Lord Highlander

Chapter 1183 1169. Return to the Fortress

Samira and Jiali joined forces to kill three demon warriors.

On the other hand, Suldak and Gulitum, although they managed to contain most of the demon warriors, they only harvested the corpse of one demon warrior.

Gulitum squatted beside the corpses of these demon warriors, and complained to Suldak: "If I have an epic weapon in my hand, I will definitely perform better than Samira this time!"

"It's not that I didn't give it to you, it's just that you don't like it!"

Samira sat aside, mocking with a sneer.

"You mean the giant battle scythe? I'm an ogre, how could I use that kind of long-handled weapon... What I need is a big stick like a bone crusher or a judge!" Gulitum said a little indignantly .

Suldak ignored the bickering between the two, and went straight to the giant bloody Frostwolf. The Frostwolf was silently and hostilely staring at the battlefield, licking the wounds on its body from time to time with its tongue, and Lick the blood off its snow-white fur.

And behind it was the dying orc warrior. At this time, he almost became very difficult to breathe. The strong vitality made him linger here, quietly waiting for the coming of death.


Death is not a terrible thing for an orc warrior.

It was more like an honor to be able to die on the battlefield. He barely opened his eyes to look at the dark clouds above his head, but unfortunately this was not the prairie of his hometown.

Every time I breathe, there will be a very strong tearing sensation in the lungs.

He felt a little stuffy, but the alveoli were filled with blood, and he couldn't take in much air.

He shrugged his nose, hoping to feel the wind of his hometown from the air. He heard that every orc warrior who died with glory could feel the guidance of the ancestor's soul, and he could lead them to that holy mountain together.

He also has some reluctance to leave this world. If he dies, Bonita may not live alone.

She is still so young, she shouldn't just die like this...

Through Bonita's soft hair, his eyes saw a human knight walking in front of him with a warm smile on his face.


Bonita bared her sharp teeth at Suldak, and let out a threatening growl in her throat.

He warned him that if he dared to take a step further, he would bite on it. The mane on its neck stood up, and it looked more majestic than the prairie lion. Of course, to the Frostwolf, the prairie lion was like a younger brother. .

It knew that this group of people had saved itself, but it also didn't want to let these strangers get close.

Suldak squatted down slowly, stretched out a hand, and put his hand on its forehead, a holy light spell fell...

Bonita noticed that the wound on its paw was beginning to heal quickly, it let out a whimper, and turned back to lick the blood-stained face of the orc warrior.

"Understood, let me see if he can still be saved, but you have to get out of the way."

Suldak spoke very slowly.

Suldak didn't expect that the wolf could understand the imperial language, and it leaped forward nimbly, and vacated the place.

It didn't leave, but carefully watched every movement of Suldak.

Suldak checked the serious injury of the surviving wolf knight, and asked him, "Do you understand Imperial language?"

Seeing the gurgling sound from the wolf knight's throat, his eyes moved slightly.

Suldak knew that he should be able to understand the imperial language, and then said to him: "You are lucky, you met me, and this injury can be healed!"


Bart patrolled the battlefield with his giant sword on his back, and dragged all the corpses of the wolf knights together. He found a total of seven corpses nearby, and there was a frost wolf corpse next to almost every corpse. Soldiers almost always fight to the last moment.

And those frost wolves also gave up the chance to live alone, and died with their partners.

These wolf knights are wearing tough leather armor, but these equipment are obviously too shabby for the knights of the empire.

Even the full-cover black iron armor in the heavy armored infantry regiment is better than the leather armor of the wolf knights, but the swords in their hands are relatively good. I don’t know what materials are added to them. It's so simple, it doesn't even have a forehead guard, just a leather-wrapped grip at the handle.

Bart looked down on these weapons, so he placed them next to the wolf knights and their partner wolves.

As for the corpses of the four demon warriors, he didn't show any mercy, and cut off their heads one after another and put them in cloth bags. Bart dragged their corpses together, poured a small pot of fire oil on them and burned them on the spot.

Gulitum picked up a square war blade and dug a big pit next to these wolf knights. Since he couldn't take them away, he buried them here.

In fact, Gullitum really wanted to taste these Frostwolf meat, but considering that this might be regarded as a great disrespect for the warriors on the battlefield, he kept this idea in his heart.

He's an ogre willing to reason.

Seeing that Suldak began to treat the wolf orc, and took out a very extravagant demon warrior's head as a sacrifice, Gulitum guessed that the wolf orc should be saved.

Thinking that there was still a patient lying on a stretcher on the other side of the mountain, no matter how strong he was, it would be inconvenient for him to carry two wounded at once.

Gulitum glanced around the battlefield, and when he saw the cart with two wooden wheels, his eyes lit up immediately...

Bart was squatting there to check the inventory on the cart, and Gullitum also walked over to see if the cart had any value that could be reused.

Bart took out a dagger and cut a hole in the sack on the cart. He opened some gaps and looked inside, only to find that these sacks contained some bone sickles of Hell Mantis. He then cut open several other bags, Unsurprisingly, there are also some Hell Mantis materials inside.

It seems that they encountered a hunting team of orcs, but this team was a bit unlucky. During the process of hunting the hell mantis, they happened to meet these demon warriors, and they were obviously not the opponents of these demon warriors. , was hunted down until the entire army was wiped out.

Bart immediately realized that there should be demon scouts in this death ridge, but they were lucky and didn't meet them before.

Samira has climbed to the top of the mountain to guard.

Carrie also ran back to the mountain to check on Andrew's situation. It would be extremely dangerous to leave him alone on the other side of the valley for too long.

Although Gulitham could not be regarded as a qualified carpenter, his purpose was very clear. He only needed the cart to be able to move, and it was enough for two people to lie down.

As for those goods, they can be put into Suldak's magic pocket.

It's a pity that the two wounded couldn't fit in...

Otherwise, even repairing the wooden cart will be saved.


Seeing that Gulitum took the initiative to push the repaired flatbed cart to his side, Suldak and Gulitum worked together to lift the sleeping wolf orc onto the flatbed cart.

After hearing Bart's analysis report, Suldak also believed that the further he went inside, the easier it would be for him to encounter the scout team of the Demon Legion.

Now there were two wounded in the team, which greatly affected the mobility of the team, so regardless of Andrew's strong protest, he made a decisive decision to lead the team back to the Blue Bridge Fortress.

In order to be able to leave as soon as possible, Surdak even gave up his plan to rest for one night in the temporary camp opposite the mountain.

Samira was still exploring the way ahead, Gulitham was walking in the middle of the team pushing the two-wheeled flatbed cart, Andrew and the unconscious wolf orc lay side by side, and the frost wolf had been silently following the flatbed cart next to.

Suldak and Bart were at the back of the team, and the team left the valley in a hurry.

Just half a day after Suldak and the others left this valley, a demon army with a number of fifty people rushed here.

At dusk, they saw a pile of unburned headless corpses of demon warriors piled on the ground. A group of demons quickly searched around and found the tomb where the wolf knight was buried within a short time.

A group of demon warriors roared in unison...


Although the journey back to the Blue Bridge Fortress was smooth, the team had to walk for a full ten days because of the two wounded on the flatbed truck, which originally only took a week to complete.

When they saw the Blue Bridge Fortress from a distance, everyone's hanging hearts finally fell.

When Suldak appeared at the gate of the fortress, he saw two people lying on the flatbed cart pulled by the ogre Gulitem. The guards on duty in the fortress quickly opened the gate of the fortress and welcomed them into the fortress. .

Only then did everyone know that in fact only Andrew was slightly injured, and the other wounded was a wolf knight picked up by Suldak on the way, and also brought back a Frostwolf stronger than Gu Bolai's horse... …

Old Heyman also made an exception from the logistics team and came to the bridge below the fortress.

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