Lord Highlander

Chapter 1137: 1123. Wolf Clan Orcs

Holding the broadsword in his left hand, Suldak stabbed obliquely from behind the shield, pierced the demon scout's lower abdomen and lifted it upwards.

There was a faint power of holy light on the tip of the sword, and under the astonished gazes of the demon scouts, the broadsword easily pierced in. Suldak turned his wrist upwards, and a foot-long wound appeared on the The viscera from the demon scout's abdomen spewed out along with purple blood, and splashed on Suldak's shield, but was quickly burned by the flames ignited on the shield.

The Mozu scout looked down at the slit abdomen, and swiped at Suldak again with the war blade in his hand.

But it was still cut on the shield. He knelt on the ground with one knee, holding the flowing internal organs with one hand, and let out a miserable whine...

At this moment, Suldak suddenly felt a murderous aura locked on him.

He raised his head and looked in the direction of the killing intent, and saw the eyeball in the distance just looking at him from a distance, and the pupil of that eyeball soon became red, and a ray passed over in an instant.

Surdak was terrified in his heart, he held his shield and rushed to his side, just where he stood just now, a ray passed through.

The ray fell in the distance, melting a large hole in the swamp.

Just in front of Xieyan, five other demon scouts quickly chased them here. Suldak didn't dare to neglect, and swept out the broad sword in his hand, and chopped off its body with a sword at the side of the demon scout. head.

Suldak bent down and picked up the heads of the demon scouts. He naturally didn't dare to fight against the five demon scouts alone, and immediately fled into the bushes without looking back.

It's just that those demon scouts were willing to let Suldak go easily, and they followed closely. The five of them almost lined up and rushed into this not-so-large bush.

Although the bush was not that big, it was very dense. Surdak lay on the edge of the bush, holding his breath, watching a pair of big feet stepping past his head, but he didn't notice him.

After a while, the evil eye from behind floated over and stopped at the edge of the bush. A ray in the eyeball swept towards the bush.

The two Gogs followed behind Xieyan, holding fireballs in their hands, and they kept smashing into the bushes, bursting into flames in the night.

Under the light of the fire, the entire bush was completely illuminated...

Suldak lay prone in the bushes, enduring the black flames ignited by evil eyes around him, and refused to move.

When the floating evil eye swam above the bushes, the black flames had already burned on Suldak's body, and a figure rushed out of the burning bushes, and the evil eye only saw a shield coming towards him. Before it could react, it was knocked out by the shield.

Suldak pierced Xieyan's pupil with a broad sword, and Xieyan burst like a balloon filled with water, and a thick juice splashed everywhere.

He took the opportunity to take two steps forward and kicked away a Gog that was brewing a fireball. The long sword he retracted slashed the back of another Gog that was about to escape and cut it in half.

Suldak took another half step forward, and chopped off the head of the Gog that was crouching on the ground, and then took the opportunity to extinguish the black fire burning on his body.

The five demon scouts who went deep into the bushes didn't expect Suldak to lurk at the edge of the bushes, and took advantage of the gap between them going deep into the bushes to kill Xieyan and Flaming Gog.

The scouts of the demon clan in rage spread out their fragile fleshy wings one after another, and full wings appeared behind them, and quickly flew over the burning bushes, surrounding Suldak in the center.

Suldak will quickly run the Isenhard magic pattern structure with all his strength, and the 'Earth Nourishment' on his thighs also blooms a strong earth breath at this moment.

The phantom of an archangel appeared behind him...

Who would have thought that the moment the phantom of the archangel appeared, the five demon scouts seemed to have gone crazy, and they roared terribly at the same time, and then beams of black light fell on them, and the five surrounded Sur Dak's demon scouts were covered in black flames, and their bodies swelled up like balloons. Every demon scout instantly soared to a height of three meters.

They held the flaming warblades in their hands, and they slashed towards Suldak one after another.

The Goethe shield in Suldak's hand burst out with holy rays of light, and every time he successfully blocked it, the phantom of the archangel behind him became dimmer.

With the blessing of 'Potential', his physical strength, agility, and agility instantly increased by a level. Facing the demon scout who was burning with black flames and growing in size, he was not at a disadvantage at this moment.

It's just that with the five demon scouts joining forces, Suldak can only be blocked with a shield, and it is difficult to make an effective counterattack.

In this way, you can only fight while retreating, but these demon scouts have spread their wings, and their speed is a little faster than Suldak. In this swamp, Suldak was killed by five demon scouts. The scouts hunted down.

Until the phantom of the archangel behind him finally dropped a 'prayer' on Suldak and disappeared...

Suldak finally showed his weakness, a war blade slashed on the shield, and even his left shoulder was cut open. Suldak half-kneeled on the ground holding the shield, and four demon scouts surrounded him at the same time. , Suldak rolled over in a puddle in embarrassment.

He couldn't lift his left arm, and he could barely hold the broadsword.

Seeing the situation, Suldak couldn't help but wanted to call Iser to help him with the "Call of War", but it seemed that these demon scouts would not give him the chance to cast spells.

As soon as Suldak put Earl Fornak's fingerbone to his lips, a wolf howled from a distance.

The demon scouts turned pale with fright, and slashed at Suldak with a fiercer attack. Layers of holy shields burst out on Suldak's shield. Failed to break through Surdak's shield.

A group of orc wolves rushed across the swamp in the dark night. The leader of the wolf orcs held a saber in his hand, and his upper body muscles bulged...

The giant wolf with silver mane all over his body let out a long howl, and even brought an afterimage when he ran over.

The saber in the wolf orc's hand lit up, and there were several wolf knights behind him.

Seeing that they couldn't kill Suldak, the Mozu scouts didn't dare to continue fighting. Just before the wolf orcs rushed to the battlefield, they spread their fleshy wings and rushed into the night sky.

The wolf orcs rushed to Suldak's side, and the demon scouts had already escaped, leaving only the bruised Suldak standing in the muddy water with a shield in hand.

The left arm hangs down weakly.

Suldak quickly cast a 'holy light spell' on the wound, at this time he was exhausted.

The bushes not far away have been completely burned.

An orc knight full of explosive power came in front of Suldak, and the huge head of the silver-maned wolf came to Suldak's side and sniffed gently.

The orc wolf rider uttered a string of orc language, but Suldak couldn't understand it either.

I don't know why, when he saw these orc wolf riders, he felt very kind...

It was an inexplicable feeling that came from the bottom of my heart. Those orc cavalry had very ferocious faces, with two fangs protruding from the corners of their mouths. Suldak couldn't understand the orc language, so he could only salute them as a knight, thanking them for their help. save.

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