Lord Highlander

Chapter 1129 1115. The Revival of Mukuso City

Suldak rushed back to Ruyt City, but only moved his family to the castle of Ruyt City. In fact, he did not take back the management rights of Ruyt City from Count Clay Cushing. Before the end of the month, make a half-year construction plan for Mukuso City, and then enter the big battlefield.

He has already made an agreement with Earl Clay Cushing to help him manage it for another half a year.

During this time, Hathaway and Beatrice will also participate in the management of Ruyt City.

Guli Temu and the herd of cattle and sheep are still on their way to Ruyt City. If there are no major problems on the way, it is estimated that they should reach Ruyt City before the end of the month.

The magic caravan followed the flow of people into the portal in the central square of Ruyt City, and among the rippling water ripples, Suldak came to Mukuso City.

It took exactly one month for Suldak to go to Bena City this time, and when he returned to Mukuso City again, he found that the buildings around the central square had been reorganized, and they already had the original appearance of the city.

The underground drainage pipes on the main street have been completely laid, and the stone pavement of the entire street has been re-paved. Now the sewer project has penetrated into the streets and alleys of the city.

Suldak asked the coachman to drive a magic caravan to detour in the civilian neighborhood. The method Charlie and Luke used to repair the residential buildings was to give priority to repairing those residential buildings that were relatively slightly damaged, and directly push the damaged ones to rebuild. However, these rebuilding of houses will take longer. The current task is to settle all the civilians, so that every resident of Mukuso can have a shelter from the wind and rain.

Since the implementation of the tax exemption system on the dry cloth plane, a large number of businessmen have taken the opportunity to flood into the city, and almost all the shops facing the streets in the main streets and alleys of Mukuso City have resumed business.

Although the competition among merchants is fierce, it has further promoted the economic prosperity of Mukuso City.

Surdak had only been away for a month, and great changes had taken place in the city of Mukuso. Many buildings were tightly surrounded by wooden frames.

From a distance, I saw Basil. Finance Officer standing in front of a street-facing shop that had just been repaired. Charlie and several leaders of the construction team were by his side. This was a two-story row shop, and it seemed that it had been repaired. Completed, when it came to the final delivery procedure, Basil, the financial officer, also went to the site to check.

On the other side of the shops facing the street, there are workers who are constantly tearing down the wooden frames that have been erected, revealing the true appearance of the entire shop.

Suldak asked the coachman to stop the magic caravan by the side of the street, and he and Siya walked out of the magic caravan and walked to the shop facing the street.

I haven't seen him for a month, and Charlie has lost a lot of weight, and he has become a lot darker, but he has become more energetic.

Financial Officer Basil Hoodon saw the golden earl medal on Suldak's chest, and said with a smile, "Master Consul Suldak, is your trip to Benar going well?"

"Everything is going well, but it's been too long outside." Suldak said confidently: "How is it? Is there any problem with the quality of the shops facing the street being repaired here? If there is a problem, please don't help He concealed it, that would harm them, so if there is any, he will directly bring it up and urge them to correct it in time, this construction team has just been formed, and it is still relatively young, and needs you city officials to correct it."

Hearing what Suldak said, the financial officer Basil felt that the stone hanging in his heart had fallen.

It should be that the letter of appointment from the province of Bena has already come down. Commander Suldak should have taken the position of Mucuso Consul. final foreshadowing.

"Now I hope that Charlie can speed up the construction. Although the number of houses handed over in August is already six times that of July, from my point of view, I hope you can spread the stalls a little bit more. Hurry up." Finance Officer Basil encouraged Charlie.

"The influx of merchants from Ruyt City almost doubled the house prices of the shops facing the street. Even when Mukuso City was the most prosperous in the past, the house prices of the shops facing the street would not be much higher than they are now. Now we A large number of street-facing shops are needed to keep this price down." Financial Officer Basil turned his head and reported to Suldak.

The three of them walked into the shop facing the street, and it could be seen that some simple carpentry decoration was done inside the shop. The floors, stairs, wooden windows, and wooden doors were all done well. The only thing that made Suldak a little speechless was that these carpentry work They all reveal a strong Hailansa style...

"Charlie, what's the problem with you?" Suldak asked Charlie while touching the oak stair railing.

In fact, he really wanted to remind Charlie that these stairs and floors are better made of red pine wood. There are not many oak forests in the dry cloth plane, and the oak wood is harder and more difficult to process.

However, the wood carpenters in Wall Village have seen the most wood in their life is oak, and Suldak is even worried that these carpenters will not even know how to do carpentry if they encounter other wood.

Since it was Suldak who was asking, Charlie no longer hid it. He straightened his chest and complained to Suldak:

"The construction team has many tasks and heavy tasks. The infrastructure in the alleys in the city needs to be completed first. Otherwise, even if the houses are repaired, it will be reversed to do drainage and paving, which will affect the delivery date."

Charlie doesn't care whether Suldak is a viscount or an earl, the Suldak he knows will always be a Wall villager.

"In addition, the expansion of the city wall, this stall is too big. Almost all the craftsmen we recruited recently have invested in the expansion of the city wall, and the funds of the engineering team have also been invested in the expansion of the city wall!" Charlie frowned. Some wrinkles were piled up on his forehead, and he seemed to have put a lot of effort into it recently.

Compared with Luke's diligence, Charlie's mind is more flexible.

"Didn't you mean to pay in batches according to the construction progress? Finance Officer Basil, how about the treasury reserves at the Finance Department?" Suldak only gave Charlie a start-up fund, and the city hall still needs it later Continue the blood transfusion.

"The treasury reserve is still relatively sufficient for the time being, but you should also know that the expansion of the city wall will not bring any benefits to the Finance Department. We will receive and allocate funds for each section of the city wall that is completed. There is still some financial pressure. The department needs the first construction engineering team to deliver the shops in the commercial street area on schedule with quality and quantity, and these shops can be leased and sold to form a virtuous circle of urban construction funds." Basil's financial officer explained to Suldak.

Some nobles began to realize the purchase of real estate in the city center, and large sums of money circulated in the market of Mucuso City.

"The expansion project of the city wall has been postponed for a while. Has the old city wall been repaired?" Suldak pondered for a moment, then patted Charlie on the shoulder and asked.

Charlie said: "The inner city wall has been repaired, and now we are preparing to increase the height of the city wall in the old city. We plan to add auxiliary supports of masonry structures on the inner side of the city wall, and then continue to build up five meters."

Suldak thought about preventing the burrowers from digging a hole to attack the city, so he said, "In addition to repairing the city wall, I also plan to dig a trench inside the city wall..."

The three of them walked around the shops facing the street while talking, and finally Charlie talked about the new measures implemented by the first construction engineering team. Charlie and Luke, on Aung San's suggestion, put all the projects in the engineering team Squads become full-time construction teams, divided into demolition teams, mason teams, carpentry teams, cleaning teams, and so on. Now these construction teams are almost jumping back and forth between various engineering projects in the city, which is more efficient...

Before leaving, Suldak tapped Charlie's chest with his fist, telling him to pay more attention to rest.


Suldak arrived at the city hall, and then held a meeting of the House of Representatives in Mukuso City. First, he read the letter of appointment of the House of Representatives of Ribena Province, and heard that Suldak was not only the governor of Mukuso City, but also the speaker of the House of Representatives. , also oversees the entire Ganbu plane, and will also serve as the consul of Ruyt City.

It was only then that the officials of Mukuso City Hall realized the situation in front of them.

During the previous period, Suldak served as the consul of Mukuso City, relying on the military power in his hands and the full support of representatives of the Thirteenth Lord Army, but now Suldak has sent the appointment letter of the House of Representatives of Bena Province Taking it out and reading it out means that the Bena Provincial House of Representatives will fully support Suldak's ruling.

Then Suldak adjusted the authority of the city hall. The first thing was to officially appoint Baron Martino as the director of the Urban Construction Bureau, and the Urban Construction Bureau was officially separated from the logistics department.

After Suldak finished talking about his plan, he didn't give these members of the House of Representatives any time to think and discuss, and directly voted by show of hands.

As the congressmen raised their hands one after another, the first thing Suldak implemented after his formal appointment was carried out smoothly.

The Minister of Logistics, Earl Ian, who was sitting in the corner of the House of Representatives, had a pale face. The biggest piece of cake in the logistics department was completely stripped out, and a large part of his power was also reduced. Obviously, it was his recent work. It made Suldak not very satisfied.

Suldak also proposed an agenda, which he did not vote on the spot, but let the MPs fully discuss it.

He plans to build a logistics center in Mukuso City outside the city. This logistics center will gather all the export commodities on the Ganbu plane, and then transport them to Ruyt City through the portal.

The first day Suldak officially returned to Mukuso City was spent sitting in the chamber of the House of Representatives.

After he finishes his day's work, he will return to the castle in Ruyt City from Mukuso City in a magic caravan...

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