Lord Highlander

Chapter 1175: 1161. The Ogre's New Dishes

Bart walked up to Suldak, laughed and said:

"I'm usually in charge of some trivial matters on the fortress. Deans and Musta can also do these things very well, but rather than doing chores in the fortress, I'm more looking forward to going to the neutral area south of the defense zone to see look."

The three gathered in front of the counter of the logistics team. Old Hyman poured Bart a cup of black tea, and the three surrounded the counter to peel nuts with daggers.

"I heard that the damage rate of the patrol teams that entered there has always been around 50%..."

Suldak said to Bart.

"Is this information that Old Heyman gave you for free?" Bart asked Suldak.

Suldak nodded.

"This is old Heyman's nonsense. His only purpose for doing this is to make you more careful!" Bart said with a smile.

"You kid, you're going to tear people down everywhere!" Old Heyman scolded Bart with a smile.

Bart just chuckled, and then asked Suldak: "Did the old Heyman ask you to help him bring something back from the neutral area this time?"

Surdak asked with a look of astonishment: "Are these all past practices?"

"A few times ago, a patrol team wanted to go to the south, and Old Heyman also made various requests. This is indeed the practice of the logistics team!"

Bart threw a grain into his mouth, and the bitter taste made him frown. Although the aftertaste was sweet, he still didn't want to eat any more.

"Is there any information about the neutral area?" Suldak asked Old Heyman.

Old Heyman dug out another old hand-painted map from the cabinet and pushed it to Suldak.

"There is a fairly reliable map. As for the threat in the neutral area, I hope you don't rely on what is written in these reports, because those that are not written on it are the real danger to you when you come. The more detailed The report, the more dependent you are...so I won't give it to you."

"The first time you go to a neutral area, everything must be based on exploration. You are both hunters and prey, so you must pay attention to safety."

Old Heyman warned Suldak.

The three chatted for a while in the logistics team, and when they were about to leave, Suldak said to Bart:

"Oh, we are leaving tomorrow morning. Before that, try to bring as many supplies as possible for the battle."

Bart immediately said, "Understood."

Suldak drank the black tea in the cup, jumped off the high chair, and walked to the door as if he remembered something, turned around and said:


Bart put down the teacup in his hand, turned to look at Suldak: "Huh?"

Suldak drew a circle on his chest with one hand, and said casually: "It's just a few of us, there is no need to add more people. This time we are not going to help the poor in a neutral zone..."

After speaking, he pushed open the door and left the logistics team.


Bart let out a breath, then looked at Old Heyman, and the two began to discuss what to bring out from the logistics team.

I heard that Suldak's patrol team was about to go to the neutral zone to investigate. The constructed knights and swordsmen in the Blue Bridge Fortress were all talking about it during dinner.

From time to time, everyone cast their gazes at the dining area of ​​Suldak's team.

It was also at this time that Bart formally dined with Surdak and his party.

Deans and Musta sat next to Bart's team, keeping their heads down and eating in silence.

After eating, when Suldak walked out of the restaurant, the captains of some patrol teams would take the initiative to say something when they saw Suldak:

"Hey, Captain Duck, I heard that you are going out on patrol tomorrow?"


"I wish you all the best..."


Suldak could clearly feel the admiration from other teams...


On the early morning of the 18th, Suldak left the Blue Bridge Fortress with his patrol team and walked along the mountain road on the east side, passing through the jurisdictions of several fortresses along the way. Walk out of the mountain road.

The Yalu Fortress is located at the southernmost tip of the eastern mountain. There is only one rugged mountain road leading to the foot of the mountain. There are steep cliffs on both sides of the passage. From a distance, it looks like a man-made ramp.

The Yalu Fortress, located at the southernmost tip of the eastern mountain, looks easy to defend and difficult to attack.

If it weren't for the fact that the demon warriors often bypassed the Yalu Fortress and sneaked into the imperial defense zone, they would have thought that there was only such a dangerous road!

But even if there are other passages, they are basically steep mountain roads that need to climb over the rock wall to sneak to the rear.

Because Vichydus Fortress was recaptured by the Grimm Empire.

During the recent period, the demon warriors have basically not carried out large-scale smuggling operations, and Suldak has not found any demon warriors hiding in the mountains on the east side.

As the bridgehead of the Grimm Empire, the ordnance and guards on the walls of the Yalu Fortress are obviously much more than those of the Blue Bridge Fortress...

Suldak did not enter the Yalu Fortress to rest, but directly passed the Yalu Fortress, and walked along the steep mountain road all the way down the east side of the mountain. This is the eastern edge of the seventh district, and you can see it several kilometers away. Death Ridge.

At the end of the mountain on the east side, there is a piece of vegetation next door. Apart from the accumulated gravel, there are cracked stone slabs everywhere, and countless cracks extend from the large stone slab.

In addition to some shrubs at the foot of the Death Ridge, there are only some rolling gravel on the Gobi Desert at the end of the mountain on the east side.

"Originally this was also the main battlefield of the empire's garrison area, but it was fought too hard a few years ago, the whole land was cracking and collapsing, and the rocks and space here have become extremely unstable, so this place can no longer be used as the main battlefield .” Carrie Decker introduced to Suldak on horseback. "The demons have always hoped to capture Yalu Fortress, but they have never been successful!"

When the iron hooves of the black-scaled horse stepped on the cracked stone slabs, these slabs would break into smaller and faster gravel.

When a group of people passed this stone road, the war horses left a row of extremely clear horseshoe marks on the ground.

This is the eastern edge of the battlefield in the seventh district. If you look to the east, you can easily see the end of this land, and the east of the end is the endless void...

Suldak's team did not stay on the Gobi Desert, which might collapse at any time and had a panoramic view of the surrounding scenery. The team marched along the Gobi Desert towards Death Ridge, and set up camp on the edge of Death Ridge.

I saw Surdak thread the lunch meat cans into a string with a rope and arrange the rope around the camp.

Bart asked Suldak in surprise, "Have you seen Hell Mantis?"

Suldak took out a bony sickle that was about to dry out from his arms, and asked Bart, "Is this what you're talking about?"

"You really hunted this thing..."

Bart squatted next to the bonfire and put an iron pot on it. Although it was located on the edge of the dry Gobi Desert, the team did not lack water.

Bart poured the water in the water bag into the cooking pot, and waited for the water to boil...

Samira had already left her war horse in the camp, and climbed up to the side of Death Ridge alone to check the surrounding situation.

Carrie Decker and Andrew started to set up a tent, while the ogre brothers moved a few big rocks and placed them in the camp as simple tables and chairs.

In the team, no one will tell you what to do next, but everyone is doing their own thing, cooperating seamlessly...

"They like to come out at night, they are sinister, cunning and greedy by nature, so I prepared this..."

Suldak pulled out a magic-sealing box from his magic pocket, and there was actually a whole chilled pork leg in it. Suldak randomly slashed the pork leg twice, and hung it on the On a shelf next to the campfire.

"Gulitum... If you keep it in check, it will be your breakfast tomorrow morning. If you don't, it will become the supper for Hell Mantis!" Suldak waved the fat pork leg in his hand, and put the iron on it. The shelf was pushed towards the bonfire, letting the heat from the bonfire smoke and roast the pork leg.

When the two-headed ogre heard what Suldak said, he immediately dropped the stone in his hand, and leaned over to examine the pig leg carefully.

Both Gulitum and Naohua were drooling with greed, and Naohua'er was still talking beside him at this moment: "Just roast it slowly on such a low fire, wait until tomorrow morning, when the pork leg is cooked, just bite it casually, it will be tender and tender." The ground fat leaves the bones and squeezes into our mouths...absolutely delicious!"

"Dark, have you sprinkled salt yet?" Gulitham asked seriously.

"Not yet..." Suldak said.

"Before this is baked, you must sprinkle a little salt..."

Seeing this pork leg, the two-headed ogre instantly became a professional cook.

But the subsequent scene also completely subverted Bart's view of this team, because the hell mantises who wanted to sneak into the camp hadn't been interrupted throughout the night, but when Bart crawled out of the tent in the morning, he found that all but two mantises were killed Apart from being hung on an iron rack and grilled with pork legs, the corpses of other Hell Mantises were all piled up outside the tent.

Holding a skinning squad, Suldak has already begun to dismember these Hell Mantises with his own hands.

Great doubts arose in Bart's heart: "So... what about fighting?"

This kind of hell mantis, which was turned pale by the construction knights of the Green Empire, did not feel the slightest threat in front of the Suldak team.

And it was obvious that the two hell mantises had been roasted. Gullitum untied one hell mantis from the shelf, laid it flat on the stone platform, and cut open the fat abdomen of the mantis with a dagger, revealing a bright yellow corn-like substance inside. The same bug seeds, these roasted bug seeds exude a mouth-watering aroma.

The two-headed ogre brother burst into joyful cheers at this moment, pulled out a spoon from his waist, scooped up these delicious proteins and stuffed them into his mouth.

When he saw Bart looking straight at him, he immediately passed the spoon over in a friendly manner and asked, "Bart, do you want some?"

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