Lord Highlander

Chapter 1141 1127. Chaos Fortress

The road is a little rough. There are several north-south mountains in the northeast of the seventh area of ​​the Great Battlefield. There are gentle valleys more than ten kilometers wide between these mountains.

Some green moss and weeds grow on the ground, and some bushes are scattered in the surrounding mountains.

There are no dense forests to be seen, but fortresses built with huge stones can be seen on some mountains. There are a total of 27 fortresses garrisoned by the Green Empire, but these are not all fortresses in the mountains in the northeast region.

Suldak followed the logistics convoy all the way back to the Chaos Fortress of the Green Empire behind the seventh area of ​​the Great Battlefield.

The Chaos Fortress is located on the edge of a cliff in the northeast corner of the Seventh District. This fortress is more like a majestic city built on the mountain. There is only one gate connecting the vast land of the Seventh District. Suldak rides a horse from a distance You can see the light rising into the sky in the fortress. It is said that the light is the teleportation circle in the fortress.

The officer in the material and logistics department is a native of the imperial capital, very talkative, and his age cannot be seen.

After breaking through the second round, the strong can delay aging through self-regulation, and can also adjust their strength, physique and agility.

Suldak couldn't even feel the power overflowing from this logistics officer.

He leaned against the rear shelf of the four-wheeled carriage. This carriage was full of useful materials from various parts of the body of the demon warriors, and the roof was covered with tarpaulin.

He smiled and said to Suldak:

"This is not the first time your situation has happened. Even now, it is difficult for those gatekeepers to give a reasonable explanation."

"Some people think that the shift in teleportation is a trial given by the angels to those with high abilities. Many second-rank fighters who were teleported to the neutral zone are the best among the second-rank fighters."

"However, many magicians believe that this is just a teleportation deviation caused by the instability of the space rift, and it is caused by the insufficient rigorousness of the basic matrix algorithm of the portal."

Hearing what the logistics officer said, Suldak felt a little more balanced: 'It turns out that I am not the first person to have this happen. '

But seeing the logistics officer hesitate to speak, he knew that he hadn't finished speaking.

"Is there any other explanation?" Suldak asked the logistics officer.

The officer of the logistics department hesitated before saying: "When the priests of the Temple of Liberty were still stationed in the fortress, they believed that only those who believed in demons in their hearts could be affected during the teleportation process and have teleportation deviations. "

"However, this kind of statement has long since been withdrawn from the battlefield by the priests, and no one has mentioned it again."


Suldak was silent.

He thought about the original double-faced four-armed demon statue in his body, exactly half of which belonged to demons.

"Actually, don't think too much, you will arrive at the fortress tomorrow." The logistics officer said with a carefree smile.

Suldak felt that he seemed to know a little bit about everything, so he couldn't help asking curiously:

"Why did those priests suddenly withdraw from the battlefield?"

The logistics officer stretched out a hand and shook Suldak, repeatedly denying:

"No, you probably didn't understand the situation at the time. They didn't evacuate suddenly. The evacuation of the priests was divided into four times. Although the priests didn't say anything when they evacuated, I guess they should be an expedition to the Kingdom of God. The army has entered the unknown dark plane."

It was the first time for Suldak to hear someone say that, and he was slightly taken aback: "Um...?"

"To make an analogy, it's like the dark legion of the hell plane invaded the subsidiary plane of the Grimm Empire. In fact, those dark legions are also expanding their territory."

"But why did they abandon the Grimm Empire when they opened up the Dark Territory?" Suldak asked suspiciously.

"Then ask the Statue of Liberty, maybe she's tired of the Imperials..."

The logistics officer laughed out loud after he finished speaking, as if he had told a very funny joke.


When Suldak arrived at the gate of Chaos Fortress, it was already the eighteenth day since he came to the battlefield.

As the carriage of the logistics department successfully entered the outer gate of the Chaos Fortress, and wanted to store the horses in the stables of the fortress, there were actually many second-rank powerhouses living in the fortress, and a large number of second-rank powerhouses wearing magic pattern structures came in and out here. , Some people's eyes even have a fierce look.

On a boulder at the entrance of the fortress, stood a two-headed ogre in black armor.

Suldak stopped to watch, only to realize that it was the ogre Gullitum.

"Gulitum..." Suldak rushed through the chaotic crowd and approached the ogre.

Gulitum immediately heard Suldak's shout, but a lot of people gathered at the gate of the fortress. He and Nao Hua'er watched for a long time before finding Suldak from the crowd.

The two-headed ogre raised its fists high and slammed into each other fiercely in front of its chest. A wave of air spread out around him.

"Boss, how did you get out from there? Andrew and I have been waiting for you here for more than half a month. Where have you been? Andrew, Andrew..."

The ogre Gulitum was so excited that he started to speak loudly, feeling a little excited, and squeezed Suldak's wrist painfully.

The ogre strode towards a corner of the fortress, and shouted Andrew's name.

The Nanai native warrior ran out of a blacksmith shop in the fortress, holding a hammer in his hand. Seeing Suerdak behind Gulitum, he immediately threw away the sledgehammer in his hand and walked to Suerdak. In front of Erdak, he was a little speechless with excitement.

It took a long time for the Nanai native warrior to say: "Gulitum and I thought we lost you..."

Suldak asked Andrew:

"Where's Samira?"

Andrew scratched his head vigorously, and said with some embarrassment:

"In order to go out to find you, she joined the inspection team organized by the Chaos Fortress Command. She said that she would go to every fortress to see. She said that if you return to the Chaos Fortress, leave a note for her in the tavern here." Message."

Suldak patted Andrew on the shoulder and asked:

"Okay, how are you guys doing these days?"

Andrew smiled and said:

"Except for not knowing where you went, everything else is okay. In order to stay in Chaos Fortress and wait for you, I ran to this blacksmith shop to do odd jobs. Gulitham was washing dishes in a restaurant. We usually take turns guarding At the gate of the fortress, I am worried that you will not find us when you come to the Chaos Fortress."

Suldak looked at Gulitham in surprise, wondering which restaurant owner was so big-hearted that he dared to hire an ogre to help him wash the dishes.

"I went to the headquarters to report, have you all registered here?" Suldak remembered that when entering the Chaos Fortress, the first thing to do was to register. Usually this step would be completed at the teleportation gate, only he would need to start from scratch. Enter the stronghold to register.

"Yes, someone registered us the day we walked out of the portal," Gulitum said.

"I said boss, where have you been these days? At that time, I walked out of the portal with Gulitum, Andrew, and Samira, and then found that you disappeared without a sound. At that time, we were completely dumbfounded." It's already..." My good brother Naohua'er also took the opportunity to say to Suldak.

Seeing a two-headed ogre in the fortress where humans gather is still very eye-catching.

Andrew went straight into the blacksmith shop, said goodbye to the blacksmith shop owner, and then took Suldak back to the hotel where he and Gulitham were temporarily staying.

Suldak asked the two-headed ogre to wait for them in the hotel, and then walked into the gate of the Chaos Fortress with Andrew.

The tall portal stands at the highest point of the fortress, and people keep coming out of the portal, and then walking down the high steps...

However, Suldak walked up to the portal and came directly to the registration office in front of the portal. After Suldak explained the situation to the person in charge of registration here, the staff member quickly sent Suldak Gram information is recorded on a piece of parchment.

But then he said to Suldak:

"Please wait a moment!"

Then trot all the way to the room behind the portal.

Not long after, a magician and a constructed knight came out of the room at the same time, stood in front of Suldak and said:

"Hi, I'm Angelo Moody, the person in charge of the Portal Management Office. This is Harold Jordan, the magister in charge of portal maintenance. I heard that you have a teleportation deviation. We need to do something more for you. A comprehensive inspection." The constructed knight was wearing a dark golden armor, and the aura overflowing from his body completely suppressed Suldak.

I didn't expect that in the Chaos Fortress, I could see some three-rank powerhouses casually.

In the Green Empire, these three-rank powerhouses are almost rare...


With two more three-rank powerhouses, what else can Suldak say.

These two rank-three powerhouses led Suldak into a stone room, and Andrew was stopped outside the stone room.

The walls in the room are actually made of magic crystals. It looks like an inconspicuous stone house from the outside, but the decoration style inside is so bold.

Angelo Moody had a faint halo on his body, and the halo of the knight under his feet was actually a light blue halo, which made Suldak's body instantly full of sacred aura.

Master Angelo, the person in charge of the Portal Management Office, said to Suldak: "Please release the power smoothly..."

Suldak was a little nervous, and when he heard Master Angelo say this, he condensed the sacred aura in his body into a ball of flame through his palm.

"The power of the Holy Light?" Angelo Moody was slightly shocked, and immediately turned to look at Magister Hadro Jordan.

The magister pressed his hands on a crystal ball, and a beam of light fell on Surdak, and he continued to say: "Please release your momentum..."

With a thought in Suldak's mind, the phantom of an archangel appeared behind him.

The archangel released the incomparably pure power of the holy light, and the entire room was almost rendered by the holy light so that people could not open their eyes.


Magister Hadro Jordan and the person in charge, Angelo Moody, looked at each other, and there was a hint of relief in their eyes.

Suldak stood in the room, the crystals around him reflected the power of holy light into his body, his body was like a translucent water bottle.

As the phantom of the archangel slowly disappeared, behind Suldak there were even a few pure leaves condensed by the power of the holy light.

Angelo Moody came up from the side, patted Suldak on the shoulder affectionately, and said to him:

"Okay, we know, you can go to rest."

Suldak turned and walked to the door, then stopped, turned to Angelo Moody and asked, "My lord, can I leave Chaos Fortress soon?"

Angelo Moody smiled, walked up, put one hand on Suldak's shoulder and said, "Anytime!"

The two walked outside the stone room, and the staff member who reported to the registration office was also waiting outside. Angelo Moody asked him, "Where should he be assigned according to the usual practice?"

The staff checked the registration form and immediately replied: "According to the usual practice, we plan to assign the Grand Knight of Suldak to the Blue Bridge Fortress. You can report to the Blue Bridge Fortress in the near future."


Suldak gave a knight salute to Angelo Moody and Hadro Jordan.

Then he returned to the hotel in Chaos Fortress with Andrew who was waiting outside.


This hotel is located under the city wall of the Chaos Fortress. It looks like a temporary reconstruction of the material warehouse under the city wall. It is very simple, and the only feature is that the accommodation fee is very cheap.

This is also the reason why Andrew and Gulitum chose this hotel.

They just want a temporary place to stay.

If it wasn't for the Chaos Fortress that required a temporary residence permit, they wouldn't even choose to live in a hotel.

Back in the simple room of the hotel, Suldak said to Gulitum and Andrew:

"Take a good rest today, go to the tavern to leave a message for Samira in the evening, and tomorrow we will leave for the Blue Bridge Fortress."

"Great, I can finally leave here." The ogre shouted excitedly, pumping its fists.

They have been guarding Chaos Fortress these days, and they are already tired of here...


In the stone room behind the portal of the Chaos Fortress, Angelo Moody and Magister Hadro Jordan sat at their desks, and the teacups in front of them were still steaming.

"Such pure power of holy light!" Angelo Moody sighed softly.

"Tsk tsk... No wonder the wizard of the Demon Race is willing to roll the dice of fate on him once," Hadro Jordan, the magister, also praised him afterwards.

Angelo Moody glanced at the magister and asked, "So, he is being targeted by the great wizard of the Demon Race?"

Magister Hadro Jordan shook his head slightly and said: "That's not necessarily the case. Those great witches probably saw something in the River of Destiny, and he happened to be standing by the river at that time, and was thrown out by the way."

Angelo Moody blew on the hot air on the teacup and sighed: "... How long has it been since we saw a paladin?"

Magister Hadro Jordan thought for a while before saying: "It has been a few years since the priests in the temple left..."

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