Lord Highlander

Chapter 1128: 1114. Noble Life

To the sound of music, the nobles danced on the dance floor in the garden of the Marquis Mansion.

Suldak danced two consecutive dances and stood beside the dance floor with a glass of juice. Karl came out from nowhere at this time, with a young noble lady on his arm. It seemed that he had just arrived at the ball know.

"Dark, thank you for the horse you prepared for me." Karl put his hand on Suldak's shoulder and said happily.

"It's good if you like it!" After Suldak finished speaking, he waved to the waiter at the side, ordered a glass of golden cider for Karl, and asked the female companion next to Karl, "What would this beautiful lady want to drink?" ?”

The aristocratic lady had beautiful eyes, probably because of the heavy makeup that concealed her real youth, making her look more mature than her real age.

She raised her head slightly, admiringly and curiously asked Suldak: "Count Suldak, I have been hearing some rumors about you recently, are you a dragon knight?"

"I'm not!" Suldak said.

He casually took a glass of juice for the young noble lady, and said in his heart: 'I do know a young red dragon, but that doesn't mean I'm a dragon knight'.

There was an unconcealable disappointment in the eyes of the noble lady, Karl stretched out his hand to wrap her soft waist, and whispered: "Let's go dancing..."

After speaking, he took the little hand of the noble lady and got into the dance floor.

Hathaway and Beatrice were entangled by a group of noble ladies at this time. Recently, the magic scrolls of Xiya have become very popular in the noble circles of Bena City. Even at the wedding ball, many noble ladies were Ask them both about it.

Suldak finally took advantage of this opportunity and stood by the dance floor to catch his breath.

The procedure of the wedding ceremony of the Bena nobles was very complicated, and they finally persisted.

Near the pool, Lance held a glass of wine and tried to chat with Sia...

Xi Ya sat by the pool, took off her beautiful crystal dancing shoes, and put her fair feet into the water, not paying attention to Lance at all.

Rita is not very good at dancing, so she can only sit quietly in the corner of the ball holding a juice. Fortunately, Daniela Knight is by her side. The two of them will occasionally go to pick some delicious food, and then return to the corner seat.

The evening dance was finally over when the clock struck midnight in town.

As the hosts of the ball, Suldak, Hathaway, and Beatrice persisted until the end of the ball.

They sent all the guests out of the Marquis's mansion, and Hathaway and Beatrice returned to the back garden with Suldak's arms on the left and right.

The servants were sweeping the yard, and the whole back garden looked messy after the ball.

Stepping on the red carpet, Hathaway lifted her feet and took off her crystal shoes and threw them on the grass.

Beatrice's eyes lit up, and she followed Hathaway's action and took off her dancing shoes. She even took off her stockings, stepped on the carpet with bare feet, and said with a long breath: "It's much more comfortable."

Passing through the corridor in the back garden of the Marquis Mansion, and climbing up the tower along the spiral staircase, Hathaway pushed open the door, and the room was filled with flowers.

Hathaway glanced at Beatrice nervously, she bit her rosy lips, and tightly twisted her skirt with her fingers.

Beatrice, on the other hand, was much more generous. She waved her hand to call a maid, and asked her to help untie the tie at the back of the evening dress. Hair spread out.

"I need to take a shower first..."

After finishing speaking, he rushed into the bathroom with his maids barefoot.

Suldak turned his head and looked at Hathaway. Hathaway blushed, and raised her skirt in a panic to catch up: "Let's wash together, Beatrice wait for me..."

The maid in the room took off the dress for Suldak. Suldak walked to the bed and saw that the bed was almost covered with rose petals. Hathaway's bedroom was no stranger to him, but today Evening is doomed to remember a lifetime.

He sat down by the bed, and the maid handed over a warm towel and a cup of hot tea.

The bathroom door was not closed, and Hathaway and Beatrice's whispers came through the door.

Suldak walked to the window with hot tea. This bedroom is the tallest building in the Marquis Luther's Mansion. From here, you can almost see the night view of the entire noble district...


A beam of sunlight fell on Suldak's face through the gap in the curtain. Suldak woke up from a deep sleep, and the two women beside him were still sleeping soundly.

Pulling out his arm that was a little sore and numb from the pillow, he moved away the long legs that were hanging on his body. He got out of bed and walked to the window. He found that the sun had already climbed above the city wall, and the garden in the Marquis Mansion had returned to normal. It was clean and tidy. There were two four-wheeled trucks parked in the backyard, and the servants were loading wooden boxes onto the carriages, which looked like some salute.

Only then did Suldak realize that they had booked to take the magic airship to Ruyt City this morning.

Obviously, if he didn't get up again, he might miss the magic airship this morning. Suldak hurriedly opened the curtain to let the dazzling sunlight into the room, and then opened it...

Hathaway opened her eyes from her sleep, and the reflection of Suldak was reflected in her emerald-like pupils. She was a little dazed at first, and then remembered the wedding of the two yesterday. Neck, sitting up from the bed with his strength, the soft golden curls spread out.

I heard Suldak say: "If you two don't get up again, we're afraid we'll miss the magic airship in the morning."

"Ah! Hathaway, we have to tidy up quickly..." Beatrice suddenly woke up from her sleep, sat up straight, grabbed the sheet to her chest, and quickly ran to the bathroom.

Hathaway screamed from the tower above, 'Beatrice...'


On the morning of the second day of the wedding, Surdak took the two newlyweds on the magic airship back to Ruyt City.

When setting off, Suldak finally saw how much luggage a noble lady needs to carry when traveling, especially if she is planning to settle in Ruyt City for a long time. Servi's salute was all put on.

After bidding farewell to the Marquis Luther and Mrs. Marianne, the magic caravan slowly drove out of the Marquis Manor.

After Suldak arrived at the airport terminal in a magic caravan, he found that the people who saw them off were already waiting at the gate of the airport terminal outside the city.

Rita and Daniela, Carl, Lance, tax collector Byrd, Harvey Gopher, Sander, Brunei manager, etc. Sander and the others also prepared a wedding gift for Suldak, just because They had identity issues and did not attend Suldak's wedding.

At the airport pier, Surdak said goodbye to them one by one.

Especially for Harvey Gophero, Suldak told him in a low voice that if a leather workshop wants to be successful, it must strictly control the quality under the premise of controlling the cost. One piece, put it on Gubo Laima for a try, and if you find any quality problems, you need to solve it quickly...

Then he asked the manager of Brunei to help him keep an eye on it.

The advice to Sander is that if the supply of goods for the butcher shop business cannot keep up, then you might as well sell a few stalls first, and everything will have to wait for Suldak to come back from the big battlefield.

"Rita, do you and Cavalier Daniela want to go to Ruyte City with me? It's still too late to change your mind."

Rita glanced at Knight Daniela, shook her head with a smile and said:

"We'll visit your new home after you come back from the big battlefield. Tomorrow, we'll follow Master Karl to take the magic airship back to Hailansa City, Dak, take care all the way."

As all the luggage was moved into the cabin of the magic airship, the floating devices on the airship also glowed one after another. The magic airship sounded the bell that was about to set sail, and Sulda pulled Hathaway and Beatrice away. Going up to the roof of the airship building, I saw that the deck of the airship was crowded with people. Everyone seemed to be planning to go to Ruyt City to pan for gold, or they wanted to enter the Ganbu plane to find some opportunities.

Amid the cheers like a tide, the magic airship rose slowly, quickly passed through the clouds, and under the captain's control, entered the wind channel very accurately.

Although the sun was shining above the clouds, it was a little cold.

The maid took out a thick cloak from the room and put it on for Hathaway and Beatrice.

"Finally left this city, ah!"

Beatrice ran to the stern of the ship building and uttered a loud cry towards the sea of ​​clouds beneath her feet.

It caused some nobles on the top of the boat building to look at her one after another.

Faced with people's surprised gazes, Beatrice didn't mind at all. She took Suldak's arm, leaned her head on his shoulder, and said in a raving voice:

"This kind of scene has appeared countless times in my dreams. I know that there will be a knight who will rescue me from this city whose thoughts have been completely frozen. I am simply fed up with those fake faces at the ball. Zhong still wished that your entire family would die as an enemy, but when he turned around, his face was full of hypocrisy..."

"Hello!" Hathaway reminded her best friend from the side.

"Understood, we are about to start a new life, and stop thinking about those old memories." Beatrice said, tearing off the necklace with the Gophero family emblem on her neck, Throw it out hard.

Hathaway put her arms around Beatrice's shoulders and said to her:

"We might as well go and see our room. I heard that this magical airship has a luxurious guest room."

Suldak smiled slightly, took the two women's slender waists and walked down to the roof of the ship building to see the luxurious room that Marquis Luther had booked for them. This room was on the third floor above the deck, and this luxurious room almost occupied the ship building. Half of the space on the third floor, through the glass windows on three sides, you can enjoy the sea of ​​clouds under your feet at 270 degrees, and you can also look up at the clear sky above your head.

In fact, when everyone travels in a magic airship.

Most travelers will marvel at the sea of ​​clouds under their feet like a cotton field and the starry sky like a sapphire above their heads on the first day.

By the next day, these views will become familiar to the passengers, and everyone's attention will be transferred to the magic airship itself. People will be curious about the floating device, the mast and mainsail, the stern rudder, and the copper bow. Control the angle of impact.

On the third day, the passengers hope that there will be more new tricks for lunch and dinner on the magic airship. The nobles will play cards in the card room, and the commoners will have some fun on the deck.

On the fourth day, all the new things have been experienced, and everyone will feel that it is the best to go back to the room to discuss life.

For eight full days, Suldak spent most of his time discussing life in the luxurious guest room.

During this period of time, he had to secretly bless himself with the "Divine Blessing Body" twice. Sometimes Suldak would lie on the big soft bed and think: "This is the life of a nobleman..."

Of course, there are two prerequisites for this refined life. The first is to have aristocratic status, and the second is to be rich.

In the Green Empire, not all nobles are rich, and not all rich people are nobles...


After eight days of flying, the magic airship arrived in Ruyt City on the night of August 19th.

The castle in Ruyt City was originally owned by Lord MacDonnell, but now Marquis Luther has turned it into one of Hathaway's dowries. After the carriage entered the castle in the city, Suldak discovered that Hathaway had brought it over. The twelve carts of luggage seemed a bit too insignificant for this castle.

There were only five servants accompanying Hathaway from Bena City, three maids, a cook and a gardener.

However, in this castle, Earl Clay Cushing arranged for five guards, in addition to ten maids and three cooks, which finally made the castle not look so empty.

A group of servants stood in the living room, meeting with Suldak nervously.

At this time, Suldak realized that in order for the castle to operate normally, at least one butler was needed, but Suldak decided to hand over the affairs of the castle to Hathaway and Beatrice.

Tired from the journey, Suldak slept with Hathaway and Beatrice in the master bedroom that had been prepared on the third floor of the castle that night.

Siya lived in the guest room on the second floor of the castle. The maid walked in front holding a candle. The sound of footsteps echoed clearly in the corridor. Siya grabbed the hem of her clothes tightly. This castle is really quite scary...

Now she fully understood that Samira rode back to the Bailin plane to eat sand, and she didn't want to attend Suldak's wedding. Now it seemed that Samira's choice was really wise.

Although the guest room was tidied up, what made Xi Ya feel a little overwhelmed was that there was no water in the bathtub. If he wanted to take a bath, he had to fetch water from the cistern in the backyard of the castle in advance, and even the swimming pool in the backyard could see the bottom of the pool.

Silently, Xi Ya replaced the magic crystal fragments on the water gathering circle in the bathroom, which made the room have a water source.

Looking at the dusty bed, Xi Ya thought happily: Fortunately, she is going to sleep in the bathtub tonight...

Everyone, happy May Day, there will be more in the evening, thank you for the reward, thank you for the monthly pass, the monthly pass for the last few days of last month was so stupid to me, I thought it was only 3000 this month, I saw it last night, what is it? Time to more than 5000?

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