Lord Highlander

Chapter 1181

The cave under the waterfall is a mess after the war, and the ground is full of rubble that fell from the collision of the huge body of the three-headed sea snake.

There was a deafening sound from the waterfall outside the cave, and Suldak's right arm was also bloody and bloody from the three-headed sea snake's ice pick. At this time, he could only simply stop the bleeding. bandaged.

This time almost all members of the team were injured. Samira's right shoulder clavicle was cut open by the ice pick of the three-headed sea snake. If she hadn't dodged in time, the ice pick could almost hit her entire right shoulder. broken.

The full-cover black iron heavy armor worn by the double-headed ogre Gullitum also has several very obvious depressions, but because the ogre itself has ice armor, the ice pick did not cause any substantial damage to him. .

It was also Gulitum's amazing fighting power in this battle, and his good brother Naohua'er who fought head-on with the two heads of the three sea snakes, which was considered a victory for the team.

It's just that the ogre was sitting aside at the moment, he was a little exhausted, silently swallowing the food in the backpack.

Fortunately, Carrie Decker was wearing the heavy armor of the magic pattern structure, and was pushed on the rock wall by three sea snakes, but it was only a layer of magic shield bursting out of the magic pattern structure.

Carrie Decker was the least injured in this battle, and it was the large lead bullets sprayed from the shotgun in her hand that smashed the necks of the beheaded three-headed sea snakes, and only then helped the team at the last moment. Killed the three-headed sea snake in one fell swoop.

Bart was also leaning against the ogre Gullitum with all his strength. After Andrew lost his combat power, he almost relied on Bart's great sword to finish the kill at the last moment.

Andrew lay flat on the boulder with a pale face.

He was bitten by a three-headed sea snake on his right leg. Not only were three thigh tendons bitten off, but even the bones were injured. Although they were not completely broken, according to what Suldak's "Eye of Reality" observed , There were tiny cracks on the entire leg bone, unable to withstand too much impact.

Suldak squatted beside him, and while helping him check his injuries, he said:

"The bones are not broken. I will sew up the broken tendons on your leg later. Before it is completely healed, your leg cannot move around. Otherwise, if these tendons are broken again, I guess it will be difficult for me to connect them again." .”

After finishing speaking, Suldak took out the toolbox from the magic pocket and began to take out some suture tools.

Andrew leaned his elbows on the boulder, tried to sit up, smiled a little reluctantly, and said to Suldak: "Boss, I actually feel okay. The injury is not as serious as you said."

Suldak pressed Andrew's shoulder, shook his head and said:

"Your injury needs to return to the fortress to rest for half a month."

Andrew pointed to the fast-healing wound on his thigh, and said to Suldak, "Boss, you see it recovers quickly."

The powerful recovery abilities of the 'Superior Body' and the 'Divine Blessed Body', coupled with the powerful healing power of the Holy Light Art, made Andrew's wounds show signs of creeping healing.

Suldak still shook his head and said: "This is the resilience brought by the blessing, but it will not restore the toughness of the bones in a short period of time. In addition, after the tendon heals, it needs to recover for a while, otherwise it will be torn apart. It’s not so easy to connect the second tear, you don’t want to be a cripple in the future, do you?”

Suldak used Holy Light to heal Andrew from time to time, and Andrew finally gave up his plan to continue hunting.

Samira and Carrie Decker roughly cleaned the battlefield in this cave full of water pools, but they didn't find the dead adventurer's weapons or magic pattern structures, or even bones. Can't find anything like that.

Suldak immediately decided to suspend the killing operation on Death Ridge, and the team prepared to return to the Blue Bridge Fort the same way.

"Boss, although we gave up on the third hunting spot, we should at least take a look at it. Although we don't go hunting, we always need the first-hand treatment from the demon lord over there!" Andrew was a little reconciled Lying on a stretcher, he said to Surdak.

Seeing that Suldak hesitated, Andrew immediately added another sentence: "Even if you just take a look at it... at least you can prepare more for the next hunt!"

Suldak also knew that of course this team couldn't just hunt down two demon lords and stop there.

This kind of hunting action must continue at least until enough unidentified black magic crystals are accumulated to buy at least two sets of second-level magic pattern structures.

In addition, for the nobles, this kind of unidentified black magic crystal can obtain meritorious service and be promoted to the title. Naturally, there will not be too many. If Suldak's earl status wants to continue to rise, unless he establishes outstanding achievements on the battlefield Merit, otherwise the only way to accumulate merit is to use unidentified black magic crystals.

Suldak scratched his head, seeing that the rest of the team was still in good condition, and the current hunting location was not too far from the third hunting location, at most, it was only more than a day away.

He hesitated for a moment, then nodded and said: "Then go and take a look, as soon as we encounter a danger signal, we will immediately retreat..."

Bart now understands that Suldak is not afraid of those hell mantises in the valley at all, so the only ones in Death Ridge that can really threaten this patrol team are those demon lords who are suppressed everywhere. Demon warriors patrolling the mountains.

Considering that almost all the demon warriors have withdrawn to the south of Death Ridge, they should not be active in Death Ridge on a large scale at this time.

The two-headed ogre Gulitum carried Andrew, who was unable to walk, on his back, and the patrol team climbed over the mountain. After dealing with some hell mantises, they continued towards the third hunting point.

Without Andrew leading the way, Samira naturally asked the team to lead the way, so that the team was much more stable.

According to the map of Death Ridge given to him by Old Heyman, the team has been in Death Ridge for a week, and they have reached the edge of Death Ridge's hinterland.

Obvious hell plants began to appear in this area. Many plants only have vines and spikes, and rarely grow green leaves.

Some small monsters in the hell world have also begun to increase. The monsters that can survive in the hell world, regardless of their ability, have this superb camouflage ability.

There are many small monsters lying between the rocks, which feel exactly the same as those rocks on the mountain, and it is difficult to distinguish them...

However, they also seem to be able to feel the strength of the team, and when they see the team approaching, they hide far away on the top of the rock.

In the canyon less than ten kilometers away from the third hunting place, Surdak was resting next to a bush, and Samira was in charge of investigating the surrounding situation, so she stood on a boulder on the top of a mountain and looked around. look out.

There was no movement a moment ago, but when she was looking towards the southwest area, she seemed to have discovered something, and kept making some gestures to the team!

Suldak could only understand the general meaning. What Samira was gesticulating was that in the valley on the other side of the southwest, someone was found fighting with demon warriors.

Before Suldak asked with gestures, Samira jumped a few times and returned to the temporary rest camp from the boulder on the top of the mountain...

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