Lord Highlander

Chapter 1140: 1126. Retain

This row of sheds was built on a wall behind the gate of the fortress, and the wounded knights sat silently in the sheds, occasionally letting out an uncontrollable cry of pain.

Many wounds carry a faint dark energy. It is these negative effects of corrosion into the wounds that cause continuous damage to the soldiers. Water mages and life potions can only maintain the wounds from further deterioration. Some healers The flesh and blood attached to the wound had to be scraped off, and then there were special construction knights who turned on the 'prayer' aura and the 'purification' aura in the arbor.

While resting against the city wall, the spear warrior sat beside Suldak, wiped the thorium spear in his hand with a clean rag, and stretched out his hand to Suldak and said, "Hi, my name is Alec, paladin, which fortress are you from? Why haven't I seen you before?"

Suldak took out the water bottle, took a sip of water and said, "I'm Suldak from Bena Province. I just entered the battlefield through the King Kong Gate half a month ago. Unfortunately, I just teleported out of the portal. I got separated from my companion."

"Didn't you come out of the portal of Chaos Fortress in the seventh district?" Alec asked in surprise.

Suldak spread his hands, shrugged his shoulders helplessly and said: "After stepping out of the portal, I found myself falling into the crack of a canyon in the Black Rock Mountain, and I walked halfway through that mountain. It took months to find here."

Alec was stunned and said: "So you haven't reached the Chaos Fortress at all, and you haven't accepted the assignment from the commander of the theater there... You can't be so unlucky, you have a teleportation deviation due to so many people?"

"Each of you was assigned here through the Chaos Fortress?" Suldak patted his forehead and asked with some uncertainty.

The soldiers sitting on the side looked at Suldak, and everyone had expressions of "so you only know now" on their faces at the same time.

Obviously, the battle just now made Suldak gain the recognition of the soldiers. Next to him, a constructed knight with an injured arm took off his helmet with difficulty, and said to Suldak with a smile: "Looking at your power aura, you should It's a Construct Knight, but you're great with your shield!"

And everyone sat down against the wall, waiting for the water magician to come and treat everyone.

Alec untied the construct armor on his body, and said to Suldak, "Although your luck is a bit bad, congratulations, you have escaped from that dangerous area."

He opened the linen shirt, revealing a half-foot-long horizontal wound on his ribs. There was a trace of black flames on the wound, and even the blood that flowed out was purple.

Alec took a deep breath, took out a bottle of light green antidote from his arms, bit the cork with his mouth, pulled out the cork, poured a trace of green potion on the wound, and the black magic immediately evaporated When he got up, he screamed in pain.

The soldiers on the side seemed to have gotten used to it for a long time.

At this time, Suldak reached out and grabbed Alec's wrist.

Alec was taken aback for a moment, then he handed half a bottle of potion to Suldak in relief, and said, "Suldak, are you injured too?"

"I have been here for a long time, and I almost forgot that magic potions are scarce on the mainland of the empire. As long as you have military merits here, you can exchange enough magic potions..." Alec said with a slight bow.

"This antidote is not good for your wound healing. Your wound is just corroded by demon energy, not poisoning!" After taking the bottle of antidote, Suldak re-covered it with a cork and threw it to Ya Lectra.

"I know, it's a pity that there is no purification potion in the material logistics warehouse here. I'm just worried that there are other toxins in the wound. I need to detoxify it in advance and wait for the treatment of the magicians. Let me tell you, they are actually not very professional. Apart from using hydrotherapy, there is nothing else!" Alec leaned against the wall and whispered to Suldak.

His shoulders were scratched by the sharp claws of the demon warriors during the battle, and he had six wounds, three wounds on the left and right shoulders, and the linen shirt was stained with blood.

Suldak saw that some soldiers were still holding the test tube bottle of the secondary life potion, so he took the initiative to sit up from the wall. on his shoulders.

The black flame attached to the shoulder immediately turned into black smoke and drifted away. Suldak skillfully cleaned the wound on Alec's shoulder, took out a steel needle with white thread, and stabbed Alec The wound was stitched up.

At this time, the soldier next to him immediately picked up two rolls of hemostatic bandages from the wooden frame, and helped Suldak bandage the wounds on Alec's shoulder and ribs.

"A medical officer sent by the Imperial Campbell Sanatorium?" A constructed knight squatted beside Suldak and asked enthusiastically.

"Well, I'm not, I'm just a second-rank knight recruited by the Great Battlefield Pass." Suldak then treated the constructed knight with a long wound on his arm. The stitching technique has become very proficient, at least the stitches of the centipede patterns have become very neat.

Suldak's holy light technique can dispel the dark energy adhering to the wound, which makes the procedure of scraping off the rotten flesh extremely simple.

Moreover, Suldak has good stitching skills. At first, he only healed Alec and the constructed knights in his team, and later spread to the entire constructed knights guarding the city gate. In the end, he felt that he joined the medical team. The rescue team, with a water magician behind them, began to heal the constructed knights in the entire fortress.

Even Aldous of Dalland Fortress. Commander Banks also heard from his subordinates that a paladin who possessed the Holy Light technique had come to the fortress.

After a period of treatment, Suldak discovered that the holy light technique was undoubtedly the best way to dispel the demon energy, and he also inquired about the location of the Blue Bridge Fortress from these constructed knights during the treatment process.

Hearing that Suldak said that he came out of Heishi Ridge, these second-rank powerhouses were all surprised, not understanding why such a strange incident happened.

Every second-rank strongman who enters the big battlefield actually needs to report in the Chaos Fortress, and then he can go to the empire's various fortresses in the seventh district according to the deployment of the headquarters.

However, in the past few years, it seems that a practice has been formed: that is, the second-rank powerhouses tend to hug each other in units of provinces.

This regional gathering has successfully avoided internal conflicts caused by geographical issues.

In this way, although the contradictions and conflicts between the second-rank powerhouses in various regions have been reduced, such a clear division of regions has deepened the gap between the provinces...

The Dalan Fortress has been brewing for more than half a year. The demon army has continued to suppress the Dalan Fortress, and has captured a large area outside the fortress. The alliance provinces mobilized a large number of constructed knights, and finally waited for the opportunity when the demon army was preparing to attack the Dalan Fortress, and conducted such a large-scale battle outside the fortress.

The number of Rank 2 powerhouses participating in this battle alone reached nearly 2,000. You must know that the number of Rank 2 powerhouses owned by the Green Empire in the entire Seventh War Zone is only more than 10,000.


This fortress is built on the mountain, blocking the entrance of the canyon that marches north. This is a military fortress without residents. The interior of the fortress is almost the living quarters of the garrison. There are dozens of bed crossbows.

All the rooms in the Dalan Fortress are full of people, and even the inner courtyard of the fortress is full of tents.

Suldak also built a tent in the inner courtyard, and it was a very comfortable single room. He sat in the tent and gnawed on a piece of salamander neck meat. These were originally prepared for Gulitum, but unfortunately the ogre's luck not too good...

In other words, Suldak's luck was not so good that the ogres had nothing to eat.

After the salamander was cooked by Aphrodite, most of it ran into Suldak's stomach. Although the food cooked by Aphrodite didn't taste very good, at least the food was cooked. Aphrodite said: Advanced ingredients often only need the simplest cooking method...

Suldak silently sprinkled some salt on it, tore off a piece of meat and chewed it carefully.

A voice came from outside: "Which one is the Grand Knight of Suldak? Commander Aldous summoned you."

Suldak quickly put down the salamander neck in his hand, lifted the curtain of the tent, pointed his head outside and said, "Understood, I'll go there right away."

The herald quickly nodded in greeting, then turned around and walked in another direction. Having just won a big battle, Dalan Fortress has a lot of things to deal with.

Suldak took a sip of the cold water with a bitter refreshing effect, adjusted the magic pattern structure on his body, and then walked out of the tent.

Along the way, people greeted him everywhere. Although most of the people Suldak didn't know, he nodded very politely.

I also saw Alec's comrades in arms. They saw that the magic pattern structure and shield on Suldak's body were full of scars, so they kindly reminded him: "Grand Knight Suldak, you can go to the blacksmith in the fortress. There are not only master blacksmiths with excellent craftsmanship, but also inscription masters who are good at repairing magic patterns..."

"And the final thing is that during the war, any maintenance and repairs are completely free. There are simply too many scars on your shield." A second-rank soldier kindly reminded.

"Is it okay for someone like me who doesn't have a formal status?" Suldak asked casually.

"It's just that you haven't registered with the Chaos Fortress yet. Based on your contribution to the Dalan Fortress, no one in the Fortress will refuse your reasonable request..." The second-ranked warrior said to Sur Duck gave a thumbs up.

Then a group of people walked over.

Suldak climbed the wooden stairs at the end of the corridor and came to the innermost door on the third floor. The guards at the door just glanced at Suldak and said, "Grand Knight Suldak, Commander The adults are waiting for you inside!"

The two guards were also wearing magic-weave outfits. Looking at the friendly smiles on their faces, it was obvious that they both knew Suldak.

Suldak went up and knocked on the door.

'tuk tuk tuk'

"Come in..." A muffled voice came from the room.

Suldak opened the door and walked in. He saw Commander Aldous wearing a magic pattern outfit, sitting behind his desk correcting documents. He had gray beard and hair, but he looked very energetic, and his beard was trimmed very well. Neat and well-groomed hair.

Commander Aldous raised his head and stared at Surdak sharply.

Suldak had seen the commander of the Dalan Fortress from a distance before, and he exuded the aura of a rank three powerhouse.

"Commander Aldous, are you looking for me?" Suldak stepped forward and gave a military salute.

"Grand Knight Suldak, I just got your information, participated in the battle to defend the city of Wozhimara on the Maca plane, the beast tide in the northern part of the Bailin plane, organized and led the war on the Ganbu plane, and Great victory! Such an outstanding record, and you are still so young, are you from Bena?"

"Yes, my hometown is Hailansa City, Tarapakan District, Bena Province." Suldak replied respectfully.

"Aren't all the provinces of Bena equipped with swordsmen? Why did you choose to take the path of knights?" Commander Aldous asked.

Suldak rubbed his nose and said, "Actually, I served in the Heavy Armored Infantry Regiment as a Shield Warrior. After I retired, I joined the Hailansa Guard Battalion and became a Knight of the Guard Battalion..."

Commander Aldous continued: "I have only seen a burly knight like you in the North Wind Legion. I have to say that you have done a good job in the Dalan Fortress."

"You have also seen the current situation in the fortress. The fortress needs paladins like you. If you are willing to stay, I can write to the commander-in-chief and ask him to keep you in the Dalan fortress."

Suldak also felt that he liked to fight with these constructed knights. Compared with the constructed swordsmen in Bena Province, the scene of the constructed knights charging was more exciting.

However, he hesitated for a moment, and still followed the instructions of Marquis Luther: "Before I came to the big battlefield, I was entrusted by an elder to visit Commander Adolphus at the Blue Bridge Fortress."

Commander Aldous pinched the corners of his eyes, with an unconcealable disappointment on his face, and then said: "Okay, I see, the only swordsman Adolphus in the seventh district of the Great Battlefield is the Blue Bridge Fortress. Commander, he is also from the province of Bena."

"Since you have made up your mind, I will not force you. No matter what, I still want to thank you for your contribution to the Dalan Fortress."

"I'm afraid you are not familiar with the road here. You can take the carriage of the logistics department of Chaos Fortress and return to the fortress to register."

Suldak stood at attention and saluted Commander Aldous.

"Yes, Commander."

Commander Aldous did not stop Suldak from returning to Chaos Fortress, but gave Suldak a war horse before leaving, and asked him to return north with the logistics convoy.

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