Lord Highlander

Chapter 1176: 1162. Death Ridge Hunting

Bart found that the biggest difference between Suldak's squad and other patrol squads is that the ideals of the members of the squad are so strange.

Everyone has a different path to pursue, unlike the knights and swordsmen of other patrol teams, everyone guarding here, the greatest ideal is to drive the demons back to hell.

Just like that Nanai native warrior, he just fights for the sake of fighting. He really likes to fight. Even on the battlefield, he always takes the lead and rushes to the forefront, exuding endless fighting desire all the time. .see.

Compared with Andrew, the half-elf archer's desire for battle was not so strong. Her killings seemed to be aimed at those valuable things, and for those without any value, even from the tip of her shoe Crawl over a cockroach and she doesn't even bother to look.

The life of the two-headed ogre is even simpler. He is running forward with unrelenting efforts on the road of pursuing delicious food...

The battle last night lasted until dawn. Every hell mantis that swooped out of the darkness had to bear the arc and wind blade arrows of Samira first. An arrow shot out of the darkness would be accurate. Shot through the chest cavity at the root of their bladder, the sharp point of the arrow pierced into the weakest part of the armor, and just one arrow could make them unable to vibrate their wings and lose their ability to fly.

While howling, these hell mantises would pounce on Samira in retaliation, stretch out the scythe made of bones full of sharp barbs and slash at Samira viciously.

But when they flew towards the half-elf archer, Andrew, who was waiting behind the rock, would kill them immediately. This warrior with two axes completely ignored the scythe of the Hell Mantis, almost every time He cut off the hell mantis in the middle.

At this time, Gullitum will take a big stick and smash it head-on at the Hell Mantis...

The Hell Mantis, which has lost the ability to fly, cannot dodge flexibly at all.

Most praying mantises would be seriously injured with the cooperation of three people.

It's hard to imagine that this kind of hell monster that is all over the death mountain will die so aggrieved.

But the scene in front of him was extremely real, those hell mantises were indeed shot down and beheaded like this.

When they were dying at the end, Carrie Decker and Bart would lean over to catch up.

In the past, the Hell Mantis, which had changed color in the eyes of the Construct Knight, was shot through the wings by Samira's arrow, and the attack became meaningless. The pig hanging on the bonfire exuding a lot of fragrance The legs have also become the life-threatening charms of these hell mantises.

It's not that they have no IQ, but the moment they spread their wings and fly under the instigation of desire, they are doomed to a miserable ending.

Before this, these hell mantises should have never encountered a second-rank archer like Samira who could see at night, and they had long been accustomed to their own hunting methods.

This night, Suldak's team hunted and killed twenty-three Hell Mantises, which can be said to be quite fruitful.

Bart has served three times on the Great Battlefield...

The first half-year service period was almost spent in the fortress. At the beginning, apart from some daily accumulated rewards, he failed to reap the slightest spoils from the outside battlefield.

Returning to the big battlefield for the second time, Bart was very well prepared, and he joined a patrol team smoothly. During several patrol missions, he killed four demon warriors, and the team continued to fight one after another. Some manpower was lost, but he was involved in the big battle of Dalan Fortress and had the opportunity to enter Death Ridge. At that time, it was the Hell Mantis that caused them endless troubles and prevented their team from chasing deeply.

The third time he came to the big battlefield again, he was already a veteran on the big battlefield. In addition to forming a patrol team, he usually helped Commander Adolphus handle some daily affairs of the Blue Bridge Fortress .

He had never had such a radical idea before. He actually thought of going to Death Ridge to investigate while the battle subsided.

Now Bart finally fully understands what Suldak said to him when he was in the Blue Bridge Fortress: "They didn't come to the neutral zone to help the poor."

The implication is that Suldak came out with a patrol team to eat meat at Death Ridge.

He should have taken a fancy to these Hell Mantises for a long time. In the eyes of his Construct Knight, these Hell Mantises are difficult hunters to deal with, but in the eyes of Suldak, these Hell Mantises are prey that do not pose much threat at all.

Bart saw that Suldak knew these Hell Mantises very well, since he used a knife to cut through the tendon and fascia through the bone seam, he could almost perfectly remove the bone sickle of Hell Mantis.

Bart even felt that he was holding a big sword, and it was a bit redundant to stand behind Andrew to make up the knife.

He wondered if Carrie Decker would feel the same as himself.

But he was a little braver when he was preparing for the night, at least he could help Andrew share some.


Suldak didn't know that Bart would have so many thoughts in his mind when he woke up in the morning.

He is dismantling these Hell Mantises, packing all the most useful parts of them into boxes, and arranging them by category. He also needs to stick a parchment note on the lid of the box to indicate what is inside.

He also has a list given to him by the old Heyman in his hand, which indicates some of the old Heyman's needs.

This time he brought the patrol team to Death Ridge in the neutral zone. The biggest task was to get Samira and Andrew each a set of second-turn magic pattern structures. In the market of Chaos Fortress, these second-turn magic Textures are basically used to calculate the value of unidentified magic spar.

When on the battlefield, Suldak's team mainly rescued other constructed knights, and there was no chance of rushing forward to kill the enemy.

The only loot was also brought back to the plane of Istandur by Iser, and Aphrodite happened to be no longer in the lava mine of Pustule Mountain, so the demon lord could not be exchanged for useful resources here.

It is for this reason that Suldak chatted with Old Heyman, and then took the opportunity to go out on patrol to make money. This kind of thing is common in various fortresses, as long as the fortress commander does not pursue it There is no problem.

He saw Bart come out of the tent with a mess of hair, and then squatted beside him in a daze in silence.

"Bart, come and help me put these into boxes!" Suldak said, pointing to the bone scythe of Hell Mantis.

These bone scythes still exude a faint breath of death, and the black lines on those bones are like runes, with a unique sense of beauty.

Bart took a sharp bone scythe from Suldak and waved it in his hand. It felt very comfortable to hold, and he didn't even need to add a wooden handle. He only needed to wrap some cloth strips around the original bones, and then A few sharp spikes nearby will suffice.

Suldak put the bone sickle into a wooden box alone.

According to Old Heyman, this kind of bone scythe is very popular in Chaos Fortress. Many nobles like this kind of bone weapon with a wild and hellish atmosphere, so he is going to hunt more hell mantises.

In fact, Suldak didn't expect that the hunting operation last night would be so easy. Samira, who was blessed with 'Insight', seemed to have mastered the night, suppressing the hell mantis flying from the dark in almost all directions.

Moreover, Samira also found the biggest weakness of these hell mantises. Once the wings on the back are damaged, they will change from an elf flying freely in the jungle to a sloth. Without wings, it seems that they can't even crawl. up.

Gullitum and Andrew also blessed 'Insight' and 'Superior Body'.

There is no way, now there are so many high-level sacrifices in Suldak's magic pocket that he can hardly hold them. Of course, he will not be stingy at this time.

It's a pity that there are so many hell mantises, but there is no one with life magic patterns. Suldak is actually looking forward to what kind of life magic patterns these hell mantises will have.

After disposing of all the Hell Mantis corpses, it's already afternoon.

Suldak's patrol team was not in a hurry, but moved the original camp to a more secretive mountain depression.

On the second night, the two-headed ogre is in charge of the night watch.

This time the Hell Mantis looked much more well-behaved. Perhaps all the Hell Mantises in this area were attracted by the pig leg last night, but not a single Hell Mantis appeared.

At night, in order to let everyone have a good night's rest, Surdak did not place bait on the bonfire.

At night, the Death Ridge depression became extremely gloomy and cold, and the howling mountain wind did not know where it came from, and it could even carry the gravel on the ground and roll forward. Suldak felt that the canvas of the tent was constantly being damaged. The impact of the gravel, the cold wind pouring into the tent from the gaps, can almost freeze people's hands and feet.

He put on a thick cloak, opened the curtain of the tent and got out, looking at the two-headed ogre who was on watch outside.

Seeing that the ogre brothers were covered with a thick blanket and guarded by the bonfire, Gulitum was holding a strong hind leg of a hell mantis and roasting it on the bonfire, his expression was a little focused , as if to put all the attention on cooking food.

His good brother kept turning his head to look around, acting as a qualified sentry.

The offal soup was still boiling in the iron pot on the bonfire, and in addition to tomatoes and luncheon meat, there were also some ingredients that Suldak didn't even want to know.

Suldak walked up to Gulitum and said, "Be careful not to put out the fire, it's too cold at night, you can drink warmer with a fire..."

"Don't worry, you go to sleep. I'm going to sleep after eating these. Brain is going to be on duty all night. He will sleep again during the day tomorrow." The hind legs of the praying mantis, whose bones have been cracked, were handed over to the good brother...

Naohuaer grinned and happily took it.

He hastily peeled off the roasted cracked shell, revealing the white and tender meat inside, and moved his mouth closer to slam it.

It's delicious!

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