Lord Highlander

Chapter 1185

The image of Carrie Decker shooting gold coins from the muzzle of his shotgun immediately appeared in Suldak's mind...

Then Carrie Decker picked up a magic bullet, looked at the magic lines on it and the spar fragments at the bottom, and smiled triumphantly. That beautiful face was like a blooming black rose.

The bullet whirled and spun between her two fingers.

"It turns out that the bullets you need for your shotgun are so expensive." Surdak sighed.

Carrie Decker raised his lips slightly, took out the rune shotgun, tried to load the shotgun bullet into the barrel, and then said:

"It's not like I have to shoot such expensive bullets every time. In that case, I'm afraid I'd have gone bankrupt. Now it's my stockpile. These magic bullets are only used when they are most dangerous."

He took out a shotgun bullet with the snowflake logo engraved on the copper shell and introduced:

"These ice bombs are for those who need to escape or escape."

Then he took out the flame-patterned bullets and the arrow-patterned bullets, and introduced them one by one:

"And these are explosive bombs, these are penetrating bombs... There are many types of bullets that can be bought here, but I usually like to use this one, it's high quality and cheap!"

Carrie Decker pushed a large lead bullet in front of Suldak and said.

Suldak picked up a large lead bullet, looked at it was almost full of soybean-like gun sand, and then looked at the double-barreled shotgun whose barrel alone was one meter long.

Carrie Decker took out the shotgun and placed it on the counter table, and offered to demonstrate the loading process for Suldak.

Suldak carefully observed the magic pattern engraved on the barrel. The most delicate part of this rune shotgun is the exquisite magic pattern circle on the firing pin at the rear.

These finely carved rune circles are all over the shotgun...

"Is this the dwarf's manufacturing process?" Suldak asked.

Carrie Decker nodded and said: "The current imperial industry can't make such a good shotgun. The dwarves in the west of the New Siakis Mountains control some goblin factories. Almost all of these shotguns come from goblin factories. Made it."

After checking the shotgun bullets, Carrie Decker left the logistics team.

Suldak then said:

"Old Hyman, I have one more thing to ask you."

Old Heyman asked readily:

"Whatever it is, you might as well say it!"

Suldak took out the epic weapon, the Great Battle Scythe, from his magic pocket. The dark golden texture made this weapon look extremely gorgeous.

Putting it on the counter of Old Haimen, Old Haiman wiped his eyes, reached out and stroked the engraved runes on it, and asked with some emotion: "Is this an epic weapon?"

Suldak nodded, and said: "I fought against the demon army on the Ganbu plane, and I met a shadow demon king. At that time, he divided his body into six parts and hid them in the belly of the hell dog. The door enters the dry cloth plane..."

"Probably it was a coincidence. In the end, I killed the Shadow Demon King. That's when I got this weapon!"

"Now I'm going to sell it in the Chaos Fortress market. Of course, I can also exchange it for an epic stick weapon of the same quality, a one-handed ax and a knight's long sword, but I hope the quality is higher." Suldak told the old man. Hyman said.

Old Heyman nodded, and said: "This kind of long-handled weapon should be very popular among constructed knights, but it is an epic weapon after all, so I'm afraid it's not so easy to get rid of it smoothly..."


Aphrodite has already left the Bailin plane, but Suldak has no plans to visit Ruyt and Mucuso City for the time being, so Aphrodite's trip is officially over, and she will buy a ticket to return Sea Lansa's ticket.

Temporarily living in the Circle Hotel in Bena City, Aphrodite stood on the balcony on the north side, looking at the townhouse across the North Street of the hotel.

A new family has already moved into the opposite house, and the hostess has set up a dining table on the terrace, and a group of adults sit around the dining table while chatting.

Suldak walked from the room to the terrace and stood side by side with Aphrodite. The two quietly watched the magic caravans passing by on North Street in front of the railing.

"Hey, Aphrodite, is there any place you want to go in particular?" Suldak glanced at the succubus in the night.

She was wearing a magic robe at the moment, with her long hair pulled up high, and even a pair of tortoiseshell glasses on the bridge of her nose. She looked intellectually beautiful.

She looks like a magic scholar now, but unfortunately there is no magic badge on her chest.

Aphrodite pushed the glasses on the bridge of her nose, and said with a smile:

"Emperor Capital and Haiyinsi are both fine, but that will only be done when you have time. I dare not go to these two places by myself. I heard that there are still Royal Gripen Knights patrolling around the royal city of the Imperial Capital. Do you think they would allow a succubus to roam the streets of the imperial capital?"

Suldak thought about it too, after all, a big city is destined to be a place where the strong gather.

Thinking about it, when I have the opportunity to go there, it would be safer to call her there, so I said:

"Well, when I have a chance to go, I will temporarily summon you to a place with beautiful scenery..."

Aphrodite rolled her eyes helplessly, sighed and said:

"So... I think I'd better go back and guard your volcanic territory!"

Suldak grabbed the railing of the balcony with both hands, pushed Aphrodite with his shoulders, and asked:

"By the way, I remember you told me that if I went to the big battlefield, you wouldn't help me deal with those fellow demons. Why did you change your mind later?"

Aphrodite gave Suldak a strange look, and said: "No, I have been avoiding the battle between you and them, but I don't want you to die easily, after all, we have a symbiotic contract, no? ?"

"Although I will avoid you fighting with them, I don't mind if you hunt down those exiled hell lords. They can be sent here, which means that they have done some unforgivable things in the demons, and because they signed They can't be put to death through certain contracts, so they can only be exiled on the side of the big battlefield, and I don't have any burden in my heart to help you kill them..."

Hearing Aphrodite's explanation, Suldak understood and said:

"It turned out to be like this..."

Afterwards, Suldak accompanied Aphrodite to the restaurant on the first floor of the hotel and had a sumptuous dinner. The hotel waiters were very impressed with Suldak, and they all knew that he was a generous and gentlemanly nobleman. .

When I saw it, I was very attentive to help him choose a seat, handed over the menu, and recommended tonight's special dishes.

Suldak felt that it was better to keep a low profile when he secretly appeared in Bena City, so he chose a quiet corner near the window.

As the dishes were served one by one, Aphrodite was often watching Suldak eat alone.

Outside the window is the inner courtyard of the Circle Hotel. It is now the beginning of November, and the first snowfall has already fallen in Bena City. snow wall.

At night, the inner courtyard is also lit with post lamps.

A gorgeous magic caravan stopped at the entrance of the hotel. After the door was opened, an elegant nobleman stepped out of the car.

Suldak saw the emblem of the Christie family on the carriage carriage at a glance.

It was precisely because he saw the familiar family emblem that Suldak decided to take a second look. The noble man looked familiar, but he didn't seem to have any dealings with him.

When Suldak was slightly taken aback, two noble ladies stepped out of the carriage, and when they got off the carriage, they seemed a little sloppy, as if they had drunk some wine.

They didn't go into the restaurant, but went directly to the second floor of the hotel from the special stairs next to the restaurant.

After his figure disappeared, Suldak patted his forehead and remembered that he seemed to be Darcy Christie's husband. No wonder he felt familiar when he saw him, but he couldn't remember it. Speaking of which, he had only met him once. Just fate.

It is impossible for the Christie family not to buy a mansion in the city of Bena, but now he is living in this hotel with two ladies, it seems that there is something really wrong.

Aphrodite followed Suldak's gaze and looked out the window, just in time to see the magic caravan of the Christie family leaving slowly.

"What are you looking at, have you met someone you know?" Aphrodite asked curiously.

"Acquaintances, be it!"

Suldak smiled faintly. He was not very familiar with him, but he was a little familiar with his wife...

"Your smile... a woman?"

Aphrodite asked with some disgust.

Suldak shook his head and said nothing, he knew that he was not qualified to judge Daxi's husband at all.

All of a sudden, it felt like this dinner hadn't tasted like much.

Suldak wiped the corners of his mouth with a napkin, and said, "I'm full, it's getting late, I should go back, I wish you a good dream tonight!"

Aphrodite held up a fork with a lamb chop on it, and looked at Suldak in astonishment, wondering why he suddenly wanted to leave.

Suldak raised his wine glass to each other, and the two drank the rum in the glass in one gulp.

Suldak stood up, and Aphrodite could only stand up with him.

In fact, she still wanted to eat more. For Aphrodite, the taste of this dinner was okay.

The waiter eagerly handed over a bill, and Suldak took out seven silver coins and handed them to the waiter, then turned and left the restaurant.

After sending Aphrodite back to the room, Suldak also returned to the Blue Bridge Fortress of the Great Battlefield through the Void Gate in the room.


At this time, the wolf orc knight lying in Gulitum's room also woke up from a coma.

When he opened his eyes, he saw the round vaulted ceiling built of gray stone. He opened his mouth to make a sound, but found that his throat was a bit dry, and he couldn't make any sound.

He wanted to move, but felt pain all over his body.

At this time, Bonita's whimper woke him from his confusion.

He remembered his previous battle, he and his companions were chopped down by demon warriors almost at the same time, so maybe he is dead now?

Just in hell, how can you still feel the pain in your body?

The wolf orc knight turned his head, and saw Bonita's huge head approaching, his big warm and wet tongue licking non-stop on his face...

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