Lord Highlander

Chapter 1162

While Commander Felix was recovering from his injuries, Suldak also began to lead a patrol team to patrol the mountains on the east side of the Blue Bridge plane.

The patrol mission here is much more comfortable than staying in the warehouse of the logistics department in the fortress to count boxes. Although there is no scenery in this mountain range, as long as you stand on the top of the mountain and look at the rolling mountains in the distance , it will make people feel open...

Andrew ran at the front on his war horse, and Samira chased after him.

The two of them often compete in riding in this mountain range.

Suldak has been practicing knight skills in the Blue Bridge Fortress recently.

After a month of preparation, he must impress Commander Felix.

The seventh area of ​​the battlefield has entered a short truce period. Occasionally, demon scouts will enter the Green Empire defense area to investigate, but it is much less than a few days ago.

Next to Suldak's saddle hung the heads of two demon warriors.

Samira found the hiding place of these two demon warriors between a crevice in the cliff, and then things became easier. The patrol team counted seven people including Suldak, and everyone blocked in the crevice of the cliff The exit, and then threw the mighty fire scale bomb into it.

Although the power of the fire scale bomb is not great, the sound of the explosion will be very loud in the cracks of the rocks, and with the falling of the gravel, some flames will be ignited.

How did these demon warriors know the power of the fire-scale bombs, they got out amidst the continuous explosions...

Andrew, Gullitum, Diens, and Musta were waiting outside. The demon warriors rushed out of the light-yellow mask and were directly intercepted by them. These demon warriors generally They seldom surrendered. After the battle lasted for a while, Andrew was still slightly injured and killed a demon warrior.

The other demon warrior was a little distracted, and Carrie Decker blasted a big hole in his chest.

Not every patrol team has such good luck when they go out. Only the Suldak patrol team can get good luck...

These are the heads of two demon warriors, which are the team's trophies today. Deans and Musta are at the back of the team, and they are responsible for scouting whether there are enemies following the team.

The patrol team walked east for a while, and came to the border between Blue Bridge Fortress and Moon Fortress. Andrew made some marks on the boundary markers with his own hands, and then walked back slowly.

Suldak rode in the middle of the team, and Carrie Decker, who was wearing the heavy armor of the magic pattern, rode side by side with him.

This long-legged beauty was wearing a black iron mask. In the fierce battle just now, she blasted the demon warrior's chest with a single shot.

Her double-barreled shotgun is indeed a magic weapon, and the steel shot is extremely powerful.

Suldak saw with his own eyes the moment the shot was fired, an orange magic pattern circle appeared at the place where the shotgun struck the needle, and then a gleam of fire appeared in the magic pattern circle, all the explosive power was in the barrel, and the entire gun The tube also has orange and magic patterns.

The moment the flames spewed out from the muzzle of the gun, Carrie Decker was so shaken that he fell backwards.

The demon warrior didn't expect that Carrie Decker would be close at hand, so he bombarded him with a magic shotgun, and immediately a black blood hole appeared in his chest.

The demon warrior knew that he had suffered such a serious injury, and it was estimated that it would be difficult for him to leave alive, so he wanted to rush forward and die with Carrie Decker.

The two-headed ogre Gulitum finally patched his head with a stick, smashing his skull beyond recognition on the spot. If the blow was heavier, it is very likely that this high-level sacrifice of Suldak would be destroyed. In the hands of Gullitum.

"So, old Heyman is a member of the black market organization on the battlefield of the Grimm Empire?" Suldak asked with some surprise.

Regarding the news given by Carrie Decker, Suldak still felt very credible.

Carrie Decker brushed her hair and said:

"Yeah, their organization itself controls most of the magic materials on the black market. Many people buy those scarce magic materials from them, but they only sell materials obtained from the demons, and there are also some rare ones. Weird stuff."

"The core of this black market is membership, and it's not easy to get into them."

"Each member is a group of old guys who have lived on the battlefield for a long time. They have one thing in common that they have worked in the logistics department of various fortresses. In addition... they almost never leave the battlefield."

"They created this underground trading market. It is said that they wanted to order the chaotic underground trading here."

Carrie Decker paused, and asked Suldak:

"Why...Captain, do you want to buy something?"

Suldak shook his head and said, "No... I just want to know more about it. I bought what I wanted to buy when I went to Chaos Fortress last time."

According to the habit in the barren land, Andrew nailed two wooden crosses to the boundary marker with a few pieces of logs he did not know where to find, and then stood behind the boundary marker. The dead body hangs above.

The arms, torso, and ankles are all tightly bound with hemp rope.

After finishing these things, Andrew jumped on the horseback lightly, and followed the patrol team back.

Musta followed behind, he had just helped Andrew tie the hemp rope.

At this time, I caught up with Andrew and reminded him: "Andrew, you will cause those demon scouts to hold grudges and retaliate wildly!"

The native Nanai warrior said excitedly: "It's not a good time to come, I'm afraid they won't dare to come... You don't even know how long I haven't been injured!"

"You're talking... as if you're hoping to get hurt!" Musta blinked and said.

As a Benar swordsman who graduated from an academy, he was also hailed as a swordsmanship genius by his family since he was a child.

All the way smoothly, he became a second-rank swordsman, and he can be regarded as the leader of the younger generation in the family. He felt that Andrew was a bit too arrogant, so he was neither soft nor hard to speak against the arrogant Andrew.

Unexpectedly, Andrew laughed, not angry at all, and said very directly: "You are right, that's what I think. I think only when you are injured can you understand the battle again."


Musta was completely speechless.

On the way back, the sky darkened a little bit, and the dark clouds in the sky lingered all day long. Above the mountains, it felt very close to the clouds, which made people feel extremely depressing.

Suldak asked Carrie Decker:

"Those intelligence dealers, how much do you know?"

Carrie Decker pulled the reins of his war horse. He didn't expect Suldak to ask this question, so he just said vaguely:

"These people's origins are very complicated. These members come from various races and formed a huge network on the battlefield. Some members not only have a strong background on the side of the Grimm Empire, it is said that elves, dwarves, orcs, and lizards all have them. Members can still contact the demon clan on the opposite side, so they have first-hand information."

Then she approached Suldak again, put her head next to Suldak's ear, and said:

"I heard that there were shadows of them in the battle a few days ago... But these are just rumors, and no one can confirm this."


A few days later, Carrie Decker quietly reported to Suldak that the Imperial Constructed Knights were besieged and killed by the Demon Legion at the border of the defense zone, and finally the responsibility fell on Commander Felix. The higher-ups blamed Commander Felix for his poor command, which ruined an elite second-rank Constructed Knights.

Once such a serious dereliction of duty is settled, Commander Felix can almost be sent to the Imperial Military Tribunal.

When Suldak heard the news, he felt inexplicably irritated in his heart. He felt that this matter should not be as simple as it appeared on the surface. Now it seems that those people want Commander Felix to take the blame because they must think that he is This position is a bit of an eyesore.

In addition, as the battlefield commander, Commander Felix also has an inescapable responsibility for this.

Suldak asked Old Heyman to find out about the situation. After all, Old Heyman's network of contacts spread all over the twenty-seven imperial fortresses, and the news should be very well-informed.

The light in the room was soft, Old Heyman sat at the counter drinking the black tea in the cup, and prepared a plate of nuts for Suldak.

"Nothing will happen to him this time, it's just that someone is warning him." Old Heyman said to Suldak.

"Felix has been promoted to the third rank for fifteen years. There is no doubt about his own ability, but he has as many advantages as disadvantages. He has justice, compassion, and humility, but he has done too much in some aspects. People like him... once some things are taken too seriously, it is likely to block others."

"His ability made him the deputy head of the Zakarum Knights, but his character disliked many nobles in the empire. The current situation is that there are more people who hate him than those who love him, so He's going to have a hard time."

"And... anyone who is willing to get close to him will be implicated."

Old Heyman asked Suldak, "Is this your first time in the Great Battlefield?"

"Yeah!" Suldak nodded.

Old Heyman leaned close to Suldak's ear, and whispered: "After half a year, there will be a long vacation. After this period of time, when you come back, if Felix can continue to sit In his position, you have time, there is really no need to get too close to him now!"

Suldak didn't speak.

Old Heyman sighed softly and took a sip of black tea.

"His remarks will hurt the vested interests of many people, so this time not only those who hate him want to sink him, but those who have nothing to do with him are unwilling to pull him up..." Old Heyman continued .

Then he patted Suldak on the shoulder and said, "I'm getting older and my energy is not as good as before. I'm going to bed... When you leave, lock the door by the way."

There is another chapter later

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