Lord Highlander

Chapter 1136

A Hell Praying Mantis flew up from behind without a sound, and Suldak could tell it was a huge predator by the sound of insect wings flapping behind him. A bone scythe swept across his throat, waist and abdomen respectively. Holding the shield with one hand, he blocked the fatal blow of the mantis at the very moment. An unbelievable angle chopped off the mantis' head.

The body of the mantis fell from the cliff into the ravine, but the fallen head was picked up by Suldak with a sword, and hung the bleeding head on his waist against the stone wall.

This mountain wall is an excellent ambush site that Suldak found. Although the mountain wall looks abnormally steep, there are rock bumps that his feet can step on firmly.

For the shield-wielding paladins, as long as they knew enough about assassin-type monsters like hell mantises, the bone scythes in their hands would not be able to break through the shield with the sacred aura.

Suldak looked at the corpse of the Hell Mantis that fell into the deep stream with some regret. There are still many precious materials on this third-level monster in the hell world, especially the two bone scythes are definitely good bone weapons. , if it can be brought back to Mukuso City, it will definitely be a collection that the nobles in the city are vying to buy.

After recovering his physical and mental strength, Suldak found that his combat effectiveness had improved significantly.

Especially some time ago, I saw the experience notes of the ancestors of the Gophero family about the broad sword. When he was lying on the rattan chair and reading the notes carefully, he didn't find anything outstanding in the notes, but now he is alone in the predicament. Struggling, I found that the skills of using those broadswords were really ingenious.

The Gophero ancestor emphasized timing on the battlefield.

Suldak took advantage of this to lure the Hell Mantis to pounce from behind him, and when the Hell Mantis felt that he could make a sure-kill blow, and his vigilance was completely swallowed by greed, he blocked the mantis' kill With one blow, before it could dodge anything, the sword stabbed out, and then raised its arm to sweep across again, cutting off the head of the Hell Mantis.

This kind of life-gamble fighting style, if Suldak misses this blow, he will immediately fall into danger, and his outstretched arm may be strangled by the bone scythe that is close at hand.

Suldak ambush and killed seventeen hell mantises on this mountain wall, and was almost dragged into the abyss by the hell mantises three times.

However, the more he kills on this kind of battlefield, he seems to exude a faint murderous aura. At the beginning, Suldak himself didn't notice it. It was watching him neighing a few times unwillingly, and then flying away on the top of the mountain without looking back with his insect wings, that Suldak finally let out a long breath.

It took Suerdak half a month to walk out of the neutral zone of the seventh district along the Black Stone Ridge ridge.

Along the way, he tried to use magic flares to summon the ogre Gullitum, Andrew and Samira, but there was no response.

Walking out of this barren mountain where not a single blade of grass grows, I finally saw some sparse bushes on the edge of Heishi Ridge.

Some of the ground was covered with purple moss, and little yellow flowers grew from the moss, and when you stepped on it, it was like stepping on fatty fat, and the leather boots were covered with purple sap.

Suldak turned his head and glanced behind him. There were still a few Hell Mantises hiding in the crevices of the mountain wall, but they lost the courage to attack during the last part of the journey.

Only then did Suldak pull out a magic sealing box from his magic pocket, and put the last few hell mantis heads in the cloth bag on his waist into the magic sealing box.

Then he carefully identified the map and continued to move northeast of the seventh district.

There are no tall trees growing in this land, and there are some low bushes everywhere, and some plants that grow in hell, the most common ones are purple moss and blood thistle,

I seem to have heard from Aphrodite that this blood thistle flower is a kind of magic herb, which has a mild hallucinogenic effect, and it is easy to become addicted to it if eaten frequently.

The land here is black in color and has a faint oily sheen. Those places where the purple moss grows are polluted by magic energy and the vegetation dies. Then the purple moss that can grow in any environment grows. It is said that this purple moss is even It can grow on snow-covered permafrost.

There are small puddles of different depths all over the place. These puddles are of different depths, and the depth of the puddles is not judged by the size of the puddles. Sometimes it is just a puddle the size of a washbasin. The thighs can sink in, and sometimes the water in a pond only covers the ankles.

The wilderness is also full of dangers.

In particular, there were some red bugs rolling in the pond, attached to Suldak's leather boots, as if they wanted to bite through the salamander skin boots.

In this area, Suerdak has encountered a kind of green poisonous swamp frog more than once. This kind of poisonous swamp frog has fine red spots on its abdomen and three black stripes on its back. They are more than one meter long. The hind legs are stretched out and are almost two meters long.

They usually hide in swamp puddles, and only poke their heads out of the water when hunting.

But obviously there is no human in their diet, so Suldak walked all the way through this swamp, and was not attacked by these swamp poisonous frogs.

When Surdak was sitting on the edge of the bushes to rest, he just saw a one-meter-high egret landed in the swamp in front. Pecking the red bug in the puddle, its posture is so dexterous,

Just when it stepped into a small puddle, a big green mouth popped out of the puddle, it wrapped the egret's slender legs, and swallowed its lower body into its stomach.

The egret reacted very quickly, flapping its wings and trying to fly into the sky.

However, the poisonous swamp frog closed its mouth tightly and lay down beside the swamp puddle. With its mouth and throat constantly moving, it swallowed the struggling egret with flapping wings alive, and then plunged into it. Disappeared in the puddles in the swamp.

Suldak thought that he had also walked from that puddle just now, and such a big poisonous swamp frog didn't notice it...

Just when Suldak was about to get up and move on, he suddenly found the demon scout team appearing on the horizon of the swamp, and Suldak quickly hid in the nearby bushes.

After waiting for a while, a group of demon warriors leading hell dogs came from the swamp from north to south. There were six demon warriors in this team, and there were two double-headed hell dogs in the team. Followed by two Gogs who kept throwing fireballs in their hands, and a big round meat ball, only a few tentacles hanging down from the meat ball, this big meat ball was floating in the air like this, right in the middle of the front Has a huge eye pupil.

The six demon warriors wore jet-black armor. Their faces were all dark gray, with two demonic horns growing on their heads. Although their faces also had eyes, noses, mouths, and ears, they looked like expressionless faces. Like a mask, there is a pair of very short meat wings behind it.

They all exuded black air, and two double-headed hell dogs kept shaking their heads and tails, running back and forth beside them.

The six demon scouts did not have any conversations along the way, but the two Gogs behind them chattered non-stop along the way, and the floating eyeball behind them would stop every time they walked a certain distance, releasing a ray of light from their eyes. A beam of pale light scanned around his body at 360 degrees.

Suldak hid his body in the bushes, and waited motionless for the demon scout team to pass by. They found some blood thistles along the way, and several demon scouts stopped and began to collect those blood thistles.

Seeing that they didn't go far, Suldak had been hiding in the bushes.

The demon scout team did not go into the Black Stone Ridge on the south side, but collected some blood thistle flowers on the edge of the Black Stone Ridge. Everywhere they went, the one-eyed eye kept rotating and scanning like a radar. surrounding conditions.

Suldak wanted to know more about the demon warriors on the battlefield, so he followed them from a distance.

Followed them along the edge of Heishi Ridge until it was dark, and the Mozu scout team camped on the edge of Heishi Ridge.

In the Mozu scout team, a Mozu warrior led two hellhounds to patrol around the campsite, and the round eyeball did not rest, just above the campsite, constantly rotating and scanning around. .

Suldak planned to lurk beside the night demon scout secretly, hoping to find a chance to arrest him and see if he could get some information.

He originally wanted to get closer, and tried to make some strange noises to draw the demon scout away, so that it would be easier to fight even if he was fighting.

He took advantage of the night to touch it, and every time the evil eye scanned it, he would lay down on the ground in advance to avoid its sight.

Stepping on the sticky purple moss, the swamp was even more difficult to walk at night, and he followed behind the demon scouts who were leading two hell dogs.

While staring at the demon scout in front of him, Suldak accidentally stepped into a small puddle with one foot.

There was a 'pop', and the water splashed.

One of the hellhounds seemed to have discovered something, and broke free from the rope in the hand of the demon scout, and rushed towards Suldak's direction, and the other hellhound followed up from behind.

Suldak quickly moved away from the temporary camp of the demon scouts.

'Oops, found out...'

The hellhounds run fast, and they seem to be stronger than the hellhounds Suldak has seen on the Ganbu and Maca planes.

The Hellhound rushing to the front rushed up from behind, and just as its huge paws were about to rest on Suldak's shoulders, its two heads unexpectedly spit out two magic bullets, one red and one dark.

Suldak was forced to stop, turned around and blocked with his shield.

The fire bombs concentrated on the shield and exploded, but the dark ball of light quickly melted under the holy light floating on the shield.

The hellhound's paws rested on the spikes on the edge of the shield, and its two bloody mouths bit Suldak's neck.

Suldak lowered his head and hid behind the shield, chanting a string of rune words:


This is the shortest spell in the rune language, and the simplest magic of the magic circle. Suddenly, a gleam of light appeared on the broad sword. Suldak swung the long sword in his hand, and cut it along the edge of the shield towards the hellhound. Two dog heads.

The hellhound wanted to turn its head to dodge, but suddenly a half-foot-long sword glow burst out from Suldak's broadsword, which happened to cut off half of the hellhound's neck.

The hellhound whimpered and fell to the ground, purple blood gushing out from the throat under the two heads.

Before Suldak could catch his breath, the hellhound rushed up from behind and bit his thigh silently.

'shield strike'

Suldak swung the Goethe shield in his hand, and slammed it on the two-headed hellhound. At the moment when the hellhound paused slightly, the broadsword in Suldak's hand pierced out from behind the shield. A sword pierced the heart of the two-headed hellhound.

The action of drawing the sword was not messy at all, and Suerdak continued to run out.

The demon warrior behind rushed up, holding a square war blade with a blood groove in his hand, and when he was running, he could take a long step with every step.

Seeing that Suldak slaughtered two hellhounds in just two breaths, the demon warrior suddenly flew into a rage. The square war blade in his hand exuded the heat of lava, and the entire war blade became Red up.

From a distance, he could be seen jumping high, raising the war blade above his head with both hands, and slashing at Suldak with all his strength.

Suldak hastily adjusted his defensive stance, put his right arm and shoulder against Goethe's shield and went forward, and with a bang, the war blade hit the shield and sparked countless sparks.

A huge force came from the war blade. Suldak originally planned to use his shield to block the sharp blow, but the broadsword swung his backhand and sliced ​​open his chest and abdomen.

It's a pity that this huge force hit the shield. Although a silver shield appeared on the shield, Suldak flew out uncontrollably, and the upward movement of the broadsword in his left hand was also missed.

In the first fight, Suldak suffered some dark losses...

With this power alone, this demon scout possesses the strength of a Rank 2 powerhouse, and his combat experience is also extremely rich. When he rushed up, that mask-like face had a weird smile and a groan from his mouth. whine.

After the first slash, the Mozu scout leaped into the air again, raised the blade above his head with both hands, and delivered another extremely fierce blow.

It was too late for Suldak to put on a defensive posture, and there was no way to avoid it, so he could only bite the bullet and raise his shield again.

Worried that he would not be able to stop the opponent's sharp blow, he recited a string of rune words in his mouth again:


This is also the simplest sentence in the language of runes. I saw a layer of flames quickly ignited on the shield, and the demon scout's war blade slashed on the shield. There was a burst of sparks.

Because of the blessing of the rune language 'rhythm', this time Suldak stood firmly in place.

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