Lord Highlander

Chapter 1186: 1172. Dividends

The two-headed ogre Gulitem walked into the room carrying a huge wooden tray, which was almost full of barbecue and baked wheat cakes.

This is the dinner he brought back for the giant Frostwolf. Recently, this Frostwolf has been guarding the wolf orc knight almost every step of the way. When it is sleepy, it will squint its eyes and sleep for a while. As long as there is any noise, It can make it wake up immediately.

Seeing that the wolf orc knight had opened his eyes, Gulitum said in surprise, "Hey, you're awake!"

After finishing speaking, he put the dinner plate in his hand aside, walked out of the dormitory door quickly, leaned his body out from the railing of the outer corridor, and shouted upstairs: "Suldak, that orc is awake... you Want to take a look?"

The ogre's voice was extremely loud, and he shouted from downstairs, and everyone on the east side of the Blue Bridge Fortress heard his shout.

Suldak just came out of the void door at this time, and heard Gulitum calling from downstairs. Suldak quickly opened the door and walked out, walked down the stairs quickly, and came to Gulitum. outside of the room.

"Dark, you came just in time... that orc has woken up!"

The ogre shouted to Suldak.

When Suldak walked into the room, he saw the wolf orc lying flat on a bed. His body was still wrapped in bandages like a mummy. He was not enough to wake up at this moment. He has been in a coma all the way from Death Ridge to the present. Along the way, Gullitum only gave him some broth, but the broth couldn't support his nutritional needs at all, and he lost a lot of weight during this time.

When it came to the side of the orc, the Frostwolf took the initiative to step back, making room for Suldak.

The wolf orc looked at Suldak carefully, and said in the not-so-fluent Imperial language:

"Thank you guys for saving me."

Gulitum smiled heartily, and said, "Fortunately, you can speak some Imperial language, and none of us understand Orc language very well!"

Suldak sat down next to the wolf orcs, and said casually: "When I found you in an unnamed valley in Death Ridge, all your companions were already dead. The attack of the soldiers just happened to be when our people rushed over to save you!"

"You need to rest well now, and you can leave at any time after you recover from your injury!"

"Am I the only one alive?" There was endless disappointment in the eyes of the wolf orc.

Suldak nodded.

The wolf orc was lying flat on the bed, and Suldak was slightly taken aback by the loveless look in his eyes.

Suldak told Gulitum: "I'll feed him something later..."

Gulitum nodded again and again, took over the huge dinner plate that was placed aside, and said proudly to Suldak:

"Don't worry, I'm ready!"

Suldak nodded, and checked the current injury situation of the wolf orc. The orc's physique is obviously much stronger than that of the imperial man, and his recovery power is several times that of the imperial man. His injuries healed very quickly.

Seeing that the wolf orc was fine, Suldak left Gulitum's room.

Then he went to the office of Commander Adolphus to report on the itinerary for these days and the information on exploring the neutral zone.

Commander Adolphus has already heard from Diens and Musta that Suldak's patrol team returned to the Blue Bridge Fortress safely. Seeing that his right arm was still bandaged, he asked: "injured?"

"Well, I was scratched during the battle, and it's almost healed!"

Suldak moved his arm while speaking.

Commander Adolphus nodded slightly when he saw this, and said, "Since you have returned safely, you can take a three-day rest temporarily. Your team will perform patrol missions the day after tomorrow..."

"Yes! Commander!"

Suldak gave a military salute, and placed a wooden box in front of Commander Adolphus's desk, which contained the head of a three-headed sea snake.

"When I went out this time, I happened to meet a hell lord with a three-headed sea snake. This is a gift for you!" Suldak said respectfully.

Commander Adolphus was a little surprised. He didn't expect Suldak to prepare a special gift for him.

This time, the Suldak patrol team left the fortress to hunt the Lord of Hell on Death Ridge. Commander Adolphus had acquiesced before, so whether or not this gift was given had no effect on this matter.

Deans and Musta, who were standing aside, saw the ferocious snake head inside the wooden box, their eyes were full of envy.

Suldak didn't stay in Commander Adolphus's office too much either, he left after seeing the Commander nodded slightly.

After Suldak left, Deans and Musta surrounded the wooden box and carefully inspected the head of the sea snake inside. Deans said enviously: "I didn't expect Suldak to be so powerful." , really brought the three-headed sea snake back from Death Ridge..."

Musta also took the opportunity to say: "Uncle, can you talk to Suldak again, when he goes to Death Ridge next time, we also want to join his hunting team..."

Commander Adolphus rubbed his forehead helplessly, and said after a sigh: "I'll give you a chance, but you can't grasp it. Now it's too late to regret it..."


Five days later, when Suldak led the patrol team back from patrolling the eastern mountains, he saw the four-wheeled carriage that Old Heyman used to carry goods parked next to the stables under the fortress.

It seems that old Heyman has returned from Chaos Fortress.

Suldak immediately got off his horse and threw the reins to Samira who was following behind.

Since the Suldak team returned to the Blue Bridge Fortress, Bart returned to his own patrol team and led his team of constructed swordsmen out to perform tasks.

Suldak's team actually lacked two players, and Andrew was also recuperating in bed.

So their team actually only has four people at the moment...

Under the instruction of Commander Adolphus, Bart also tried to ask Suldak if his patrol team wanted to add two more members, but Suldak prevaricated by saying, "Let's see." up.

Carrie Decker carried a shotgun on his back, strode forward with two long legs, and his heavy iron boots stepped on the masonry ground of the fortress, making a crisp sound.

She followed behind Suldak, and after dismounting, she took off the helmet with the cold black iron mask and hugged it in her arms.

Carrie Decker will become Suldak's follower at this time, following him around.

And Samira led the three horses straight into the stables. The half-elf archer didn't like to walk around in the fortress. After she handed these horses to the grooms in the stables, she would return to the room to rest.

The first thing the ogre did when he returned to the fortress was to go to the cafeteria to have a big meal, and he had to return to the room as soon as possible to check the condition of the wolf orc knight.

Suldak came to the public area on the third floor of the Blue Bridge Fortress, and saw many people gathered around the door of the logistics team, queuing up to get the items.

Just Carrie Decker quietly lined up at the back of the line. When everyone saw Suldak walking in, they all gave up their seats.

Suldak didn't want such a privilege, and besides, he had a lot of things to do. Once he walked in first, the people behind him didn't know how long he would have to wait, so he took Carrie Decker to sit at the opposite tavern first. .

When the bartender saw Suerdak sitting in front of the bar, he poured him a large glass of ale without asking, and then pushed over a plate of salted peanuts.

Carrie Decker motioned to the bartender for a similar glass.

"How was today?" the bartender asked Surdak.

"This time the demon army retreated completely. We wandered around the mountains on the east side, but we didn't find any traces of the demon warriors..." Suldak took a sip before adding some ice piece.

Carrie Decker sat silently by the side, pursing her lips and looking around.

Some Constructed Knights from the Ababa Province took the opportunity to come over and greet Carrie Decker, and the front of the bar in the tavern was instantly full of people.

Finally, when there were no knights waiting in line to exchange supplies at the gate of Old Heyman, Suldak drank the last sip of ale in the cup, waved with the bartender, and led Carrie Decker into the room of the logistics team. .

Old Heyman was doing calculations on the ledger with his glasses on. When he looked up and saw Surdak, he turned his glasses under the bridge of his nose and said:

"I thought you wouldn't come today..."

Suldak smiled and moved to the counter.

Old Heyman first put a cloth bag on the counter, pulled the rope at the mouth of the bag, and it was filled with unidentified magic spar.

"A total of two hundred and forty-eight. This is the total harvest after selling the three-headed sea snake skin, dragon eagle feather, high-grade leather of the crypt lord, and other monster materials." After speaking, he pushed a list to Sur In front of Dake, he said: "The detailed price of all the materials is on the list, you can check it."

"When you have a chance in the future, you can also go to the market to find out the market price..." Old Heyman said proudly.

Obviously, Old Heyman sold the three high-grade leathers for a good price.

However, on the big battlefield, these high-grade Warcraft leathers can be regarded as hard currency, and there is a great market in the Chaos Fortress. After all, those magic pattern structures above the second level are made of these high-grade leathers.

Suldak immediately dumped the bag of unidentified black magic crystals on the table. This time, Suldak's team consisted of six people.

So Suldak decisively divided these unidentified black magic crystals into six parts, each with forty magic crystals, put the extra eight magic crystals into his pocket, and told Jiali Decker said: "For the time being, the remaining eight magic crystals will be used as the team's hunting activities, and the consumables needed for hunting will be reimbursed within the team..."

Carrie Decker had red lips like roses, and looked at Suldak in disbelief.

She didn't expect that she could get so much in one outing. If she could get such a harvest in another outing, then the money she earned would be enough to buy a set of elementary magic pattern constructs.

What made her feel even more considerate was that the consumables required for hunting could be reimbursed, which meant that those expensive magic bullets would not need to be paid out of her own pocket. Carrie Decker could not wait to hug Sulda at this moment Ke, kissed him wildly on the face.

Old Heyman also said with a surprised face: "You captain is really generous!"

Suldak laughed and said, "That's why I strictly limit the members of the team. If there are too many people, they will open their mouths. I'm afraid there won't be many people..."

Old Heyman said to Suldak again: "This time I will put the information about your long-handled epic weapon on the black market trading bulletin board. I believe that buyers will see it in a short time. Wait until the next trading day. , let’s go and see if there’s anything suitable.”

"However, I have a suggestion!" said old Heyman.

"Please tell me."

Suldak raised his head and looked at Old Heyman.

"I guess those who want to buy this epic weapon may not be able to exchange epic weapons of the same level, especially the epic weapons you specify. Even if they have the kind of epic weapons you need, they may not be very special. I need this giant battle scythe..." Old Heyman said slowly, "I think...in fact, you can also mark a price slightly higher than the market price and trade unidentified black magic crystals."

"These black magic crystals are always hard currency on the battlefield. When you meet a suitable weapon, it will be easy to buy it back!"

Hearing what Old Heyman said, Suldak felt that what Old Heyman said was correct, so he nodded and agreed.

Then the two discussed how much magic crystals this epic weapon could sell. Suldak referred to the Sky Strike Bow in Samira's hand and thought that the price of this kind of epic weapon should be around 1,200 magic crystals. .

After hearing this, Old Heyman shook his head again and again, and directly changed the magic spar to an unidentified black magic crystal, which means he fully doubled the price.

"If possible, come with me to the Chaos Fortress in two weeks. I guess someone will take a fancy to that giant battle scythe..."

"Okay, I just want to go to the black market to have a look!"

Suldak readily agreed.


The climate of the Great Battlefield remains the same throughout the year. During the day, it is so hot that you want to lie in the shade without wearing anything. At night, it will rain and freeze a thick layer of ice.

At this time, the city of Hailansa had already been covered by heavy snow.

The nobles in the city had hoarded enough acorns early on, and the rich gathered around the fireplace to play cards, eat and drink.

The poor will also hide at home at this time, and the whole family will huddle together to keep warm. Since there is no need to work, they can change three meals a day into two meals. If they are worried about insufficient physical reserves, they can also turn one meal into a meal. rare.

This year's winter in the Badlands is extremely cold, but since most of the residents have moved to Wall Village, this year's winter is not too difficult.

Even families with insufficient winter reserves can get a good allowance as long as they are willing to sweep snow and ice in the village, or patrol at night, guard sheep pens, etc.

When people are full and dressed warmly, they occasionally raise their heads and see the exquisite villas in the valley that are almost as high as the fifth-level dam of the reservoir, and they will also think of the man who just returned from the battlefield and led the whole village to live a happy life The man who lived - Surdak.

I heard that he has been very prosperous recently. Not only has he married a beautiful daughter of a marquis, he is also managing a city as big as Hailansa, and he will never return to Wall Village again.

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