Lord Highlander

Chapter 1174

The funeral was over soon, and the sound of rallying horns came from Viscidus Fortress.

The constructed knights who came to see off Commander Felix returned to the ruins of the fortress, and only Felix's adjutant Isaiah and a small team of guards were left. They had already left Zakarum Procedures of the Knights Order.

Since yesterday, these rank-two constructed knights have been free.

They will follow the adjutant Isaiah back to the hometown of Commander Felix, and according to Commander Felix's last wish, send all his belongings to the Felix family. If there are still talents worthy of training in the family, let them Adjutant Isaiah took him out for a tour.

If the Felix family is completely lonely, Adjutant Isaiah will exchange these relics for something less conspicuous, such as the territory of the Grimm Empire...

Sending a high-level magic pattern structure like Griswold to a gradually desolate noble family will not only do no good, but will also accelerate the demise of the family itself.

Adjutant Isaiah led the horse and said to Suldak before getting on the horse:

"Dark, what a springboard this is...I don't think you should waste this opportunity."

"The Zakarum Knights are one of the best knights in the Grimm Empire. As long as you join, you will have a group of top second-ranked strong comrades in the empire. No matter where you develop in the future, this affection will never stop. It won't change, and you're still a good paladin, do you know what that means?"

"You will easily make the second-rank knights of the entire knight order owe you favors, and you will also quickly develop your contacts in the Zakarum knight order."

"This is a resource that many people dream of, why are you unmoved?"

The hillside is a bit steep, and the war horse needs to zigzag on the hillside.

Suldak rode a war horse, smiled and said to Isaiah's lieutenant:

"Who knows what kind of temper this Lord Delin will have. If he has a good temper, he may live comfortably under his command for a few days. If he meets someone with a bad temper, he may lose his life here."

When Suldak and Isaiah's adjutant came to the foot of the mountain, they saw that the temporary assembly of Vichydus Fortress had been disbanded.

Adjutant Isaiah's eyes dimmed, and he didn't say much, but directly took out a badge of golden ears of wheat from his arms, handed it to Suldak, and said with a smile:

"If you have the opportunity to come to the south, don't forget to visit me in Wadi Khale province. I don't think you will leave the city of Hamed in the past few years. As long as you come to Hamed, you only need to show this If you don’t get a medal, someone will definitely lead you to find me.”

Surdak took over the golden badge. The pattern on the badge was a scarecrow holding a sickle surrounded by a circle of golden wheat ears.

He put the badge in his arms and said briskly, "Okay, you have to prepare ale when the time comes..."

Adjutant Isaiah continued: "In addition to ale, we also have Hamed sausages. Don't forget to bring your followers!"

A group of people walked forward for a while, Suldak was going back to the Blue Bridge Fortress, and the adjutant Isaiah was going to the Chaos Fortress, so they couldn't walk together, Suldak stopped at the intersection and Isaiah's adjutant The group waved goodbye.

It wasn't until Adjutant Isaiah and his party disappeared over the distant mound that Suldak looked back and said to the team behind him:

"Let's go, let's go back to the Blue Bridge Fortress."

When leaving from the fork in the road, Suldak looked back at the Vichydus Fortress that was also blurred in the distance.

This Commander Delin is obviously not a good tempered, and Suldak feels that Commander Delin should have some conflicts with Commander Felix at ordinary times, otherwise he would not only not attend his funeral, but also During the last period of the funeral, the assembly call was actually sounded in the fortress.

On the way, Suerdak joined the other swordsmen returning to the Blue Bridge Fortress.

These swordsmen were chasing up from behind. According to some news they brought back, Commander Delin really did not take advantage of the victory to expand his victory. Instead, he gathered the army. His reputation has soared among the Constructed Knights.

Then they began to frequently mobilize the squadron leaders of the Zakarum Knights to clean up the middle ranks of the Knights, replacing almost every position with their own people.

However, Commander Derlin also has some skills. He contacted the dwarves in the dwarf kingdom and invited the artisans among them to rebuild the Vicidus Fortress.

All of a sudden, the Zakarum Knights shined brilliantly in the seventh district. The textbook-like classic battle not only recaptured the long-lost fortress, but also quickly held on to the fortress. With a large number of dwarf craftsmen entering Green Empire Defense Zone, many people know that this time the Empire is going to rebuild the Vichydus Fortress...

Since there is no bridgehead in front of the Fortress of Vichydus, if the demon army wants to attack the defense area of ​​the Grimm Empire, it will have to walk three hundred miles north along the edge of Death Ridge.

There is no supply station on this road, which means that the cost of each battle will be greatly increased for the demon army.

So the seventh district of the big battlefield calmed down again.

After Suldak returned to the Blue Bridge Fortress, Commander Derlin learned of Suldak from other constructed knights, and then Commander Derlin's messenger sent an invitation letter to the Blue Bridge Fortress. Duck found an excuse to patrol, and quietly left the Blue Bridge Fortress with the patrol.

This time, he planned to take the patrol team all the way south along the mountains on the east side of the fortress, going a little farther.

He just told Commander Adolphus that the patrol team wanted to increase the scope of the patrol. Commander Adolphus gave Surdak's patrol team enough freedom, and the patrol routes could be reported after returning to the Blue Bridge Fortress.

There is only a rift between the southern end of the mountain on the east side and the northern end of Death Ridge in the hinterland of District 7. The terrain of this rift valley is extremely dangerous, and there is an endless void below the deep valley. Even those hell mantises cannot cross this rift valley.

The southernmost fortress on the east side of the mountain is the Yalu Fortress, which is second only to the Dalan Fortress among the twenty-eight fortresses.

This time, Suldak planned to take the patrol team through the Yalu Fortress and enter the neutral zone of the seventh district to take a look. Even for the second-rank powerhouses, such a decision was very risky.

Once they leave the imperial defense zone, the patrol team will face not only demon warriors, but also hell beasts active in the area of ​​Death Ridge. In addition, the harsh environment here is also extremely bad.

Carrie Decker responded positively to Suldak's large-scale patrol.

There is an adventurous spirit in this female costume knight in heavy armor and a shotgun slung over her shoulder.

However, the other two swordsmen in the patrol team were unwilling to take risks. When they heard that Suldak wanted to go to the neutral area to investigate the situation there, Deans and Musta found Commander Adolphus and asked Break away from the patrol squad.


Commander Adolphus leaned back on the chair by the window, looked at the two nephews standing in the office and said:

"This is a rare opportunity for you..."

Deans and Musta looked at each other, Musta mustered up the courage to stand up and said:

"But... that's the neutral area of ​​the seventh district! Uncle, no one here knows better than you how dangerous it is."

Commander Adolphus was speechless for a moment. He was still so timid after becoming a Rank 2 powerhouse, and there was no third person in the entire Blue Bridge Fortress.

He shook his head slightly and said, "How can a swordsman not have any sense of adventure... I've mentioned the two of you in the circle of second-rank powerhouses in the past few years, why have your courage become smaller instead?"

When Deans and Musta saw that Adolphus disagreed, Deans immediately stepped forward and said to Adolphus:

"Uncle, I can return to Bena Province in more than a month, I really don't want to take risks there at this time!"

Seeing Deans' sour face, Commander Adolphus was a little annoyed, he waved his hand casually and said:

"Understood, I will go and talk to Suldak."

After Deans and Musta left with joyful faces, Commander Adolphus sighed and rubbed his forehead in distress.

He was thinking about how to tell Suldak about this later, when he saw Bart next to him suddenly take a step forward, and asked Commander Adolphus for orders:

"My lord, if there is no suitable candidate for the time being, I am willing to go to the neutral zone with Suldak to have a look."

Commander Adolphus raised his head and glanced at Bart. This subordinate is usually very capable in handling affairs, and many trivial matters in the fortress are handled by Bart.

Putting him outside at this time, Adolphus was not so willing in his heart.

But in this case, no matter who he replaces, it may affect his reputation in the Blue Bridge plane.

He bowed his head and pondered for a while before making up his mind and saying:

"Okay...you go and talk to Suldak, you must be more tactful, do you understand what I mean?"

Bart saluted Adolphus respectfully and said, "I know."


When Bart left Commander Adolphus's office, he turned north to the door with a faint smile on his face.

He didn't expect Deans and Musta to give up such a good opportunity. Now that the opportunity fell on him, he felt so lucky.

Coming out of Commander Adolphus, he couldn't wait to find Suldak.

At this time, Suldak had already packed up and saluted, and the old Heyman and the two were leaning against the counter, talking about the situation in the neutral zone.

Bart pushed the door and walked in, and said to Suldak:

"Dark, Commander Adolphus wants to keep Deans and Musta by his side to do work and exercise for a while, so this time you go out on patrol, and I will join your team!"

Suldak sat on the high chair opposite Old Heyman, twisted his body and asked Bart with a smile:

"Why, Bart... Commander Adolphus is willing to let you go?"

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