Lord Highlander

Chapter 1123 1109. Preparations Before the Wedding

The sheep entered the city of Bena at 4 am on August 3rd.

The Avenue of the Duke of Newman in the northern part of the city of Bena is 15 kilometers long from east to west. This avenue is the widest avenue in front of the Castle of the Duke of Newman. There are two gates closest to the Duke of Newman's mansion, which are located at No. 10 of the North City Wall. City Gate and Gate No. 11.

With the Duke Newman's Mansion as the center, walk five kilometers east along the Duke's Avenue to the No. 10 gate of the North City Wall, and walk five kilometers west along the Duke's Avenue to the No. 11 City Gate on the North City Wall.

These are also the two shortest avenues on the way from the Duke's Mansion to the outside of the city.

On both sides are almost the cavalry of the independent cavalry battalion of the Luthor Legion. These cavalry are blocking the intersection of each street to prevent the flock of sheep from fleeing into the city.

More than a hundred aboriginal herdsmen from the Bailin plane held long leather whips, rode ancient Bolai horses, and followed the flock of sheep on the central street before dawn.

The aboriginal herdsmen came to the bustling city of Bena for the first time, and they didn't even know where to go, so they could only keep driving their flocks forward.

The shops on both sides of the street are closed, but this allows the herdsmen to look around without being ridiculed by the city people.

When passing by those black street light poles along the street, these herdsmen rode on horseback, reached out to touch each cold light pole, looked at the soft light emanating from the glass cover above their heads, everyone's eyes were full of Novelty.

These sheep are not walking slowly, as long as they stand still for a while, they will get whipped by the shepherds on their backs.

They were a bit noisy, screaming 'baa baa baa' all the way, the citizens living on the street were woken up, when they opened the window and were about to yell at the long street, they saw the morning light, the street was full of people. Like an endless cotton field, I was stunned by the scenery in front of me.

"My God, Myrican, come here and see what's going on here?"

Standing at the window on the second floor, wearing silk pajamas, the housewife with curly hair let out a piercing scream.

Gulitum and Samira waited outside the city with 300 first-rank fighters from the Ganbu plane. This time, Suldak temporarily rented a large farm outside the northern city as a temporary shelter for the flock.

Seeing the flock of sheep rushing out of the city gate mightily, the two-headed ogre stood by the moat and felt quite emotional for a while.

All the intersections are blocked by one-turn soldiers, so the sheep hardly need to identify the direction, they can only trot forward in the only passage, as long as they run a little slower, the horns behind them will touch the front ones On the sheep's butt...

The entire process of 200,000 sheep passing through the portal lasted for nearly four hours, and the route only involved a part of the Duke Avenue not far from the north city wall. Although it caused a certain degree of congestion in Bena City, it only involved Go to the city gates No. 10 and No. 11.

This time a large number of sheep entered the city of Bena, Suldak had already applied to the military department five days ago, and he had also made three different emergency plans.

Although the scene in the morning was a bit chaotic, there were no emergencies.

Seeing the last flock of sheep trotting out of the city gate, the herdsmen rushed out following the flock with whips, Andrew let out a sigh of relief as he rode on the horse. This was only the first flock of sheep, and there will be a flock of cattle tomorrow morning. Although the number is only one-tenth of the flock, in terms of scale, it is not much smaller than the flock.

"Boss, why do you want to buy so many cattle and sheep? You don't want to drive them to a barren land to eat sand?" Andrew asked Suldak with a smile.

"Did no one tell you that I occupy a large territory in the Ganbu plane?" Suldak rode his mount and stood side by side with Andrew in the city gate.

More than fifty night watchmen are sweeping the street. So many sheep pass by here, the street is full of sheep manure and eggs, and the smell of mutton is everywhere.

Andrew said with a look of surprise: "So the news sent back to Bai Lin is true? They said that you occupied a small plane..."

"Almost, it's just that the land has just been swept away by the demon army, and now there is a large piece of lush grassland, and you can't even see a rabbit. I'll buy some cattle and sheep to revive it." Suldak clapped his hands together. On Andrew's shoulder, he said again: "I'm asking you to come here this time. I'm afraid I won't be able to return to Dodan Town for the time being. Has the matter over there been arranged?"

Andrew stretched out his hand to appease the agitated horse, smiled and said to Suldak:

"The cavalry regiment has already explored the edges of the Anya Swamp and the Three Rivers Plain. I originally planned to wait for you to return to Dodan Town, choose a direction, and then expand the territory outward. After receiving your letter, I will be independent. Let the veterans of the cavalry regiment re-arrange, although they are unable to open up the territory, it is completely fine for them to take the young soldiers recruited from the aboriginal tribe to guard the Invercargill Forest."

Suldak nodded and said, "That's good, you will go to the big battlefield with me in a few days."

"That's really great. I've wanted to see what a demon warrior looks like for a long time..." Andrew waved his arms excitedly.

The two rode through the city gate and followed behind the sheep. The cavalry on the street, led by their respective captains, gathered behind them one after another.

These cavalry have been promoted to rank one cavalry, and their mounts are also strengthened ancient Bolai horses, wearing full-covered heavy armor, they are elite heavy cavalry.

Suldak glanced behind him and said to Andrew:

"I brought back three hundred first-rank fighters from the city. You bring them back to Dodan Town and add them to the cavalry battalion."

"The five hundred cavalry warriors you brought over, I will take them to Mukusuo on the Ganbu plane. I plan to form a cavalry regiment there, and I will probably select a group of officers from among them..."

Gulitum and Samira were waiting by the moat. When they saw Suldak and Andrew coming out of the city with a group of familiar cavalrymen, the ogre shouted excitedly: "Andrew, long time no see... "

After the two met, they excitedly tapped each other's chest muscles with their fists.

Samira approached on horseback, and Andrew hugged her on horseback.

"Sorry, the capacity of the Invercargill Forest is relatively tight now, and the armed Thunder Rhino has been undertaking the main transportation task of the copper mine..." Andrew said to Samira.

Samira pursed her lips slightly, smiled and said nothing.

It seemed that Samira was not in a good mood, and Andrew was even more afraid to chat with her.

The next morning, Suldak was busy driving the 20,000 cattle bought from the Bailin plane out of Bena City. Three hundred aboriginal herdsmen and five hundred cavalry drove the twenty thousand cattle and 200,000 sheep headed towards the city of Ruyt in the Tarapakan area by land.

It is estimated that such a large group of cattle will take almost a month to reach Ruyt City.

Now the price of cotton and sheep in Mukuso city's livestock market fluctuates between fifteen silver coins and twenty silver coins, and the price of Stein's cows is even as high as three gold coins a head, which is almost the price of livestock in the Bailin plane. three times.

Suldak only spent 30,000 gold coins to buy these animals this time, but if he wants to go all the way to Ruyt City, excluding the animals lost on the way, Suldak needs to pay 10,000 taels for the travel expenses alone. Thousands of gold coins, of which 10,000 gold coins are to pay for the portal fee of the Bailin plane, and 900 of the other 2,000 gold coins will be paid to the travel expenses of 300 aboriginal herdsmen.

The other 1,100 gold coins are the fodder for the cattle and sheep along the way and some unforeseen expenses. The weeds on the roadside cannot feed so many cattle and sheep, and it is estimated that sleeping in the open every day will cost a lot of gold.

If Suldak hadn't been the consul of Ruyt City and Mukuso City, this business of cattle trafficking across two planes would probably only have a 50% profit.

But in the hands of Suldak, you can get 100% of the profits.

In addition, he will not sell all these cattle and sheep, half of them will be driven to the pasture in Sangpu Town on the Sai Ruoman Plateau.

Suldak handed over the task of transporting livestock within the territory of Bena province to the ogre Gulitum.

And Samira led three hundred first-rank fighters from the Ganbu plane, and embarked on a journey to Duodan Town, the Bailin plane.

Andrew took advantage of these few days to pass through the portal of the Duke's Mansion and return to the city of Wojmara, the plane of Maca, to reunite with his family for a few days.


In order to be able to maintain the best figure at the wedding, Hathaway and Beatrice have been living an ascetic life in recent days, drinking only two slices of whole wheat bread and a glass of water a day, in order to avoid the consequences of dieting. His complexion is yellow and ugly, and he is doing all kinds of skin care and maintenance almost every day.

During this period of time, Xi Ya became the little follower of the two of them.

During this period of time, Xi Ya used her unique understanding of water magic to develop some one-time magic scrolls such as facial masks and eye stickers. They are simply the best-selling magic items in Bena City. The ladies in the city are looking for them everywhere. Water-like magic skin care products, unfortunately, except for the high-end cosmetics store at No. 59 Aio Avenue, other shops have never heard of these things.

For a while, even the water-type magicians in Bena City were highly sought after. Unfortunately, the water-type magicians of the Naga tribe drawn by Sia on the simple scrolls could not be seen by the water-type magicians in the magic union for a short time. the mystery.

So the invitations sent by the ladies who wanted to invite Hathaway and Beatrice to afternoon tea every day almost filled their beds.

In the few days before the wedding, since all the preparations for the wedding were made by the Marquis Luther's House, Suldak was rarely at leisure.

Suldak would lie quietly on the deck chair by the pool every day, looking at the swordsmanship experience and knight construction experience that Earl Gophero gave him, and at night he would let himself soak in the bathtub, and he would be refreshed all night In the deep consciousness of the sea of ​​consciousness, he swam towards the ice and snow continent against the huge waves.

The suit weapon on Suldak's waist has a tricky name, which is engraved in the blood groove of the blade. It is called "Isenhard's Branding Iron of Light".

When Suldak injects the power of holy light into it, this broadsword will exude a light golden radiance. This is a broadsword, just enough for Suldak to understand the understanding of broadswords in the swordsmanship experience .

Bena Province has always been the hometown of swordsmen. Surdak found that this book almost summed up the fighting skills of broadswords. If this book was shown to a novice, he would not There is no way to understand the description of the battle scene in the notes, but for a second-rank powerhouse like Suldak, some places seem to be a dead end, but now a window is pushed open from the side, or found in the corner I opened a secret door, so I can still go this way.

But Suldak is a knight after all, when he fights, he still holds a shield in his other hand...

The second Constructed Knight's experience is simple and practical. It just talks about how to integrate the Constructed Knight with the horse in battle. You must also touch the power of the horse.

For example, 'charging' means that the knight uses the speed of the horse to penetrate the opponent's body with the knight's spear in his hand.

Well, this Constructed Knight's Experience explains how to lend the magic power of the magic pattern to the war horse, so that it can maintain sufficient physical strength during the march, and it can explode faster than usual when it charges. You must know that cavalry are often attacked by the enemy on the opposite side when they charge. If you can use speed to shorten the charge time, it seems that you can reduce casualties...

Every time Hathaway, Beatrice and Sia came back from outside, they would sit with Suldak by the pool for a while.

Suldak will also take the whole bag of red crystals to visit the red dragon Iser in the treasure chamber when he is free, and discuss some topics about the rune language with this big guy, but Suldak and Iser But I never talked about the armor of the dragon knight on the platform.

It can be seen that Iser should still be very resistant to this set of armor.

"Dark, when will you come to Istanbul?" Every time the red dragon would ask Suldak in such a resentful manner.

"What's the matter... Otherwise, you can also try War Summoning, maybe you can summon me there!" Suldak sat opposite the red dragon.

In front of Iser, Suldak was pitifully small...

"Of course you will go with me to drive away the demon on that volcano. I think you are not strong enough now." The red dragon made no secret of his contempt for Suldak's strength.

"I'm trying to improve myself every day, and I think I've made a lot of progress recently." After finishing speaking, Suldak launched his own "momentum".

Then penetrate the angel's power into his body, activate the holy battle armor suspended on the door with spiritual power, and let it appear on him.

Although Suldak couldn't last thirty seconds in this state, the surging holy aura made Iser a little dazed.

Every time Suldak waited for Iser to fall asleep soundly, he would quietly leave this secret room.

There's another chapter later

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