Lord Highlander

Chapter 1184: 1170. Old Heyman's Deal

The constructed knights and swordsmen in the fortress were very enthusiastic about the return of the Suldak team. Everyone knew that having such a paladin in the fortress would bring many benefits.

Andrew has a forthright personality, and often competes with others in the arena in public areas, and often has grievances and grievances with others, but he also knows many friends.

At this time, a group of people rushed up and hurriedly carried Andrew back into the room. Seeing that his entire thigh was wrapped in a hemostatic bandage, they curiously asked him how he was injured.

Andrew did not hide anything, and told about the battle where the team hunted and killed the three-headed sea snake. They heard that Andrew actually went to hunt and kill the hell lord guarding under the waterfall of Death Ridge, and everyone couldn't help but exclaim.

Someone else said:

"Andrew, your captain is so courageous that you even dared to attack the ideas of those suppressed monster lords in Death Ridge!"

A swordsman who knew Death Ridge very well carried the stretcher with everyone.

When talking about this topic, he said:

"That's right, we also heard that there are many powerful lords exiled from the hell world on the side of Death Ridge, and some people once organized hunting groups, but you also know what's going on there, there are hell mantises everywhere in the mountains ... Every night, just to deal with these hell mantises, it takes a lot of energy, and this is not the most difficult thing, the most difficult thing is that the number of hunting teams is small, and they can't beat these hell lords at all. If there are more than ten people or there are rank-three powerhouses in the team, they will be detected by the magic eyes in the central area of ​​Death Ridge, and there may be an army of demons waiting there."

Andrew didn't expect that there were so many rumors about the Death Ridge.

Another constructed swordsman took the opportunity to ask:

"And how did you save an orc?"

Andrew laughed and said, "I picked it up on the way. The boss saw that he was about to die, so he brought him back!"

Talking about such a relaxed topic, everyone seemed even more enthusiastic.

Some swordsmen said: "I heard that orcs don't take baths all their lives. Whenever they sweat, they have a fishy and salty smell. Andrew, you have been lying with him all the way, have you ever smelled it?"

Andrew responded unceremoniously: "You won't know if you try it later, but you must be careful of the frost wolf beside him, that guy has a bad temper!"

"He is the only survivor of their team of warriors, please have some sympathy!" Carrie Decker said to the noisy group of swordsmen.

A constructed knight following the team took the opportunity to come up and squinted his slender eyes and asked Carrie: "Carrie Decker, this time your team went hunting in Death Ridge, do you have any extra gains?"

Carrie stopped, turned to the constructed knight and asked with a smile, "Bruno, what do you want to know?"

The knight in costume stopped quickly, and responded with some embarrassment: "No, I just asked casually." After speaking, he left in a hurry.

A group of swordsmen carried Andrew back to the dormitory, while the ogre brought the wolf orc and the frost wolf back to his dormitory. Only his dormitory temporarily transformed from a warehouse had enough space for one person and one wolf.

Samira returned to her dormitory with a cold face. She usually seldom talked and hardly communicated with outsiders, and her personal strength was recognized as strong in the Blue Bridge Fortress. No one dared to get close to her. She chats.

But when Bart came back, he was surrounded by members of his team. The team members kept asking about Bart's hunting life these days...

This time when the team entered Death Ridge to hunt, Bart knew some little secrets of Suldak.

For example, the blessings of the gods are not free for Suldak. Although it is not troublesome, Suldak needs to offer tribute to the gods he believes in.

Bart feels that this is a bit like the God of Commerce. It is said that every time the believers of the God of Commerce pray to the God of Commerce, what they need to pay is an equivalent exchange, so he can accept the way of offering sacrifices to gain strength.

Moreover, the power obtained is also the power bestowed by the gods of the light department. Whether it is the "blessing shield" or the "sacred shield", they all carry a strong sacred aura.

However, it was clear that Suldak didn't want this matter to be announced to the public. Every time he prayed and offered sacrifices, he was in the tent, so Bart kept silent about this matter.

In addition, beside Suldak, there is a female magician who often appears inexplicably. She will only appear in critical moments, but she can't feel any breath from her at ordinary times.

Bart has experienced several battles with the demons on the battlefield, and he is very familiar with the breath of demon warriors.

That female magician obviously had a demonic aura on her body, but she seemed to be Suldak's helper, not only that, but she didn't have the fleshy wings of a demon warrior behind her.

It is said that the wings of demon warriors are the source of their strength, but this mage does not have wings...

Now that he joined Suldak's hunting team, Bart can only bury these doubts in his heart.

Only after exchanging some combat experience with the members of his team, did the swordsmen realize that, as Bart said, a combat team is composed purely of a single type of arms, which is not as powerful as a mixed type of arms.

Not all arms can be like Constructed Knights, the greater the number, the stronger the combat power...


Suldak came to Old Heyman's logistics team room with the hunted monster materials.

Even if some monster materials are stored in the magic sealing box, they cannot be stored for too long.

Once the magic power and spirituality attached to it disappear, the Warcraft materials will become less valuable.

One by one, the magic sealing boxes were brought out by Suldak and placed in the room. Suldak placed some materials on the counter for Old Heyman to appraise the value.

Old Heyman looked at the items on the counter in surprise, and said to Suldak:

"You have gained a lot of spoils this time. It has been a long time since there has been such an outstanding hunting team in the Blue Bridge Fortress."

Suldak said with a smile: "Maybe it's lucky this time, you don't even know how stupid the crypt lord was when we were hunting and killing that crypt lord. When he saw us entering the cave, he actually threw himself hid in a swamp."

He took out a piece of parchment and drew the topography of the cave on it, as well as the spar and chains.

Pointing to the mud pool in the center of the cave, he said:

"Then we put some explosives into the swamp, and after we exited the cave, we blasted the crypt out of the cave, killing it with almost no effort! "

Old Heyman thought that Suldak would use some unknown killing move, but he didn't expect that it would use some explosives similar to fire scale bombs.

At this time, I can only sigh and sigh: "I have to say, sometimes luck is also a kind of strength."

Afterwards, when Old Heyman was flipping through the broken leather of the crypt lord, he said to Suldak angrily:

"Who skinned you, have you ever learned skinning?"

Pointing to the fragments, he continued:

"How do you cut a whole piece of leather into so many leather fragments? Do you know how much the value of the leather is different? It is possible that this complete piece of leather can be sold for the price of ten magic crystals, but these fragments pile up Together, we can't sell a magic spar..."

Suldak asked with some embarrassment:

"That much difference?"

Old Heyman nodded of course, and said:

"Of course, the second- and third-level Warcraft leathers are good magic-guiding properties and anti-magic properties, but the most precious part of this high-level Warcraft leather is some potential magic channels contained in the leather. If the fragmentation is severe, the damage to these magic passages will be more serious!"

Suldak didn't intend to talk about the life magic pattern, so he could only promise:

"In the future, I will try my best to peel some complete leather out!"

In addition to the crypt lord, Suldak also harvested the three-headed sea serpent lord.

During the battle, three of its heads were beheaded, and the heads of these sea snakes survived.

As for the six heads that grew out immediately afterwards, they all quickly turned into blood when the three sea snakes were completely dead.

It would be a waste to use the three extremely ferocious sea snake heads as sacrifices. I don't know how many collectors of such ferocious beast heads are willing to make them into specimens and hang them on the walls of their homes.

So Suldak planned to sell the three sea snake heads as well. In order to maintain its own value, even the unidentified black magic crystal was stored in it.

"Although it is also a hell lord, this three-headed sea snake is much more valuable than a crypt lord." Old Heyman observed the three heads carefully, nagging, and then added: "Its leather is also more valuable !"

In fact, although Suldak found two very precious life magic patterns on the body of the three-headed sea snake, it was a pity that during the battle, since the life magic patterns were on the shoulders and necks of the three-headed sea snake, he killed them. The sea snake process destroyed these two life magic lines.

So Suldak peeled off a very complete sea snake skin instead, and the old Heyman looked at the sea snake skin with some astonishment, and said: "Look! This skin is very good, and it will be peeled like this in the future... ..."

"Sea snake skin has excellent magic-guiding properties, and it is one of the materials used by magisters to make high-level magic robes. This is very valuable!" Old Heyman muttered.

Then, he appraised various other magic materials of the three-headed sea snake. Seeing that Suldak took out another piece of bird leather covered with red feathers, he asked even more in surprise:

"Dark, what is this... I don't remember that there is a color-tailed dragon eagle in Death Ridge."

Suldak rubbed his nose and replied: "Well, this dragon eagle skin has been in my hands for a while. It was given by a friend at the time, and I don't have any sales channels. It has been stored in my magic pocket. .”

"Now that I need some high-grade leather to exchange for unidentified magic spar, I don't plan to keep it!"

Old Heyman hurriedly took out a magnifying glass from the drawer, carefully checked the quality of the fur, and was even more gentle when touching it with his hands.

He carefully handed the dragon eagle leather, and said to Suldak:

"This thing is rare, and it is Iroha's. Do you know how much this kind of leather goods is sought after by the imperial aristocratic circle?"

Seeing Suldak's blank face, he didn't talk nonsense with him, and said directly:

"These are sure to fetch a good price."

Then he glanced at the hell mantis corpses piled up like a hill, and said with some hesitation:

"As for the recent flood of bone sickles, these stocks are estimated to be sold for a long time!"

Suldak quickly added: "If someone is willing to cover everything, I can give him some discounts!"

Old Hyman nodded in satisfaction, and said, "Okay, I like to make deals with smart people."

Then Old Heyman and Suldak repacked these monster materials into the magic sealing box, and then told Suldak:

"Two lords died in a row on Death Ridge. It is estimated that the demons will be tense for a while. It is not suitable for hunting recently. I suggest you wait a month before talking."

In fact, even if Old Heyman didn't say anything, Suldak still wanted Andrew to take a month of training, and he would also be on duty at the Blue Bridge Fortress. Even if he had a close relationship with Commander Adolphus, he couldn't abuse this friendship. , It should be done by yourself and you have to work hard.

Suldak said frankly:


Seeing that Suldak had listened to his own words, Old Heyman nodded in satisfaction.

Although there was a 'rest' sign on the outside of the logistics team door, someone still knocked on the door and asked:

"Tuk Tuk Tuk, may I come in?"

The voice is very clear and sweet, no need to guess that it is Carrie Decker.

Old Heyman walked slowly to the door and opened it, while Suldak moved all the magic sealing boxes to the back warehouse.

"Come in!"

Old Hyman said to Carrie Decker.

It can be seen that the relationship between Carrie Decker and Old Heyman is very good. She has such a straightforward personality, which makes her have very good social relations in Blue Bridge Fortress.

Old Heyman walked away from the door, asked her to enter the room, and asked casually, "Carrie Decker, why don't you take a rest."

"Old Hyman, has the order you ordered for me last time arrived?" Carrie Decker asked after entering the room.

Old Heyman emptied the items on the counter and replied:

"Of course, I've always been very honest..."

After finishing speaking, he took out a magic sealing box. It could be seen that the box was very heavy, and it made a heavy muffled sound when it fell on the counter.

Opening the magic sealing box, it was actually full of large copper shotgun bullets.

These shotgun bullets are not only engraved with magic runes, but also fragments of magic spar can be seen at the bottom of the bullets. This is the first time Suldak has seen such magic bullets.

Seeing that Suldak was fascinated, Carrie Decker took out the wooden boxes arranged in the magic sealing box. Each box contained twenty bullets, neat and delicate.

"These are definitely crafted by the Musketeer Dwarf Workshop," Carrie Decker introduced.

"These magic bullets must be expensive?" Suldak asked.

"Fortunately, I'm an old customer of theirs, and I have a certain discount!" Carrie Decker said with a smile: "If it is converted into a gold coin transaction, each magic bullet costs about one gold coin..."

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