Lord Highlander

Chapter 1152 1138. Fighting in the Rain 2

The two heads of the two-headed ogre roared almost at the same time, and the eyes of the demon warrior showed an indescribable despair. His body was ignited with black flames, and even the thick layer of ice armor on Gulitum's body All have been completely melted.

Suldak, who was standing next to the ogre Gulitum, took the opportunity to swing his broadsword and instantly beheaded the demon warrior.

It is very rare that a soldier falls on the opposite side just after a fight.

Unless you meet a higher-level powerhouse on the battlefield, even if you are a magister and sword master after three turns, it is just a comprehension of the source of your own power. It is still very difficult to become a strong player.

Only this kind of seamless cooperation between fighters complements almost all shortcomings. Under such a powerful ultimate move, the demon warrior will be cut off within a few breaths of rushing forward Head off.

Bart and the constructed swordsmen of his team looked dumbfounded. How could they kill a demon warrior just now...

Are these demon warriors now parallel imports from hell?

While Suldak raised the dwarf chain shield to block the demon warriors who came up behind him, a holy silver glow flashed on the shield.

The ogre Gulitam picked up the big stick on the ground again, and his good brother Naohuaer didn't dare to neglect at all, and rearranged the ice armor on his body.

Samira, who was standing on a ledge of the cliff, hooked an arrow again.

Bart was a little distracted, and the demon warrior in front of him took the opportunity to seize the opportunity. He slashed several times with the square blade in his hand, and the burning black flames were caught in the bursting sparks, which forced Bart back again and again.

The swordsman behind cut out arc-shaped sword energy again and again, forcing the demon warrior back.

Bart readjusted his mood and immediately focused on the battle in front of him.

A layer of magical shield light burst out again on Suldak's shield. The 'Shield of Blessing', 'Holy Shield', and 'Oath of the Ancients' have triple magic blessings on a dwarven chain shield. In front of the demon warriors is an insurmountable thick city wall.

The ogre in black heavy armor is not the meat shield of the team as everyone expected. The big stick in his hand is almost brutally suppressing.

Every time the stick hits, it tries to break the bones of the enemy on the opposite side.

Behind the ogre, the arrows of the wind with electric arcs always fly close to his scalp and neck, this is the biggest killing move hidden behind.

Demon warriors can't guard against this kind of arrows flying close to the ogre's scalp...

The eye socket of the second demon warrior was shot through by an arrow. He covered his eyes and wanted to jump down the cliff with his wings spread.

The ogre Gulitum didn't give him a chance to jump off the cliff at all. He firmly grasped the demon horn on the top of the demon warrior's head with his outstretched hand, and immediately pulled him back from midair.

The ogre roared violently again, and the struggling demon warrior stained the ogre's arm with black magic energy, but Gulitum endured the severe pain and threw the demon warrior on the mountain wall.

Suldak didn't pursue the demon warrior hanging on the mountain wall. While chanting the spell, the holy light in his hand fell on the arm of the ogre, and immediately dispelled the black devil energy attached to it.

A black arrow chased the demon warrior, and the moment his body touched the mountain wall, the arrow passed through his body and nailed him to the mountain wall.

With black flames all over his body, he spread his fleshy wings and wanted to fly into the sky again. How could the constructed swordsmen beside him give him such a chance, and immediately stabbed him with several swords to kill him.

At this time, the demon warriors coming up from the mountains behind had already crowded the mountain path. Relying on the ability of the fleshy wings behind them to float in the air for a short time, they began to surround the constructed swordsmen on the mountain path from all sides.

It's just that these Bena swordsmen are all good fighters alone. After the big swordsman possessed his body, he threw out several meters long sword energy.

The fleshy wings behind these low-flying demon warriors are all incompletely evolved bodies. The small fleshy wings cannot move flexibly in the air with their bulky bodies, so they can't avoid the sword energy thrown by the swordsmen in midair. .

All of a sudden, the demon warriors were cut with wounds one after another, and the square blades in the hands of these demon warriors were also filled with black devil energy, slashing at them desperately.

On this mountain road, which was only tens of meters long, a fierce battle broke out suddenly.

The freezing rain stopped the moment the morning light appeared, and electric snakes flashed in the gray clouds in the sky from time to time...

Suldak held his shield up to the front of the mountain road. Behind him was always an ogre with a big stick in his hand. As long as the demon warriors rushed up, Gulitum would swing the big stick in his hand. He smashed it head-on, and his good brother Nao Hua'er, as long as he accumulated a little mana in his body, he would immediately throw out a fireball.

Although this kind of fireball cannot cause harm to the demon warriors, as long as it is thrown out by surprise, it can still bring unexpected effects.

Finally, after killing several demon warriors one after another, a powerful demon warrior rushed up from behind.

The devil's horns on the head of this demon warrior grew forked like antlers on the top of his head.

The war blade in his hand is also quite special, it is no longer those square war blades, but a blue long knife, the entire blade swallows this light green flame.

He had a grin on his face, and the lines on his face were deeper than those of other fighters.

Flaming Gog behind the demon army climbed up, and a fireball exploded in front of Suldak.

He immediately raised his shield to block.

At this time, the war blade in the hands of the demon warriors stuck in against the edge of Suldak's shield.

Suldak locked the bi-color long knife with the edge of the shield, and the grin on the demon warrior's face became even more exaggerated.

The weapons of the two are locked together, which is to compete for strength.

That demon warrior was strong, and Suldak was obviously at a disadvantage.

Gulitum, who was standing behind Suldak, wanted to help, but was blocked by another demon warrior with a sword.

At this moment, a Xieyan suddenly floated in the demon army. Under Xieyan, there was a circle of magic lines, and countless black magic energy was burning in the eyes. At this time, its eyes happened to look at Sulda Ke, a ray of death came in an instant.

Suldak had a premonition of that inexplicable crisis, and he didn't even have time to raise his shield, so he quickly aroused his 'power'.

The phantom of an archangel suddenly appeared behind him, and the demon warriors looked at the archangel in panic, only to realize that it was just a phantom.

After the archangel appeared, its white wings almost completely embraced Suldak, completely protecting Suldak.

The death ray from the evil eye hit the wings of the phantom of the archangel, the dead air and the holy light instantly offset, and the phantom of the archangel dissipated out of thin air.

While the demon warrior in front of him was distracted, Suldak slashed the broadsword in his hand and slashed on his shoulder.

What he didn't expect was that countless golden Sanskrit characters appeared on the armor of the demon warrior, and these Sanskrit characters formed a shield to block Suldak's sword.

Samira, who was standing on the ledge of the cliff, saw that evil eye in the demon army plotting against Suldak, a stern look flashed in her pale red eyes, and she exploded again without hesitation. magic spar.

In an instant, countless electric arcs condensed towards the tip of her arrow.

A light arrow appeared on Samira's Sky Strike Bow, and the surrounding air was filled with electric arcs, and those electric arcs were like countless irregular lines, condensing on the arrow tip.

I was worried that the evil eye would shoot out a death ray, and it would escape immediately.

Samira shot the arrow at the evil eye floating behind the demon army without hesitation.

The light arrows condensed by countless electric arcs shot at Xieyan, and its pupils were also opened to the maximum at this moment, and countless breaths of death condensed in the pupils.

At the moment the light arrow passed through the eyeball, a death ray shot out again.

When Samira saw that Xieyan didn't hide, she felt a little puzzled in her heart. She almost jumped out close to the death ray, and the rock she was standing on was blown to pieces by the death ray.

She bumped into the mountain wall in embarrassment, and then rolled into the crowd of constructed swordsmen.

That evil eye was not as lucky as Samira.

The light arrow exploded in the glass body of its huge eye full of water vapor, and in an instant a bucket-thick lightning fell from the sky, and the juice splashed, the evil eye was bombarded by this lightning, leaving only a sticky skin. Even several demon warriors under Xieyan were affected by the lightning.

The constructed swordsmen behind finally saw the replica of yesterday's lightning bolt.

Only then did I know that the sharp bow in Samira's hand should be a great epic weapon.

The demon warrior glanced at the broadsword on his shoulder, stretched out his hand to hold the broadsword firmly, and took the opportunity to stab Suldak again with the war blade in his hand.

Suldak leaned back and fell down.

The body of the demon warrior was naturally taken up and sent to Gulitum.

The big stick in Gulitum's hand was hitting another demon warrior. The ogre Brain Flower pressed a fireball on the face of the demon warrior. Chopped on the neck of the demon warrior.

The demon warrior didn't know what kind of battle armor he was wearing, and the golden Sanskrit script flashed frequently on his body, and several long swords failed to cut off the demon warrior's head.

Seeing that the situation was not going well, the demon warrior wanted to let go of the hand holding Suldak's broadsword, but the blade in his hand was firmly locked by Suldak's shield, and he didn't move the blade all at once. Pull it out, and after such a delay, the demon warrior behind and the constructed swordsman on this side collided.

The demon warrior rolled over, trying to hide under the rock wall of the mountain path.

Suldak was only thinking about how to kill the demon warrior, but without any precautions, the demon warrior actually fell towards the cliff.

The two almost hugged each other and fell off the cliff.

At the moment when he fell off the cliff, Suldak finally cut the broad sword on the neck of the demon warrior, and the golden Sanskrit appeared again. The broad sword in Suldak's hand burst into a holy light. The snow and ice melted quickly in the light.

The demon warrior was startled and punched Suldak hard on the chest, and the two quickly separated during the fall, but Suldak's sword still cut the demon warrior's throat.

The demon warrior dropped his war blade, covered his throat with purple blood gushing out with his hands, and a pair of huge fleshy wings spread out behind him, keeping him in the air.

However, Suldak rolled down the cliff with countless gravels.

Gulitum looked at the bottomless cliff, his face jumped, and he roared again. This time, countless black and totem patterns appeared on his body, and his body also turned red at this moment.

The big stick in his hand hit the demon warrior who had been entangled with him fiercely. The demon warrior blocked it with all his strength, and the battle blade in his hand was hit by the big stick. This time he couldn't even hold the battle blade. The back of the blade slammed into his chest fiercely, and the black armor on his chest collapsed clearly immediately. The demon warrior spat out a mouthful of purple blood. Seeing the violent ogre smash down with another stick, the demon warrior The soldier's eyes darkened...

When Samira saw Suerdak fall off the cliff, she followed Suerdak and jumped off the cliff without even thinking about it.

She is like a nimble black panther. Those sudden rocks on the cliff are her jumping points. She keeps speeding up and jumping down, but she still can't catch up with Suldak's falling speed. The moment the force was fully activated, she suddenly found that right below the place where Suldak fell, a magic pattern circle appeared out of thin air, and a lavender void gate appeared out of thin air.

The door hadn't even stabilized completely yet, Aphrodite came out of the door shaking the transparent insect wings, and caught Suldak from below.

Aphrodite flapped the worm wings with all her strength, and finally stopped Suldak from falling.

At this time, Samira also took the opportunity to jump onto a raised stone platform on the rock wall. The pair of delicate leather boots on her feet were shattered by the violent jump, and her snow-white toes were stained with bright red. Blood stains, holding on to the stone wall and panting violently...

There is another chapter later

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