Lord Highlander

Chapter 1143: 1129. Bena and Ababa

This public area is very large, and there is actually an archery range and a training ground for wooden figures. Bart probably has a temporary business, so he left in a hurry, and he failed to introduce these areas to Suldak in detail.

There is even an open tavern in the middle area. Surdak and Andrew walked around the public area and saw a place where they lined up to exchange supplies.

This should be the military supply department in the fortress. Thinking that when he came from Dalan Fortress, he brought the heads of seven demon warriors, Suldak thought for a while that there was an unidentified black magic crystal on his body There was none, so he took Andrew and walked over, silently standing at the end of the line.

There was a group of people around the entrance of the Quartermaster Office, who seemed to be distributing the spoils.

There was actually a female costume knight wearing a full-cover magic-weave armor standing in the crowd. The magic-weave suit on her body was very conspicuous. The right shoulder looked like a blue wolf head, and her whole body was They are all light blue dark lines, holding a horned helmet with a mask in their hands, and their long black hair is tied into a ponytail. Standing in the crowd, they are not half a point shorter than the others...

This is the first woman that Suldak saw in the Blue Bridge Fortress, and it can be seen that she is a very powerful second-rank construction knight, who is also wearing full-cover heavy armor.

What surprised Suldak the most was that she was carrying a double-barreled shotgun on her back. The black barrel and the butt with blue patterns directly overturned Suldak's cognition that there are actually shotguns in this world. .

As if feeling that someone was watching her, the female knight turned her head sideways and glanced at Suldak.

A pair of big black eyes with a sharp and cold gaze, her cheekbones are a bit wide, but her face is a perfect duck egg shape, the sides of her lips are slightly raised, which looks very sexy.

Suldak also realized that his gaze might be a bit impolite, so he quickly nodded slightly to her, and immediately looked away.

The female costume knight curled her lips, and left the quarters department surrounded by a group of companions.

Suldak waited patiently for them to leave, and waited for a while before it was his turn before entering the room.

The layout here is no different from that of other military supplies logistics offices. The old man sitting in front of the counter raised his head. He wore a separate lens, glanced at Suldak and asked, "New here?"

"Yes." Suldak replied honestly.

The old man pushed the glasses on his face, smiled faintly and said, "See, you followed Bart just now, coming from the province of Bena?"

"Yes, Hailansa City, Bena Province." Suldak said again.

The old man tapped the table with his fingers, and then said to Suldak: "That's a good place, it's next to Mount Paglos, and I went to Mount Paglos on an adventure when I was young, do you need my help? ?”

Suldak took out a magic-sealing box from his magic pocket, opened the lid, took out the bloody head of a demon warrior inside, and asked the old man, "Are these going to be turned in here?"

The old man pushed the lenses on his eyes, and said with some surprise:

"Hmm... killed the demon warriors so quickly? There are still so many?"

Seeing Suldak put his head on it one by one, and recorded a few strokes in the account book, he said without raising his head:

"Seven heads can be exchanged for seven black magic crystals."

Then he turned around and took out seven black magic crystals from a magic sealing box inside and handed them to Suldak, then put the heads of these demon warriors into a magic sealing box.

Walking out of the military supply department, Suldak realized that he had lost a lot in this transaction.

All of a sudden, seven sacrifices were missing, just taking out the black magic crystal from the head of the evil spirit and polishing it into an unidentified black magic crystal...

On the way back to the dormitory from the public area of ​​the fortress, Suldak didn't see any other female second-rank strongmen in the fortress. It seems that there are really very few female fighters!

Back in the room, he took off the magic pattern structure and lay on the bed. Suldak was stinking all over the battlefield these days.

Just now Bart introduced the public bathing place in the fortress. Suldak dug out the toiletries and changed clothes from the luggage. He originally wanted to ask Andrew to come with him, but the Nanai warriors still don’t like bathing so much. Think about Gu Li Tem, Suldak thinks it's better to forget it.

There are only rows of shower rooms with small partitions in the bathrooms of the Blue Bridge Fortress, and the water is still cold.

Suldak walked into the bathroom, found a random place, stood under the shower head and turned on the water valve, allowing cold water to pour on his body.

He was facing the wall, closed his eyes and felt the cold water wash over his body, and his body instinctively let out two shudders like taking a deep breath.

It was as if he had returned to the public bathhouse in his memory. The fragments of memory that were silent deep in his heart were somewhat blurred, and now they flashed through his mind, causing some indescribable emotions to reverberate in his heart.

"Swordsman Benar, that's where you take a shower."

The voice came from behind.

Suldak opened his eyes, turned around and saw three Rank 2 powerhouses covered in scars standing in front of him, the powerhouse in the middle had long hair, light blue eyes, and a hooked nose that made the whole His face was a bit gloomy, and he was staring at him with a cold face at this moment.

Suldak felt that if he had a dispute with others in the bathroom, no matter whether it was Aphrodite or the red dragon Iser, there was no way to summon such a place, and neither Andrew nor Gulitum was around.

There are three people on the opposite side...

If there was a fight and someone threw him out naked, that would be a real embarrassment!

Suldak didn't speak, and walked to the other side with his belongings.

He walked out of his position, glanced casually at other positions, the scene in front of him almost made his nose bleed, the female knight he saw just now at the entrance of the quartermaster department was actually in the same partition as him in the public bathroom room...

Suldak kept in mind that it was absolutely impolite to look directly at people at this time, so he instinctively walked towards the corner.

Probably the soldiers in the fortress are used to this kind of thing. The female knight came out from the inside, and greeted people she knew along the way. Even when she was taking a bath, there were several soldiers behind her, Suldak deliberately faced the wall so as not to be rude...

Those people walked over talking and laughing.

Suldak thought that maybe a bathtub could be placed in the lava mine in the future, so that he would not have to worry about running out of hot water every time he took a bath.

After Suldak finished washing, he walked out of the bathroom and prepared to put on his linen shirt and magicweave outfit again.

Only then did I realize that the female knight was actually wearing a short silk suspender skirt, revealing a pair of snow-white long legs. She aimed at the "Nurtured by the Earth" life on Suldak's thigh, raised her black eyes, and looked at Suldak. "The scars on your body look so cool, are those burns?" asked K.

"Yes." Suldak quickly put on his shirt and agreed.

The female knight clasped her hands on her chest, and with a narrow smile on her face, she asked Suldak again: "The scar is very pale, and it has recovered very well. How long has it been?"

"Yes." Suldak put on the magic pattern structure.

"Hey, besides being 'hmm', can you say something else?" The female knight in costume raised her hands and tied her wet long hair into a ball on her head.

Suldak was slightly taken aback, and then introduced himself: "Suldak!"

"Pfft... Carrie Decker." The female knight in costume couldn't help laughing out loud, she still stretched out her hand politely. Her palm was not as beautiful as hers, it was full of calluses ...

"The magic pattern on your leg is really good. Where can I find the master of the inscription? Can you introduce it to me? I can just get the third magic pattern." This is called Jiali. Decker's female costume knight explained her purpose to Suldak.

"This magic pattern probably cannot be copied, and other magic patterns should be able to, but the price is very expensive, about ten times that of ordinary inscriptions..."

After finishing speaking, Suldak picked up his own things and walked out of the locker room without looking back.

Carrie Decker stood there, stunned for a long time.

In the past, the social skills that were invincible in the past only got this...


During dinner, Suldak brought Andrew and the two-headed ogre to the cafeteria.

Sure enough, the restaurant was clearly divided into two dining areas, and everyone was eating at this time.

Many people saw the two-headed ogre, and their eyes were attracted by the burly figure of the ogre. The ogre was used to being the focus of attention. He just held two dinner plates and picked out for himself with big eyes. Extra large double servings.

Suldak saw that there were not many people going to the ordering area to eat. Sure enough, the food there was very different from the food here. The soldiers sitting in the ordinary dining area looked over there with envy, and several people walked in one after another. The big shots in the fortress all sat in the ordering area.

Bart came over with the dinner plate, sat down directly opposite to Suldak, and said bluntly: "I heard that Ababa's Gunfire Rose has taken a fancy to you."

"You mean the female costume knight named Carrie Decker?" Suldak asked uncertainly.

"Besides her, there is no second lady in the fortress!" Bart slowly cut the barbecue on the dinner plate with a knife, and it was obvious that he enjoyed the meal.

"Is there no secret in the fortress?" Suldak asked, patting his forehead.

Bart smiled and said, "It's just such a big building, and everyone lives here."

"The person you met today who spoke ill of you was Albert Attlee from Ababa Province. He is the captain of the Seventh Patrol Squad in the fortress. He has always wanted to taste the taste of that gunfire rose. Unfortunately There seems to be some irreconcilable grievances between them, it seems that someone died, in short, you have to be careful, don't be taken as a target by others."

"Thanks." Suldak said to Bart.

Seeing that Suldak should be a smart man, and there were two companions beside him, Bart nodded slightly.

Suldak found that the big shots in the fortress were all sitting in the ordering area, and the ingredients they ate seemed to be precious ingredients from monsters, while the ordinary dining area here was just ordinary meat.

"After dinner, Commander Adolphus wants to see you." Bart wiped his mouth after eating, and then said to Suldak.

Suldak nodded and replied, "Understood."

Before Bart walks out of the restaurant, he throws the plate in the recycling basket...

And at the place where the second-ranked fighters from Ababa province gathered, Albert Attlee and his team members gathered together, whispering to each other while constantly glancing towards Suldak. .

I don't know if I'm staring at Gulitum or Suldak.


"That kid Fred hasn't died yet on the woman's bed. This is indeed beyond my expectation." Commander Adolphus Dunstan sat on the leather sofa and smiled at Suldak with a relaxed face. .


Suldak simply didn't know what to say next. Could it be that he really wanted to tell Commander Adolphus that for the happy life of Mr. Fred, he specially planted a "strength and endurance" on him? ?

But obviously this Commander Adolphus also regards Suldak as his junior.

He casually told Surdak about the things in the Blue Bridge Fortress. After all, there are no more than three people who can make his nephew value so much. He has been guarding the Blue Bridge Fortress for so many years, and every young man has A little skill.

What's the name of the guy who came last time?

By the way, Ferdinand Luthor.

Adolphus Dunstan rubbed his forehead with his fingers, and then said:

"You are going to the logistics team to manage supplies for the time being. If you have any ideas, you can come to me at any time. I will ask Bart to take you there to meet Old Heyman tomorrow morning. You should first clear up the situation in the Blue Bridge Fortress for the time being. talk about it later!"

Commander Adolphus said with the final word.

Suldak immediately stood up, saluted Commander Adolphus, and said loudly, "Yes, Commander."

"Hey, you are from the province of Bena, how can you be a knight?" Commander Adolphus also asked a question that many people were puzzled by.

Suldak had no choice but to tell his origin as a heavy armored infantry soldier again.

Adolphus nodded, seeing that the Esenhard suit on Suldak was so damaged, he said: "Your set of magic pattern structure needs to be maintained, otherwise I am afraid it will be scrapped in a short time. Come on, when you get to the logistics team, you can write a maintenance list for yourself, take it to my side to sign, and then send it to Chaos Fortress, understand?"

"Thank you for your care, Commander Adolphus!" Suldak quickly stood up again and said.

Commander Adolphus Dunstan quickly waved him to sit down.

"It's been a long time since I've been back to Bena Province. Come and tell me about the changes there. Have Duke Newman and his Bena Legion withdrawn from the Warsaw plane?"

Suldak shook his head and replied, "Not yet. Last month, another 20,000 heavy armored infantry soldiers were transferred from Bena City."


Commander Adolphus slapped the table hard and shouted sharply.

"If you don't quit at this time, I guess there will be no one willing to take the offer..."

Adolphus said with a sigh.

He rubbed his forehead with his hands, he seemed to have a headache, and after a while he waved his hand to let Suldak back down.

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