Lord Highlander

Chapter 1151 1137. Fighting in the Rain

Samira withdrew from the front with her spoils.

Andrew thought that the spoils he captured were far inferior to Samira, and he refused to return at night, so he decided to form a night hunting group with a group of radical Benar swordsmen, and continue hunting in this mountain and cliff Demon warriors, of course, are also very likely to be hunted and killed by demon warriors.

After all, after entering the night, the demon warriors will not be affected by the night, and they prefer to march at night.

But now the mountain road has been blocked by all the second-rank powerhouses of the various fortresses. These demon warriors went deep into the hinterland of the Green Empire's defense zone. They are a bit radical and adventurous in themselves.

If you want to sneak out from here, the first option is to completely defeat a certain fortress army participating in the siege, and the second option is to jump or climb down the steep mountain wall. These demon warriors are as powerful as humans. Those who turned strong are almost the same, so don't think that they will really die if they jump off this cliff. The demon warriors have short fleshy wings behind them, and they can fly at low altitude for a short time...

Below the cliff here is the Stone Needle Forest. If you really go to the Stone Needle Forest, the situation may be more difficult than on the cliff.

"They seem to want to save people..."

Samira gnawed on a piece of apple, and placed the heads of the demon warriors she hunted on the ground in a neat row, making the Bena swordsman next to him swallow his saliva.

Even demon hunters are rarely as efficient as Samira, but the problem of comprehensive suppression of weapons and magic patterns, a Sky Strike Bow with Thunder attribute, and Samira's own double attack, can shoot out Almost all of the arrows are followed closely by two, one behind the other, unless the shield is held up, it is difficult to block the second arrow shot by Samira.

She was like this when she was on the Bailin plane.

The loot obtained in each battle is much higher than that of others.

Suldak saw that it was completely dark all around, and the temperature on the mountains began to drop slowly. He rubbed his hands and asked:

"Who is it that deserves them to send so many troops to force their way into the occupied area?"

Samira shook her head...

The two-headed ogre Gulitum took a bunch of sausages and stuffed them all into his mouth in one go, but Brain's eating was a little more attractive.

"Boss, do you want us to go up tomorrow morning?" Naohuaer asked.

Suldak shook his head, and said casually, "Wait for the arrangement of Commander Adolphus! You don't have an advantage in fighting among the mountains."

Among the supplies brought over were healing potions necessary for combat, magic scrolls, hemostatic bandages, and a sumptuous dinner, as well as some tents to keep warm at night.

Of course, these constructed swordsmen all carried their own sleeping bags. In such a cold night, at least half of the constructed swordsmen who had fought hard in the mountains for a whole day had to take a full rest.

It is not so easy for the demon warriors to rest. In addition to the low-light flares flying up from time to time in the night sky, there are also some magicians riding magic handles. They will not be stingy with the magic scrolls in their hands at this time.

From time to time a flame would fall from the sky and burst into flames among the mountains.


Before dawn, Suerdak was woken up in his sleeping bag by someone. He was lying in a tent built on a narrow mountain road, and he could clearly feel the painful stones under his body.

When Suldak opened the tent, he realized that it was still raining outside. The cold rain fell on the rocks and quickly condensed into crystal thin ice, making the rocks cold and slippery.

Bart was wearing the magic pattern structure, and went to wake up the other Bena swordsmen with a solemn expression.

When Suldak got out of the tent, he saw that the constructed swordsmen in the tents on the mountain road were all in the cold rain.

The cold rain falling on the face will make people shiver from the bottom of their bones.

"What's wrong?" Suldak asked behind Bart.

"Our retreat was cut off by demon warriors..." Bart said solemnly.

Suldak was a little speechless. It seemed that another demon army was chasing up from behind, and instead surrounded the Benar swordsmen...

A freezing rain made the mountain very slippery. The main reason is that the rain has not stopped completely, and even a thin layer of ice has condensed on the tent.

Suldak walked towards the front of the team, and he saw Commander Adolphus standing in the freezing rain, and a row of constructed swordsmen from the Blue Bridge Fortress stood in front of him.

"There is not much time left for us this time. If we can't eat them in one bite, they will eat us in turn, so we must act in advance."

"Bart, you have a part of your manpower, and you must completely defend our rear!"

Bart squeezed forward from behind, stood in the rain and answered loudly: "Yes, Commander!"

In this way, all the second-rank powerhouses coming out of the fortress need to participate in the battle, and the constructed swordsmen in front, under the leadership of Commander Adolphus, must eat up the besieged demon army as soon as possible.

In addition, some people have to be assigned to stop the demon army that is chasing after them, and this part of the command power is handed over to Bart.

Suldak waited for Bart to withdraw and began to arrange the rear line of defense, and then took the opportunity to ask Bart:

"How about the wounded Constructed Swordsmen who were withdrawn?"

The group of constructed swordsmen lost their ability to fight in a short period of time. Once they were surrounded by the demon army, it was almost impossible to survive again.

Bart wiped the cold rain off his face with his hands, and said to Suldak: "Fortunately, they walked in time, and they just returned to the Blue Bridge Fortress safely."

Suer Ak asked: "What about our side? How did Commander Adolphus arrange it?"

Bart led his squad of swordsmen towards the back of the mountain road, trying to find a battlefield that is beneficial to this side, and then said: "Defend here first, create enough time for the front battlefield to harvest wheat, and wait for the other side." After the battle is resolved, Commander Adolphus will immediately bring people back to help."

Suldak was speechless.

I originally thought I was a hunter, chasing and killing the demon army along the way, but now I was flanked by the demon army from both sides...

Bart's face was solemn. At this time, some demon warriors rushed up from the mountain road behind.

The mountain road was almost covered with a layer of ice, and Suldak was still asking, "How about the Blue Bridge Fortress?"

Bart was quite at ease with the Blue Bridge Fortress, and said: "The fortress itself has strong fortifications, and there are Constructed Knights from Ababa Province in the fortress. I guess they can hold on until we withdraw..."

As he said that, a black shadow rushed up from the dark mountain road, his black and purple arms clung to the rock, and the pair of fleshy wings on his back trembled slightly. stop.

Almost in the blink of an eye, the square war blade in the demon warrior's hand had already slashed dozens of times.

When the sparks burst, some demon warriors poured up from behind. Bart no longer cared about talking, and rushed up with his companions, trying to stop these demon warriors.

A Roshan in black armor and a big stick in his hand also rushed out behind Bart.

The ogre let out a roar in the rainy night, and a dark red air wave made the surrounding construct swordsmen feel a kind of fearless courage filling their bodies.

Striding to the front, the ogre raised the big stick in his hand and smashed it down on the head of the demon warrior in front.

The short fleshy wings behind the demon warrior had been fully unfolded, and his arms were raised up suddenly, and a black mask the size of an umbrella suddenly appeared when the big stick fell from the ogre's hand.

The big stick in the hand of the ogre Gulitum fell on the black mask and was actually blocked.

The black mask shattered into countless black devil energy. At this moment, the ogre's body was covered with thick ice armor, and Nao Hua'er was holding a fireball in his hand. At the moment when the black mask shattered, Nao Hua'er Er threw the fireball towards the face of the demon warrior...

That is not a fireball, but a string of children.

One after another, fireballs exploded on the faces of the demon warriors. Although the power was limited, the demon warriors were blinded by the fireballs.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the ogre Gullitum squeezed up, and an elephant leg ruthlessly stepped on the demon warrior's stomach. The demon warrior just let out a low growl, and the phantom of both wings solidified completely. With the two fleshy wings fully unfolded, his body only took two steps back before stopping.

Wielding the square war blade in his hand, he slashed towards Gullitem, cutting Gullitem's thorny stick with a deep mark.

The swordsman who was standing with Gulitum took the opportunity to stab the demon warrior's armpit with the fiercest stab, almost cutting off the demon warrior's entire arm.

The demon warrior is also a ruthless character. Seeing that his arm holding the square war blade was broken, he even gave up that war blade. He just opened the remaining arm, and the phantom of a big demon merged with it. As one, black flames ignited all over his body, and with his arms covering his chest, he suddenly bumped into the ogre Gulitam.

The two sides collided firmly, and the air wave burst out. The constructed swordsman hiding beside Gulitum was almost pushed to the edge of the cliff by the air wave, but then he bounced high again, his body like Like a carp, it turned around gracefully, and stabbed the shoulder and neck of the demon warrior with the long sword in his hand.

A figure of a demon warrior appeared behind him, and the brown war blade collided with the constructed swordsman's long sword.

At this time, Suldak also held up a dwarven chain shield and rushed behind Greetham.

Unfortunately, his magic pattern structure was sent to Chaos Fortress for repair. During this time, he could only wear a normal magic pattern structure, and the shield was replaced with the original dwarven chain shield.

A halo of light surged under Suldak's feet, and then another magic circle appeared.

When they arrived at Gulitum's side, the ogre warrior had already dropped his stick, and hugged the demon warrior tightly with only his hands, wanting to hug and kill with the strength of his arms.

But the strength of that demon warrior should not be underestimated. With his strong physical body, he was able to withstand Gulitum's hug and kill.

A sword slashed from behind the demon warrior. Suldak took a step forward and accurately blocked the cut with his shield. However, there was no one behind the demon warrior to help him, and his arms were completely embraced by Gulitum again. tight.

An arrow flying from the darkness stably shot into the forehead of the demon warrior.

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