, Beatrice, and Sia sitting together, chatting in low voices about how beautifying and beautifying the skin, how well the spa treatment is...

Then the girls looked up and saw Suldak walking in from the outside, his face glowed like marble...

"Ah!...Dark, how did you do it? Have you been doing skin care every night recently?" Beatrice exaggeratedly shouted.

Suldak sat opposite Hathaway and said, "I recently discovered a secret to beauty!"

"What is it?"

"Say it quickly..."

"I would like to know!"

Suldak reached out and grabbed a piece of whole wheat bread, and said to the girls who were concentrating on listening to the secret: "That is, when I am promoted to a second-rank powerhouse, my body will activate some kind of resilience, which not only repairs the dark wounds in my body , along with the whole body seems to be full of vitality.”

Hathaway and Beatrice immediately showed disappointment on their faces.

"Hey! Hathaway, do you think we have a chance to become a second-rank powerhouse in this life?" Beatrice said.

"This is even slimmer than your chances of getting the blessing of eternal youth from the goddess of love..." Hathaway rested her chin on her hands, and looked at Suldak with narrowed blue eyes.

"As far as I know, for us magic weavers, the second-rank powerhouse only improves the affinity of the elemental power in the body, so as to transform the body into a carrier of magic elements. Only after being promoted to the third-rank sea priest can the magic power be born Source, so as to transform oneself with one's own strength..." Xi Ya looked at Suldak with some doubts.

"Ahem... Maybe it's because I'm a paladin, and I have the power of holy light in my body!"

After finishing speaking, Suldak stretched out his palm, and there was only a faint ray of holy light in his palm, which looked like a candle flickering in the wind, which might be extinguished at any time.

"You are really using the power of holy light to mend your body... I have never seen your holy light dry up like this!"

Siya widened her eyes and said to Suldak.

Butler Kenneth came to the restaurant at this time and said to Hathaway, "Miss, the magic caravan is ready."

Hathaway nodded to Butler Kenneth and said, "Butler Kenneth, we'll be there right away!"

Obviously, the appearance of Butler Kenneth in the restaurant at this time indicated that it was time to leave.

Suldak quickly grabbed two slices of bread and stuffed them into his mouth indiscriminately, and drank the milk in the glass in one gulp. When he stood up, the maid behind him came up to help him wipe the food residue from his mouth.

The four hurried to the steps outside the house, and a magic caravan was waiting quietly under the steps.

A group of people boarded the magic caravan in the Marquis Luthor's mansion.


The coachman drove the magic caravan to the Heroes Square in Bena City, and it happened to be around nine o'clock in the morning.

A group of city hall staff were busy around the hero statue in the square. Some people were laying a red carpet on the high platform. Some municipal staff pulled out the isolation belt in front of the hero statue. Some citizens had already gathered in the square.

Suldak, Hathaway and others walked across the square. Suldak showed his noble badge and indicated his identity before being taken to the preparation area for the award ceremony by the staff.

Hathaway, Beatrice, and Sia, as spectators, were assigned to the noble viewing area. The only difference between that and the commoner viewing area was that there were seats, and the rows were all back seats. At this time Many people have already sat down, and Hathaway also saw some familiar noble ladies...

Suldak was not the first one to come, and of course he was not the last one. With the reminder from Kenneth butler, he came at just the right time.

As for these honored young earls, Suldak had already met them at the dance last night, and now they get together to say hello casually. Anyway, everyone is a viscount with equal status, and no one looks down on the other. .

Although some are arrogant, some are kind, some are hypocritical, and some are serious, these young nobles gathered together, either the family has a huge territory and industry, or the family has a huge lord army...

Seeing Suldak rushing over, the municipal staff first confirmed his identity, then took a copy of the ceremony procedure, and began to tell him in detail about the entire ceremony procedure and the matters that need to be paid attention to in each procedure.

Because there are many nobles and civilians on the Heroes Square to watch the ceremony, there must be no mistakes in every link, otherwise, once they make a fool of themselves, they will become people's laughing stock.

Later, the staff also revealed to Surdak that there were special etiquette leading the way during the ceremony.

After Suldak received this series of temporary training, the young people who participated in the award ceremony got together.

This time everyone looked at Suldak, not as coldly as last night.

"I know you, if the war on the Ganbu plane hadn't ended too quickly, I really couldn't get away from the Luoqi plane and come back. I'm afraid I will join the coalition army to conquer the demons. I heard that the Ganbu plane The battle was very exciting, the army regained the lost ground all the way, and the entire Sai Ruoman Plateau unexpectedly divided into four armies, and you recovered all the way."

A young nobleman's eyes were filled with unconcealable envy, and he chattered to Suldak.

He wasn't like this last night, his chin was on the top of his head, and his fart was terrible.

Another young noble also took the opportunity to say:

"I heard that Lord MacDonnell was bewitched by demons, so he publicly announced the independence of the Ganbu plane. Emperor Charles has signed the death penalty notice. Now the death penalty notice is in the military headquarters. It is said that it will wait for MacDonnell. The war criminals of the Nai family were sent to the guillotine together."

I want Suldak, who is a senior member of the military and the controller of the Ganbu plane, to know these details.

"That's really great, when will he be sent to the guillotine?" Suldak asked.

"The exact time has not yet been set!" said the young nobleman.

The young nobleman who spoke first then asked:

"Viscount Suldak, where is the next battlefield for your army to fight? I mean, if you have a good goal, why don't you all form a coalition army so that we can have an absolute advantage in strength, even if When unpredictable things happen on the battlefield, everyone can share the loss.”

It seems that this man still wants to continue to earn some military merits, obviously he is not satisfied with his status as earl.

However, if you want to be promoted from an earl to a marquis, it is not something that can be settled in a single war.

Suldak scratched his head and replied seriously:

"Well, the army I formed before belonged to the military establishment, and now it has been taken back by the military department, so I don't have any troops to command for the time being. The only cavalry battalion is still performing garrison tasks on the Bailin plane. Ganbu The plane is only recruiting new troops, so there is no plan for the campaign yet."

The eyes of the young aristocrat who proposed to join forces showed, "If you don't have an army, what a joke..." But in his mouth, he said with great regret: "That's such a pity..."

Then he asked sincerely:

"Viscount Suldak, if you have no plans for an expedition, are you interested in serving as the deputy commander of my legion? As long as you can train my heavy armored infantry regiments to the state of your 20,000 heavy armored infantry soldiers, I can pay you a sum...gold coins, magic crystals or black magic crystals, it's up to you to choose."

Suldak reached out and rubbed his forehead, he was indeed a rich man...

Perhaps they had already shown what they believed to be the most sincere and friendly attitude, so Suldak could only explain: "I may accept the enlistment of the military department in the near future, and I will go to the big battlefield and hone there for a period of time."


Quiet, the surroundings suddenly became quiet.

It's like a big rooster among a flock of quail...

It turned out to be a rank two powerhouse, and the eyes of the young nobles finally revealed a hint of admiration...

That is a kind of respect for the strong.


Around ten o'clock in the morning, the Heroes' Square was already crowded with people.

The awarding ceremony was held in front of the statues of Bena swordsmen in the center of Heroes Square.

The nobles who watched the ceremony sat very neatly in the viewing area. Due to the frequent occurrence of plane wars in recent years, nobles died in battle every year, and new earls were born every year. The army cut them out one by one on the plane battlefield. Some people simply spent money to buy a large number of black magic crystals. There are definitely many people who are willing to sell unidentified black magic crystals.

Twelve young nobles who were about to be honored stood together neatly in formal attire. These young nobles were all of standard build, only Suldak was slightly taller.

Behind them are reliefs of the heroes of Benar, and at their feet are crowds of spectators.

The Speaker of the House of Representatives of Bena, Marquis Fred Dunstan, stood in the center of the high platform in front of the statues of the Bena swordsmen, facing the tens of thousands of spectators gathered in the square, holding a speech in his hand. In the center of a huge magic circle, this magic circle has the same effect as the magic circle in the opera troupe, which is to gather the sound and expand it before releasing it.

Speaker Fred Dunstan stepped onto the podium, facing the applause, he raised his hands to signal everyone to stop, and the surroundings were completely quiet before he preached loudly:

‘The Legion of Benar is an army of countless honors and victories.

In this era, there are many heroes in our province of Bena.

These young people have courage, justice, hope, wisdom and the spirit of not bowing to fate.

The flames of the Plane War have now spread to the entire territory of the Grimm Empire.

Every battlefield is bleeding almost all the time, and soldiers are sacrificed every day. In the test of blood and fire, life and death, this group of young nobles has become the best among them...'

The speech was a bit long, and Surdak and the other eleven young nobles waited for a long time beside the high platform.

At the end of July, the sun is really very venomous, and Suldak was even worried that the speaker would be overwhelmed and fainted on the podium.

But fortunately, Suldak's prediction did not happen. After Speaker Fred Dunstan finished his speech, he awarded these young nobles the title of Earl.

The young nobles lined up and stepped up to the dais.

Speaker Fred Dunstan said loudly: "At this moment, standing with you are the countless heroes and ancestors of the Benar province. I hope you can also uphold their glory and continue to carry forward the spirit of the Benar swordsmen... ..."

Suldak whispered in his heart: 'I am a knight! '

The two young female assistants behind, one holding an umbrella and the other carrying ice water, stood not far away, staring nervously at the speaker.

Speaker Fred Dunstan is wearing a heavy speaker gown. In order to show his nobility, the dress is cut from rune cloth. There is actually a blouse on the outside of the thick robe. There is also a blouse symbolizing the identity of the speaker Red, white and gold tricolor streamers, and a heavy crown on the head.

When awarding the Earl Medals to everyone, Suldak noticed that Chairman Fred Dunstan's face was a little flushed, which was obviously a sign of heatstroke.

The twelve young nobles stood together, and Speaker Fred Dunstan stepped forward to shake hands one by one, and said some words of encouragement, and personally put the earl badges on the chests of the young nobles.

Suldak felt that when the Speaker shook hands with him, his gaze became more cordial.

After the awarding ceremony, there was a round of applause in the square...

Suldak was also among them. For the speaker who showed a lot of kindness in his eyes, he wanted to throw out a holy light spell to make him feel better.

But there are a group of honored companions around him, and he doesn't want to be too independent. Seeing Chairman Fred Dunstan turn around and drink half a glass of ice water, and then drink half a bottle of light blue spiritual power potion, Sur Darke felt that Speaker Fred Dunstan shouldn't have any major problems.

Just looking at him needing to be supported even to walk, it is obvious that he is exhausted to the extreme.

The awarding ceremony was successfully completed, the nobles on the square who watched the ceremony left early, and a large number of people also left the Heroes Square from all directions.

Many people gathered on the streets of the city, singing the praises of heroes loudly...

But just as Suldak stepped off the high platform and was about to join Hathaway and Beatrice who were waiting in the restaurant opposite Heroes Square, the staff of the city hall hurried over and joined Suldak's He whispered in his ear:

"The Marquis Luther sent us to invite you over. Speaker Fred Dunstan fainted and injured himself..."

That's all for today

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