Lord Highlander

Chapter 1130 1116. Trivia in the City

Surdak is very busy every day in Mukuso City.

The candidate for the new governor of Mukuso City was finally officially announced. As expected by the people of Mukuso, Commander Suldak was officially appointed as the governor of Mukuso City and the Speaker of the House of Representatives. How is it impossible to appear on one person at the same time, but Mukuso City has been a special case from beginning to end.

The citizens immediately discovered that the newly appointed Lord Consul not only has the ability to drive away the army of demons from hell, but also has a clear and complete plan for urban construction. Years have not had the courage to do things.

Suldak single-handedly promoted the post-war urban restoration and economic recovery of Mukuso City. Due to the one-year tax exemption policy, a large number of businessmen were attracted to Mukuso City.

Although Mucuso City will not have any taxes during this year, the treasurer Basil was a little surprised to find one thing. Although the current Mucuso City is very poor, the nobles living in Mucuso City They are not actually poor.

When merchants flooded into Mukuso City, which revived the city that was almost completely abandoned after the war, these nobles suddenly realized the potential business opportunities here, and they rushed to the city hall to buy shops facing the street. Then sell to merchants who are desperately looking for storefronts.

Although the city's tax revenue was almost zero in the past three months, the treasury reserves of the Mucuso Finance Department were higher than ever through the sale of these street shops. Although these gold coins were still filled into the huge pit of urban construction, As the city grows in size, those new properties will bring more wealth to the city hall.

Suldak tapped on the table, planning for the financial officer Basil's distraction.

Financial Officer Basil hurriedly coughed a few times to cover up his panic and embarrassment, then stood up and said to Suldak, "I will control the housing prices in the commercial street in the next six months, so my subordinates will resign first! "

Suldak nodded.

As soon as Chief Financial Officer Basil left the consul's office, Count Ian, the Minister of Logistics, knocked on the door and walked in.


Since the last farce, the relationship between the two has almost dropped to a freezing point. Even if they usually meet in the city hall, they will turn their heads away from each other.

Recently, the logistics department has been emptied a lot. Since the financial officer Basil directly allocated gold coins to the first construction engineering team, a large amount of materials were purchased by the first construction engineering team. Overhead, when the entire city hall is extremely busy, the logistics department has become more and more idle.

This kind of leisure gave the officials of the logistics department a sense of crisis.

So they began to complain secretly in private, and Earl Ian, the logistics minister, had no choice but to bite the bullet and find Suldak here.

Suldak picked up the teacup and asked, "Count Ian, you said the logistics department wants to find something to do?"

Xi Ya walked in from the outside and brought a cup of black tea to Earl Ian.

Earl Ian quickly thanked him.

Then he said to Suldak: "That's true, our logistics department also wants to share some for the consul."

"It's a good thing!" A faint smile appeared on Suldak's face.

Then he said again: "Actually, even if you don't come, I'm going to find you."

"This time I'm going to ask the logistics department to do a big inventory of the city hall's supplies in the near future. I really want to know what materials are actually piled up in the warehouse of the logistics department. I don't want those materials piled up in the warehouse to rot in the end. When they should be used, they must be consumed, and some strategic reserve materials must be counted out.”

"At present, the dry cloth plane is forming a lord army. It is advisable to take out some of the combat preparation storage materials first, and it will not be too late for us to replenish the inventory later."

Earl Ian did not expect that the Consul of Suldak wanted to thoroughly investigate the material management of the logistics department. In fact, the accounts of this part became very chaotic after the city of Mukuso was breached. Time to prepare.

Count Ian, the Minister of Logistics, immediately stood up and said to Suldak, "I will take people to the remaining warehouses in the city to count the supplies."

Suldak nodded again and asked, "Then... is there anything else?"

"No more, my subordinates leave!"

Earl Ian immediately stood up and quickly left Suldak's office.


The chief of the guard, Hamas, was the one who chose to join the team relatively late, but since the last time there was a dereliction of duty in the guard battalion, he immediately decided to express his heart to Suldak, but now it is all the people around Suldak who have taken refuge. One of the best of these guys.

With the influx of a large number of outsiders in Mukuso City, the law and order in Mukuso City will only get worse, but the head of Hamas can maintain the law and order in Mukuso City so stable in a short period of time. He spends a lot of thought to rectify the guard camp, which is almost inseparable from the relationship...

This time he came to the Consul of Suldak to report the work of the guard camp, and he also wanted to know where Suldak would focus on in Mukuso City next.

Suldak sat on a chair, pinched the corners of his eyes, and then said to Chief Hamas:

"For foreign adventurers, businessmen, migrant workers, civilians and nobles in the city, I need the guard battalion to establish a corresponding system in Mukuso City to let them know what they can and cannot do, especially He is an outsider with weak legal awareness, and he has to take the trouble to warn, educate, and finally punish..."

Walking out of Suldak's office, Chief Hamas finally let out a long breath, scratching his head worriedly.

As for the guard battalion knights under his command, how could Chief Hamas not know what they usually do?

According to Suldak's requirements, to put it simply: you don't have to bow your knees when you meet nobles, you can't be superior when you meet commoners, and you have to treat outsiders equally. The question is how is this possible?

Those thoughts have been deeply ingrained in the minds of the knights in the guard camp, and have become a living habit. Some old thoughts will not be easily changed.

Chief Hamas touched his fleshy neck and wiped the sweat from his head with a handkerchief.

I thought to myself: Your Excellency the Consul really gave me a big problem!


According to Suldak's request, Baron Martino divided the expansion of Mukuso's outer city into two parts: urban infrastructure and city wall area planning.

Citizens can buy land in the outer city and build houses or workshops according to their own needs, but the architectural style must be unified and there is a strict height limit requirement.

Because Suldak plans to build an eight-story clock tower in each area, which can be regarded as a regional landmark building. Once other buildings are more than three stories high, residents who are too far away from the clock tower will lose their sight. Affected, unable to grasp the exact time.

Suldak also asked the Baron Martino Urban Construction Bureau to temporarily slow down the investment in the outer city wall project, try to carry out this part of the city wall in a regionalized and phased manner, and must complete the resettlement of the entire city of Mucuso before the Harvest Festival.

At the same time, the sewer project in the inner city and the project of laying stone roads in streets and alleys should be completed as soon as possible.

As for the rebuilding of the completely collapsed houses, it can be moved to the back, but the premise is that the ruins must be removed as soon as possible, so that those areas can be restored to standard plots.

This time Martino brought over the architectural models of the Colosseum and Opera House in Mucuso City.

For Baron Martineau, these are his hobbies, but the opera house and arena he designed, like the Dodan War Academy, need to be built with stone, which is comparable to a defense built with wood. Much more expensive.

Almost every building designed by Baron Martino will die with a huge gold-swallowing behemoth. Even Suldak couldn't help shaking his head when he saw it, saying that the city hall's gold coin reserves cannot afford to build these large-scale monsters at present. architecture.

"Didn't you say before that you want to sell the operating rights of the opera house and the arena, so that you can get construction funds!" Baron Martino said to Suldak.

Suldak waved his hand and said, "I need to handle this matter myself, but I'm afraid I don't have time to do it in the near future, but some things can be done in advance, such as cleaning up the ruins of the opera house and the arena!"


It was not until the fourth day that Suldak found time to inspect the Mukusuo military camp.

Edgar the Bearded was training a heavy armored infantry regiment for Suldak in the barracks outside the city of Mukuso.

These recruits were all recruited from the Autonomous Prefecture of the Resistance Army. They have now joined the Lord Army of Suldak. The identity of the Resistance Army has been completely wiped out. The number of this army is 12,000.

Counting the heavy armored infantry regiment that Suldak formed last time, Suldak has already dispatched more than 40,000 young resistance fighters from the Resistance Autonomous Prefecture.

For the Resistance Army Autonomous Prefecture, it can be said that at least half of the young people have come out of the rainforest. The Resistance Army Autonomous Region is not only facing a serious imbalance between men and women, but also facing this serious aging. Women have to raise their children and support the elderly on their own. etc.

This is exactly what the House of Representatives of the Bena Province hopes to see. The continuous deployment of young people from the Autonomous Prefecture of the Resistance Army can be regarded as reducing the potential strength of the Resistance Army to the greatest extent.

Surdak stood on a high platform and shouted loudly to the crowded training ground:

"I know that you are all young warriors who came out of the southeast rainforest of the plane."

"There used to be a group of young warriors from the same place as you. They used their courage and blood to spread a banner to all Ganbu planes."

"Let all the residents of the Ganbu plane be proud of them, but now I hope that you can be as brave as them, so that all the residents of the Ganbu plane will be proud of you..."

Immediately afterwards, the heavy craftsman's sword struck the tower shield, making a neat and heavy knocking sound...

Some people outside the camp were attracted.


The Ganbu plane is a livable small plane with a mild climate and fertile land. Except in the northernmost Daxue Mountain, other areas do not have winter.

There are many rivers in the plane, and you can live a good life by opening up a piece of land at will.

At present, residents in many small towns in the south have resumed normal production and life.

A large number of adventure groups have entered the south of the Ganbu plane, and they have almost cleaned up the hellhounds around the town.

Only the Groft Ridge, the rainforest of the Resistance Army Autonomous Prefecture, and the collapsed area south of Bansko Town, where there are many inaccessible places, will there be remnants of hell dogs. When the hell dogs come to the mountains of the Ganbu plane, they will immediately Stand at the top of the food chain.

They live in the wild without any natural enemies, and the only threats to them are the hunters in the adventure group and mercenary group.

The adventure group likes to hunt these hellhounds very much. The materials on them may not be so valuable, but the magic cores produced are still very good, and this kind of second-level monster is not very threatening to the adventure group. The probability of producing a magic core is very high.

One magic spar can be exchanged for seven gold coins, which means that as long as an adventure team can hunt down a hellhound with a magic spar in its head every week, it can maintain the balance of the adventure group's income and expenditure. .

The adventure group likes to hunt in the southern region of the Ganbu plane, because compared to the inaccessible north, almost all the small towns in the southern region still have residents, and these small towns can provide the necessary supplies to the adventure group.

As for the north of the Ganbu plane, all the small towns have been completely swallowed by the demon army, and there are deserted villages and small towns everywhere.

Since the territory is divided into fourteen parts, these villages and small towns belong to the lords' private property. Strictly speaking, adventure groups are not allowed to enter the town to pick up waste. The lords are also continuing to invest troops and residents in their territories. Many The Lord's army does not welcome the adventurous group.

Therefore, on the Ganbu plane, few adventure groups are willing to cross the northern mountain pass of Mukuso.

The southern town on the Ganbu plane has already begun to try to transport the output materials to Mukuso. Those materials transported through the portal, because of the transportation cost, it is difficult to compete with the local materials.

Suldak found that the dry cloth plane has begun to glow with new vitality...

As 220,000 cattle and sheep arrived in Ruyt City, Samira, Gulitham, and Andrew actually rushed over with the flock.

Neither Samira nor Andrew took the magic airship, but rode horses to chase the flock all the way, and met Gulitum on the way.

The cattle and sheep were arranged to enter the city of Ruyt along the Central Avenue at midnight, but because the city of Ruyt was a mountain city, the 200,000 sheep could not pass through the portal in the middle of the night, and then the whole of Ruyt The city has caused severe traffic congestion.

The Minister of Logistics, Earl Ian, had a gloomy face, waiting at the teleportation gate of the central square of Mucuso City, watching the central square crowded with countless sheep, feeling inexplicably irritable in his heart, and now the entire logistics department officials are from the city He ran out of the living room and was responsible for arranging such a large number of cattle and sheep...

Seeing countless sheep flocking to the streets, the citizens of the entire Mukusuo City were overwhelmed.

Everyone commented that the new Consul is really powerful. He actually bought so many cattle and sheep from other planes.

Moreover, a large area of ​​land in the north of the Ganbu plane is deserted, and these cattle and sheep can be grazed on the pastures of the Sai Ruoman Plateau.

Surdak intends to keep only a small portion.

He plans to leave 30,000 sheep and 2,000 cattle, and the other cattle and sheep will be distributed to other lords who own pastures.

Of course, this is not a free gift, but a commission is required.

Suldak also owns two pastures on the Sai Ruoman Plateau. Before there are enough horses, it is impossible for the pastures to be abandoned like that to feed rabbits.

The problem is that there are no rabbits in the pastures on the Sai Ruoman Plateau, so Suldak decided to temporarily raise some cattle and sheep. Once the horses reach the saturation number on the pasture, these cattle and sheep will slowly increase in the process of increasing the number of horses. kill it.

Samira, Andrew, and Gulitum finally arrived in Mukuso before the end of August, which was the deadline for Suldak to rush to the battlefield.

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