Lord Highlander

Chapter 1122: 1108. Battle Pass

In the study of Marquis Luther, Suldak said to Speaker Fred Dunstan who was sitting on the sofa:

"And this magic pattern does not require you to continuously input power."

"..." Chairman Fred Dunstan looked at Suldak in surprise, and asked in disbelief: "You mean that there is a kind of magic pattern that does not require my strength, but can also improve my physical fitness ?”

"That's about it!" Suldak replied with a nod.

Speaker Fred Dunstan couldn't wait to ask: "When can you help me make an appointment with the inscription master to inscribe this magic pattern?"

"Actually, it's not an inscription, but a colonization, because it will become a part of your body and bring you some power." Suldak corrected.

"It doesn't matter to me, I just want to know when I can engrave this kind of magic pattern?" Chairman Fred Dunstan's eyes shone with brilliance.

Suldak thought for a while before saying, "Um, it's fine tonight!"

There is only a narrow lane between the residence of the Duke of Dunstan and the residence of the Duke of Newman.

This is a large manor with an area of ​​nearly 20 acres. There are beautiful gardens in front and back of the main house. Suldak was directly led into the courtyard where Chairman Fred Dunstan lived alone by his attendants.

According to Suldak's request, the butler prepared a guest room for him as a treatment room, and Siya was following him as a water magician at the moment. Suldak told the speaker that Siya was the A mage who colonized the magic pattern.

At this time, it was no secret that Siya was a magician of the Naga Sea clan.

Although the wives of Speaker Dunstan are not in favor of the colonization of the magic pattern, but the insistence of Speaker Dunstan himself...

After Suldak arranged the treatment room properly, he asked Chairman Fred Dunstan to lie on the soft big bed, and then, with the help of Sia, implanted the magic power of 'strength and toughness' on the lower back of the Chairman. Although there was a small problem caused by loose skin, in general, the colonization of the magic pattern was quite successful.

Suldak found that this 'strength and toughness' life magic pattern is really versatile.

He originally wanted to plant a life magic pattern like 'Earth Nourishment' or 'Physical Restoration' into the Speaker, or 'Petrified Skin' would be good too, but Suldak doesn't have this kind of life magic pattern in his hand for the time being. If there is no pattern, it can only be replaced by 'strength and toughness'.

After colonizing the magic pattern, Chairman Fred Dunstan did not ask Suldak to pay any reward, but asked the butler to send a magic caravan to send Suldak back to the Marquis Luthor's mansion.


On the first day of August, Marquis Luther received a pass and a letter of recommendation from the military headquarters with great joy.

This pass to the big battlefield has been suppressed by the military department for nearly three months, and now it is finally issued to Suldak in the name of the military department, and he is limited to report to the big battlefield within one month.

After receiving this pass, Suldak realized that it was actually an advanced directional teleportation scroll. As long as this pass was activated, he could enter the rumored battlefield.

The other letter of recommendation was written by Fred Dunstan, the chairman of the House of Representatives of Bena Province, and this letter will be forwarded by Suldak to Adolphus Dunstan of the Blue Bridge Fortress.

That's right, Chairman Fred Dunstan's uncle, Adolphus Dunstan, is a three-turn swordsmanship master and an officer of the Blue Bridge Fortress in the Great Battlefield.

After a series of hints from Marquis Luther, Suldak finally got this extremely precious letter of recommendation.

This can also be regarded as a talisman carefully prepared by Marquis Luther for Suldak.

After dinner, Suldak and Marquis Luther sat on the terrace on the third floor to enjoy the cool air.

Only then did Marquis Luther introduce the situation of the battle venue to Suldak:

"There is an eternal battlefield where angels and demons fought for countless centuries. After the World Stone was destroyed by the angel Tyrael, the eternal battlefield was divided into thirteen pieces floating in chaotic time and space. This large battlefield is not only connected to the city of the sky, but also to the gate of hell, and there are several main planes such as Roland Continent."

"For a long time, the human dwarves, elves, orcs on the Roland Continent have joined hands to occupy the passage leading to the Roland Continent from the Eternal Battlefield, controlling the King Kong Gate connected to this side. This battlefield is also one of the thirteen independent battlefields. The big battlefield where humans and demons fight head-to-head."

"It is said that a strong man recently saw the scene of angels and demons fighting in the void on this big battlefield."

"But it's not that our Grimm Empire is facing the Hell Demons alone. On this battlefield, the Grimm Empire only has a small garrison area in the northwest corner. Our second-rank fighters have established dozens of fortresses and sentry."

"Every second-rank powerhouse has the duty to guard the eternal battlefield..."

"Dark, once this battlefield falls into the opponent's hands, the demons will control the gate to Roland's continent."

"According to the agreement signed by the Roland Continental Alliance Army, occupying more territory on this battlefield can allocate more resources and benefits on the battlefield every year. Of course, this is the relationship between the Green Empire and other alliance kingdoms. For the game, we just need to obey orders, and for the first time you go to the big battlefield, you should hide in the Blue Bridge Fortress and familiarize yourself with the situation there."

"You only need to live for three months before you can write an application for returning to your home country due to injury."

"If you think the life over there is okay, you can also complete the six-month rotation period. After all, for the strong, the big battlefield is full of opportunities."

The words of Marquis Luther are not the only interpretations of the big battlefield that Suldak has heard from the strong in the recent period, but they are the most detailed and have a clear purpose. Suldak on the battlefield first stayed in the Blue Bridge Fortress, and if he couldn't adapt to the environment, he would get sick and run back after three months.

If you can adapt to the environment, then take the opportunity to go hunting...

Marquis Luther said the last sentence because he knew that Suldak had a combat partner who was a red dragon.

Suldak weighed the pass, and asked Marquis Luther, "Master Marquis, I want to know if I can bring some of my subordinates to the battlefield this time?"

"Yes, but it's only limited to rank-two powerhouses who haven't entered the big battlefield, and the number of teleporters cannot exceed five at the same time." Marquis Luther explained to Suldak.

Speaking of which, Suldak intends to bring Andrew, Samira, and Gulitum to the big battlefield together. He thought of the ogre brothers, and wondered whether they would count as one or two when they were introduced to the big battlefield...

On the afternoon of August 2nd, Andrew led 500 cavalry through the portal of the Bailin plane and entered the city of Bena smoothly...

The next morning, the 200,000 sheep that Suldak bought in the Bailin plane were driven out of the back garden of Duke Newman's mansion by the shepherds...

Adjust the status, there is no update today

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