Lord Highlander

Chapter 1134: 1120. Black Ridge

A praying mantis, a praying mantis from hell.

The blades of the sickle-like forelimbs are constantly condensing dead energy. It does not have a bulky and huge abdomen. In the middle are joint limbs that resemble two sharp claws. The strong and powerful hind limbs allow him to jump long distances like a grasshopper.

Its body presents a strange dark purple color. The green compound eyes are on both sides of the head, forming a huge oval blindfold. The wings behind it are transparent and can be completely attached to the back when they are folded. When it is crawling between the mountain walls Like walking on flat ground.

It saw the piece of fresh flesh in front of it with its own eyes. It tore through the space and fell in, and then got stuck in the rock crevice of the mountain.

It hadn't smelled such fresh blood for about two weeks, and it was unknown how many predators like it were hunting everywhere in this mountain.

It cherishes this opportunity very much, so it shows great patience and strives to kill with one blow.

It can feel the nasty smell of fresh blood, and in its eyes, this human being is like a bug that can fart when touched, but all of this becomes indifferent in the face of hunger , it needs to eat.

Seeing that the human was not fully grasping with one hand and almost fell off the cliff, it was also startled. It was worried that this easy prey would pass from under its nose into the mouth of other predators.

Fortunately, after falling a few meters, he grabbed the raised stone again. The human looked a little embarrassed, but it was this kind of embarrassment that made him feel a little more at ease.

It doesn't want to miss out on this hunting opportunity, and even cuts its prey in two without getting hurt.

The tentacles near the pointed mouth trembled slightly, and it adjusted its posture. The transparent insect wings behind it opened suddenly, and its two hind legs firmly and powerfully bounced its body high. After the insect wings opened in mid-air, the body drew a In a graceful arc, two giant scythes appeared behind the humans...


If it wasn't for the wind blowing from behind, and the slight humming of wings in his ears, Suldak would have even thought this place was a dead place.

The black valley without any vegetation makes people feel extremely hopeless and depressed.

Suldak raised his head and looked at the top of the mountain wall. The towering mountain could not see the end at a glance. He wanted to find a fulcrum to rest. Body up, sitting on top of the holy light torch.

At this moment, he suddenly heard an inaudible buzzing sound, he picked up Goethe's shield decisively, stepped on the mountain wall with both feet, his body completed an incredible turn in mid-air, and the shield faced behind him.

A black scythe that was about to tear apart the space came across, and happened to touch the shield that Suldak swung out when he turned around.

A dazzling silver light erupted from the shield, and the sacred aura collided with the annihilation and death aura. The sacred aura instantly melted away the annihilation and death aura, revealing the bone sickle full of barbs, which slashed at Sulda with a bang. Ke's shield.

The huge impact caused Suldak's body to hit the mountain wall, and a large cobweb-like crack appeared on the crisp mountain body, and countless gravel rolled down the cliff. Instead, Suldak held the holy light torch with one hand, Found a foothold on this collapsed mountain wall.

There was a broken place on the tooth blade of the mantis' bone sickle, and it was successfully blocked by the shield, and it was pushed out of the cliff.

But in the process of it falling outward, the insect wings behind the mantis opened again, pushing its body to land smoothly on the side of the mountain wall that Suldak couldn't see.


The ambush failed, and it hid in a crevice on the mountain wall and waited for an opportunity.

Attacking is not a good choice, it is more afraid of getting hurt than not being able to eat blood.

For a predator, injury may mean slow death, so it hides in the dark and continues to wait for the opportunity, but the humans on the mountain wall are obviously prepared, and it may take a little time to find another chance to pounce. Patience, an excellent predator must know how to endure and wait for opportunities.

It uses the tentacles on the side of its mouth to constantly touch the bone sickle, and the broken teeth need to be repaired. It can secrete a milky white mucus, which will form a hard bone blade after solidification.

After the Annihilation Death Qi was dispelled by the Holy Light, it couldn't condense such a strong Annihilation Death Qi on the bone scythe in a short time.


Surdak climbed on the cliff and waited for a while, only to find that the praying mantis did not come out again.

Only then stepped on the strength point, pulled out the holy light torch inserted in the crevice of the rock wall with difficulty, and continued to climb to the top of the mountain.

Surrounded by a predator, Suldak had to be extremely careful. He touched the broadsword hanging on his waist, looked up at the dark sky, the sky was covered with dense Dark clouds, the mountain wind whimpering in the ears, and sharp stone pillars all over the bottom of the cliff.

Surdak would rest for a while after climbing a certain distance. After resting repeatedly like this for more than ten rounds, he finally saw a huge black rock protruding from the top of the cliff.

He grabbed the edge of the boulder on the top of the rock with one hand, trying to turn his body up...

At this moment, the head of a praying mantis poked out from the top of the cliff, its pea-green compound eyes met Surdak's four eyes, and it raised the bone sickle high.

Every time Suldak climbed a section of the mountain wall, he had to rest for a while, just to wait for the appearance of the praying mantis. The bone scythe cut off his arm clasping the cliff, and he immediately let go of his hand smartly, and his body fell towards the cliff. fall,

The mantis spread its wings from the top of the cliff and rushed down the cliff.

A safety rope was tied around Suerdak's waist, and he fell less than three meters before his fall stopped abruptly, and a rope hung him on the cliff.

Even if the praying mantis flew down from the top of the cliff, it couldn't stop its pounce, and swung its scythe to cut Suldak's neck.

Suldak stepped on the cliff with both feet, and his body was parallel to the ground, as if standing on the cliff, he raised the Goethe shield in his hand and swung it towards the mantis.

The mantis took advantage of the momentum of falling and flying, and in a blink of an eye, the two bone sickles in his hand slashed on the shield at the same time.

What Surdak didn't expect was that with the huge impact force, the two sharp claws on the mantis' waist and abdomen stretched out and secretly cut off the rope.

When the shield blocked the bone scythe, the broadsword in Suldak's hand had already swept out, cutting off the pair of nearly degenerated claws in the middle of the mantis, and slashed a hole in the mantis' waist and abdomen, and a handful of purple Blood shot out from the praying mantis.

The mantis flew upwards suddenly, but Suldak fell towards the abyss at the bottom of the cliff.

At the moment of falling, Suldak quickly grabbed the hooked toe at the end of the mantis' hind legs, and hung on the mantis.

The two pairs of insect wings on the mantis' back spread out with all their strength, flapping desperately, but still couldn't stop the fall.

Looking down at Suldak who was holding on to his toes, the two bone sickles cut towards Suldak without hesitation.

However, Suldak cut off the powerful hind limbs of the mantis with a broad sword, and fell down from the cliff again. Wing fled to the top of the cliff.

The phantom of the archangel appeared behind Suldak, and the moment the phantom appeared, it hugged his body.

The sacred battle armor suspended high in Suldak's sea of ​​spiritual consciousness also emitted a dazzling brilliance, and it was worn on Suldak's body the next moment.

A beam of dazzling holy light fell from the sky and passed through Suldak's body. The phantom of the archangel and Suldak merged together, and countless lights and sounds were woven together. Not only was Suldak's body The strong sacred aura completely enveloped it, and even a pair of wings of light grew out from behind.

The moment the wings of light unfolded, his body stopped falling, and rushed towards the top of the cliff with a strong momentum.

The praying mantis was licking the wound on the top of the cliff, spitting out more white pulp to cover the wound, but it didn't expect Suldak to have the ability to fly, so it rushed to the top of the cliff with The broad sword with a sacred aura chopped down from a distance.

A sword qi leaked out from the blade of the broad sword, splitting the head of the mantis in two, the body of the hell mantis fell into the purple blood, and the bone scythe kept twitching.

Suldak landed on the top of the cliff, and the holy armor disappeared from his body...

After he put on the holy armor, his body could only last for ten seconds. Now that the holy armor disappeared, countless powers of holy light collapsed around his body.

Suldak fell dizzily and sat on the top of the cliff. At this time, he still didn't dare to take it lightly, and kept looking at the surrounding environment.

The place where he is located is above a stone peak in the black mountain ridge, surrounded by cliffs and broken valleys, the rocks here are all dark brown, and there is almost no vegetation growing on the nearby mountain walls.

After recovering some strength, Suldak took out the magic spar from the head of the mantis, and then arranged a sacrificial ceremony on the top of the mountain to sacrifice its head. This head is considered a high-level sacrifice, Sur Dak exchanged the 'Holy Shield' and 'Insight' from the Double-faced Demon God.

Then he stood on the top of the cliff and looked around again. The sky and the earth seemed to have been completely cleaned, and the line of sight extended to two kilometers...

The dark brown mountains were finally seen by Suldak. Suldak consumed a hellhound head and exchanged it for the "Eye of Reality" for himself. Unfortunately, no life was found on the mantis. magic pattern.

He had no choice but to put the most valuable bone scythe and transparent insect wings on the mantis into the magic pocket.


Take out the map obtained from the gatekeeper of the King Kong Gate. This is a map of the battlefield in the seventh area. The entire battlefield is in the shape of a fishhook. According to the map, Suldak is located in the mountainous area in the middle of the battlefield in the seventh area. There are dark brown mountains all over here.

This is not the occupied area of ​​the various forces in the Roland Continent, but a buffer zone owned by the demon army at the same time. Not only are there a large number of scouts and predators distributed by the Hell Demon Race here, but the Roland Continent also regards it as a hunting area. field.

Every time the Seventh District is always the first to fight here.

Therefore, Suldak was sent to the battlefield in the neutral zone. If he wanted to walk back to the Blue Bridge Fortress, the straight-line distance from here to the Blue Bridge Fortress would be about 500 kilometers. Ke felt that he might have to walk for a month.

The problem is that the ogre Gullitum, Andrew, and Samira are all out of contact at present. If everyone is in the same area, it’s okay. But the sphere of influence of the Demon Race.

At the top of the mountain, Suldak finally identified the direction clearly and observed the way down the mountain. He found that although the top of the mountain was more difficult to walk, at least there was still a way. Many mountains here are the ones that have to be climbed.

So Suldak decided to walk north along the mountain range under his feet.

Before departure, Suldak took out a green magic flare from his magic pocket. This is a magic flare that symbolizes safety. It was fired into the sky from the top of the cliff. It exploded in the air.

Suldak didn't want to stay here. If Gulitmu, Andrew, and Samira were nearby, they would definitely see the magic flare, but the predators and demon scouts hidden in the surrounding mountains could also see it. To this flare.

He wants to leave here immediately, this signal flare has indicated the direction of assembly.

Suldak didn't dare to be lazy at this time, and put the shield into the magic pocket, but directly carried the heavy shield on his back, and jumped down to the boulder in front. For such a Rank 2 powerhouse, at most, the road is a bit difficult to walk, not impossible...


Slowly move forward along the fault cliff that can only accommodate one foot on it.

Suldak has been walking northward for three consecutive days. In the past few days, he has basically shot two magic flares into the sky every day. Unfortunately, he has not received any feedback from the other three people.

On the contrary, a large group of predators were attracted from behind. A predator left a scar on Suldak's chest last night, and Isenhard's breastplate was cut open by the bone scythe. , causing at least two magic pattern circles on the breastplate to fail to function normally, and three of Suldak's left ribs were also broken.

If it weren't for the powerful recovery power of the 'Divine Blessed Body' and 'Earth Nourishment', Suldak might have been lying in this barren mountain long ago.

But at this moment, Suldak was also extremely embarrassed. Although the chest injury was not fatal, Suldak still had more than 30 stitches on his chest.

Suldak secretly rejoiced that the wound was not on his back, otherwise it would be really difficult for him to sew it up.

In three days, Suldak killed a total of five hell mantises. Every battle was almost between life and death. The closer to death, the more the inner potential of the body could be stimulated. Suldak found that Since the successful second turn, there has been no body movement for a long time, and now the surging power of the holy light seems to be hitting a certain node.

This is a sign that he is about to advance, which means that Suldak will soon be upgraded from level 20 to level 21. It can be regarded as a solid step forward for him in the early stage of the second-level knight.

Physical fatigue is continuously supplied by the 'Divine Blessed Body' and 'Earth Nourishment', but mental fatigue is Suldak's greatest enemy.

He didn't dare to fall asleep even at night for the past three days. At most, he closed his eyes and took a rest when he was tired. With so many predators looking around, he didn't want to be a meal for a certain predator...

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