Lord Highlander

Chapter 1158: 1144. Night Watch

The first mission of Suldak's 13th Patrol Squad was to stay on watch at the watchtower on the east side of the Blue Bridge Fortress. It was not the patrol that Andrew had been looking forward to for a long time.

This kind of night duty does not require everyone in the patrol team to stand on the guard tower for a whole night.

Including Surdak, there are seven members in the team, and only two teams need to guard the watchtower.

Samira and Carrie Decker were assigned to the first group by Suldak, and the two of them were on duty until midnight, so that after they were on guard, they could sleep in the duty room all night.

Andrew and Musta, the new construction swordsman who joined the team, were assigned to the second group. This group was more difficult, because they would be woken up just after falling asleep, and then at around three o'clock in the morning, the third group would meet with They handed over and returned to the duty room of the sentry post and could only sleep in the cage.

Gullitum and Deans, another constructed swordsman, are the third group. The ogre and Deans need to welcome the dawn on the watchtower. Although they have to get up early, this is always better than Andrew's group. .

As the captain of the thirteenth patrol squad, Suldak only needs to get up and patrol twice at night.

He and the team members have to stay in the duty room on the lower floor of the watchtower. This duty room is an octagonal room. Inside, there are six wooden beds thoughtfully placed against the walls, covered with felt and leather. The team members on duty at night on the sentry tower can sleep in the duty room on the lower floor of the sentry post.

However, Suldak divided Samira and Carrie Decker into a group, which neither Andrew nor Gulitham expected.

Although the half-elf archer Samira seldom wore a hood to cover her face after entering the battlefield, but that delicate face was used to being expressionless.

On the contrary, after Carrie Decker put on the thick magic pattern structure, her long black hair was hung up in a high ponytail. In addition to her height of nearly 1.9 meters, she was half a head taller than Andrew. Her tall figure made her stand by the doorway with a slight sense of oppression, but there was a faint smile on her face.

This is the first time the Suldak patrol team is on duty. Carrie Decker is still complacent about leaving the patrol team of Constructed Knights in Ababa Province and joining the patrol team of Suldak. A sudden sense of relief.

In the patrol team in Ababa Province, Carrie Decker has been serving as the captain.

She still clearly remembers how hard she worked to gain the approval of the team members when she first entered the big battlefield.

In the Green Empire, there has been such a saying:

'Ma'am, stay away from the battlefield! '

Generally speaking, the Lord's Army rarely recruits female fighters. After graduating from the academy, many female fighters can only join some adventure groups or mercenary groups. Carrie Decker also walked through this step by step and became a Excellent second turn build knight.

In order to prove herself, she stopped working hard to improve herself almost all the time, for fear that others would say that Carrie Decker was just a vase.

Becoming the captain of the squad is also Carrie Decker's helpless move. Whether she was in the adventure group or entered the patrol squad after entering the big battlefield, she almost always received some hints from some captains or senior veterans, such as Said that as long as you are willing to lie down, you can get a lot of special care...

When she finally changed from immature to mature, and had a team formed by herself, no one else knew what she was thinking, but she insisted on joining Suldak's patrol team...


Samira hardly communicated with Carrie Decker.

On the contrary, Carrie Decker would occasionally say a word or two to Samira. Although she never got a response, Samira would do some things according to her words.

For example, Carrie Decker reminded Samira to bring a cloak that can keep out the cold, and gloves if she has gloves. The top of the watchtower of the Blue Bridge Fortress is very cold at night.

Surdak looked around the watchtower, walked down the watchtower, and was about to leave along the slow stairs when he saw Bart coming out from the opposite terrace, looking tired.

Bart rested his elbows on the low wall of the terrace, and waved to Suldak who was opposite.

It was already dark, and the windows inside were emitting soft light outside, and the wind blowing into the valley seemed very cold, and Suldak tightened his neckline.

Bart took out a silver flagon from his arms, took a sip from the spout, and shook Suldak again.

Suldak waved down Bart's invitation to have a drink.

"I heard that the demon warriors in the demon army are war criminals who are going to be punished. They lost the exit of the hell passage on the Kenda plane. They were originally demon warriors who were going to be executed..." Bart said with some frustration.

Suldak asked in surprise: "Is there a passage to hell on the Kenda plane?"

He always felt that the demons seemed to be infinitely far away from the empire. Later, he learned that the hell demons could only enter the Roland Continent after they had won the whole front of the battlefield, broke through the King Kong Gate, and flattened the Silver City. There is still a gap between the demons.

Now that he heard that there was a passage to hell on a plane, Suldak realized that the people of the empire were not too far from the hell demons.

Bart nodded and said: "Well, that passage is in the deepest part of the Vala Valley, and it has always been guarded by the strongest Constructed Knights in the Empire, but recently it seems that the South Wind Legion and the North Wind Legion have joined forces. The exit was strongly sealed, and a demon warlord was sacrificed at that time, and I heard that Duke Ellie, the head of the North Wind Legion, was also seriously injured..."

"Although I haven't been there, I heard that half of the valley there is covered with demon plants. It is said that it is the burial place of countless demon warriors!"

"Even if these demon warriors don't come here, they will be executed by Duriel, but now they somehow ran to the big battlefield, and successfully sneaked into the hinterland of the battle zone, becoming the spoils of Mosang Fortress."

Suldak did not expect that the Green Empire had such a powerful army stationed there all year round.

"Now that the passage to hell has been sealed, where did the Constructed Knights stationed in that valley go?" Suldak asked curiously. In the big battlefield, there are some things that must be tried to understand.

Bart raised his head, took a sip of the wine in the bottle, and said casually:

"It is said that half of the army is still stationed in the valley, and the other half of the army is freed. It is estimated that they will enter other planes to conquer the dark army on those planes."

Suldak finally saw that the Grimm Empire was actively responding to the dark army of the deep prison. Obviously, the methods this time were fierce after all, and he did not expect to dispatch frontier troops.

After all, the topic still has to go back to the situation in the defense area of ​​the Great Battlefield. Suldak thought of the old Heyman who said that there are a group of intelligence dealers selling information for a living in the Chaos Fortress. who did it.

... Or it could be said that these two incidents were purely coincidental.

Suldak asked Bart again: "I heard that we also have a Constructed Knights group that was attacked by the Demon Army?"


Bart's voice was a little dull, and it seemed that he was extremely dissatisfied with this matter.

"What do you think of this?" Suldak asked Bart.

After all, Bart is Commander Adolphus' confidant, and it is estimated that part of Bart's opinion is what Commander Adolphus said he saw.

Bart closed the lid of the wine jug, shrugged his shoulders, his yellow eyebrows were almost huddled, and said with a bitter face: "I don't have any opinion, and although you don't need to remind, I still want to remind you very solemnly You, be careful when the squad goes out on patrol!"


After Suldak finished speaking, he waved to Bart, turned around and followed the rotating outer stairs to the bottom of the watchtower.


Andrew sharpened his butcher's ax every night with a whetstone, and smeared lard on both sides of the blade to keep it from rusting.

He would put the ax on the bed as a pillow, and he could only sleep peacefully with the weapon on his head every day. Andrew carefully wrapped the ax blade in linen and placed it on the wooden bed.

This wooden bed looked very simple, not to mention the rough workmanship, it must have been used for a long time, the whole head of the bed was actually covered with a thick layer of pulp, and it was also full of scratches.

The wooden bed was covered with a layer of felt, and the felt was covered with a piece of cowhide stretched tightly on the wooden bed. It looked hard, and when you got close, you could smell the smell of rancid hair oil on it.

Of course, neither the Nanai native warrior nor the ogre would care too much about this.

Gulitham sat leaning against the stone wall at the door. This wooden bed was a bit small for him. He was worried that it would collapse. Only when he is eating food can he be calmed down.

And Naohuaer will lean his head against the stone wall and close his eyes to meditate...

It is said that the two-headed ogre is the best scout, because when they are on duty at night, one head can be awake while the other head sleeps, so even if they stick to the sentry for several days and nights, there will be no problem, provided that Provide them with adequate food.

"Head, you're back..."

Sometimes it is difficult to shut Gullitum's mouth even if it is eating.

Andrew was already curled up on the wooden bed, and the other two construction swordsmen were also sitting quietly on the bed. When they faced Suldak, they seemed a little cautious, but after all, everyone was a second-rank strongman , have long been used to the life here, one of them is wiping the magic pattern structure, the other is squatting by the fireplace, actually started a fire, and placed a piece of cold bread on the side of the stove, and hung a The pitch-black kettle boiled some water.

Suldak knew that the constructed swordsman who lit the fire and boiled water was called Deans, he turned his head and saw Suldak walking into the duty room, stood up and said to Suldak: "Captain, do you want How about some toast?"

"Dinner is over..." Surdak said on the empty bed next to Andrew.

Gullitum, who was sitting at the door, moved slightly, turned his head and smiled at Deans and said, "Toast? Give me some!"

Deans immediately cut a large piece of the hard whole wheat bread, and then took out a small pot of butter and a piece of dry cheese from the bag. He first spread the butter on the burnt bread, The cheese was sliced ​​and spread on top, and then a red sausage was pulled out from nowhere, sandwiched between two slices of bread, and then handed to Gullitum.

The strong fragrance woke up the brain flower who was meditating immediately.

"Gulitham, what are you secretly eating?"

The good brother Naohuaer shouted a little angrily.

"Hey, this is the supper I prepared for the two of us. Seeing that you are still asleep, I planned to just take a bite..." Gulitum blushed, and immediately said to Nao Hua'er.

"I believe you!" Nao Hua'er said viciously.

Gulitum made a decisive decision and divided the hot dog into two portions, one of which was stuffed into the hands of his good brother Naohuaer.

Nao Hua'er took a sip, the anger on his face dissipated, and he immediately said happily: "There is butter in it...I said brother, why didn't we eat like this before?"

"It would be great if I could get to know Diens sooner!" Gullitum said to his good brother while nibbling on bread.

After finishing speaking, the two-headed ogre immediately stretched out a big hand, and said to Deans: "Let's get to know each other again, I'm Gulitum, and he's my good brother Brain! I'm glad you can join us ..."

Deans and Musta were a little dazed. They never expected that all they needed to get the ogre's friendship was a good supper.

Deans hurriedly said politely: "Hello, Gullitum, hello, Brain!"


Samira stands on the roof of the watchtower, she can see far in the dark.

There seemed to be some vague figures on the top of the mountain in the distance, but Samira knew that they would definitely not be imperial soldiers, and everyone would hide in the fortress at night.

So it might be the demons...

Seeing Samira looking at the plank road on the opposite cliff, Carrie Decker asked curiously, "Can you see it?"

"Those are demons?" Samira asked back.

Carrie Decker looked over there seriously. Under the vast night, she could only vaguely see the outline of the mountain.


Carrie Decker replied, and then said: "I can't see it, but I know that there will be demons sneaking in every night. They run in during the night, trying to hunt and kill those who stay outside the fortress at night. Singles."

"Dare they come here?" Samira asked again.

"They hide in rock crevices during the day to avoid the patrols, and come out at night..."

Carrie Decker seems to be familiar with these.

"That is to say, if you go on patrol at night, maybe you will gain more?" Samira licked his lips thinking about the heads of those demon warriors.

Andrew told her that Suldak spent two hundred gold for the heads of those demon warriors...

"Maybe we'll be their harvest..."

Carrie Decker added something later, but his eyes obviously brightened.

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