Lord Highlander

Chapter 1139: 1125. After Victory

An excellent shield warrior must have enough frankness on the battlefield, which is not possessed by many knight-born knights.

In the early days, knights could only be equipped with knight light shields and long swords because of horses. Therefore, even after they became knights, they also liked to use light shields such as iris shields. They thought dwarf chain shields, tower Shields like shields are too bulky.

And the knights are not familiar with defensive posture, which is one of the skills that heavy armored infantry fighters need to master in large numbers.

For Suldak, the defensive stance is like the subconscious action of spreading his legs apart when urinating. As long as he raises his shield, he wants to put on a defensive stance.

As a result, the shield in Suldak's hand frequently radiated silver holy light on the battlefield. Standing in front of the spear warrior, he was able to deal with the attacks of three demon warriors at the same time, while the spear warrior hiding behind him But it completely gave up the defensive means, and almost every time the three thorns have a full blow, the demon warriors basically don't hold shields, so the number of demon warriors who died in the hands of the two increased to a dozen in an instant ...

For a while, several demon warriors around saw that there were two difficult and ruthless characters on the battlefield here. If the demon warriors wanted to occupy the gate of the city, they had to kill the warriors guarding here, so several demon warriors rushed Spread your wings and kill them.

There were even black magic balls with annihilation aura in the hands of some demon warriors...

A halo of power appeared on Suldak's feet. Seeing that it was becoming more and more difficult to block the attacks of these demon warriors, he recited the spell of 'Ancient Oath' without hesitation, and the power of the holy light between his fingers drew a picture Silver. Magic pattern, this group of magic patterns turned into a mask and printed on his shield, very much like the holy seal of a knight.

The spear warrior he rescued actually had a halo of another color under his feet. Unexpectedly, this spear warrior was also a constructed knight...

Suldak could feel the purifying power brought by the knight aura shared under his feet, and he forcibly dispelled the black flames on his body.

Seeing the new lines on Suldak's shield, the spear warrior asked Suldak curiously, "Can your knight's seal give the shield stronger defense?"

"Even if it is..."

Suldak didn't know how to answer, he couldn't say that this was dragon language magic.

Before he could finish speaking, the spear stabbed out again, and the spear warrior did not dodge the war blade stabbed by the demon warrior at all.

Suldak took the opportunity to take a step, and the shield happened to be in the gap of the constructed knight, blocking the demon warrior's battle blade.

The spear warrior pierced the bleeding hole again. When the demon warrior fell down, Suldak still skillfully chopped off his head with the broadsword.

With Suldak's help, the spear warrior and his companions almost firmly guarded the corner on the north side of the city wall.

During this period, people were frequently injured, and the injured knights would be quickly sent back to the city, and there would be second-rank strongmen pouring out of the city.

The bed crossbow with adjusted angles on the top of the city shoots out the "Devil Extermination Giant Crossbow". This kind of giant crossbow has a magic-breaking circle attached to it, which can easily penetrate the mask. Each one was a live target, although there were several personal guards around him, but under the shooting of the bed crossbow, one after another was shot through the body by the arrows of the demon-killing crossbow.

The black mask protecting the demon army's head shattered piece by piece, and meteor fire rain and elemental arrows continued to fall, quickly reducing the vitality of the demon army.

This round of the strongest charge of the demon army finally failed to capture the gate of the fortress, leaving behind the corpses of their companions all over the place, and retreated like a tide against the fire rain and elemental arrows.

The soldiers and knights guarding the gate of the city breathed a sigh of relief, and began to kill the demon warriors who had not completely died on the battlefield.

Suldak and the spear warrior killed the largest number of demon warriors. The spear warrior was obviously a constructed knight, but he was holding a spear, which is really weird on the battlefield... and This time out of the city to face off, he didn't even bring the knight's long sword with him.

When it was time to reap the spoils, he could only help Suldak drag the demon warriors they killed together, and wait for Suldak to chop off their heads one by one with the broadsword.

The heads of these demon warriors not only have magic cores, but each one counts as military merit, which is very valuable.

Those demon war blades are useless. The war blades extracted from the essence of obsidian are like stone weapons in the hands of human warriors, and they can be broken with one blow.

"Without the halo of prayer, you can still last for so long. Your physical strength is really good."

The spear warrior dragged the last demon warrior over, sat aside exhaustedly, took off his helmet, wiped the sweat from his forehead with his arm, and said in Imperial language.

His Imperial language has a distinct accent...

Suldak smiled slightly, and arranged the heads of the demon warriors in a row, and the two divided them into five parts.

At this time, the situation on the battlefield has also undergone some changes. After the Constructed Knights broke through the army formation of the demon warriors on the battlefield, they turned into an arrow formation and broke through the camp of Flaming Gogs in one fell swoop. A constructed knight who can't stop charging with all his strength.

The succubi who enslaved and commanded Flame Gog behind them also flew high into the sky, and some knights wanted to shoot them down from the sky.

These demon warriors who stormed the city gate withdrew from the front line and joined the demon warriors on the main battlefield.

The constructed knights did not continue to fight head-on this time, but circled from both sides of the battlefield to the gate of the fortress under the leadership of several great knight commanders.

The demon army did not want to get too close to the fortress. The bed crossbows and archers on the wall of the fortress posed a fatal threat to them, and a siege battle subsided like this.

This is also the first time Suldak has seen the tidal charge tactics of the constructed knights on the battlefield. The first row of constructed knights rushed up, and they didn't care about the demon army coming up behind because there was a second wave behind them. In the third wave, they just need to hold on to this battlefield...

Suldak got his share of the spoils, and withdrew to the fortress with these second-rank fighters.

A row of sheds was built not far from the entrance of the fortress, and the wounded who were evacuated from the battlefield lay in this shed. However, Suldak found that compared with the mainland and the plane battlefields of Roland mainland, the battlefields here are much smaller. It was extravagant. The wooden shelf behind a first aid officer in charge of treatment was filled with light red life potion and light blue spirit potion, and the box was full of countless hemostatic bandages.

There are also several water magicians running around in the arbor.

If you owe more, it will be delayed for another day. I have a lot of things recently, sorry!

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