Lord Highlander

Chapter 1138: 1124. Battle of the Fortress

Two wolf orc knights helped Suldak retrieve the spoils on the battlefield, and the strong orc gave Suldak a thumbs up again, expressing his admiration for him.

Although the two sides cannot communicate in language, they can still understand some things with gestures.

Obviously the wolf orc officer admired that Suldak was able to kill a demon scout, two hellhounds, one evil eye and two demon scouts under the pursuit of a demon scout team. Flame Goge, even in the wolf cavalry army, few people can achieve this combat power.

The orc tribe has always respected the strong. Seeing that Suldak was still desperately resisting with injuries all over his body, he very much agreed with his approach of regarding death in battle as glory.

The wolf orc praised Suldak, but Suldak couldn't understand it at all.

Seeing that Suldak was injured, a wolf orc took the initiative to give up his silver-maned wolf brother, let Suldak ride on it, and that wolf orc shared a horse with his companion. Giant Wolf, the group set out on the road again, heading north through the swamp.

Along the way, the wolf orc team continued to explore the surrounding area until they came to a fork in the road. Suldak also saw a line of imperial characters and a line of orc characters on the landmark sign at the fork. Only then did he realize that he had already reached the border of the garrison zone divided by the Orc tribe and the Green Empire on the battlefield.

The wolf orc officer pointed to the border of the Grimm Empire and said a few words, then realized that Suldak couldn't understand at all, so he took out a simple map of animal skins, and the orc werewolf pointed to the symbol of a fortress on the map, He pointed to Suldak's chest again, then he pointed in another direction, and then pointed to himself. This simple sign language let Suldak know exactly how to go next.

At the same time, he was finally able to determine the area he was in now. He did not expect that he was teleported to the west of the middle section of Black Stone Mountain in the neutral zone, and walked northward from Black Stone Ridge in a straight line, just entering the territory of the wolf clan orcs.

I didn't expect that this teleportation would send me so far.

Without Aphrodite's summoning of the magic circle, it would be difficult to get out of Black Rock Mountain safely surrounded by hell mantises.

Suldak gestured again, and asked the wolf orcs if they saw other people along the way, such as human warriors, half-elf archers, and double-headed ogres. Those wolf orcs seemed to be alone. I understood it, but it seemed that I didn't understand it. In short, I shook my head again and again in the end.

Although they had a faint sour smell, they were very enthusiastic towards Suldak along the way. Until Suldak went on the road alone, the group of orc wolves were still waving towards him in the distance. After waving his hand, he rode silver-maned wolves onto another road. These silver-maned wolves ran much faster than war horses. When they ran on the road, they looked like undulating waves, or jumping symbol.

On the battlefield, these wolf knights can not only kill the enemy, but their mounts are also their closest partners, and they can also display considerable combat power on the battlefield.

Suldak was wearing Goethe's shield and a broadsword around his waist, walking along the main road to the north.


From a distance, I could see the flag flying on the fortress, which was the flag of the Grimm Empire, but Suldak couldn't tell which other flags were the flags of the Grand Duke of the Grimm Empire.

These flags are varied, and it doesn't look like a province's second-rank powerhouse is stationed here.

It's a pity that because he was standing at the bottom of the hillside, from Suldak's field of vision, he could only see the flag on the top of the fortress.

This slope is not too high, and the slope is covered with alfalfa and wild onions. It seems that it has just rained, and the soil under the feet is full of water. When you step into the grass, some oily black soil will be stained under your boots.

Suldak faintly heard a cry of killing, reaching Suldak's ears, and the sound of horseshoes shook the whole land, instantly igniting the fighting spirit in Suldak's heart.

He quickly climbed up to the highest point of the slope, and the battlefield in front of him happened to be the fortress that the Grimm Empire said to occupy. Rows of constructed knights were holding heavy knight spears, and countless halos lit up under the feet of the horses. Rows of constructed knights rushed towards Overwhelmed by the army of demons approaching the battlefield,

The entire group of archers behind raised their longbows, and the arrows of all the archers were filled with elemental streamers. The rain of arrows pierced the sky and landed in the camp of the demon army, bursting out clusters of elemental flames in an instant.

Suldak didn't expect that these constructed knights and archers appearing on the battlefield would all be formed by second-rank powerhouses.

Several magicians standing at the top of the city also rode on the magic scorpion handles and took off into the air at the same time...

On the opposite battlefield, countless demon warriors spread their fleshy wings on their backs. These fleshy wings usually cannot float their heavy bodies into the air. If they want to float into the air, they need to burn the black devil energy stored in their bodies. Demon warriors with wings on their backs will not easily fight in the air even on the battlefield.

The battle armor on their bodies seemed to be formed naturally, and almost all of them held square war blades in their hands.

The fleshy wings on their backs kept flapping, and their bodies became very light. When they started running, they could cover a distance of more than ten meters every time they took a step. Their shoulders were covered with heavy armor with spikes. On the battlefield, they are all charging with all their strength.

The succubus commanded a group of Flame Gogs to stand behind the team, and they also threw fireballs to the middle of the battlefield one after another.

It's just that these fireballs are somewhat unreliable. Many fireballs exploded in the formation of demon warriors. Those demon warriors seem to be used to it, and those fireballs don't seem to be able to hurt these demon warriors at all.

A row of evil eyes stood together with several succubi holding long whips. They had slowly lifted into the air at this moment, approaching the front battlefield.

The magic-pattern structures on the constructed knights were fully lit one by one during the charge, and the spears in the hands of these second-turn knights also burst into light several feet long, and the black-scaled horses under them seemed to merge with their bodies For one thing, the moment the cavalry rushed into the army of demon warriors, the demon warriors in front were immediately pierced through by the constructed knights.

And these constructed knights also discarded the knight spears inserted into the bodies of the demon warriors one after another, drew out the long swords around their waists, and slashed forward one after another.

The knights behind will continue to advance from the gap between them. The demon warriors can't resist the frontal charge of the constructed knight. Black flames were ignited on the bodies of the demon warriors, and they floated up from the ground, fighting with the constructed knights on the battlefield.

Phantoms of 'Positions' also appeared behind the Constructed Knights, and then these 'Positions' also merged with them, and each Constructed Knight became stronger.

The flames of war spread to the entire battlefield...

At this moment, on a sloping land directly opposite Suldak, a large group of demon warriors suddenly emerged. They took advantage of the constructed knights in the fortress to attack as a whole, and this group of demon warriors flapped their wings from the side He rushed down the hillside and rushed towards the gate of the fortress along the fortress wall.

The bed crossbows on the city wall of the fortress turned around one after another, firing magic arrows frequently. These giant crossbow arrows carried a magical halo, and instantly caused certain casualties among the demon army rushing along the city wall. The demons killed by the giant crossbow arrows Almost all the warriors of the clan were nailed under the walls of the fortress.

Several archmages guarding the city wall landed on the top of the city one after another. They began to chant the same incantation at the same time. Behind them appeared five or six meter high fire spirits. These fire spirits gathered a large number of fire spirits from the air with their hands raised The power of the fire element poured into the body of the archmage.

Suldak had seen this magic before. Archmage Harper used this group magic to deal with the hellhound on the cliff in the North Canyon of Mount Myra.

Now several archmages joined hands to perform this group magic together, a large cloud of fire gathered over the fortress, and then a large rain of fire fell on the heads of the demon army as if they had eyes.

The second-rank archers at the rear of the army formation also retreated into the gate of the fortress one after another at this time.

After a while, these powerful second-rank archers stood on the city wall one after another, and shot a rain of arrows at the demon army rushing over from one side. The demon warriors walking through fell under the city wall one after another.

A demon general with a halberd in his hand dragged his fat tail. Standing in the wave of the demon army, he looked a bit like a dragon servant. He was a fiery red monster with hands, feet and a huge tail.

He raised his halberd like a huge shovel in the demon army, and other demon generals in the army also raised their halberds high when they saw this.

The war halberd shoots a beam of black light toward the height, and this beam of black light spreads to the surroundings just at a height of seven or eight meters in the air, immediately forming a huge umbrella-shaped black light shield, and dozens of black light shields are placed on the heads of these demon troops. Unfolding, it immediately resisted the rain of fire and elemental arrows falling from the sky.

Sparks continuously sputtered from the black mask...

The city wall of the fortress was a hundred meters long, and these demon warriors did not intend to climb the mottled city wall, but flocked directly to the city gate.

The gates under the fortress walls did not close as quickly as Suldak expected.

At this time, a mixed team of second-rank warriors and knights rushed out from the fortress. However, no matter whether they were warriors or knights, they didn't have horses, and they guarded the city gate.

The high walls of this fortress controlled by the Green Empire seem to be riddled with holes by the demon army.

The top of the city was full of second-rank archers, and a group of demon warriors had already rushed to the gate of the fortress, only to be blocked by a group of mixed warriors and knights.

The constructed knights on the battlefield outside the fortress did not turn their knight spears to charge back just because the front of the fortress was attacked by the demon army. The raised demon warrior pierced a huge hole in his body.

The Constructed Knights continue to charge with all their strength towards the main battlefield of the Demon Army...

And the gate of the fortress was also caught in a bitter battle. A large shower of meteors and fire fell from the sky, and the black mask that had already supported the generals of the demon race turned into a sea of ​​flames.

A team of second-rank archers on the city wall replaced the magic-breaking arrows one after another. This kind of magic arrow can break through the black mask.

The bed crossbows on the top of the city were also pushed out by the archers. At this time, they were adjusting the pitching frame of the bed crossbows, aiming these bed crossbows at the few demon generals who opened the black mask in the army formation.

The flames of war almost spread to the inside of the fortress. When Suldak heard the shouts of killing on the battlefield, his blood rushed to the top of his head. No matter where he was, he carried Goethe's shield on his shoulder and walked along the hillside. The city wall rushed down.

There were no demon warriors in this area, and the 'power halo' lit up under his feet, and he ran fast along the edge of the city wall.

He was wearing a suit of magic-weave armor, with a shield on his back to block the rain of meteors and fire falling from the sky, and he rushed directly to the battlefield at the gate of the city.

A soldier held a thorium spear with magic pattern in his hand, stabbed the demon warrior's wing, pulled him from the air to the ground, and raised the spear in his hand to stab him to death, when a A demon warrior swooped down from the air, and instantly pounced on the spear warrior, his black claws pinching the second-rank warrior's shoulders.

The demon warrior in the back with a pierced flesh wing got up from the ground, and the blade in his hand pierced towards the spear warrior's heart...

Suldak had already rushed to the front, he flew over, propped up the goethe shield with his right hand, the shield blocked the demon warrior's full thrust, and the broadsword in his hand also slashed towards the pair of sharp claws holding the spear warrior .

A layer of black flames ignited with a 'hoo' sound on the sharp claws of the demon warrior, but a faint layer of holy light erupted from the broadsword in Suldak's hand.

The broad sword with holy light cut on that strong arm, and the two forearms were cut off by Suldak immediately.

Then Suldak half-kneeled on the ground steadily, and the Goethe shield in his hand once again assumed a standard defensive posture, blocking the war blade that was slashing behind him with all his strength.

A layer of holy shield erupted on the shield again...

The knight holding the spear took the opportunity to kick away the severed demon warrior who was pressing on him, rolled over and stood up from the ground, and while the demon warrior was howling in severe pain, he repaired the wound on his heart. a spear.

Then a phantom of a Valkyrie holding a spear appeared behind him. While the demon warrior was slashing at Suldak with all his strength, the spear stabbed three times, stabbing the man who had lost a wing. Three blood holes were pierced on the Mozu warrior's body.

The demon warrior was covered in black flames, and fell down in an unwilling roar.

The spear warrior took the opportunity to extend a hand to Suldak, and Suldak held the big hand and was pulled up from the ground by the spear warrior.


The spear warrior said to Suldak in a deep voice.

Even for rank two powerhouses, life and death on the battlefield are just a thought.

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