Lord Highlander

1189 Chapter 1175. Underground Market 2

No wonder the faces of these buyers are rather ugly. It seems that they both want to buy and don't want to spend more money...

At this time, no one is even willing to speak first.

Everyone was silent, and Derek, the owner of the firm, coughed and said, "Otherwise, the three of us will buy together, and we will jointly own this epic weapon..."

Before Derek, the owner of the firm, had finished speaking, Hiram and Edmund of the Arnold family looked at each other, and then said: "Our Arnold family is willing to buy it with 1,250 magic crystals!"

Obviously unwilling to participate in this joint purchase model.

"I'm willing to take out 1,300 unidentified magic crystals..." The construction knight's eyes darkened, and he gritted his teeth and added a price. Looking at his face, he knew that it should be his limit.

Suldak was even a little tempted, thinking that since it has exceeded his psychological expectations, it should be very good to sell it to a knight who needs it.

But before he could open his mouth, he was secretly stabbed in the ribs by Old Heyman.

Suldak immediately shut up...

"One thousand three hundred and fifty magic crystals!" The warmonger Bernard Mortz said with his head down.

"1,400 unidentified magic crystals!" Derek, the owner of the firm, raised the price with a helpless expression.

Then the warmonger Bernard Moltz lowered his head and raised his hands, expressing his abandonment.

The warmongering brothers Bernard Moltz also gave up.

Seeing that they all gave up, the two constructed knights also raised their hands to give up without hesitation...

In this way, Suldak sold the 'Cool Ripper' giant battle scythe to Derek Doughty, the owner of the master weapons store, at a high price of 1,400 magic spar.

Now that the transaction has been successful, the others left this square table early.

During the transaction, Derek Doughty stared at Old Heyman coldly and said, "It's really uncomfortable to make a deal with someone like you..."

The market trading officer cleared the unidentified magic spar, and got the transaction tax of an additional ten unidentified magic spar from Derek Doughty, and then handed the unidentified magic spar to Suldak, And handed the giant battle scythe to Derek Doughty.

Only then did Old Heyman speak to Derek Doughty and said, "...I hope we don't have a chance to cooperate next time!"

Although the two of them didn't stare angrily, they could see a little anger in their eyes.

After Derek Doughty got the epic weapon, he checked it again, and then took a serious look at Suldak before hurriedly going downstairs and leaving.


Old Heyman leaned back on the chair and did not leave in a hurry. He whispered to Suldak:

"Do you know why I stopped you just now? I won't let you sell to Bates, oh, that's the construct knight who bid!"

Suldak immediately said: "Because you know that there will be a higher price..."

Now the money bag has been placed in his magic pocket.

"No, although I know that Derek Doughty has a reserve price in his heart, I didn't stop you because of this. After all, that thing is yours, and you have absolute control over it."

Old Hyman shook his head, smiled and explained to Suldak:

"I just wanted to remind you that that Bates knight was actually with Derek Doughty. Bates knight couldn't afford that much money at all. He just wanted to play a bitter card to replace Derek Doughty. He bought this epic weapon at a low price, as for the other knight who wanted to buy this weapon, he didn't ask for a price at all."

Suldak didn't expect the truth to be like this...

"Let's go, while we still have some time, don't you want to take a look at those second-level or even higher magic pattern structures?"

Old Hyman patted Suldak on the shoulder and said:

"I'll take you to the booth that sells advanced magic pattern constructions..."

Suldak quickly stood up and promised, "Okay!"

Afterwards, Suldak followed Old Heyman to the exhibition area filled with some magic pattern structures. According to the introduction of Old Heyman, Suldak understood it. Just look at the exhibition area under these magic pattern structures. cards, you can learn the specific information of these magic pattern constructions.

There are more than 20 such booths in the hall, almost all of which are concentrated in one area.

Suldak saw a full-cover magic-weave construction set on a high platform. The entire magic-weave construction was plated with a thick layer of thorium, and the patterns engraved on it were like exquisite stone walls. Relief, this set of magic pattern structure is almost the most complete set of magic pattern structure in the set, and the additional magical attributes of the set are also the top. The auction price has actually reached 780 unidentified black magic crystals, which is far higher Compared with the price of other second-level magic pattern structures.

Although Suldak was a little moved by this set of 'Sigang' magic pattern structure, especially the top-level sword and shield set of the second level.

But in the end, he resisted his impulse and set his sights on the other two magic pattern structures.

'Berserker Magic Pattern Construct' and 'Vidara Magic Pattern Construct'

Probably due to the low ratio of fighters and archers on the battlefield of the Grimm Empire, the attributes of these two sets of magic pattern structures are obviously very good, but they are both reduced to ordinary second-level magic pattern structures.

Among them, the price of the Vidala magic pattern structure is only 400 unidentified magic crystals...

So after old Heyman came forward to negotiate, Suldak decisively bought the two sets of magic pattern structures at the price of 800 unidentified magic spar.

It's a pity that there is no large-sized magic pattern structure suitable for Gullitum to wear in the market. It seems that the only way for Gullitum to wear this kind of second-order magic pattern structure is to use customization.

In addition, Suldak also saw a higher-end third-tier magic pattern structure on the black market, and the quality of the magic pattern suit has been raised to another level. The magic runes carved on it seem to be It formed an infinite distortion of the space, and the magic elements flowed wantonly on the surface of the magic pattern structure.

According to the introduction of the great mage in front of the booth, this kind of third-order magic pattern structure is not impossible for the second-rank powerhouse to wear, but it needs the powerhouse to have enough carrying capacity, a large amount of carrying capacity, and this kind of high-level structure power cannot be fully exerted.

Moreover, the price was sky-high. The set of "Hua Ning's Majesty" on the booth sold for 2,700 unidentified magic crystals...

The value of this price is ridiculously high. You must know that you don't need to take out so many unidentified magic crystals to become an earl in the Green Empire.

Suldak also saw lumps of thorium and krypton gold in this underground market, as well as herbal medicines such as sunflower and nightmare grass that were extremely scarce in the market.

Just as the transaction in the underground market was about to end, Suldak and Old Heyman returned to the booth of Archmage Horace. At this time, Archmage Horace had successfully sold two magical robes of sea serpent skin. He enthusiastically directed two magic assistants to clean up the booth.

The hall of the underground market became a little messy, and many people left one after another.

Seeing Suldak and Old Heyman returning, Archmage Horace greeted them warmly, pulled Suldak aside and said, "I thought you were gone..."

"What good leather do you have? Hurry up and show it to me..." Archmage Horace said impatiently.

Suldak pulled out a magic sealing box from his magic pocket, and now old Hyman was used to the fact that Suldak's bag was full of magic sealing boxes.

Opening the magic sealing box, I saw a piece of soft leather with a square of one meter and not too regular edges.

Archmage Horace added: "I don't need all kinds of leather. The leather I want must be suitable for making magic robes..."

When Suldak unfolded the leather, Archmage Horace was speechless for a moment. He stroked the sparse and hard spines on the leather, and as the magic power in his hand was slowly poured into it, the leather was filled with dazzling magic glow. .

"This is the leather of a spirit-type monster. It has such excellent magic-guiding properties, but why is this leather only so big..."

Archmage Horace first showed joy on his face, and then said with a frown.

Then he glanced into the magic-sealing box again, picked out another fragment of leather, and asked Suldak with a puzzled face: "Such a good leather, it's like the one of the crypt lord... cut it Broken?"

Suldak said helplessly, "It's a bit fragmented..."

"Hey, I said, since you can hunt such good monster materials, a real skinning master can operate them? Do you know how much you will lose?"

Archmage Horace looked at these ghost-print ant queens with a heartbroken face and said.

Suldak could only nod repeatedly and said, "Next time I will try to keep them intact."

"This kind of leather is indeed what I need, let's go, let's find a quiet place to sit, and then evaluate the price of these leathers..."

After finishing speaking, Archmage Horace waved to his two assistants, telling them to stay here to pack their things, while he hurriedly left the underground trading market with Suldak and Old Heyman.

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