Lord Highlander

Chapter 1153 1139. Return to the Fortress

Aphrodite did not show up, but dragged Suldak to a ledge that was closer to the top of the mountain, and said to Samira: "Be careful..."

After finishing speaking, she quickly walked into the void gate, as if something was chasing after her.

The battle on this narrow mountain path is still going on, and the corpses of demon warriors can still be seen falling from above. Suldak also saw a bloody Bena swordsman also fall off the cliff. , falling from above is only a matter of an instant, even if Suldak wants to rescue him, it is actually impossible to do so.

Suldak closed his eyes slightly, not looking at the constructed swordsman who fell off the cliff.

Thinking about it, if Aphrodite hadn't happened to appear at the bottom of the cliff just now, maybe I would end up like the constructed swordsman at this time, falling to the bottom of the cliff and becoming completely unrecognizable.

Samira didn't even look at it, she was looking for a climbing point on the cliff.

Seeing Surdak sticking to the raised stone platform, he said, "Wait for me here, wait for me to climb up, let the rope down and then pull you up..."

"This is the best, otherwise I would worry about how to climb up!"

Surdak was stuck against a steep cliff, and the rocks under his feet were covered with a crust of ice, which was cold and slippery.

Samira's condition isn't too good either, both feet are obviously injured, it is estimated that she will have to endure severe pain every time she jumps.

Suldak hurriedly used Holy Light to heal her as much as possible.

Samira's body was stuck on the cliff, and she actually took out a pair of short boots from the magic pocket with one hand, put them on again, and then climbed up the mountain wall. Of course, this time she was not as desperate as she was when she jumped down the cliff. , Occasionally can't find the climbing point, and will insert the arrow into the crack of the rock.

There are some black arrows in her quiver, all of which are tungsten steel arrows made of black iron. Only this kind of tungsten steel arrows can bear the full blow of the sky strike bow, and now they can only be left on the rock wall.

Soon Samira climbed up the cliff again, and when she reached the top of the cliff, Suldak even heard the cheers from the Bena swordsmen.

Samira didn't make him wait too long, and soon a rope was hanging down from the cliff, and a Bena swordsman fell along the rope. He saw Surdak sticking to the rock wall. On the stone platform, he said with a smile: "Suldak, your life is really great... We watched you fall off the cliff with that demon, and thought you were dead, but we didn't expect to see you again! "

After finishing speaking, he began to wander non-stop on the rope, wandering around in the air, and finally he could swing enough to touch Suldak, and then he stretched out his hand to grab Suldak's arm.

The two hands grabbed each other's arms and connected them firmly, and the swordsman shouted to the top of the cliff: "Pull us up..."

There was no need to climb, and Suldak and the swordsman were directly pulled up to it. When the Bena swordsman on the mountain road saw Suldak appearing again, they all yelled "Aww" and vented their hearts. With the pressure in my heart.

Most of the constructed swordsmen were thinking: It was not easy for a great knight who mastered the Holy Light to appear in the fortress. If he died like this in the first battle, it would be the biggest battle in the Blue Bridge Fortress this year. Loss.

When they looked at Samira again, the respect in their eyes was even more obvious...

Suldak did not continue to fight with the swordsman group. In fact, the brother troops in other fortresses knew that the Blue Bridge Fortress was being attacked by the demon army on both sides, so they launched an offensive against the demon army surrounded by them overnight.

Not long after Suldak fell, Commander Adolphus led the Constructed Swordsmen to quickly return to help from the front, re-stabilizing the battle situation on the mountain road behind.

When Samira climbed up, the demon warriors who broke in from the south had retreated steadily, and the entire mountain road was recaptured.

This time Suldak was also fortunate to be a wounded person, but he was carried back to the Blue Bridge Fortress by Gulitum.

This pursuit operation was a complete victory. Almost half of the demon warriors in this demon army were surrounded and wiped out. The demon army that rushed to support them also returned without success. To pass through three fortresses, the defenders in these fortresses will not let them leave easily...

Commander Adolphus also felt that the physical fitness of the Bena swordsmen had dropped significantly. In this day and night of fierce fighting, two second-rank swordsmen also died in the Bena province. The demon warriors fell into trouble when they threw themselves off the cliff.

So Commander Adolphus immediately decided to take the Bena army to withdraw early from the siege of the demon army.

When everyone returned to the Blue Bridge Fortress, they found that the gates on the east and west sides of the fortress were actually surrounded by demon troops. Evacuate Bluebridge Fortress.

Commander Adolphus led a group of swordsmen back to the gate of the fortress, and saw that the place was in a mess, giant crossbow bolts were everywhere, and a fire was ignited in front of the gate.

The Ababa Constructed Knights in the fortress are organizing their personnel to put out the fire with all their strength. They were a little surprised to see the entire demon army withdraw suddenly.

Later, I saw Commander Adolphus appearing on the mountain pass with Benner Swordsman, and I realized that this pursuit operation was a complete victory...

Commander Adolphus led the swordsman Benar to put out the fire in front of the gate, and then the Ababa Constructed Knights opened the gate, allowing Commander Adolphus to lead a group of people into the fortress.

The entire fortress was discussing the reason for the invasion of the demon army, and some swordsmen even began to show off the spoils captured in the battle.

Some people even talked about Samira jumping off the cliff to save people, which shocked the constructed knights in Ababa...

Carrie Decker's influence in Yaolanqiao is rapidly weakening, and many people are willing to bring the topic to the more aloof Samira.

After Suldak returned to the fortress, he couldn't lie down quietly on the bed for a while, and he still had to give these wounded swordsmen proper treatment.

Sitting in the consultation room converted from a tavern warehouse, Suldak was busy suturing the wound of a wounded man. Commander Adolphus pushed the door in from the outside, followed by Bart and three other swordsmen. .

Suldak glanced at Bart with some dissatisfaction, and Bart immediately exited Suldak's treatment room.

The other three swordsmen also retreated quickly, for fear of affecting Suldak's treatment of the wounded.

Commander Adolphus looked at Suldak who was still busy saving people, and said to Suldak with a look of relief: "When Fred wrote me that letter, I thought it was Fred. Ask me to take care of you..."

"Now I understand that he just recommended you to me. You did a great job. They told me how brave you were in combat. But now I have to put forward some of my opinions. Whether you want to listen or not... I Personally, I think that as a great knight who is good at the holy light technique, you should not always rush to the front!"

Commander Adolphus warned Suldak.

Before leaving, he turned around and said to Suldak: "Good job!"

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