Lord Highlander

Chapter 1160: 1146. Mentor

By the time Suldak saw Felix again, it was already the evening of the second day.

There are a lot of second-rank constructed knights in the fortress. Each of these constructed knights is wearing a set of gold magic pattern structure. A heavy beauty.

At any time, there will always be two knights guarding the door of Commander Felix's room.

I heard from Bart that this set of magic pattern structure is called Griswold's armor on the battlefield. It is the best set of magic pattern structure that knights in the second rank structure can wear. Only Green Only the constructed knights of the Zakarum Knights of the empire on the battlefield will be equipped with this second-level magic pattern structure.

Suldak looked at the knights with some envy, and followed one of them into Commander Felix's room.

I saw Commander Felix lying on the bed, almost covered with bandages. At this time, there was still a knight holding a scroll of parchment in his hand, reporting to him the news from the front line.

Commander Felix frowned, with a worried and focused expression on his face.

Both arms were exposed outside the quilt, and even the arms were covered with hemostatic bandages.

After the knight finished reading the parchment scroll in his hand, Commander Felix raised his eyelids slightly, and ordered the knight officer:

"Pass my order to have the Third Knights withdraw 20 kilometers to our defense zone. In addition, we are mobilizing the Seventh Constructed Knights so that they are ready to go up at any time."

There was an unmistakable taste in the tone of the speech.

The knight officer argued in a low voice: "But the Seventh Constructed Knights have just been withdrawn from the battlefield, and haven't even entered the rest!"

"It's too late, let them rest in the fortress in the standby area, just do as I say!" Although Commander Felix looked very weak, he spoke very fluently. Seriously wounded who may die.

The knight officer immediately agreed:

"Yes, Commander."

After the knight officer turned and left, Commander Felix waved his hand, motioning for the clerk who was waiting beside him to stop, expressing that he would be dealing with the mountain of official duties.

Then he motioned for Suldak to come forward and said to him, "Thank you for saving me, I don't know your name yet."

"My name is Suldak, Commander." Suldak said immediately.

Hearing that Suldak didn't say his surname, Commander Felix was slightly taken aback, but then he reacted and sighed:

"Nobles without surnames... such nobles are really rare now, but His Majesty Charles still made a wise decision this time."

Suldak did not continue this topic, but said to Commander Felix:

"Commander, let me check the healing of some wounds for you!"

The adjutant next to Commander Felix immediately asked, "Do you need to cut these bandages?"

Suldak glanced at him and said, "No need for now."

The adjutant stared at Surdak suspiciously, but did not speak.

Suldak didn't have time to pay attention to him, and immediately started to check the healing of the wound with the "Eye of Reality". After all, the effect of the "Eye of Reality" is only a short quarter of an hour. First, check the healing of the heart and chest. The condition is not bad. Slightly relieved.

Then Suldak discovered something unusual. He found that Commander Felix's entire abdominal cavity seemed to have some faint shadows, a color he had never seen on other people.

And inside the right rib, a small spot was clearly found.

Suldak frowned, took out a dagger and cut through the layers of bandages on his right rib.

The bandage stuck to the skin where the scab had formed. Although Suldak had been very careful, the wound was still involved when it was torn apart, and the suture was involved, oozing bright red blood.

Commander Felix ordered to the clerk standing by the bed without changing his face: "You have been busy here all afternoon, you can take a proper rest!"

The clerk gave a military salute before turning around and leaving with a serious face.

At this time, Suldak had already cut off the cotton thread used to suture the wound, and cut open the already healed wound again, and then a beam of holy light appeared on his right hand, and he pressed it down on the torn wound, and the burning fire inside the wound The black flame quickly dissipated.

Suldak took out a pair of tweezers from the toolbox, and poked in along the wound that was only two fingers wide. In his eyes, he could see the fragments of the devil's claws attached to the intestinal wall, but the abdominal wound followed Felix's body. Commander Si's breathing kept rising and falling, and because of the peristalsis of the intestinal wall, Suldak couldn't hold the small fragment of the devil's claw attached to the intestinal wall.

It was this fragment of the devil's claw that caused a new dark energy to appear in Felix's right abdomen, and it was stuffed in the abdominal cavity...

If it weren't for the double recovery effects of the Overlord Body and the Blessed Body, Commander Felix's abdomen would have been burned through by the black flame.

"Lord Felix, hold your breath and try not to move!" Suldak said.

Commander Felix immediately understood Suldak's intentions, he took a deep breath and then held his breath.

With the abdominal muscles relaxed as much as possible, the intestinal wall really stopped bouncing up and down, and even Commander Felix's breathing was interrupted.

Suldak quickly used tweezers to firmly hold the fragment of the devil's claw, then carefully took it out from the abdominal cavity, and put it on a small plate in the toolbox. The fragment of the devil's claw wrapped in black blood stains With a faint black flame.

If this thing cannot be taken out, Commander Felix's abdominal injury will never heal. The most important thing is that it is too small and only attached to the intestinal wall, so it is difficult to be found. The intestines were all pulled out, cleaned and put back.

Suldak put the silver plate aside, exhaled lightly, then re-sewed up the wound for Commander Felix, and used the holy light technique again.

After wrapping the wound with a hemostatic bandage, Surdak began to check other places.

With his eyes of truth, he couldn't feel the existence of the remaining dark energy in Commander Felix's body.

The wounds at other locations healed well after being stitched up. After all, the person lying in front of Suldak was a three-turn guardian knight, so it was only natural that the wounds healed quickly.

However, these seemingly bloody operations aroused questioning looks from the onlookers...even the adjutant next to Commander Felix.

Anyone who picks and plucks Commander Felix like this will make these bystanders feel very uncomfortable.

Suldak stood up, coughed lightly, and then said respectfully:

"Take a good rest. I'll check you again at this time tomorrow. Due to the purification of the holy light technique, it is difficult to find the residue of many monsters hidden in the body immediately. They need to re-grow before they can be removed again."

Commander Felix raised his hand with difficulty, and said to Suldak:

"You've done a good job, you don't need to explain this to me, if Aldous hadn't introduced me that we have a young paladin here who can heal my wounds, maybe I would have fallen on the way home... ..."

The trust revealed in his eyes warmed Suldak's heart slightly, and then he gave a military salute and turned to leave the room.


Commander Felix is ​​actually the deputy head of the Zakarum Knights. This is what Suldak heard from Carrie Decker.

The power of the head of this knight order is almost above all the commanders of the twenty-seven fortresses in the Green Empire's Great Battlefield, and this time it is the official Sakarum Knights who are fighting the Demon Legion on the frontal battlefield.

Even if Commander Felix is ​​lying in bed, there are still heralds delivering information from the battlefield to his ears every day.

His convalescent ward looked more like a remote command post.

Every evening, Suldak would go to check the injuries of Commander Felix, but he never said much, and left almost immediately after checking the injuries.

After a week of this, Commander Felix was able to get up and walk around the room a few times. Of course, he still needed someone to support him.

However, for the follow-up treatment, Suldak did not bless Commander Felix with God's blessing due to the limited space.

On the tenth day, the situation on the frontal battlefield finally stabilized.

The battle between the Demon Army and the Empire Constructed Knights also subsided, and both armies withdrew from the central battlefield.

At this time, Commander Felix's injury has also begun to improve, and he can already leave the room and sit in the inner garden of the fortress for a while.

The place where Suldak checked his injuries every day was changed to the inner garden of the fortress.

Perhaps it was the war on the big battlefield that finally subsided, or most of the wounds on his body had completely healed, or maybe it was something else that made Felix feel very good. He only followed an adjutant to protect him. The two knights stood at the garden gate.

Commander Felix sat on the bench, smiled at Suldak who was examining him and said:

"Paladin, on the road of knights, I have gone a little further than you."

"Of course, you are a third-rank guardian knight, and I am still a newcomer who has just been promoted, and I don't even know how to go in the future." Suldak echoed with a smile.

Commander Felix said to Suldak:

"Because you have the power of the Holy Light in your body, this is more like the promotion path for the priests in the temple, so I can't give you any good advice."

"However, if you want to take one of the knight's promotion paths, I can give you some references."

"The most essential difference between knights and warriors is established after the second turn. Knights not only need to improve their strength and physique, but also to temper their spiritual consciousness. This is what you must achieve before looking for the source of strength. condition……"

Suldak never expected that the enlightenment mentor of his knighthood would be Commander Felix...

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