Lord Highlander

Chapter 1161 1147. Leave

Commander Felix sat under a big tree, and Suldak sat opposite him in a well-mannered manner.

The phantom behind him turned from a shield into a tree, and the phantom instantly merged into his body, like a tree in his body, continuously absorbing power from the roots of the tree, and sending it to every part of his body place.

The operation method of those forces was so clearly presented to Suldak.

It was already the afternoon of the second week that Commander Felix came to the Blue Bridge plane. He was sitting under a tree telling Suldak that the knight needed to comprehend the core source of power when he was in the second turn.

Commander Felix gave almost the most detailed explanation:

"When the spiritual power grows to a certain level, it is like a tree that is destined to blossom and bear fruit when it grows up. The source of power in our body is the seed in the fruit of spiritual power."

"When this seed appears, it will bring about earth-shaking changes for you."

"And the seed that takes root in your body is the source of your strength."

He transformed a can seed on his chest, then put it back into his body, and said to the chief guard who often appeared beside him: "Isaiah, come and teach Suldak some fighting methods!"


A tall and burly knight, wearing golden armor, walked up to Commander Felix and replied.

Then the tall and burly knight immediately took out a long sword and a shield, and hid his whole body in the golden magic pattern structure.

Commander Felix turned his head and said to Suldak:

"I just want to see how strong you are."

"You and Isaiah compete, the main reason is that I need you to show your strength limit and combat skills."

"Everyone's physical limit will be very different because of their physique, agility, strength, and many other factors..."

Suldak habitually held the shield in his right hand, which made Commander Felix frowned.

However, the guard didn't give Suldak much time to prepare. When he saw Suldak take out the shield, he habitually bowed his waist and held up the shield to resist Suldak's attacking footsteps.

Suldak only felt that there was an insurmountable mountain in front of him, and the actual sense of oppression made his breathing a little short.

Amid the violent shield impact, Suldak was forced to take a step back...

It was this step that immediately allowed Isaiah Knight to take the initiative on the battlefield.

The long sword in his hand kept swinging towards him, and Suldak could only try his best to resist...

The sound of the shield hitting seemed to form a circle of sound waves. Surdak was taken first and was beaten passively from the very beginning. .

Isaiah's attack power is excellent, and every heavy hit will exhaust Suldak.

Commander Felix sat on the sidelines and watched the battle. He saw that every time Suldak exhausted his full strength, he would quickly gather his strength and raise his shield to meet Isaiah. The next attack with all his strength, it is obvious that Suldak has arrived The limit of strength, but he can always hold up the shield and withstand Isaiah's attack.

Commander Felix stood up at the end, walked to the side of the two, and felt closely how Suldak used his power.

"I found that you...although you haven't comprehended the seed for the time being, but you seem to have a...source of power." Commander Felix stared at Suldak and said, he could even see that the power came from There, he finally set his sights on Suldak's thighs in trouser armor.

Then Commander Felix said firmly: "Yes, there should be a magic pattern here, and it is this magic pattern that provides you with some earth power."

Commander Felix asked enviously: "Which inscription master is this work?"

"The identity of the master alchemist, he hopes that I can help him keep it a secret!" Suldak said vaguely.

Commander Felix was still amazed again and again: "I have never heard that the magic pattern circle can actually imitate the source of power..."

Suldak didn't expect it to be just a life magic pattern nourished by the earth, so Commander Felix also found it to be a very good thing.

"Um, I didn't know it was so valuable!" Surdak replied.

Seeing that Suldak didn't want to say anything, Commander Felix didn't continue to ask, but just said: "It seems that this inscription master has a very good relationship with you..."

Similar battles happened every day, and gradually an incomparably real Suldak appeared in front of Commander Felix.

He looked at Suldak's constantly rippling halo, and couldn't help asking:

"Do you only know the power halo?"

"Yes." Suldak smiled awkwardly.

When he saw that every time Isaiah blocked Suldak's weapon, Suldak could erupt a huge force, and the effect of the erupted force was also different.

Originally, Commander Felix, like everyone else, believed that this was the seal of the knight held by Suldak.

But looking more carefully, Commander Felix discovered a clue, frowning and asked:

"What is this? Can this also be considered the Holy Seal of the Knight?"

Suldak drew the magic circle again, and with the sound of the spell, a layer of magic light appeared on his broadsword again, and then he said to Commander Felix: "I thought this was the holy seal of the knight. "

Commander Felix shook his head and corrected, "That's not true. It seems that it's just your understanding and application of Holy Light. I think you are very talented in casting holy spells."

When Suldak was under the onslaught of Isaiah's knights, he raised his shield in a defensive posture, and asked to block Isaiah's attacking sword.

"You use the shield like this, it's completely a shield fighter's routine, what about your knight skills?"

Commander Felix almost roared, he shouted to Suldak: "...Take it out and let me see it!"

Suldak finally spread his hands and said to Commander Felix: "I only studied in the War Academy for half a year!"

Commander Felix patted his forehead hard, and asked a little speechlessly: "Then tell me, how did you become a knight?"

Suldak said honestly: "In the beginning, it was due to military merit that he became a reserve knight under the command of Earl Mond Goss. Later, he went to the War College to study for half a year and became a canonized official knight."

Commander Felix pointed to the badge of the noble lord on Suldak's chest, and said, "But your badge tells me that you are not only a knight, but also an earl and a lord..."

Suldak explained helplessly: "I was able to obtain the title of nobility because of my military exploits. I fought against the demon army of hellhounds in Wojmara City."

"All right."

Commander Felix finally understands Suldak's growth process. According to his growth experience, he is completely a strong man who climbed out of the corpse.

"So you're a paladin in name, but in fact you're just a shield warrior who has learned the Holy Light technique?" This was the biggest headache for Commander Felix.

Because he promised to teach Suldak half a month ago, but if those who know him know: "The student he taught by Felix is ​​actually a shield warrior..." Then this joke will become a joke big.

Commander Felix asked Suldak, "So... you only use Holy Light for healing?"

Suldak nodded immediately, that's the fact.

"It's a miracle that you can be promoted to a second-rank powerhouse." Felix also felt a little helpless.

Suldak expressed his understanding of knights: "I always thought that a shield warrior who knows the holy light technique, as long as he has a horse, he is a knight!"

"You really think so?" Commander Felix asked with his eyes widened in disbelief.

"Hmm!" Suldak admitted honestly.

The guardian knight, who was so angry, pointed at the garden gate and said angrily: "Hurry up and disappear from my sight, get out!...Go back and think about the difference between horse fighting and foot fighting with shields..."

Suldak looked at Commander Felix speechlessly.

Commander Felix went on to say: "In addition, go back and try to establish a sacred beacon in the sea of ​​spiritual consciousness. When your spiritual power is struggling to advance in the deepest ice sea in the spiritual world, you must use the sacred beacon to confirm it for you every time. Orientation, so as not to get lost in the sea of ​​ice, determining the orientation in the spiritual world is probably the most difficult step for second-rank knights to take..."

Although the days of studying were not so easy, Suldak could clearly feel his growth, and he was walking forward completely according to the road of knighthood.

Commander Felix forced him onto a correct path.


It's a pity that the days of this kind of study will always pass quickly.

As the deputy head of the Zakarum Knights, Commander Felix has endless things to do every day, and now he can be sure that his injuries have completely healed.

"Tomorrow I will return to Sakarum, but I plan to check your training progress every month." Before leaving, Commander Felix said to Suldak, this should be left for him on a monthly basis Operation.

Then Commander Felix said: "I don't have much to give you. I will teach you a halo and a seal next time I have a chance."


The last thing Suldak wants to do is to look forward to the future.

At the gate of the Blue Bridge Fortress, a group of constructed knights wore golden battle armor, and even the armor on the black scaled horse was also golden. They surrounded Commander Felix and slowly entered the mountain path in the eastern mountains.

Standing on the watchtower, Suldak saw Commander Felix's voice turned into a big black spot like a sesame seed on the mountain road, and he was still waving at him.

These days, although Commander Felix is ​​recuperating in the Blue Bridge Fortress, Suldak can feel the depression in his heart...

Although the battle with the demon army has temporarily subsided, those undercurrents are still surging, and they seem to be waiting for a certain time before they burst out.

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