Lord Highlander

Chapter 1127 1113. Dak is married. The bride is not me

Suldak picked up this warm-touch horn, and the gold pattern inlaid on it had a tinge of magic power, which made him feel that even the magic breath emanating from the Sky Strike Bow in Samira's hand was not there. The Horn of Glory in front of me is very strong.

Unexpectedly, it took just one month for Archmage Morrison to bring back an epic magical weapon from the imperial capital.

Suldak hugged Archmage Morrison tightly again. At this time, Archmage Harper also placed a hundred sets of magic pattern structures in the room, and the bedroom immediately became a warehouse.

After Suldak left the bedroom with the two archmages, a door to the void suddenly appeared on the wall next to the bed in the bedroom.

Aphrodite walked out of the Void Gate with a face full of helplessness. She didn't even look at the boxes made of magic patterns, she stepped on the soft carpet with bare feet, approached the window, and hid behind the gauze curtain Looking enviously at the ball in the back garden outside the window.

She secretly opened a gap in the window, allowing the elegant music from the back garden to enter the room.

Looking down at the robe she was wearing, Aphrodite put her hands on her waist and bowed slightly to the floor-to-ceiling bronze mirror on the side. Following the melodious melody, she danced a ballroom dance with the mirror, and she danced in front of the mirror. Dancing, Aphrodite in the mirror looked a little blurry, and followed her to do the same.

Just when the two sides exchanged positions, a strange scene appeared in the room. Aphrodite stepped into the mirror with a magic robe swinging, and Aphrodite in the mirror walked out proudly. Blurred, especially her face, but her body is more charming, and the most eye-catching place is that behind her is a pair of black wings, the black and purple luster of the devil's wings with faint magic patterns.

What she was wearing was not a magic robe, but silk stockings and a short skirt with comfortable hood. Cup-style underwear. The skin color on her body also became snow white, forming a sharp contrast between black and white.

Aphrodite in the mirror was wearing a tube-shaped magic robe, following her jumping out calmly.

After half a dance, Aphrodite walked out of the mirror just as the music was about to end.

Aphrodite, who had full wings outside the bronze mirror, walked into the mirror eagerly. The moment she walked into the bronze mirror, she even waved goodbye to Aphrodite.

Afterwards, the room returned to normal, and Aphrodite turned her head to glance at the bronze mirror, and conveniently put the dust cover next to it on it.

Then start to put these magic sealing boxes into the magic pocket alone, this is definitely an extremely boring job.

After transporting all the Earth-Sealing Magic Boxes back to the lava mine in Pustules Mountain, she went back to the room to clean up the remaining traces. Finally, she shook her long hair and stepped into the Gate of Void with a face of reluctance.


All the 300 first-rank fighters arrived in Dodan Town, and Samira settled them in the barracks. These first-rank fighters who came here from the Ganbu plane, Suldak planned to train them to become elite cavalry. That's why they were sent to the barracks in Dodan Town.

After arranging everything here, Samira will rush back to Ruyt City as soon as possible to join Suldak and the others, and will enter the battlefield with Suldak at the end of this month.

A group of archers were practicing archery in the shooting range. When they saw Samira suddenly appearing in the barracks, they immediately stopped their archery training and lined up in a neat row on the shooting range to salute Samira.

Samira waved her hands a little irritably, telling the archers to scatter, what to do.

He walked alone to the single building in the center of the barracks.

The steps at the entrance of the small building were already covered with dust. It seemed that no one had come to the small building for a long time. The pointed boots left a line of footprints on the wooden steps. Samira walked up the steps and pushed the small building away. The wooden door of the building is half-hidden.

The sofa in the living room is covered with linen. Go up the wooden stairs to the second floor. There is a bedroom belonging to Samira. When you open the door, the furnishings in the room are still as they were before she left. A sat on the white single bed, stretched out his hand to open the window of the attic, and listened to the familiar voice of passwords on the playground.

At this moment, she seemed to have let go of all her defenses, lying on the bed a little tired, curling her body into a baby's position.

Close your eyes and feel the breath here quietly.

In Dodan Town in August, the thorny mountain was almost completely covered by clouds and fog, and the air was full of moist water vapor.

Samira fell asleep quickly in bed.

In the dream, she entered a lush field. Between the blue sky and the green grass, there was only her young girl in a white dress. She looked around in a panic and ran heartily on the grass, but this grass was like There is no end to it, she has been running from a young age to an adult, from the first two steps of one meter to the current one step of seven or eight meters...

But this world still has no end, just when she was at a loss, there was a familiar aura around her, like a big transparent hand pointing straight ahead.

She seemed to have found her way again, and started to run vigorously. She ran to the top of a hill, and there was a tall golden tree growing on the grass in the distance...

At this moment, the elven blood in Samira's body began to become agitated, like a raging tide hitting her body.

The phantom of a great elf suddenly appeared beside her, and the phantom became more solid, merging with Samira who was lying on the bed.

Samira Zhong opened her eyes from the bed, a flash of light flashed in her light red eyes.

Even she herself didn't expect that she would advance to the next level while lying on the bed and falling asleep...

Holding the window sill with one hand, he got out of the attic window and sat alone on the roof.

In the empty field of the military camp in the distance, a group of riders were washing the armed Thunder Rhino. Those huge shelves were placed beside them, and the wooden house above the platform had already been painted with a layer of varnish.

The town of Dodan is located at the southern entrance of the Dodan Canyon, with towering thorny mountains on both sides, so the evening comes very early...


"Samila, are you back?" Signa stood under the small building, wrinkled her little nose, and raised her head to greet Samira on the roof. Next to her stood Nika who had grown a lot taller .

Signa asked again: "Why didn't Dark come back with you?"

Samira waved at Signa and Nika, signaling that they could come up and sit with her for a while, but said in his mouth: "He is busy getting married in Bena City at this time, and married two noble ladies."

Signa didn't go into the small building, but stood outside the small building and raised her head and said, "He doesn't want you?"

"..." Samira rolled her eyes angrily.

Signa didn't seem to notice it at all, and said to Nika beside her, "No, I'm going to look for him in Bena City..."

As he said that, he threw off his short legs and ran outside the barracks.

"Signa! Slow down, you wait for me." Nika followed behind Signa and shouted.

There are often cavalry coming in from the outside in the barracks, and they ride very fast on horseback.

If you don't pay attention, you will be in trouble if you are hit by a war horse rushing in from outside.

"Nika, you want to go with me?" Signa stopped and asked doubtfully.

Nika had relatively long legs. She caught up with Signa, grabbed her hand, told her to walk slowly, and said, "I won't go, I will stay here and help him take care of the Twin Goddess Temple."

Signa was like a deflated ball, sitting on the grass by the side of the road, pursing her mouth and whispering:

"Forget it, I know he will marry those two noble ladies sooner or later, so I won't go either, I'll just stay here and wait for him to come back!"

Samira jumped off the roof, threw a small box at Signa's feet, and turned to leave.

Signa asked the half-elf archer, "What is this?"

Samira said without looking back: "He prepared a gift for you."


After a busy day, Selena returned to the riverside cabin in the magic caravan.

The coachman jumped down from the driver's seat very deftly, and opened the door courteously.

Selena stepped out of the carriage, pushed open the wooden fence door, and said to the coachman, "Come and pick me up early tomorrow. I'm going to the free market in town to check some prices."

"Okay, Mrs. Selena!" The coachman replied quickly.

Walk into the wooden house, take off some stuck leather shoes, pick up a glass of juice with bare feet, and then pick up a thick parchment book and walk to the terrace outside the wooden house. Outside the railing is the flowing river.

Selena sat down and read a book quietly for a while.

The sound of brisk footsteps came from outside the yard. You didn’t need to turn your head to know that it was Signa and Nika who had returned. Sure enough, the footsteps were accompanied by Signa’s chattering complaints:

"What is this? Do you think I can appease my anger with such a gift?"

Selena glanced at her angry daughter, and Nika stood aside cautiously. It seemed that the two should have disagreed on something.

"Selena, let's go to Bena City to find him, this time I support you!" Signa said to her mother.

Selena looked at Signa in surprise, and asked suspiciously, "What are we going to do after arriving in Bena City?"

"We snatched him back from the wedding, and then we went back to Wall Village together!" Signa said angrily, but the voice behind her was much quieter.

In fact, Signa's childhood in Wall Village was not good. The children in the village isolated her, and she even hid under Selena's skirt for a long time.

On the contrary, in Dodan Town, there are friends like Nika and Siya, and walking in the town, no matter the nobles or the common people, they respect her when they see her.

She enjoyed the respect she deserved.

"I kind of miss the old days, Selena, I'm kind of homesick!" Signa muttered.

The trickling river made a 'gurgling' sound.

In the quiet night, a crescent moon hangs in the night sky...

The river was sparkling and flowing slowly towards the west, leaving only a vague outline of the Zhanzheng College in the silence of the night.

There is only one update today, rest

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