Lord Highlander

Chapter 1163 1149. Assassination

At the end of the month, Suldak asked Commander Adolphus for two days off, and rode to the Sakarum Knights on the front line of the defense zone as promised.

The Zakarum Knights' resident is located on a hill. The resident doesn't even have any walls, just a fence surrounded by sharpened hardwood. You can see the stables inside the resident from a distance, and you can see those people through the fence. The black-scaled horse was brushing its tail and grazing.

This time when he visited the Zakarum Knights, Suldak only brought Samira with him.

The two of them rode to the entrance of the Sakarum Knights' station, looked towards the vast battlefield ahead, and could see some broken broken blades and broken armor of the demons on the battlefield, some flags stuck obliquely in the soil, and even All have lost color.

It can be seen that the Empire Constructed Knights and the Demon Legion had fought a tragic war here.

Suldak took out the invitation letter written by Commander Felix himself, and the guards at the gate of the camp immediately assigned a constructed knight, and led the two of them directly to the stone house in the center of the camp. It is built with stones, and the upper part is a giant wooden skeleton, and a layer of rainproof felt is covered on it.

The guard came outside the big tent and shouted: "Report!"

The curtain of the big tent was lifted from the inside, and the trusted adjutant next to Commander Felix poked his head out from the inside, and saw Suldak standing at the door at a glance. The adjutant patted Suldak on the shoulder, He told the guard: "He is the guest of Commander Felix, I know him!"

The guard immediately saluted and walked quickly to the gate of the camp.

The adjutant asked Surdak in a low voice: "Dak, why are you here?"

Suldak said indifferently: "I have an appointment with Commander Felix, and I will visit Commander Felix at the end of every month..."

The adjutant took a deep look at Surdak, and said in a low voice, "Please come in!"

Commander Felix looked a little depressed and thinner, sitting upright on a chair, the desk in front of him was full of documents that needed to be signed and reviewed, he looked very focused, lowered his head carefully Read the document.

It was not until he signed his name in the lower right corner of the last page of this document that he left the document aside.

He raised his head only to find that Suldak and the adjutant were standing at the door of the tent, and said happily:

"Dark, I'm glad to see you can come to the appointment."

Suldak walked up to Commander Felix with Samira and said, "Master Felix, you seem to be recovering well!"

"Yes, it is indeed fully recovered." Commander Felix nodded, he stood up, threw the quill in his hand into the ink bottle, and then said, "You should be here for the first time. Zakarum Knights, let’s go, I’ll take you around the camp.”

Seeing that Suldak arrived as promised, the smile on Felix's face never disappeared.

He took Suldak around the camp of the Sakarum Knights, and first came to the cavalry training ground in the camp. Although the camp was very simple, the training ground was very grand. They are all horizontal wooden fences, and the running tracks in the training ground are also long and straight.

There happened to be a team of Constructed Knights practicing charging on the field, and Suldak felt the murderous aura that was almost solidified from them.

Twelve knights lined up on the training ground. They wore golden battle armor, raised their knight spears high, and stabbed at the target dummy almost at the same time.

The knight's spear made a muffled sound almost at the same time...

Then Felix took Suldak to the barracks for a walk, and it was a bit rough here.

"This is a temporary camp. There is no way to have as many facilities as the Blue Bridge Fortress, but the basic life here can still be guaranteed." Commander Felix introduced to Suldak.

When these tents were built, half-meter-high stone walls were built underneath, so these tents looked spacious enough, and the inside of the tent was also very neat.

The sentry post of the Sakarum Knights is on the high part of this hill, and it is a wooden platform with a height of eight or nine meters built of wood.

In the last step, Felix brought Suldak to a tent of wounded soldiers. Although the battle had been over for so long, there were still some wounded soldiers lying in the tent.

Without saying a word, Suldak immediately stepped forward to check the injury.

The wounds of these Zakarum knights have not healed, and basically they cannot eliminate the dark energy in the wounds.

Suldak whispered to Commander Felix: "My lord, these wounded should have been sent to Blue Bridge Fort earlier."

After speaking, he sat down in front of the hospital bed and took out the toolbox from the magic pocket.

He took out a knife from inside, and the wounded soldier's arm was almost covered with a hemostatic bandage.

He cut open the hemostatic bandaged wound with a knife, the color of the wound inside was already a bit black, and there was a rotten smell.

"The injury on this arm has not healed these days, but it is even more serious than before!"

The constructed knight lying on the hospital bed said with a weak face.

There is still a bit of a second-rank powerhouse.

Suldak glanced at the knight and said, "These rotten places must be scraped clean, otherwise even if the black devil energy is dispelled, there is no way to restore it."

After entering the working state, Suldak was serious and focused, and almost forgot where he was.

By the time all the seriously wounded were treated again by Suldak, it was already past dinner time.

The adjutant who was waiting at the side personally brought a basin of hot water for Suldak to wash his hands, and then said: "Commander Felix is ​​waiting for you in the cafeteria..."

Unexpectedly, the adjutant used honorifics to Suldak because he treated the injured knights.

Suldak glanced at Samira who had been helping at the side, smiled and said to the adjutant, "I really feel a little hungry when you say that."

There were hardly any lights at night in the frontline camp, and all the constructed knights who guarded the night were also hidden in the darkness.

Suldak followed the adjutant to the canteen of the camp, unexpectedly, there were still many people sitting here. After he entered the canteen, all the constructed knights waiting in the canteen stood up.

This battle made Suldak feel a little surprised. He saw Commander Felix on the innermost table in the cafeteria, so he walked into the cafeteria.

When he was walking into the cafeteria, whenever he passed a constructed knight, he would hear them announce their names loudly in Imperial language:

"Dan Dickens..."

"Jude Kelffin..."

"Elmer Falconer..."

"Cagle Cowley..."

In just a few tens of steps, Suldak heard at least half of the knights in the Zakarum Knights call out their names.

The leader of the Zakarum Knights was not in the camp, so he did not participate in this welcome ceremony.

Suldak had a very sumptuous dinner in the cafeteria. It turned out to be smoked swamp giant crocodile and magic antelope meat. The combination of the two kinds of monster ingredients was really a luxurious meal.

"I won't say any more words of thanks, I just hope that you can treat more wounded on the battlefield..."

Commander Felix patted Suldak on the shoulder and said.


After dinner, Suldak accepted Commander Felix's instruction on knights.

It is still for Isaiah to compete with Suldak.

This time Suldak was already mentally prepared to be hammered.

However, Suldak once again completely suppressed Isaiah with his shield, relying on the skills and combat experience he had learned on the battlefield.

But when Commander Felix asked Suldak to only use the fighting style of a knight, Suldak was immediately beaten by Isaiah. He didn't even know how to fight, so he could only hold the The shield blocked, but was forced back by Isaiah one after another.

"Although your own strength has increased, you still don't regard yourself as a knight!"

Felix took Surdak outside the camp and began to point out his shortcomings.

Suldak also admitted that those fighting styles are habits that have been developed over the years, and if you want to completely change it, it will not be possible overnight.

Commander Felix sat on the edge of the boulder on the hill outside the camp with his arms around Suldak's shoulders.

"However, if you want to continue on this path of knighthood, you must overcome these difficulties." Commander Felix said.

"I will try my best..." Suldak said with some guilt.

"Maybe you will find your own path, but that is actually more difficult!" Commander Felix said to Suldak.

Suldak nodded, and just when he turned his head to say something, his vision in the darkness suddenly became distorted. Suldak immediately had a premonition in his heart that something was wrong, and he turned his hands towards Felix The commander pounced on it.

At this moment, a blurred figure appeared behind Commander Felix. A black sharp blade protruded from behind and stabbed into Commander Felix's ribs on the left rear side, trying to penetrate from here. A black arm emerged from the shadow Stretch out.

Suldak turned his wrist upwards to snatch the dagger held by the black arm.

He grasped the timing of his pounce very well, and immediately knocked out the shadow that suddenly appeared behind Commander Felix.

It's just that when he was about to hug the shadow, the shadow disappeared out of thin air.

Commander Felix reacted immediately, he picked up a shield and stood up, those ubiquitous shadows in the darkness appeared behind him again, wanting to assassinate Commander Felix at all costs.

Two sharp black thorns suddenly appeared. Felix turned around to avoid the vital point, swung his shield and smashed at the two assassins behind him, and uttered a short spell in the air. It spewed out from the cracks in the ground under their feet.

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