Lord Highlander

Chapter 1120 1106. Speaker

The scene of the ceremony was a bit chaotic, and the city hall has already begun to organize a large group of staff to clean Heroes Square.

Suldak followed the worker to the corner of the steps behind the statues. There was a large group of people around here. The worker could only squeeze a way out of the crowd and dragged Suldak in. .

Squeezing into the middle of the crowd, Suldak immediately saw Chairman Fred Dunstan lying on a stretcher with three centimeters of wounds on the corners of his eyes and cheekbones. Even the gown and tiara were stained a bit.

Marquis Luther was also at the scene. After seeing Suldak, he quickly said to him:

"Dark, come and help Chairman Fred Dunstan treat the wound."

Suldak immediately leaned over and saw that Chairman Fred Dunstan was in a coma, and his breathing seemed a little weak.

Chairman Fred is old and not in good health. In such a hot weather and wearing such a thick dress, he himself suffered from heat stroke. Such a fall made him pass out directly.

Suldak patted Lord Speaker's blood-stained cheek with his hand, and whispered a few words in his ear, but Speaker Fred Dunstan still didn't wake up.

At this time, Siya had also been brought over by a municipal worker. Wearing the beautiful dress she bought last night, she squeezed to Suldak's side.

A mass of holy light had already gathered in the palm of Suldak's hand, and Sia also understood Suldak's eyes at this time, and quickly guided a stream of water to clean the wound on Fred Dunstan's face. .

Although his face was covered in blood, the fall was actually not heavy.

Xi Ya condensed a ball of water to wash away the blood on Fred Dunstan's face, revealing the original wound, and a hydrotherapy technique fell with the sound of "crashing", making the wound grow a thin layer. A thin film of oil stopped the bleeding.

The nobles who were watching let out a low cry...

Suldak also cast the Holy Light spell on Chairman Fred Dunstan's body, and then roughly checked his body with his hands, but found no fractures.

At this moment, Sia took out a sewing kit from the magic pocket at the waist according to the method of dealing with wounds on the battlefield, took out a threaded steel needle, and sewed up the wound on the speaker's face, and then used A hemostatic bandage covers the wound.

After doing this, Suldak stood up from the stretcher and said to a group of nobles including Marquis Luther:

"Chairman Fred Dunstan is fine, but he is a little weak and suffering from heatstroke."

He turned his head and said to the female assistant following Speaker Fred Dunstan:

"After the speaker wakes up, let him have a good rest in a ventilated and cool room, and pay attention to drinking plenty of water."

After finishing speaking, Suldak stood up with Xi Ya, and said to Marquis Luther:

"If a more detailed physical examination is required, I need a quieter treatment room..."

Marquis Luther didn't even think about it, and immediately told the staff of the city hall: "You go to find a hotel across the square and choose a clean room. The Speaker needs to take a rest."

The staff hurriedly passed through Heroes' Square and ran towards the largest hotel opposite.

Marquis Luther said to Suldak: "Then give Speaker Fred Dunstan a detailed physical examination. How long will it take for him to wake up?"

Suldak quickly explained: "Currently falling into a coma is a self-protection of his body. His body is a bit overdrawn. More sleep will be good for his body. It may not take long for him to wake up."

The staff here have already lifted the stretcher, and surrounded by a group of people, they are walking towards the high-end hotel called Santarém.

A group of nobles followed, and Suldak planned to follow, but Marquis Luther held Suldak behind him, and whispered to Suldak:

"Fred Dunstan has been the Speaker of the House of Representatives of Bena Province for almost ten years. You should try to wake him up and make him feel that he owes you a favor."

Suldak nodded quickly, indicating that he understood.

Then immediately walk a few steps quickly and catch up with the stretcher.

The hotel owner personally stood at the door of the hotel to greet Speaker Fred Dunstan, and the staff carried a stretcher to the most luxurious bedroom on the third floor.

Suldak made a little arrangement in the adjoining room, making it a makeshift treatment room.

He opened the sacrificial altar in the room, and then asked the staff to carry Chairman Fred Dunstan into the room and let him lie flat on the big bed.

It is actually very simple to make him wake up quickly. Suldak sacrificed the head of a hellhound, and first used the "Eye of Reality" to conduct a full-body examination on Chairman Fred Dunstan. The face lowered the blessing of the 'Blessed Body'.

Under the vision of the Eye of Reality, you can clearly see the circulation of the blood vessels. Chairman Fred Dunstan's physical condition is not optimistic. He is a bit old, and the functions of organs in various parts of his body are declining. However, this Chairman Adults still seem to have a young heart.

Suldak discovered that Chairman Fred Dunstan's fall today was actually just an inducement for the heatstroke fainting, and it was mainly caused by the lack of energy and blood after the body of the Chairman was hollowed out.

Suldak asked Sia to perform hydrotherapy on Chairman Fred Dunstan...

Although the healing effect of hydrotherapy is quite good, it actually doesn't need to be cast twice in a short period of time.

The actual principle of this water magic is only to speed up the body's metabolism and allow the wound to heal quickly. The healing time is greatly shortened, but the pain effect is also doubled.

So after Chairman Fred Dunstan cried out in pain, he finally woke up.

Suldak quickly canceled the sacrificial ceremony, and let the relatives and friends who were waiting in the living room outside the bedroom enter the bedroom.

Not long after that, Speaker Fred Dunstan's family also arrived one after another. With the help of the recovery power of the 'Blessed Body', Speaker Fred Dunstan lay on the bed, recovering well.

When he heard the entourage talking about it, it was the young Earl Suldak who woke him up. The Chairman Fred Dunstan immediately expressed his gratitude to Suldak in person.

Suldak then said to the speaker:

"Master Speaker, your body is seriously deficient. Not only do you need to eat some magical beast ingredients that increase your vitality, you also need to pay more attention to rest..."

Suldak even heard a disdainful snort from behind, probably from a certain lady. He turned his head slightly and glanced back, seeing that the ladies surrounded by the chairman's bed were separated from each other. From a certain distance, it is guessed that the relationship between these ladies may not be very harmonious.

And when the wives of the speaker looked at the two female assistants beside the speaker, their faces were extremely gloomy. Only then did Suldak understand why the vitality of the speaker Fred Dunstan was so bad. no more.

Chairman Fred Dunstan lay pale on the hotel bed, and expressed his gratitude to Suldak for his rescue, and Suldak was finally able to escape...

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