Lord Highlander

Chapter 1164: 1150. Harvest

Two shadow fiends hiding in the darkness showed their silhouettes in the flames, and the jet-black blades in their hands rose two feet with the shadow, piercing deeply into Commander Felix's waist.

In an instant, black flames burst out from the two daggers.

Commander Felix's shield at this moment also hit the shadow demon's hunched body. Under the tremendous force, the shadow demon's humanoid body covered with two tentacles was blown away, and then disappeared into the dark night.

On the shield with a lion pattern drawn in Commander Felix's hand, the head of the lion king roared on the shield as if it had come to life.

A phantom of a lion's head burst out of the shield immediately, and rushed towards the shadow demon suppressed by Suldak.

Although the Shadow Demon was thrown on the rocky slope by Suldak, and his hands and feet were restrained, two long tentacles protruded from behind the Shadow Demon, each with sharp needles , piercing into Suldak's abdomen from both sides.

The Shadow Demon's eyes were pure purple, and his face looked like a melted wax figure. His eyes, nose, and mouth collapsed downwards, hidden in the folds of his face.

The eyes of this shadow demon from hell were ferocious and cold, and the needles penetrated into Suldak's body little by little, but they continuously absorbed his vitality.

At this time, the phantom of the male lion pounced fiercely, with its claws resting on the shoulders of the shadow demon, Suldak felt as if a small hill was pressing on him, and the phantom of the lion king opened his mouth wide , biting the head of the Shadow Demon.

Feeling the danger, the Shadow Demon's body became slippery and soft like a squid, trying to break free from Suldak's arms.

Suldak saw that he couldn't grasp the slippery and wet body of the Shadow Demon, just when the two tentacles were about to be pulled away from him, Suldak firmly held them in his hands and wrapped them around his wrists. After two laps.

In a critical situation, the Shadow Demon's body was filled with black air, and he tried to hide in the shadows, but was imprisoned on the spot by the power of the holy light emerging from Suldak's arm. The Lion King Xuying bit the Shadow Demon's head, Violently tore him away from Surdak.

On the other side, the two shadow fiends who hid in the night resurfaced again, and launched a swift and violent attack on Commander Felix, whose ribs were bleeding from both sides.

A scorching flame surged under Commander Felix's feet. He stood in the center of the flame, the shield in his hand glowed with a layer of golden light, and he held a simple long sword in his hand, slashing towards the air, seemingly chaotic The sword style, but it can block the place where the shadow demon happens to appear every time, just like the two shadow demon heads, iron, must hit the sword's edge.

Those two shadow demons may have practiced physical skills to the extreme, and their extremely flexible bodies can avoid entering the night again every time they are in the most dangerous time.

A shadow demon suddenly appeared from the side of Commander Felix. Commander Felix swung his shield and slammed it. The shadow demon stepped on the shield with both feet, two long tentacles on its back and two shiny black hands The bayonet stabbed at Commander Felix at the same time, and a magical armor full of runes appeared on Felix's body. He didn't dodge or dodge, but just stabbed the long sword in one of the Shadow Demon's bodies.

Let the other Shadow Demon stick the bayonet and the needles on the tentacles on the magic armor, and cut off the head of the other Shadow Demon with a backhand sword.

Commander Felix looked at Suldak, and the battle over there had just ended. The phantom of the lion king killed the shadow demon who was entangled with Suldak, and turned into a light blue light and dissipated in the air.

Suldak was panting and sat on the ground, the two blood holes in his chest left by the Shadow Demon kept bleeding out.

The condensed holy light fell on the wound, and the wound began to heal quickly. The 'Earth Nourishes' life magic pattern continuously releases the breath of life, making this wound exude a faint vitality.

Suldak took out a large piece of hemostatic cotton from his magic pouch, and quickly performed first aid treatment on the wound.

Then he walked to Commander Felix, and used the holy light technique to drive away the dark energy contaminated on him. Commander Felix's breath was completely released, and the majestic power of the three-turn guardian knight made the standing aside Suldak felt a little out of breath.

A group of constructed knights had obviously noticed the fight here, and immediately gathered from all around.

When the knights saw the three Shadowfiend corpses on the ground, they immediately spread out and began to scout the area near the hillside.

"Stop chasing!"

Commander Felix covered the wound on his abdomen with one hand, and said to the constructed knight beside him.

The constructed knights retreated from the surrounding area vigilantly. The adjutant Isaiah saw that Commander Felix's ribs were still bleeding, so he inevitably asked with some concern, "My lord, how do you feel?"

Commander Felix put away his shield and put his long sword back into the scabbard, and then he said to the adjutant beside him: "The wound here has just healed, and there are two more scars on it. The tarsal maggots can't be shaken off!"

Then he turned to the bloody Suldak and said:

"Dark, you should be more careful these days."

Suldak quickly replied:

"Understood, Commander Felix! Why don't we go back to the barracks to treat the wound first."

Commander Felix nodded slightly.

"My lord, do you want to postpone your trip to Chaos Fortress tomorrow?" Adjutant Isaiah asked him.

Commander Felix frowned, thought for a moment and said immediately:

"No, I have to leave tomorrow. This injury will probably heal within one night. There is no need to change the itinerary for the next few days."

The two were surrounded by a group of constructed knights and returned to the knight camp, and the three shadow fiend corpses were also dragged back to the camp by the constructed knights.

Commander Felix continued:

"Dark, besides, I'm going to the Chaos Fortress tomorrow. I'm afraid I don't have time to teach you after this has happened tonight. I hope that when I see you again next month, you can already defeat Isaiah with your knight skills."

Suldak followed Commander Felix, seeing two big holes pierced in the left and right ribs of the magic pattern armor on his body, he was a little speechless for a while, and then he said: "I will continue to work hard Practice, Master Felix, you are injured, or I will accompany you to Chaos Fortress..."

Commander Felix waved his hand and said:

"I'm not as weak as you think. Give me another treatment tomorrow morning, and the wound should be healed. You're not a Zakarum knight, so you have no reason to run around with me."

At this time, Samira had already learned that Suldak was assassinated outside the camp, and seeing the two men returning to the camp covered in blood surrounded by a group of knights, she rushed past the knights and ran to Suldak.

Suldak hurriedly said to Samira: "Who would have thought that there would be a few shadow demons near the barracks..."

"Is the injury serious?" Samira asked with some concern.

"It's no big deal, it's just that this set of magic pattern structure needs to be repaired, and I don't know how long this set of magic pattern structure will last!" Suldak said with some regret.

Back in the camp tent, Suldak re-bandaged Commander Felix.

The next morning, Suldak checked Commander Felix's abdominal wound again, and found that the wound showed no sign of being corroded by the dark energy again, so he cast the Holy Light spell on his wound and re-bandaged it.

Commander Felix seemed to be in a hurry, so Suldak bid farewell to Commander Felix at the gate of the barracks.

Before leaving, Commander Felix placed one in front of Suldak.

Opening the lid of the box, there were actually three shadow demon corpses inside.

Suldak quickly declined.

"Take it, these are what you should take!" Commander Felix said.

He asked Isaiah to place a magic sealing box beside Suldak, probably because he was worried that Suldak would throw away the corpses other than the magic core. Commander Felix specifically warned:

"In addition to the black magic crystal, the leather of the shadow demon is also a good thing. In addition, these two needles can pierce heavy armor without hindrance. They are very rare and good materials. Don't throw them away casually."

"I'll take care of them." After Suldak finished speaking, he glanced at the three Shadowfiend corpses in the magic sealing box.

At this time, the blessing effect of the Eye of Truth has not disappeared, and he found that the corpses of the three shadow demons were put into the magic sealing box, and the magic power on their bodies was passing very slowly, and one of the shadow demons obviously had faint lines... …

Isaiah closed the lid of the box, patted the large magic-sealing box, and said to Suldak with a smile, "Hurry up and put it away!"

After speaking, he stretched out a fist and collided with Surdak's fist.

"Looking forward to meeting you next time!"

Adjutant Isaiah said.

Then a squadron of constructed knights surrounded Commander Felix and headed towards the Chaos Fortress.


Suldak and Samira are going to go another way.

On the way back to the Blue Bridge Fortress, Suldak was a little worried that even if the corpse of the Shadow Demon was stored in the magic sealing box for too long, the magic pattern of life on his body might disappear completely. He didn't dare to delay any longer. In a sheltered place to rest, Samira left to guard the horses of the two, turned around and stepped into the gate of the void, and came to Aphrodite's side.

Aphrodite had already arrived at the Bailin plane, and she did not rush to Dodan Town with the merchant convoy.

She bought a Guberry horse at the horse market in Wilkes City, took some simple salutes, and set foot on the prairie road alone.

Aphrodite was going to wander around the land in the northern occupied area of ​​the Bailin Plane before arriving in the town of Dodan.

When Suldak walked out of the Void Gate of the Summoning Circle, Aphrodite had just woken up, and a marching tent was set up on the grass. She had long hair loose and wore a close-fitting nightgown, squatting Cooked a pot of porridge for myself in front of the tent.

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