Lord Highlander

Chapter 1142: 1128. Blue Bridge Fortress

Suldak set off from Chaos Fortress with Andrew and Gulitum, and rode southwest along the mountain road for five full days before reaching the Blue Bridge Fortress sandwiched between the mountains.

As its name describes, the Blue Bridge Fortress straddles these two mountains, and the entire fortress is about two hundred meters long.

Standing on the mountain road outside the fortress, Suldak could see that the fortress was built on an existing natural stone arch bridge. The craftsmen of the Grimm Empire built a long and narrow fortification on the stone arch bridge, tall and straight. The entire stone bridge of the city wall is wrapped in it.

It looks like a long and narrow floating castle built between the mountains. There are tall watchtowers on both sides of the castle, which can almost be higher than the ridges of the mountains on both sides.

These two mountains are very close to each other, and the valley between the mountains does not have a flowing river, but a valley full of countless sharp stone pillars. These sharp stone pillars are almost three to five meters high, with extremely sharp tops, blue Below the bridge fortress is a dead valley.

Bluebridge Fortress is the only way to connect the two nearby mountains.

In addition to the imperial flag, there are two flags of different styles flying on the top of the watchtowers on the east and west sides of the fortress, one of which is the flag representing the province of Bena.

Suldak and his group came to the gate of the fortress and handed over a transfer order for the Chaos Fortress to the guards in front of the gate. At the same time, Suldak wrote to the Marquis Fred Dunstan, the Speaker of the House of Representatives of Bena City, to Ah Commander Dovers Dunstan's personal letter was taken out.

Suldak didn't have a lot of luggage. Andrew was leading two war horses. The two-headed ogre squatted by the low wall at the gate of the Blue Bridge Fortress, looking curiously at the Thousand Needles forest at the bottom of the bridge. , The two brothers seemed to be muttering something.

The guard at the gate of the fort asked Surdak and his party to wait for a while.

The door in front of you is a double door with a height of almost five meters. The door is covered with a thick layer of iron, which looks quite heavy. There are no iron nails on the door, but it has a bit of Bernard style. painted.

If the two gates are fully opened, it is completely possible for two carriages to pass in parallel.


The door of the office was pushed open from the outside, and a close aide walked into the room with Suldak's letter and said:

"Commander Adolphus, I brought you a letter from outside. It was brought to you by one of the three recruits newly recruited to our fortress. Among the three recruits sent over from the Chaos Fortress this time, , there is actually a two-headed ogre."

Commander Adolphus put down the quill in his hand, reached out to take the letter paper, saw the family crest drawn on the envelope and the stamp on the ink pad on the seal, raised his eyebrows slightly, and quickly pulled out a delicate golden dagger , Cut the mouth of the letter paper.

The traces of origami inside are also the family's special origami method. He didn't even look at the content, but directly glanced at the signature 'Fred Dunstan' on the signature.

His face became more relaxed, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, he said: "I don't have time to see him now, you go and settle them down first, don't assign tasks to them, I will find time to meet them."

"Yes, Commander." The confidant took the order and left.

Then Adolphus gently unfolded the parchment letter, saw that the lines were full of family trivia and some new changes, he stood up from his seat with the letter, leaned against the window and looked out at the foggy sky , sighed softly, and thought to himself: Fred may be the only relative in the Dunstan family that he can still recognize.

"Commander, it's almost time for the meeting!"

Adolphus put the letter in his pocket, pulled the magic pattern structure again, and walked out of the office.


The confidant of Commander Adolphus quickly walked through the corridor of the fortress, strode to the gate of the fortress, and saw three humans and a two-headed ogre sitting by the low wall of the gate, and immediately nodded to the guard at the gate , stepped up and said:

"Hello, Bart Nerm, deputy commander of the Blue Bridge Fortress Command!"

Suldak quickly stood up and said to him, "Suldak, this is Andrew, Gulitum and his good brother Brainhead."

Bart looked at the two-headed ogre in surprise, and asked Surdak curiously, "Which city in Bena province are you from?"

"Hylansa City."

Bart's eyes lit up slightly, and he said, "I've heard about your city, on the north side of the tower, when did you have a family of ogres?"

Suldak stood up straight, patted Gulitum's arm, and introduced: "He and Andrew are both my followers, and I met them in the Maca plane. On the battlefield, it just so happens that they have all reached rank two, so they come with me."

"It turned out to be the Maca plane... no wonder!" Bart said, and he led three people into the Blue Bridge Fortress through the side door, and then Bart said to Suldak: "Your family is really powerful, even entering the big battlefield You can still be accompanied by followers!"

Walking into the Blue Bridge Fortress, you will see a straight and narrow passage with arched stone windows between the stone pillars on both sides of the passage.

All the buildings in Bluebridge Fortress are built above this passage.

After entering the passage, Bart climbed up the stone steps from the side, glanced at the two-headed ogre, and then said:

"Come in with me. I'll arrange three rooms for you first. You big man can only live in the room on the second floor. There are mostly warehouses on this floor, and the rooms are relatively spacious."

Climb to the second floor of the fortress. As expected, the corridors on this floor are also very spacious, and some flatbed trailers can be seen on both sides. The crossbows were placed next to the window, and the shooting angle was just right enough to cover the forest of stone needles below the fortress.

Opposite the bed crossbow is a warehouse.

As Bart said, the doors of these warehouses are very high, and Gullitum can walk into the room without bending over and bowing his head.

Bart chose a clean room, and there were actually two big beds in it. He put the two beds together, and found a big sheet to spread on it, so that the two-headed ogre would have a big bed of his own. bed.

Bart introduced to Suldak:

"There are not many people in the fort right now. The main reason is that the Dalan Fortress is fighting. Our fortress has also dispatched manpower to support there. It seems that there are many empty rooms. When they all return, you will find that these rooms are almost They're all full."

After arranging the room for Gulitham, Bart continued to walk upstairs and climbed the stairs. He said to Suldak:

"The specific tasks you share will be arranged by the two commanders of the fortress."

There are many rooms on the third floor of the fortress, but Suldak discovered that a wall was built in the middle of the third floor of the fortress, completely separating it from the opposite side.

Bart walked through a row of room doors, each with a number written on it, and the interior was empty.

"There are people living in these rooms, and they happened to be out on duty."

At the end of the walk, Bart pointed to the two rooms 525 and 527 written on the door and said: "You two can choose these two rooms, and the preparations in the rooms are very good."

Then, he took out a bunch of keys from his waist, picked out two copper keys from above, and opened the wooden doors of the two rooms respectively. Sure enough, there was a single bed next to the wall in the room, and a bed on the other side. There is only a table and a chair, and there is no toilet, bathroom, or window in the room, just like the cheapest standard room in a hotel in the county town.

However, the room was very clean, and there was even a bookshelf in the corner.

Suldak walked into one of the rooms, put the backpack in his hand on the table, looked around, and thought it was not bad.

Bart stood at the door and waited for them to confirm that he lived here, then he gave them two bronze keys with numbers on them, and then went back downstairs again.

Taking Gulitum, who was watching the Stone Needles Forest by the window, to the independent hall on the second floor of the fortress, he pointed to the canteen hall that was completely divided into two areas and said:

"Our fortress provides breakfast, lunch and dinner three meals a day. Common meals are free, and they will be served early and late, so you can eat here anytime you are hungry before going to bed. There are soups and barbecues. The staple food is roasted wheat Cake and white bread, unlimited."

The two-headed ogre let out a low growl of delight.

Maybe it's because it's not meal time, and there aren't many people eating in the restaurant.

Bart patiently led Suldak to hold the plate at one end, and received the meal by the kitchen window without queuing.

Bart pointed to the dining area opposite, and continued: "The opposite is the ordering area. If you feel that the free meal is not up to your appetite, you need to use your merits to order a meal opposite. Gold coins and magic crystals are not circulated here, only recognized There is such an unidentified magic crystal..."

As he spoke, Bart took one out of his pocket and handed it to Suldak to have a look.

Suldak knew this kind of magic spar, and remembered that during the award ceremony, the other eleven young nobles except himself almost all used these meritorious magic spar to obtain title promotions.

"These unidentified black magic crystals can be exchanged for achievements in the Great Battlefield in the Chaos Fortress. There is also the largest trading hall there. You can exchange them for many things you are interested in, such as epic weapons, advanced magic pattern constructions, magic potions, Advanced scrolls, magic gems, etc. It is worth noting that the value of this unidentified black magic crystal is at least twice that of normal magic crystals, and this is the currency in circulation here.”

"Of course, if you have money, you can also find someone to trade this unidentified black magic crystal in private, but you must be careful when trading." Bart said to Suldak. He thought Suldak should be a The son of a nobleman who is not short of money, otherwise it is impossible for him to wear out a set of Ethanhard just after he came in from the outside.

But Bart still reminded Suldak:

"So the extra meals in the canteen of the fortress are also very expensive, but after you try it yourself, you may find that those extra meals are really worth the money."

The two-headed ogre was carrying two dinner plates, and the lunch turned out to be grilled steak, mashed potatoes, and toasted oatmeal.

Gullitum almost asked the cook to pile up the two dinner plates like a hill, and when he went to get the baked wheat cakes in the basket, he directly took a whole stack of wheat cakes from the basket. It is estimated that these wheat cakes are almost Serves ten people.

Suldak asked curiously: "Where did these unidentified magic crystals come from?"

He knew that the unidentified black magic crystals were produced on the soldiers of the Dark Legion, and the demon warriors probably also produced this kind of black magic crystals, but he didn't think that everyone in the fortress had the opportunity to kill the demons every day.

Bart patiently explained: "There are some rewards for performing various tasks in the fortress. The accumulation of several tasks can be exchanged for black magic crystals. In addition, if you kill demon warriors on the battlefield, you will get rewards from their heads. These, what? You haven't seen this before?"

Suldak scratched his head and said, "I thought you could get this only by killing the soldiers of the Dark Legion..."

The group found a corner in the restaurant to sit down, where they could avoid the sight of many people.

Suldak and Andrew finished their lunch quickly.

Bart had probably already eaten his lunch, so he didn't eat at all.

Only the two-headed ogre keeps its head down and eats.

"If there is anything else you want to introduce to us, you can leave him here. After he finishes eating, he can find his own room," Suldak said.

"Then let's go and take you to the blacksmith's shop in the fortress. The blacksmith's shop here can also help you repair some magic weapons, but if it's Esenhard's shield, if you want to repair it once, you need to take out some Here comes the unidentified black magic crystal." After speaking, Bart took Suldak through the cafeteria and walked to the hall in the center of the second floor.

In this area, Suldak saw many second-rank fighters, some of whom greeted Bart familiarly, while others ignored Bart's existence indifferently.

"There are a total of strong men from two provinces stationed in the Blue Bridge Fortress. Our Bena Province occupies the East Blue Bridge, while Ababa Province occupies the West Blue Bridge. Our two provinces are stationed together in a fortress. Except The public area and the cafeteria here are completely separated from the rest.”

"Usually we are only responsible for the defense of the eastern mountains, while they are responsible for the western mountains, and we are jointly responsible for the stone needle forest below."

"I have experienced some things before, which caused several unknown conflicts, so the relationship between our two provincial powerhouses has always been very stiff." When Bart introduced these, his voice was lowered a lot.

"The master blacksmith in the blacksmith shop in the fortress is from Bena, and the charges on our side have always been the normal price, so if you ask him to repair weapons, you must show your identity, otherwise you will pay more. The magic of the pharmacy Pharmacists are magicians in Ababa Province, so you don’t need to take the initiative to reveal your identity, unless they insist on confirming your identity... Also, be careful not to embarrass us in Bena Province!"

Bart then introduced to Suldak.

This made Suldak a little stunned. He didn't expect that a small military fortress would be divided into two factions.

"As for the magic pattern structure, you have to send it to the Chaos Fortress to find the archmage to repair it." After Bart finished speaking, he stopped, glanced at a group of soldiers who were waving at him, and said: "You first Take a stroll here, or you can go back to the room to rest, if there is anything you don’t understand, please feel free to come to me.”

After speaking, he left in a hurry.

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