Lord Highlander

Chapter 1157

After the old Heyman came back from driving the four-wheeled truck, his expression was always ugly, as if he had lost his temper and was not in a good mood.

The carriage stopped at the square near the gate of the city. Suldak and Andrew jumped into the carriage first. Old Heyman did not leave the city immediately, but drove the carriage to a busy street in Fortress of Chaos. He skillfully Park your carriage on the side of the road.

A waiter at the door of the restaurant hurried up and took the whip from Old Heyman.

"Great Swordsman Hayman, are you going to the fort to buy goods again?" the waiter asked casually after boarding the carriage driver's seat.

Old Heyman replied coldly: "Hmm..."

The waiter ignored Old Heyman's stinky face, as if he glanced at the supplies stored in the carriage. He smiled and said to Old Heyman, "What good things did you bring over this time?"

"Just some trophies of demon warriors, and this time I plan to bring back some supplies!" Old Heyman said casually,

The waiter at the entrance of the restaurant helped Old Heyman park the carriage to the back street of the restaurant.

Old Heyman took Suldak and Andrew into the restaurant. He seemed to have been here many times, and he was greeted cordially when he entered the door.

Old Heyman waved his hand casually and walked up the stairs.

Old Heyman chose a relatively remote location on the second floor, and ordered three set meals without even showing Suldak and Andrew the menu.

While waiting for the meal, Andrew told Old Heyman about seeing the Silver Moon Elf and the unicorn, and praised the pure white unicorn fiercely.

Old Heyman just sneered, and said to Andrew: "The current Silvermoon Elf Dynasty can be said to have rotted tree roots. What's so strange about seeing the royal family on the battlefield at this time?"

As an aborigine of the Nanai tribe, Andrew has never been in contact with elves at all. The only friend he knows who has elven blood is the half-elf archer Samira.

Old Heyman talked to him about the Silvermoon Dynasty in the elf world, how could he answer the conversation.

The waiter brought three glasses of ice water and placed wine glasses in front of the three of them. Old Heyman waved his hand impatiently and said, "I don't want to drink today..."

Suldak told old Heyman about the constructed knight he met next to the high platform in the square. Old Heyman snorted again and said angrily:

"There is always such a kind of people in the Chaos Fortress. They live in this fortress, like a group of rats in the sewer. They not only want to inquire about some information, but also summarize and summarize the collected information. Information is sold to anyone who needs it."

"The one you met should be an intelligence dealer. The biggest thing they do every day is to ask for new information everywhere. Knowing that you are coming from the Blue Bridge Fortress, they want to know the latest information in the fortress."

"They usually have a polite look, rarely confront anyone, and behave harmlessly to humans and animals."

"But those things done in private, I don't know how many people have been cheated."

Old Heyman paused for a moment, and said to Suldak: "Those people don't need to talk to them, just be on guard a little at ordinary times, and the best way is to keep as little contact with them as possible."

Andrew looked at Old Heyman, and said with a puzzled look: "Who can they sell the information to? Other brother fortresses?"

"Other fortresses won't buy their own information from them..." Old Heyman said vaguely.

At this time, the waiter has already brought the dishes one after another.

Old Hyman didn't say a word.

After the waiter left, Suldak asked Old Heyman curiously: "What happened, do you need help?"

Old Hyman snorted nasally, held a table knife and cut the meat on the plate, shook his head and said: "It's nothing, it's just that the business has lost some money, and there are a group of people who want to compete with us for the market, and we also Be prepared to fight back."

After finishing this fairly sumptuous lunch, Old Heyman asked the waiter for a few pieces of letter paper, then wrote a few letters casually on the dining table, and asked the waiter to mail them out for him.

Afterwards, Old Heyman did not stay in the city, but left Chaos Fortress in line with other four-wheeled carriages, and rushed back to Blue Bridge Fortress overnight.


The carriage drove forward on the dark mountain road, and Old Heyman didn't set up camp to rest at night, but drove towards the Blue Bridge Fortress overnight.

He was very familiar with this road, and he almost didn't need to raise a lantern in front of the carriage to lead the two of them through the mountain road.

Suldak sat on the cargo in the carriage, squinting his eyes to feel the cold wind blowing from the night sky.

"Dark, is your patrol team ready?" Old Heyman asked suspiciously.

Suldak opened his eyes, sat in the carriage and replied: "Well, the manpower has been selected, and we are going to prepare the patrol team when we go back."

Old Heyman said in a muffled voice, "Dark, I think you should spend more time in the logistics team. The warehouse behind has not been sorted out yet."

Andrew, who was sitting next to Suldak, said again and again: "Actually, we have already made preparations, and now we can go out and exercise..."

It was pitch black all around the carriage.

In the darkness, the general outline of the mountains in the distance can be seen dimly.

"This time the demon army attacked very strangely..." Old Heyman closed his mouth after half a sentence.

Then he shook the horsewhip in his hand, and said: "This time the demon army rushed directly into the hinterland of the Grimm Empire defense zone, and then the demon army suddenly lost any combat power, as if they were specially stationed for the fortress over there." Send merit."

"Could it be that no one in other fortresses has noticed this situation?" Suldak said with some surprise.

Old Haiman sighed and said: "All the fortresses near these two mountains have been given a share of the soup. What's the use of talking about this kind of thing? The demon army is going deep into the defense zone, and everyone is too late to be happy...Who is there?" Will you be willing to say things that are sure to offend people?"

Suldak hadn't figured out how to offend people by saying "the demons send meritorious service to the hinterland fortress".


On the second day after Old Heyman returned to the Blue Bridge Fortress, he saw a news in the internal briefing of the Garrison of the Seventh District of the Grimm Empire. At the same time that the demon army was deep into the hinterland, there was a construction knight on the side of the Grimm Empire. The regiment was also on the go, surrounded by the demon army, and only half of the strong members of the entire Constructed Knights survived.

Seeing the news on the briefing, Old Heyman was so angry that he threw the briefing out...

The news that the Constructed Knights of the Green Empire was besieged by the demon army quickly spread to various fortresses.

The constructed knights at the Blue Bridge Fortress were also extremely surprised when they heard the news, and even the atmosphere in the fortress seemed a little weird for a while.

When the patrol team went out on patrol, they became extra cautious...

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