Lord Highlander

Chapter 1156

Commander Adolphus selected two relatively outstanding young swordsmen from the candidate construction swordsmen to join the patrol team to be formed in Suldak. These two construction swordsmen should It is also the care object of Commander Adolphus. The so-called elimination assessment is just an excuse to make everyone feel more balanced.

Although they are young second-rank swordsmen, these two constructed swordsmen are both approaching their thirties.

Before gradually patrolling the squad, Suldak had to follow Old Heyman to the Chaos Fortress to replenish the fort supplies. Another reason he went to the Chaos Fortress this time was to buy some black magic powder, which would be handed over to the old Heyman. Among the supplies, casually retrieve his set of Ethanhard's magic pattern structure.

As for the 127 high-level sacrifices, they had already been put into the magic sealing box.

This time I returned to Chaos Fortress in a four-wheeled truck. Old Heyman personally drove the carriage north along the mountain road. The traces of the blood are particularly obvious, and some black moss has even grown on the purple blood seeping in many places.

The mountains along the way are very desolate, and there are almost no forests as far as the eye can see. Only some shrubs with sparse leaves grow on the cols and some sheltered stone slopes.

Suldak and Andrew followed Old Heyman to Chaos Fortress. The ogre thought the journey was too hard, so he stayed in Blue Bridge Fortress with Samira.

Samira had to stay at the counter in the room of the logistics team, so she didn't come with her.

Returning to this fortress built on the cliff again, Suldak sat in the carriage and looked at the King Kong gate rising from the top of the cliff from a distance, and he would still feel very shocked in his heart. A magnificent building that can be called a miracle, the huge gate is like a skyscraper.

Just above this cliff, many wooden and stone structures were built around the Vajra Gate. These buildings formed a small city, and this city was known as the Fortress of Chaos.

The city wall here is very high, and it looks like it is continuously connected.

There is only one gate in the middle of the city wall that seems too narrow, and this gate can only allow two carriages to pass in parallel at most.

On the other hand, the military facilities on the city wall are very rich. Catapults and bed crossbows can be seen almost every ten meters away. These cannons are all made of magic black iron, and the surface is carved with magic circles. These patterns are all poured with thorium.

This is probably the first time Suldak saw the rune cannon. At first, Suldak thought that the turret on the wall of the Chaos Fortress was a magic cannon, but Old Heyman said that it was just a castrated version of the magic cannon—— Rune Cannon.

The four-wheeled carriage drove into the Chaos Fortress, and this time Suldak noticed that there were still some elves, dwarves, and orcs in the fortress.

The last time he came to this fortress in a panic after escaping death, he didn't even pay much attention to it.

Old Heyman parked the carriage in front of a building, and ordered Suldak to fetch back the magic pattern structures that were sent to the magic workshop last time. Those magic pattern structures were sent by old Heyman to repair them last time. , and he took a box of magic cores and some others to the military supply department of the fortress headquarters.

Suldak and Andrew jumped out of the carriage, took a sign given to him by Old Heyman, and walked into this lively magic workshop.

This magic workshop is of a semi-official nature. It is not only responsible for repairing the magic pattern structures for the construction warriors of the twenty-seven fortresses of the Grimm Empire, but also selling some magic pattern structures to the outside world.

Walking into the lobby of the workshop, I saw three magicians standing in front of the reception desk, and each magician was surrounded by some constructed knights.

Suldak chose a magician at random and waited behind the team.

When I saw some magic pattern structures, I randomly placed them on the wooden frame in the hall on the first floor. It can be seen that they are all magic pattern structures.

Unexpectedly, a set of magic pattern structures that are hard to find in the magic market of the Grimm Empire is casually placed in the store on the battlefield.

The three magicians were very efficient in handling affairs, and it didn't take long before it was Suldak's turn. When Suldak walked in, he realized that the male magician had long pointed ears, but his face was closer to him. The human being is actually a half-elf similar to Samira.

It is said that humans with elven blood are more likely to awaken the magic pool in their bodies, and have a higher chance of becoming a magician.

But in fact, elves and humans seldom intermarry, and those few intermarriages are mostly due to some political reasons. More half-elves are of low birth, and are usually born of elf slaves secretly raised by nobles.

The half-elf magician smiled kindly at Suldak and asked, "Does this guest have any needs?"

Suldak directly took out the sign given by Old Heyman, and said, "I'm from the Blue Bridge Fortress, come here to pick up the magic pattern structures that were sent last time."

The magician glanced at the sign, and immediately turned around and took out an account book from the cabinet at the back, and turned to the detailed list on the page belonging to the Blue Bridge Fortress. First, he checked the number of magic patterns with Suldak. Then he called a magic assistant and led Suldak to the storage area of ​​the magic pattern structure.

Passing through the inner hall of the workshop, Suldak saw many magician's test benches placed directly in the inner hall.

The mages in the magic workshop were very busy, and Suldak could even see the mages sitting among the piles of items waiting to be repaired and working hard.

It is said that after working so hard for several years, not only can you learn the superb magic pattern repair skills, but you can also save a large amount of magic spar.

Of course, the magicians who work here generally have no one to fund magic research funds, so they come here to make a fortune. Even if they leave the big battlefield in the future, they can live very well in any place in the Grimm Empire with this skill. good.

As the magic assistant walked into a warehouse with countless magic-sealing boxes, the magic assistant took them down according to the numbers of the magic-sealing boxes. Almost every box would be carefully checked to ensure that the magic patterns inside were The installation is accurate, and they are all repairs belonging to the Blue Bridge Fortress.

Suldak asked the magic assistant with a smile, "Look at how carefully you handled it, did you miss it before?"

The magic assistant seemed very dull. He lowered his head and focused his eyes on the magic-weave structures, and just said lightly: "No."

After finishing speaking, the magician stretched out his hand to close the lid of the magic sealing box, and said to Suldak: "All the magic pattern structures are here, you should check carefully, once you bring these magic sealing boxes If you go out of the workshop and come back to say that the quantity is insufficient, we will not be responsible for it!"

Only then did Suldak quickly check it carefully, and then put these magic sealing boxes into the magic pocket.

Seeing that Suldak was so relaxed, like putting away a dozen boxes, the magic assistant just gave him an extra look.

Then the magic assistant sent Suldak out of the magic workshop. When he walked to the front hall, Suldak pointed to the different sets of magic pattern structures on the wooden frame and asked the magic assistant Ask: "How much does a set of these magic pattern constructs in your workshop cost?"

"Seventy unidentified black magic crystals."

The magic assistant seemed to be stingy with speech, and didn't even want to say another word.

Suldak heard from Old Heyman that unidentified black magic crystals are basically used for transactions here. Now that he thinks about it, this is the fundamental reason that restricts the outflow of magic pattern structures here.

These unidentified black magic crystals represent meritorious service in the Grimm Empire, and can allow young nobles to be promoted to titles, which is naturally more precious than the magic pattern structure.

Although the magic pattern structure is relatively difficult to buy in the Grimm Empire, there are always some ways to buy it.

Therefore, the nobles will naturally not waste those precious unidentified black magic crystals on the magic pattern structure...

Leaving the magic workshop, Suldak took Andrew to a magic material store according to the address introduced by Old Heyman. This magic material store was in a very compact alley, and there were many shops in it. There are as many as five or six magic material stores alone.

As soon as I entered the door, I saw three crucibles with green bubbles. In addition to herbs, there were actually many organs from certain parts of Warcraft on the shelves. There were also some disgusting juices in the bottles and jars.

Behind the cauldron was an unkempt old magician. Suldak saw that his old face was covered with wrinkles and age spots, and he was actually blind in one eye. No matter what he held in his hands, his hands seemed trembling. He looked up at Suldak, his eyes full of vigilance towards strangers.

"Young knight, what are you doing here?" said the old magician.

Surdak looked around and said, "I want to buy some black magic powder from you..."

Only then did the old magician raise his head, and asked seriously, "How much do you want?"

The other eye is not absent, but a cat's-eye gemstone is installed in the eye socket. After the eyelid is slightly opened, a strange light shines through the cat's-eye gemstone.

Suldak lowered his head and took out a teacup from his pocket, placed it directly in front of the old magician, and said:

"This cup needs to be filled, a total of one hundred and twenty-seven cups."

The old magician took the tea cup in his hand and weighed it casually, then said:

"Thirteen unidentified magic crystals."

Suldak paused, and asked the old magician:

"What if it's a gold coin transaction?"

The old magician didn't even look at Suldak, and pushed the teacup in his hand to him. His eyes fell on the three crucibles again, and he said coldly:

"I don't do other currency transactions here..."

Not only was Suldak stunned, he didn't expect the old magician to say that, and he was about to turn around and go out. Maybe he went to the wrong door. When he turned around, Suldak still gave up on the old magician. magician said:

"I was introduced by Old Heyman of Blue Bridge Fortress..."

The indifference in the old magician's eyes suddenly turned into anger, and he lowered his voice and roared:

"This old guy knows how to make trouble for me!"

Then it added:

"Bring out two hundred gold coins, and I can prepare them for you...you need black magic powder."

"make a deal!"

Suldak said briskly.

After speaking, he untied a money bag from his waist, counted out two hundred gold coins from it, and stacked them neatly on the counter.

The old magician looked at Suldak in surprise, and didn't say anything more, just scooped a little bit of tea for him from a tattered pocket on the back shelf, using the teacup that Suldak was holding. One hundred and twenty-seven cups of black magic powder were missing.

The old magician put the black magic powder into a clay pot, and the mouth of the pot was tightly tied by the old magician with a piece of leather and a rope.

He handed the pot to Suldak, and then sat back beside the crucible, not looking at Suldak again.

Suldak walked out of the magic material shop with the pot in his arms, and the voice of the old magician came to Suldak's ears from inside:

"You can come to me to buy any magic materials you need in the future!"

Suldak stopped in his tracks and agreed:



Suldak and Andrew came to the appointed place together, waiting for the old Heyman to come and meet.

It happened that a group of elf warriors riding unicorns from the Chaos Fortress left the gate of the fortress. They seemed a little anxious. These strong white unicorns almost rushed out of the city gate by rubbing the bodies of passers-by.

Andrew stretched his neck, stared enviously at those silver-white war horses, and said to Suldak with a smile:

"Boss, when will you buy us a few of those war horses to ride..."

Suldak put one hand on Andrew's shoulder, and said to him: "Let's change to a batch of blue-scaled horses later... I haven't heard of any knight order in the Grimm Empire whose mounts are unicorns. Beast."

The two squatted on the square closest to the gate of Chaos Fortress and chatted.

When Suldak met Gulitum in the Chaos Fortress, the ogre was standing on the stone platform in front of him.

Suldak also looked enviously at the distant figures of those white unicorns. When they ran on the mountain, they seemed to have a faint rainbow behind them, which was very gorgeous...

"It is estimated that even if it is a silver moon elf, it should not be possible for all elf fighters to have such a mount..." Suldak said to Andrew.

A constructed knight next to him was also looking at the unicorns that were going away. Hearing what Suldak said, he quickly echoed: "That is inevitable. Those who can ride unicorns must be the royal family of the silver moon elves." , which fortress are you from?"

"Blue Bridge Fortress..." Andrew said casually.

The constructed knight laughed and said, "I just heard that you encountered a demon army over there. How is the situation?"

Suldak bumped into Andrew secretly to prevent the big mouth from talking around, and said casually: "It's okay!"

Seeing that Suldak had no intention of talking to him, the constructed knight didn't say much, just smiled and turned to leave.

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