Lord Highlander

Chapter 1180: 1166. Trophy

The body of the crypt lord was quickly dismembered. Fortunately, Suldak found another life pattern of 'nourished by the earth' on the body of the crypt lord. The most valuable thing on a crypt lord.

In order to peel off this complete life magic pattern, Suldak cut the rest of the leather into pieces.

The team rested in this canyon for one night. After cleaning up the body of the crypt lord, Suldak and the team members entered the cave where the crypt lord was imprisoned. A huge quagmire had formed in the cave. There are deep pits, almost all of which are glued to the stone walls and ceiling of the cave.

In a corner deep in the cave, Andrew also found a pile of bones, under the mud filled with white bones.

The two-headed ogre rummaged through the bones, then turned to Suldak and said, "There are human bones, and there are also dwarf bones. This crypt lord has eaten a lot of people..."

Suldak was holding a lantern in one hand, and was holding a water bag, pouring the water in it onto the crystal stele on the edge of the cave wall. There were six crystal steles in this cave. Not only are complicated runes engraved on it, but also a faint soul flame is burning on it.

"Since there are the bones of the expedition team, it is estimated that they should leave something behind, and look for it!"

Suldak kicked away a piece of animal bone under his feet, and ordered.

It can be seen that the crypt lord has a wide diet, eating almost everything, and the big mud pit in the center of the cave should be the big bed where he lives.

The cave is full of suffocating muddy smell, like a septic tank that has been stagnant for many years, and it is full of all kinds of soaked black bones. He wanted to take the six chains that tied the crypt lord to Go back and see if you can sell some money.

After entering the cave again, I found that the six crystal steles in the depths of the cave seemed to be more valuable, but the crystal stele was filled with a layer of thick soul flames, even if the holy light fell on it, the flames could only be slightly weakened A little bit, there is no way to turn it off.

Suldak wanted to touch the stele, but was grabbed by Carrie Decker behind him.

"Don't move! That is the fire of the soul that can burn the soul. If it touches the body, it will burn the soul and damage the spiritual power. It is very troublesome to cultivate..."

Carrie Decker warned Suldak.

Suldak stepped on the mud in the cave, and just under the big mud pit in the center of the cave, he fished out some extremely corroded weapons and magic pattern structures, and even some soaked money bags. Dozens of round and unidentified magic crystals came out.

As for the gold coins, Suldak's team didn't even bother to get them.

Because of the explosion of the black powder keg, almost all the silt in the mud pool was attached to the surrounding cave walls, but as time passed, the silt around the cave slowly flowed into the big mud pit.

As the silt flowed back, there was no way for people to stand in the large mud pond that was more than four meters deep.

The team members really didn't have the courage to sneak into the mud to touch the gold. After confirming that there were no valuable black magic crystals, they decisively withdrew from the cave.

Even so, after the team got out of the cave, they all looked like mud monkeys, covered in stinky mud.

Only Samira stood guard on the top of the tall stone pillar and did not enter the stinking cave.

Suldak and the others came out of the cave, and nailed the water-gathering rune board to the stone wall almost immediately. When countless water droplets condensed on the front of the rune board and fell down, a group of people stood beside the stone wall and washed it. Mud on the body.

"So I hate the job of being a treasure hunter. I feel that even if I dig a treasure chest, I have to deal with graves, corpses, and dirty caves every time. This is really not something anyone can bear!" Bart said under the dripping water. , wiped his face vigorously, and then began to remove the magic pattern structure on his body. If these structures were not completely removed, the stinky mud would never be washed clean.

Beside Bart were Andrew and Gullitum, and Carrie Decker stood on the other side of the two-headed ogre.

She had completely taken off the heavy construction armor and was cleaning the dirt off it with a brush.

Hearing what Bart said, he immediately turned his head and said to Bart:

"Bart, you and I think differently. If I can gain something like this every time, I really want to join such an adventure group! As long as I work hard for a few years, I may be able to live comfortably in this life!"

Bart laughed, and then Carrie Decker said:

"From the day you became a Rank 2 powerhouse, you are doomed to live comfortably in this life!"

Carrie Decker brushed her wet hair together, squatted on her knees in the falling raindrops,

"When I was an ordinary fighter, I fantasized that after I became a knight, I would have no worries about food and clothing for the rest of my life."

"But after I really succeed in advancing! What is waiting for me?"

"After becoming a rank-one knight, I realized that I still need a set of magic-weave outfits. Do you know how much I worked hard to get back my first set of magic-weave outfits?"

"Later, I was promoted to a second-rank knight by chance, so I thought about it. I must have no worries about food and clothing in this life...Looking at our current life, having no worries about food and clothing is really just a literal meaning. I am still working hard on my second-turn magic pattern construction."

Bart said with some surprise: "Carrie Decker, I don't think I've ever seen you complain about life..."

Carrie Decker had already dried the scrubbed magicweave clothes on the stone platform at this time. Wearing a wet linen shirt, he got into the tent he had built in the corner, and changed into a dry one inside. clothing.

Carrie Decker's voice came from the tent: "Are you complaining to my team members? These complaints will not have any positive energy other than making people think I am cowardly."

"Captain, where are we going next?"

Carrie Decker asked Suldak loudly, his words were full of expectations.

It can be seen that she likes this kind of adventurous life very much, and her bones are full of desire to explore the unknown.

Suldak replied: "Of course it is to continue hunting. We just came out and no one was injured. It is impossible to go back now. The information that old Heyman gave me is more than just such a crypt. I will set the first hunting Here, it's just because it's right on the edge of Death Ridge and it's easier to hunt."

He only wore a pair of wet bloomers that were completely attached to his legs, and his upper body was covered with faint scars. He walked out of the shower by the wall, groped in the magic waist bag, and found the old Heyman gave him Parchment map.

This precious map was not given to him by the old Heyman for free. It required that every time Suldak successfully hunted a demon lord, he would return 5% of the value of the demon lord to the old Heyman. remuneration.

Of course, this deal will only take effect if the hunt is successful.

If none of the demon lords were captured, Old Heyman would not charge any fees.


Perhaps it was because the hunting of the crypt lord was so smooth this time, the Suldak team quickly unified their thinking, and selected a demon lord as the hunting target.

It was near a deep valley pool in the depths of Death Ridge, and there was even a huge waterfall on the side of the mountain wall. The entrance to the cave was hidden behind the waterfall, and here was where the demons were detaining a demon. Lord's cage.

When the team entered here, they almost killed all the way.

Those hell mantises can be seen almost everywhere along the way.

As soon as they see Suldak's patrol team, they greedily feed everyone delicious food on the spot, and silently stalk all the way behind them, waiting for the night to come. Only at night do they dare to leave their hiding place , began hunting.

It's a pity that they met Samira, a new witcher who was very interested in them.

After entering Death Ridge, there are many gains every night.

In this pool, there is a Hydra descendant of the nine-headed sea snake. It is a three-headed sea snake lord covered with dense scales. It is unknown what mistake it made, and it was locked under this waterfall.

When the team hunted this time, they really paid a small price to hunt and kill the three-headed sea snake lord.

The three-headed sea snake trapped in the water pool did not age like the crypt lord, nor was it starved and skinny due to insufficient food, nor did it rot from being tortured by chains. It was in the prison behind the waterfall. Life is not bad, except for being locked up and losing freedom, at least the food supply is still normal.

Moreover, this three-headed sea snake has the blood of an ancient monster. When Andrew was fighting this three-headed sea snake, after each head was cut off, two heads grew quickly at the place where the head was cut off.

After all three of its heads were chopped off, the three-headed sea snake suddenly had six heads.

Andrew was also bitten by a head of a three-headed sea snake on one of his thighs during an overly aggressive charge. If Aphrodite hadn't appeared in time to make the three-headed sea snake fall into the 'charm', I'm afraid Andrew would have been killed on the spot. Torn in two by a sea serpent.

However, the team finally succeeded in killing the three-headed sea snake under the prompt of Aphrodite.

Every time the head is cut off, the fireball of the good brother Brain Flower and the large lead bullet of Carrie Decker will immediately bombard the wounds of the three sea snakes, destroying the two heads that are about to be born. Kill it in the bud.

It wasn't until the three-headed sea snake was completely killed that Suldak found out that he had obtained three heads and three high-level magic cores when he counted the spoils.

And this three-headed sea snake also has a complete life pattern...

The snake skin of this sea snake is also far better than that of the crypt lord, and the surface is covered with dense scales, so it can be seen that it is a valuable item.

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