Lord Highlander

Chapter 1133

From a distance, this 100-meter-high King Kong gate looks like it was pushed open by a giant.

There was a long line of soldiers lined up on the platform, and under the arrangement of the gatekeeper, they walked into the gate one after another.

Suldak, Andrew, Gulitham and Samira are also in the queue.

White lights descended continuously from the steps behind him, and each ray of white light engulfed a strong man, and occasionally, like Suldak, a combat team was teleported in.

Suldak glanced at the crack of the door, and found that the inside was pitch black, and he couldn't tell what was inside the door.

The queue was very long near the gate. Surdak waited in the queue for a long time, and finally came to the gap in the gate. The scenery inside the gap of the King Kong gate happened to be completely isolated by some kind of prohibition. What exactly is in it.

Suldak carefully observed the long line. Those strong men were all dressed in different styles of clothing, with various weapons and equipment. There are very obvious differences between people.

Some strong men found that Suldak was peeping at him secretly, maybe they were not worried about revealing their identities, and they didn't shy away from being secretly observed. They showed a faint smile on their faces and nodded towards Suldak from a distance.

When some strong men found out that Suldak was watching them secretly, they would glare at Suldak, and even show some threatening eyes.

Suldak didn't want to cause trouble in front of the Vajra Gate. Everyone here came here after being promoted to rank two powerhouse, so no one is worse than anyone else.

Seeing sharp eyes drifting over, most of Suldak would take the initiative to avoid them.

Only now did Suldak know that at the entrance of the Vajra Gate, many second-rank fighters gathered from all directions every day.

When he finally came to the gate, he found that there was actually a registration office set up at the gate, and there were three gatekeepers sitting here.

An elf of indeterminate age sat at the front, and first spoke a series of languages ​​that Suldak could not understand, seeing Suldak's expression blank.

Waving his hand to signal Suldak to say ha, Suldak said a greeting from the Green Empire.

The elf gatekeeper nodded, and also said in Grimm Empire language: "Give me your battlefield pass, how many of you are there?"

"There are four of us here!" Suldak said truthfully.

After looking at a teleportation pass first, the elf gatekeeper said, "Where did it come from Roland Continent?"

"Grimm Empire." Suldak replied.

In addition to taking back the Great Battlefield Pass, the elf also issued four jet-black portal tokens to Suldak. This square metal plate has some complicated dark patterns on it, and it has a unique number on it.

Then he said to Suldak: "The Roland Continent belongs to the battlefield on the east side of the Seventh War Zone, and the Grimm Empire has twenty-seven fortresses stationed there."

"This is the map of the Green Empire's military fortress. After you go in, you can reach the battlefield on the east side of the seventh district through the No. 79 portal. Don't lose the portal token. This is your proof of going home. As long as you stay in the Great Battlefield for six months, you can come back here with this teleportation token, and I can send you out at that time."

"What will happen if you go to the wrong portal?" Suldak asked curiously

"You may not be able to find the military fortress established here by the Grimm Empire. This is a very dangerous thing. It is best not to try it lightly." The elf gatekeeper warned Suldak very seriously.

"Are there any other strong players from the main plane entering the portal on the battlefield?" Suldak asked again.

"Of course, there are a total of thirteen main planes of warriors of various races who are responsible for guarding the passages on the battlefield. Are you from the Grimm Empire? Your defense zone is in the northeast corner of the No. 7 theater. Pay attention to the dangers that emerge at any time, there are powerful beasts all over the mountains, before arriving at the fortress, all kinds of dangers lurk along the way, and many soldiers died on the way to the fortress."

The elf gatekeeper warned Suldak.

Suldak looked back at the long line again. Second-rank fighters from various main planes who came to enter the big battlefield gathered here. The second-rank strongmen from Roland Continent seemed to be just icebergs among this group of second-rank fighters. corner.

Suldak hung the black token around his neck and stuffed it casually into the neckline.

A group of four walked into the King Kong gate.

The scene in front of him made Suldak extremely amazed. The space in front of him was like a huge opera house. Almost every soldier who entered here came out from the center of the stage. Everyone stood on the stage in a daze , looked around blankly.

Suldak found a neat row of VIP boxes on the auditorium opposite, and each VIP box has a portal inside. These rooms with portals have five floors in total. Those portals are viewed from the perspective of the stage. It looked like a beehive, and Surdak found that No. 79 was just on the second floor.

Other strong fighters also walked towards the portal they belonged to through the information given by the gatekeeper.

Suldak didn't linger in this transit hall either, and walked directly into the No. 79 portal, and the scenery in front of him once again turned into an endless black mountain range.

After stepping out of the portal, he stepped on a black mountain covered with gravel, and Suldak found himself in a crevice.

He first climbed up the mountain wall for a certain distance before climbing out from the cracks in the rocks. The black rocks on the mountain were as crisp as coal, and with a little effort, the stones on the cliffs would loosen. fall.

Suldak found that Gulitum, Andrew, and Samira, who almost entered the portal with him, failed to appear by his side.

Only then did I realize that the portals behind the gate should be random teleportation in the general area, and the No. 79 portal can only teleport the soldiers to the east side of the battlefield in the seventh area.

The black stone in Suldak's hand shattered again, and his body suddenly fell two meters. Suldak pulled out the holy light torch with lightning speed, and inserted the handle of the holy light torch into the crevice of the stone, letting his body hang On the stone wall.

A praying mantis was less than ten meters away from Suldak, silently poking out a scythe from a crack in the stone, staring coldly at Suldak's body, the tentacles on the mouth parted and closed. Together, a pair of compound eyes reflected Surdak's body.

It spread its wings, climbed steadily on the cliff with its rear legs, and slowly approached Suldak from behind.

The sickle in his hand carried a strong annihilation aura...

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